Category Archive : Legal Law

We’ve all heard of how number one people’s fear is public speaking. Comedian Jerry Seinfeld had this to say about the fear of public speaking:

“The number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Number two. That means most people would rather be in the coffin than do the eulogy.”

Although the line is funny, it just doesn’t feel right to me. People’s number one fear is still public speaking.

So I decided to come up with some tips that might help people overcome their fear of public speaking. Here are my top 7 tips I’ve put together to help bring down that first place ranking:

1) Know your topic. If you are speaking in public (whether it is a presentation or a talk) and it is at work, you already know the subject. That means you’ll know what to say. You are ahead of the game. Just make sure you know how long you’re expected to talk.

It may also help to clarify what the point or objective of your speech is. It is to gain new customers. To report back to your department on what your team has accomplished in the last quarter? This will really help you when it comes to…

2) Structuring. Just like a story, your speech needs a beginning, a middle, and an end.

Try not to stray too far from your speech. Only tell people the things that are relevant to the goal of your talk (as discussed in the tip above).

3) Practice. Make sure you know what you are going to say when you speak in public. You don’t have to worry about it being word for word, in fact, it’s probably better if it isn’t.

Write down the main points of your speech and explain them out loud. Practicing out loud is very important as you get used to saying the words and hearing yourself speak.

Go to your local Toastmasters club. They can offer friendly and invaluable feedback on what you’re doing. You never know you might end up enjoying the experience and becoming a member!

4) Breathe. You’re thinking, “Breathe? Huh? I breathe all the time.” True, but you must remember to breathe properly before giving your speech. Try taking a few slow, deep breaths down into your stomach. When we get nervous or anxious, we tend to take shallow chest breaths. Breathing slowly will help calm your public speaking nerves.

5) Reference cards. If you’re reading your speech off of cue cards or a presentation of some kind, then make sure you’re familiar enough to seek out and engage your audience. There is nothing worse than seeing a speaker with his head buried in the notes of him giving his speech to the ground. Look up and take in the whole room.

If your notes are printed on paper and you’re worried they might shake, put them somewhere you can easily access them. Like on a lectern. (Watch out for open windows!)

6) His listeners. Remember that everyone in the room is looking forward to your success. Nobody wants you to fail. This isn’t open mic night at The Comedy Store, this is public speaking.

People have come to hear what you have to say. If you get a chance to chat with some of them beforehand, you’ll realize they’re just people and not a howling crowd.

7) Humour. If you’re not naturally funny or good with jokes, leave this section alone. The last thing you need is a groan at a poorly delivered joke. It could hit your confidence. If you’re not very good with humor, don’t worry, you’re in good company. Speakers like Tony Robbins don’t use humor, but it’s no less engaging.

However, if humor is your forte then go ahead and sprinkle a couple of anecdotes into your speech. Don’t laugh every minute, you’re not a comedian, why push yourself? But having the odd laugh here and there can make people more interested in what you have to say. Humor can make parts of your speech easier to understand.

It’s that time of year again when we start to relax at work and yet we feel the pressure from all sides: the pressure to be happy. We are surrounded by the expectations of others to be optimistic and happy while trying to focus on work, home, and family, not to mention perhaps taking care of ourselves. Everywhere we look, TV commercials, radio music, store decorations, family and friends bombard us with messages of all that we must accomplish in a very short time by the end of December. Christmas music, loaded shelves, jostling others as we maneuver around stores, rough driving conditions, finding a parking spot, early sales with a couple of kids out of school tagging along, the good and not-so-good aspects of preparing for Visiting family contributes to the frenzy. There is gift buying, decorating the home and workplace, writing and sending letters or seasonal cards, overspending and excesses when we are urged to try the special treats from Aunt Bee or the scapegoat. How are we going to do everything? How can we please everyone? We are exhausted just thinking about it. We are stressed, exhausted, and have only just begun.

At the other end of the scale, the pressure to be happy can only accentuate your sense of loneliness. If you don’t feel any reason to celebrate, if in fact the last thing you want to do is join in on the false expressions of having fun, you may sink deeper into sadness.

Wherever you are on this scale, you have a severe case of seasonal stress. Here are ten tips to help you overcome stress and enjoy the holiday season:

1. Don’t expose yourself to unnecessary stress overload, such as running into debt, overeating, poor sleep due to worry, stress, especially the kind that will have lasting consequences.

2. Analyze. Do you have to do it all? Do you have to do it all? Should you do it at all? Ask yourself why you are receiving a gift or inviting someone. What would happen if you baked fewer cookies or bought something healthy like nuts or dried fruit? Are you trying to live up to someone else’s expectations, or are you setting your own too high? What would happen if you gave less or did less?

3. Make lists so you know exactly what you’re doing and when. Start with tasks that can be done well before October, like shopping for gifts and cards, wrapping paper, or ingredients and boxes for your baking needs.

4. Do your detective work early. Find out what some of your friends’ favorite charities and interests might be. Maybe you can make a contribution on their behalf. You’ll be helping others, making your friend feel good, and getting some of your taxes back.

5. While lying by the pool during your summer vacation, decide the maximum amount of money you will spend on gifts this year. If you can, calculate what you spent last year to use as a rough guide. Create a balance sheet and keep track of the remaining balance to help you control overspending. If you have money left over at the end of this exercise, splurge: get some for yourself or give to your favorite charity.

6. Rest. The structure is broken in your day. Take a deep breath, relax your jaw, open your fists.

7. Run errands earlier or later in the day to avoid crowds or when you can get around without the kids.

8. Beware of marketing traps. Because something is on sale, you must have it?

9. Keep an eye on your credit cards, PIN numbers, and those around you. Keep these personal numbers out of sight of those in line behind you. Be sure to retrieve all your cards and IDs after you make a purchase. Even better don’t charge. Have a set amount of cash with you when you go out, and pay cash instead. It’s a good lesson for kids who shop with you, too.

10. Instead of buying gifts, do something nice. Carolyn Schmatz of the University of Massachusetts Medical School (2008) found that helping others made people feel better than the people being helped. Help out at a soup kitchen or hospital on Christmas Day so the staff can spend it at home. Start a new habit. Instead of an office party, we take our treats to The Salvation Army at Christmas.

If all the frenzy this season is getting you down, write down all the reasons why you feel down. Then add all the reasons you have to be grateful. This second list will usually be longer. Do you have a roof over your head? Is your health good? Is there a friend somewhere you can make happy by calling him? Do you know someone who is worse off than you? Except in extraordinary circumstances, there are people with much bigger reasons than just making you feel bad.

Do something good. Invite others who may be alone over for a game of cards or a meal to cook together or just pick up the phone and say hello. Go to your local humane society and help out for a day.

If someone calls you or invites you or gives you something, allow yourself to accept the kindness unconditionally. This seems the hardest for most of us. Once you get the hang of it, it’s a very liberating feeling. It allows you to feel grateful and happy.

Regardless of what you think of the holiday season, it is all about taking a break at the end of a year to pause, be thankful for the good things, share and receive kindness and love. Never forget.

When an interior painter paints the interior of the house, he usually uses a basic color that is applied with a roller or brush in a flat finish. If you want to add a different style to your home, there are other interior painting techniques that can be used. For example, a faux finish produces appearances of natural elements such as marble or stone.


These painted scenes cover an entire wall of the room. This type of interior painting technique is used in a child’s room. Sometimes they will cover all four walls of a child’s room with simple shapes done in bright colors. When an interior painter paints a mural in other rooms in the house, he limits them to one wall and is more sophisticated. A common type of mural is that of nature scenes.

decorative painting

Using these techniques, an interior painter will apply swirls of paint with a brush to create ocean waves, flowers, and other patterns. They can be used on the walls or in the borders. Accent paint can be applied to the backsplash tiles instead of the walls behind the stove or sink area.

• Stenciling – This is done by applying color using sponges or brushes inside a cut out shape. This will create a pattern when you remove the stencil. This method is used primarily in country-themed homes. Templates are made in the middle or along the top of the wall as a border or even on the risers of the stairs. The stencil does not need artistic skill to create the images. All you need to do is spread the color inside the cutout shape on the stencil.

• Stripes: This is about filling the color inside the lines of a particular space. The interior painter will place heavy duty tape in straight lines on the wall. The further the tape is placed, the wider the stripes will be. After painting the wall, the masking tape is removed, revealing light streaks. If you want to add colors, you can tape both sides of the stripe and paint between the strips of tape. When you remove the strips of masking tape, you will have a strip of color between the main colors of the wall.

• Sponge: This is a very simple technique to add decoration to your walls. All the interior painter has to do is dip a sponge into the paint and stamp it onto the walls. To give more depth to the mottled results, different shades of the same color in dark, light and medium tones. When performing this painting technique, a type of porous or natural sponge should be used to obtain a strong texture.

Use these techniques to add your personal touch to the room.

Money plays an important part in our everyday lives and making the most of what we have will help us live a life free of financial pressures. By learning some basic rules, you can make life easier for yourself and for those who depend on you. Here are my basic rules.

Rule one. Don’t borrow money for consumable goods. What are consumable goods? They are stuff that lose value over time. Stuff you want but can live without. Examples are electronics, subscriptions to magazines, auto mobiles etc.

Rule two. Live within your means. In other words, spend less than you make. I know that may sound hard if you are on a tight budget but to just take easy credit when it is available to you is simply inviting financial disaster.

Rule three. Become financially educated. This can only be done by reading all you can about the various investment options available to you. There is really no excuse for not being kept up to date with all of the financial news because there is so much information on financial matters available on and offline.

rule four. Diversify. A mistake that some investors have made in the past is to put all of their eggs in the one basket only to find that the company they invested their money in went bellyup. Prudent investors diversify. That is spread their money around in various companies to minimize their risk.

Rule five. Keep good company. There are people about who have bad attitudes towards financial planning and money in general and if you spend too much time with these people there attitudes can affect your thinking.

Rule six. Take responsibility for your own finances. Some people will ask others for advice just so that they have someone to blame if things do not work out for them. A financial advisor will tell you to do this or that but at the end of the day it is your money and you are the one who reaps the rewards when the markets are up or takes a hit when they are down.

Rule seven. Take a long-term view of your investments. Investing your savings is a long-term game and in order to take advantage of the gains in the markets you have to take a hit occasionally which means not panicking when the markets are going down.

Rule eight. Keep the big picture in mind. In other words have a target or goal in mind. Are you saving for a house deposit or your retirement?

A romantic getaway is an exciting way to fan the flame of romance in any relationship. Before you can stroll hand in hand in the moonlight, you must properly prepare for your journey. In this article, I’ll share four travel tips to get your vacation started on the right track and ensure your romantic getaway runs smoothly.

Tip #1: Be sure to make copies of your important documents. If you are using traveler’s checks, be sure to keep the copies with the serial numbers separate from the originals. It also wouldn’t hurt to email each other serial numbers, credit card numbers, and your passport number. That way, you can easily access your documents over the Internet in case your luggage or wallet is lost or stolen. You can access the Internet in almost all countries. You can also leave a copy in your safe deposit box or with a trusted family member.

Tip #2: Check the travel alerts for your destination country. These are usually published and updated by your country’s foreign travel department. It’s important to keep an eye on travel alerts to see if there are any health-related medical outbreaks or local political upheavals you should be aware of. Sometimes these alerts can delay your vacation. I had to visit the airport health department office before boarding my plane to leave Jamaica. At that time, they had a precautionary health alert.

Tip #3: Find out about customs in the country of your destination. It is also good to know how to say good morning, please and thank you in the language of the country you are visiting. Learn how to greet someone correctly. We tend to casual in the United States. In other countries, it is downright rude to address a stranger informally. If you respect the people of the country you are visiting and learn some of their customs, you will find that your response will be warm, friendly, and helpful.

Tip #4: Leave a copy of your itinerary with someone you trust at home. Be sure to inform them of any changes. In case of an emergency from them or from you, you want someone to be able to contact the authorities. They must know where you are or at least where you are supposed to be.

Keep your romantic getaway safe and fun by using these travel tips when you book your vacation. Don’t wait until the last minute. Procrastination costs time, money, and unnecessary stress. Advance preparation makes the trip smooth and the vacation fun for both of you.

A patent gives the patent holder the exclusive right to manufacture, distribute or sell the invention in India. An infraction would be when any of the three rights is violated. A patent holder may license all or some of these rights. The exercise of the rights thus assigned in favor of the assignee or the licensee by the assignor or the licensor would not amount to infringement of the patents.

In the case of a product, the patent rights of the patent holder are infringed by anyone who makes or supplies that substance commercially. In the case of a process patent, the use of such a method or process in India by anyone other than the patent holder amounts to infringement.

Whether or not the act of a person other than the patentee constitutes infringement would depend on:

(i) The scope of the monopoly right conferred by the patent that is interpreted from the specification and the claims contained in the application of the patent holder. Any actions that fall outside the scope of the claims would not amount to a violation.

(ii) If you are infringing any of the patent holder’s monopoly rights to make or sell the invention.

What may constitute an infringement

(1) The plausible imitation of an invention.

(2) Immaterial variation of the invention.

(3) Mechanical equivalents.

(4) Taking the essential characteristics of the invention.

All of the above acts often overlap when a patent or process infringement occurs.

A plausible variation or immaterial variation that amounts to infringement is when an infringer makes a slight modification to the process or product, but in fact essentially takes away the essential features of the patentee’s invention.

Mechanical equivalent infringement would occur when you use mere substitutes for those features to achieve the same result for the same purpose as the patentee.

Violation Action

Every time the monopoly rights of the patent holder are violated, their rights are again secured by law through judicial intervention. The patent owner has to file an infringement lawsuit. The reliefs that can be granted in such a lawsuit are:

(1) Interim interlocutory/mandate.

(2) Damages or utility bill.

(3) Permanent injunction.

Where will a lawsuit be filed?

Section 104 of the Act provides that an infringement claim shall not be brought in any court lower than a district court having jurisdiction to hear the claim. In appropriate cases where the High Court has original jurisdiction to judge the claim. The lawsuit will be initiated in the High Court. When an infringement action has been brought in a District Court and the defendants file a counterclaim for the revocation of the patents, the suit is transferred to the High Court to decide why the High Court has jurisdiction to hear revocation cases. Section 104A provides for the burden of proof in case of infringement claims.

The procedure followed in processing an infringement claim is governed by the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure.

When can a claim be filed?

An infringement lawsuit can only be brought after the patent has been sealed. When a specification has been accepted and published, that is, during the period that the opposition has been filed and is being decided, applicants cannot bring a claim for infringement, but damages suffered due to the infringement, committed during the period , that is, between the date of the publication of the acceptance of the complete specifications and the date of concession, it may be claimed in another lawsuit; a separate claim for damages but not a claim for infringement.

When the patent term has expired and the infringement occurred during the patent term, a lawsuit can be filed during the term or even after the term has expired.

In the event that a patent had expired and was subsequently restored, committed between the date the patent ceased to have effect and the date of publication of the restoration application.

Where a person wrongfully obtained a patent and it was later granted to the true and first inventor, an infringement lawsuit cannot be brought for any infringement that occurs before the period of such grant to the true and first inventor.

The plaintiff (person who files a lawsuit, that is, starts a lawsuit) is not required to give notice to the defendant (infringer) before starting a lawsuit. The court will issue a notice.

statute of limitations

The statute of limitations to file a claim for patent infringement is three years from the date of the infringement.

Who has the right to sue

Only the person who has a right in the patent can bring an action for infringement. The following people have the right to sue:-

(1) The owner of the patent.

(2) The exclusive licensee if the license is registered.

(3) A compulsory licensee when the patentee refuses or refuses to initiate proceedings.

(4) A licensee other than the two licensees above may bring an action for breach of the terms of the agreement between the licensor and the licensee.

(5) Assignee, you can only sue after submitting the request for registration of the assignment in your favor. If a patent is assigned after the commencement of the action, the assignee must join as co-plaintiff. An assignee cannot sue for infringement that occurred before the assignment.

I work in a job center, mainly with clients who have been looking for a job for a long time but have not been successful. Because it is a large job center, we often have multiple clients applying for the same jobs. After working there for a few months, I started to notice something that I found really strange and disconcerting.

The best candidates very often weren’t even called in for an interview, let alone getting the job!

When I say “best” I mean some of the best candidates for the job: best resume, best experience, best references, best performance in school, additional training, good match for the job, etc.

These top candidates were often overlooked entirely!

To make this even more perplexing, I noticed that many times candidates who were MUCH less qualified, including very obvious examples, were called in for an interview and hired to the exclusion of the best candidates.

I started asking my colleagues: “What the hell is going on here!?” but they couldn’t solve it either.

The first few times this happened, I thought maybe it was a fluke or that the people who got the job knew someone at the company. However, after it happened over and over and over again, I slowly began to realize that something else had to be going on.

I couldn’t understand it at first. He didn’t make sense and the more he studied it the less sense he made. He would review application materials and reinterview clients.

I really care about my clients and I wanted to help them, but they walked all over me.

Then one day while reviewing a couple of recent cases, I had one of those “Ah-HA!!!” times. It all had to do with the cover letter!

Applicants who had inadvertently submitted a UNIQUE cover letter were the ones called for interviews. They weren’t necessarily the best candidates, but they had a unique cover letter.

Now, notice that I didn’t say “best cover letter” or “professional cover letter.” I said “unique cover letter!”

After doing some more research and doing some follow-up interviews with some of the hiring managers, I determined that they were getting so many requests that they just didn’t have the time to go through each request in detail. Instead, what they did was skim through all the cover letters and make their preliminary decisions based solely on this.

Now this is where the best candidates often get into trouble. They did what most people do and that is take a professional cover letter template and modify it for their purposes. This way, they get a professional-sounding letter to include, but guess what? It sounded like someone else’s professional sound card. In other words, it doesn’t stand out! It was easily overlooked by the hiring manager in his rush to read all the letters in that giant pile of applications that have to go through.

What this means is that hiring managers didn’t even read the resumes of the most highly qualified candidates because their cover letters were so “vanilla” that they didn’t attract the attention of the hiring manager and were promptly rejected. lot.

Do I think this is fair? NOT!!

However, it is today’s reality with our very tight job market when hiring managers are absolutely inundated with mountains of applications.

Once I started working with my top candidates to change their cover letters to something truly unique, they started getting interviews and getting hired. Now, life makes sense again.

Playing the role of a mother to a girl in an Indian society has always posed unique challenges. Today, under the impact of global culture, these problems have metamorphosed into new complexities. An average middle-class Indian mother has to strike a precarious balance between the new trends of liberal ideas that her daughter has absorbed; and the constant effort to mold this young lady of the 21st century into an ideal pattern of a traditional woman. Her life for her is a continuous battle between the inner world of her that yearns for the happiness of her child and the outer world of her that surrounds her that creates an aggressive pressure on her to curb that free spirit and the happiness of her In general, fathers in Indian households pamper their daughters with gifts and outings as long as they do not stray outside of their domestic confines.

The responsibility generally falls on the mother to take care of her daughter’s education, as well as domestication. In fact, it is this last quality that matters most and proves to be a challenge. This includes your learning of household chores; be soft-spoken and gentle; less fickle about her wishes and dreams, if she has any; never make any decision or fall into arguments with her superiors in age. Her lack of conformity with any of those supposedly feminine virtues under the microscope of the elders is generally regarded as her mother’s incompetence. The true education for a girl, on average, is not the premise of the school but her mother’s kitchen. However, she must be educated to be a graduate at the very least! Academic success has face value as it is a passport to the marriage market! This has been the standard story for generations of Indian girls.

However, history, in recent times, has taken a peculiar turn. It is true that even today education, in general, for a girl (even those who are admitted to eminent Public Schools) is ritualistic mainly for a brighter matrimonial prospect. However, the impact of the different electronic media she is exposed to gets in the way of taming her. She admires modern, vibrant, independent and intelligent girls who can take care of her needs on the TV screen or on the Internet, thus fueling her aspirations for more freedom. Today’s educated modern mother, who is more self-aware due to media exposure and has always longed for free space for herself, finds it difficult to control her daughter’s dreams and desires. Ironically, the situation is complicated when the former’s deeply imbued ethical codes and norms from the earliest days of childhood create the writhing scorpions of doubt in her mind.

The partially evolved Indian mother today finds herself in a profound dilemma. On the one hand, she can empathize with the independent aspirations of her teenage daughter; on the other hand, she fears her severely critical in-laws; the commanding voice of her husband and, bizarrely, her own teenage son! Social stigmas are strangely stacked against a mother if her child wears a short skirt or develops a close friendship with any child outside of her community! She then secretly lets her daughter enjoy a friend’s birthday party under the pretense of going to private lessons, but she asks him to come home before dad! She drowns out the latter’s voice, often harshly, if the young woman expresses her opinion frankly on any subject in the presence of family members, but she comforts her sobbing in the dark silence of her bedroom. she. It’s a world of strange dichotomy with tablets and smartphones flooding the Indian market, infusing the adolescent minds of girls with new ideas and training that are diametrically opposed to the tradition-bound concepts they have learned from their patriarchal home atmosphere. .

There is a flip side to the sudden and drastic changes these confused young women experience in the world outside their supposed domain. Often, due to their desperate longing to get away from the claustrophobic atmosphere of home, these unfortunate young women board in schools to enjoy the free-flowing merrymaking and fun of underground hookah bars; lead to drugs and indiscriminate sex life. By the time the mother learns the truth about her daughter, either through school or from her friends, the latter is in her soup. If the girl is mercilessly treated by her family members and kept under house arrest, the mother also suffers psychological trauma from being openly branded a “failure”. Often this feeling of shame and humiliation leads her to unreasonable cruelty towards her wandering young lady. Later, when humanity prevails, she pleads with the family to spare the girl and let her continue her education. In such cases, she has to suffer untold persecution at the hands of her in-laws. Even calls from the school for counseling sessions to get the lost teen back on track are left blank. If the mother manages to win the sympathy of her husband, she is restored to normality. If not, her daughter doesn’t get a second chance to educate herself. She is married to the groom chosen by her father’s family. The bejeweled mother of the bride watches in silent pain the sealed fate of the child of hers…

However, the situation becomes more bizarre if the young woman is career-oriented in a supposedly traditional family. The positive impact of the accessibility of electronic media cannot be overstated. There is a plethora of career options and unlimited information that you can search for on the Internet. Naturally, when you raise your demand for an MBA, Medicine, Engineering, IT or fashion design, the cloud of civil war in the family is looming! It is generally believed that her brother deserves priority in pursuing her dream career. For them, marriage is the last deal for her sister and they save a lot of money for her dowry that cannot be wasted on their foolish pursuit of her. Quite often, it is also the mother who thinks that a prosperous son-in-law is a better proposition than letting the girl follow her career and leave home to take a job in a distant city. Now it is the girl’s turn to counsel her mother about her desire to be independent and self-sufficient. She promises that she will not abuse the freedom she has been granted and she seeks the latter’s help. Thus, once again, we witness the lonely struggle of the mother to win over the family in the name of her daughter. Interestingly, there are some recent unrecorded cases of desperate Indian mothers (I know as a teacher) who sold all their jewelry, their only personal asset from the wedding, to buy their daughters’ freedom.

However, Indian women from the upper middle and lower middle class sections are considered more powerful today. Her academic and social struggle to create her own identity and give a strong voice to the nation’s emerging youth movements addressing serious issues of governance and the rampant abuse of democracy cannot be overlooked. More and more women are writing their real success stories in different professional fields, including politics. Many Indian families today are opening up to the idea of ​​liberalization in the home, although there are miles to go before women, cutting across all sectors, can dream freely. Meanwhile, the unrecorded battles of Indian mothers would continue for generations until “Indian Women’s Empowerment” became a reality in the home and in the Indian parliament.


World War II impacted virtually every aspect of American life, and fashion was no exception. In 1942, the United States imposed a rationing system similar to the one Great Britain had implemented the previous year, limiting, among other things, the amount of fabric that could be used in a single garment. Materials including wool, silk, leather and a fledgling DuPont Corp. invention called nylon were diverted for use in uniforms, parachutes, shoelaces and even bomber noses.

Jackets may not be more than 25 inches in length, pants no more than 19 inches in circumference at the hem, belts no more than two inches wide, and heels no more than one inch high. The hems went up to the knee in an effort to conserve fabric. Buttons, cuffs, pockets, and decorative details such as ruffles and lace were used sparingly. Women wore shorter, boxier jackets for a V-shaped silhouette reminiscent of military uniforms. Even Hollywood traded in elaborate costumes for stripped-down designs, a move many claimed slow-moving movies gave a new air of realism.


As soon as it was introduced in 1938, synthetic nylon was embraced by women as a replacement for silk stockings. However, in the early 1940s, with silk already diverted to the war effort, the government recognized similar uses for nylon and seized it as well. The women responded by coating their legs in tan makeup and drawing lines down the back of their calves to mimic seams. By the time the war ended and hosiery returned to store shelves, nylon had become a generic term for hosiery.

Swinging skirts.

The swing skirt had a round cut designed to look best in full jitterbug twist. Swinging skirts were a common sight on USO dance floors when young women danced with uniformed men to the blast of jazz horns that characterized the Big Band Era. Housewives were known to wear a more conservative version of the swing dress, sometimes with polka dot prints or tiny flowers.


Hats became one of the few ways to express individual style with minimal resources. They were used in a wide range of styles and were customized with bits of foil, sequins, netting, paper, and string.

Hair and makeup:

Hairstyles became more elaborate as women searched for ways to contrast their boring wardrobes. Shoulder-length or longer hair was coiled into intricate shapes and secured with bobby pins. Screen sirens like Lauren Bacall, Veronica Lake, and Rita Hayworth popularized side parts and finger waves. The makeup was dramatic, characterized by matte foundation, powder, bushy brows, and bright scarlet lips.

Platform pumps:

Wartime shortages of leather and steel forced shoe designers to be more creative, and as a result, shoes were made from materials ranging from crocodile skin to cork. The shoes were more utilitarian than dressy, with low heels and limited color options. By the mid-to-late 1940s, high-heeled platform shoes with T-straps, ankle straps, or peep-toes had replaced the scruffy wedge shoes with their flat shape and thick cork soles.

Male and female fashion:

Several men may have spent the first half of the 1940s in uniform, but their civilian clothes came in handy for women who filled their jobs at home. The women raided the closets of the absent men and made the suits to their measure. McCalls even introduced a pattern specifically intended to modify a male suit to fit female curves. Suddenly, the sexually ambivalent look pioneered in the late 1930s by Katherine Hepburn and Marlene Dietrich was no longer radical. The advent of pattern making and the electric sewing machine led women to make their own suits from scratch, opting for the raincoat due to the scarcity of wool. Many with physically demanding factory jobs soon began wearing practical pants and Rosie the Riveter jeans.


By the mid-1940s, many women had abandoned the one-piece corset in favor of panties and structured bras that lifted and accentuated the bust line. In 1946, a well-endowed Jane Russell appeared on screen in a Howard Hughes-designed cantilever bra, heralding the bullet-bra 1950s and the reign of the sweater girl. Baggy cardigans were also popular, especially on college campuses.


The virtual disappearance of French fashion houses during the war led American designers to explore their own creativity. Designers like Bonnie Cashin and Claire McCardell were instrumental in creating sportswear, that uniquely American look that features coordinating separates that can be layered or mixed together. The trend not only gave women more choice and made it seem like they had more clothes than they actually did, it also blurred the line between haute couture and ready-to-wear by showing women that they could be stylish and comfortable without spending a penny. fortune. .

The new look:

In the late 1940s, women craved a return to glamour, and designers committed to swirling skirts and shimmering evening gowns inspired by movie stars like Ingrid Bergman, Barbara Stanwyck, and Joan Crawford.

In 1947, French couturier Christian Dior, almost single-handedly, brought an end to wartime austerity with a fashion line that observers dubbed New Look. Harsh angles were replaced by curves, hems dipped below the knee, and skirts draped generously. Structured underwear was key to the New Look, which featured broad shoulders, a cinched waist, emphasized bust lines, and padded hips. The pencil skirt was a figure-hugging alternative to voluminous skirts. Men, too, longed to break free from conservative khaki and olive green tailoring. They found relief in baggy pants, long coats, and suits in a variety of colors. Both the men’s and women’s trousers featured higher waists, wide-cut legs and cuffs and came in textured tweed and jewel tones.

The New Look received protests from women who had grown accustomed to showing their legs and were unwilling to cover them up again. Also, opulent, rich designs in fabrics seemed wasteful in contrast to the wartime restrictions on fabrics. However, the desire for change prevailed, and the look flourished through much of the 1950s.

Navigating the complicated and confusing world of lawyers and courts can be confusing, scary, and can cost you a lot of money in legal fees and lost settlements. So, educate yourself, get some advice, and don’t be afraid to talk to a few different law firms to see which one best suits your individual needs.

Get a referral from a friend or business partner

When trying to find a lawyer, relying on a trusted friend for a referral is a reliable way to narrow down your options. However, be careful. Sometimes people exaggerate the results obtained by their lawyer. Focus instead on other, less tangible factors, such as client contact, speed of case resolution, personal contact with attorney, etc.

Internet reference services

With the advent of the Internet, it would seem that your first course of action would be to simply open your browser and type “find lawyer” or “find lawyers” into the search engine and see what comes up. However, you need to be a bit more picky when using the Internet to find a lawyer. I advise potential clients to Google the firm to find out exactly what types of cases they handle, as well as news articles that may mention the firm or one of their attorneys.

Legal Fees: Finding a Lawyer You Can Afford

Generally, an attorney will expect payment in one of three ways. He will pay a flat fee, an hourly rate, or a contingency fee.

Flat rate. When you have a small, uncomplicated legal matter, look for lawyers who are willing to charge a flat fee for their services.

Contingency fee. If your case was taken on a contingency fee, you will not have to pay upfront. The law firm will recover the costs of any settlement or verdict obtained when you win the case.

Hourly rate. In this arrangement, the lawyer will charge you for each hour (or part of an hour) that he or she works on your case. Feel free to ask your lawyer what is included in the hourly rate. Costs and out-of-pocket expenses are billed in addition to the hourly rate.

Get the settlement fee in writing. Regardless of the type of fee agreement, you should not hesitate to request a detailed fee agreement in writing.

Learning how to find a lawyer is not difficult. So do some research before signing with a particular firm and help them honestly assess the merits of your case. This will minimize the loss of time, money, and effort for you and your family.