Category Archive : Legal Law

The immense growth of online productivity tools and the rise of virtual office culture are breaking down traditional geographic barriers. The latest technological advances allow companies to be distributed and operate efficiently from anywhere in the world. Also, when an existing internal team is overloaded, creating a remote team always becomes a suitable option for most companies. However, setting up and managing remote teams comes with multiple challenges. If you have been planning to build a remote legal team, it is always important to consider a few factors to ensure that your remote legal team functions optimally.

Here are 5 things to consider when building a remote legal team:

1. Understand legal issues

When hiring a remote team, it’s always best to really understand the job you intend to hire someone for. When you need intellectual property lawyers, it is important to determine the type of risks you will be exposed to in the intellectual property space. Similarly, if you’re in the content business, you may decide to build a remote team with deep expertise in copyright law.

2. Draft accurate job description

Once you’ve understood your specific requirements, it’s always important to come up with an accurate job description. When creating a job description, be sure to include the details of the expected job. For a better understanding, it is always advisable to provide a more elaborate description of your company’s culture and environment. Last but not least, specify the must-have requirements for the candidates, such as the expected skills and the level of experience required. In addition to simply attracting candidates, an accurate job description also helps potential candidates quickly decide if your company is the right one for them to work for.

3. Select candidates with soft skills

Identifying a great attorney goes far beyond finding someone with the right technical expertise. In virtual teams, lawyers must act as part of a team and under pressure. When interviewing potential lawyers, consider how collaborative the lawyers are and how they function in high-stakes situations. Also, make sure whether a candidate has immense judgment skills or not.

4. Ensure consistent communication

By the time you have the right team, it’s important to facilitate consistent and effective communication. Facilitating constant communication is the biggest challenge facing managers building a virtual team. It’s important to remember that each team member can be highly productive, but when there is no productive communication, business efficiency can be hampered. To choose the right communication, it is important to choose the perfect software. Once you select the perfect tools, be sure to hold regular virtual meetings to track the status and progress of the team.

5. Establish team culture

When hiring virtual lawyers, it’s important that team members share the company’s vision and mission. Only when you share your business goals will your team members feel like they are a part of growing the business and this is definitely a major motivating factor in virtual teams.

It can take time to put your virtual legal team together and get everyone on the same page. However, a few strategies can help you build a more effective virtual team and improve the customer experience in a great way. The good news is that once an effective virtual legal team is established and well managed, you can get all the services at a fraction of the actual cost.

Public speaking is one of the oldest forms of communication known to mankind. The concept of public speaking is extremely important. The first public speaking manual was written around 4500 BC by the people of ancient Egypt. Public speaking was the first known mass communication process. Throughout history, civilizations have relied on powerful and eloquent orators to inform, pass laws, and energize audiences.

Ancient nations like India, Africa, and China used public speaking. The Aztecs and the cultures of Central and South America used systems to speak to mass groups. They would set up “relays” where the “relays” would repeat what was said.

In Greece and Rome, public speaking became mainstream and more integrated into future cultures. The Greeks and Romans used it as a form of education. Talking large amounts in a group was very commonplace. Aristotle and Plato used to teach philosophy, mathematics and history there in front of avid listeners.

Imagine being able to theorize about deep and significant things and not being able to explain or talk about those things out of fear or some other reason. The question I would ask myself is this, what would be the point of really thinking about an issue, coming to conclusions, and not being able to effectively tell anyone?

History provides excellent examples of problem solving techniques that work for humanity. Public speaking is no different; ancient peoples valued it, taught it and practiced it. You and I should learn from his example. Practical reasons may encourage you to become a better public speaker. Job promotions sometimes depend on public speaking and the courage it takes to speak in public.

Driving to an appointment the other morning, I sat in my car at a stoplight and noticed a bumper. “Speak even if your knees hit you” is what that sticker said. I thought, “Wow!” I never thought of it that way. Maybe that’s a perfect way to say it. People throughout history have done it and you can too!

This is one of the true but strange events that I have experienced in my life on this planet.

It was June 1999 in Hollywood California on a Saturday night. I was in the band Madareus and we were recording the drum tracks for our upcoming 5 song demo EP available for purchase on my merch page. Bassist Keith had been renting a house in Hollywood and had a garage at the rear of the property. Keith soundproofed the garage and set up a rehearsal and mini recording studio, it was quite a nice setup.

Keith also had 2 roommates in the house, as living in California, especially Hollywood, is extremely expensive. His only roommate, Chris, had been there for a while, but they had just moved in with a new guy a month before. The house had 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, a front sitting room and 2 bathrooms. The new guy, Greg, had rented out the living room (it wasn’t a big space). Greg seemed like a weird guy and now I know why and so do you.

Greg used different types of drugs, acid, heroin, whatever, apparently he abused them and had a mental disorder because of it. Well what comes on Saturday nights after “Cops” (@8pm) is right (@9pm) “Americas Most Wanted”! This genius who spoke to me on multiple occasions and saw me in the studio for a month apparently forgot who I was. Well, in “Americas Most Wanted” there was a fugitive murderer on the loose last seen in Iowa (I think he was). This escape happened a week before, otherwise the guy had been in an Idaho prison for 3 or 4 years. Greg calls the LAPD and tells them the fugitive killer is ME!

Around 10pm we stopped playing in the garage/studio and Keith (bassist) and Mark

(guitarist/vocalist) and I were talking about how the recording was going and other things related to the band. This was my first night off from work in about 3 weeks, so I wanted to leave and go home. I opened the door to the studio and I was talking to Mark as I was leaving so my back was facing the driveway and my front was still facing the studio. Now when I left the studio, I always took my bag of drumsticks with me. A drumstick bag is about 8 inches wide and 12 inches long, about the size of a soft-shell handgun case. So I finish saying whatever I was saying, I close the door, and when I turn around, there are about 15 LAPD officers with their guns drawn and pointing it at me. They weren’t quite yelling, but just a few decibels lower telling me to drop the bag and put my hands on the wall. I did as I was told and asked what was going on in the garage. They made me open the door to the study/garage and step back; to stay the least, Keith and Mark were also surprised.

Once the officers looked into the room, around the yard, and into the house, the tension dissipated. When the policeman looked in my bag of sticks, he laughed a little, turned to me and asked if he knew what was going on. I looked at him and asked him if the music we were playing was that bad. A couple of the cops started laughing then and he said “no, we were actually outside enjoying the free concert”. The cops told us that Greg called LAPD after seeing my profile on Americas Most Wanted, and told the tip line that the “RED-HEADED killer we just profiled was in his garage playing a stolen stereo too loud.” The cops seemed relieved when it was all clear and so did we (wouldn’t you have been?).

The only thing he had in common with the fugitive killer was red hair… The cops showed me the guy’s description: he was 6’4″, stocky, with tattoos on his arms and back, and a crew cut. He had hair down to half of my back among the many other differences.

Of course, Greg went to sleep after calling the police to get some drugs. PRETTY BOY HUH? Needless to say, Greg was kicked out of the house the next day!

In today’s busy world, with the holidays approaching, how can you get more done? It’s an issue that remains pressing in our busy world today. Here are some classic tips that save time but aren’t always standard in people’s habits.

1. Setting Up Appointments – People often go back and forth with lengthy text messages or email conversations to set up appointments. Create a free Google Calendar for yourself at so people can pick and schedule a time. If your schedule can’t be standardized, at least shorten the correspondence by suggesting three times vs. back and forth messages. It’s amazing how many messages it can take to get an appointment, unless a communicator comes up with various options to speed up the hour-long search.

2. Measure your results; maximize your time – When getting things done, many of us would love to take all the time in the world to make it “perfect.” The problem is that “perfect” is not only difficult to achieve, but it is usually not “profitable”. This doesn’t mean you have to give up on excellence, but it does mean you have to understand what 80% Optimum is.

At a conference recently, a speaker suggested a concept called “Get-mo,” short for “Get More.” It’s similar to the Optimum philosophy. It is looking at the task at hand, the time you have and finding creative solutions to achieve the result. It is the epitome of maximizing time. Understand what a “reasonable” amount of time to do a task or project or “available time” is, and then find a way to achieve the results in that limited time. Period. A lot of time is wasted or absorbed on tasks that take too long, which then results in errors, rework, parts that now need different solutions, plus new emergencies being cut because a task is taking too long.

3. Have daily routines. Many routines that we have are invisible to us. Think about how many things you do in the morning when you wake up. Most people come down to a little routine that they go through quite a bit “without thinking.” If you intend to take a few more tasks that you have on a regular basis and group them into AM Habits and PM Habits, your mind will count them as “one” task (compared to how many tasks are grouped into that routine). When you do them in the same order every day and consistently follow the routine, the task will shift from conscious awareness and effort to subconscious ability to perform. This means that you will be able to do it quickly while your brain can contain or prepare for other things.

4. Stop multitasking and focus on one thing and be done with it. The more stressed we are, the more common it is to leave things half done. We start something and then get distracted or jump to another task, often associated with what we were doing, but at the end of the day, we can feel frustrated that a lot was touched but nothing got done. The key to getting traction is to FINISH. You have to choose a task; then be disciplined and stay focused on the END. It is important that the task is a specific action against a project; however, if it describes the “step” that needs to be done, focus there and do it.

5. Be organized. Have systems for your things and label them. My friend who is a Professional Organizer taught me this years ago. He even made me label sections of my bulletin board! It helps keep things organized and find or process things. When you get a new contact, enter it on your phone, get the correct information, and enter it with your “contact name settings”. Some people leave numbers unlisted and then look up that person later when they have the information but didn’t “enter” it. If you do these things when you first get them, you’ll save a lot of time. When sending emails, use the subject line. It will help you search, sort and find later. When you have files, have a “file system” so you can file things in the right place. It’s easy to save everything to your desktop or C: drive, but then hard to find. If you have a system with your key folders set up, and then have that same system in email, soft folders, and paper folders, you’ll find that your mind can quickly organize and adapt to the system.

6. Start with the end in mind: know the goal and what you are trying to achieve. As stated in point 4, know what you are really trying to achieve. Sometimes we start projects or tasks, only to get stuck with the need for more information, supplies, another part to do, etc. This often results in partially finished projects sitting out. Not only does this take up space and mental energy, but it’s also emotionally distracting to have partially finished projects. Whenever possible, know what the “end” is and work to finish the task to completion.

7. Have a list and a plan. Some people think they have a long memory and don’t like to write things down. Sometimes we feel too busy to stop and make a list. Other times people just aren’t “list makers.” The thing is, making a list is useful for your brain. It clears the different thoughts that float and allows the organization of those thoughts and priorities. It doesn’t matter what “type” of person you are or aren’t, the brain works most efficiently when you can offload thoughts and tasks, organize priorities into a list, and get going.

8. Get to the point. Small talk and relational connection are important, yet time is often wasted by not being prepared for what the point and purpose of time is. In meetings (even 1-1) have an agenda, have an identified goal and focus on that, set a time limit, prepare for meetings, have a note taker, highlight actions. Time is precious to everyone and most people appreciate it when you respect their time and keep things in order.

9. Order. While some people feel that “stuff” isn’t a problem or is “organized clutter,” the truth is that humans work faster with a clear desk and organized space. You can find things faster, lose less things, and be more focused. There was a study done years ago that looked at people at their messy vs. messy desks and even those who loved and wanted to keep a messy desk were shown to work faster and more efficiently without the clutter. Take time every day to clear your desk. Take time every night to “clean up” and pick up your house. Clean and clean your car, bag, whatever you use regularly. This will make the difference.

10. Get up early. The first is the first. The most important thing should be done first thing in the day. That’s why “Eat That Frog” is such a great concept and “Miracle Morning” is such a critical productivity tool. Focus your mind and do all the “critically important” but not urgent items. I confess, I am NOT a morning person and it is not always easy for me to achieve, but it is true that when you do these things (affirmations, meditations, exercise, learning/reading, journaling, etc.) you start off on the right foot AND makes sure you do. You can drag them into your to-do list for the day, and sometimes you might select these items at lunch, at the end of the workday, or in the afternoon and at a better time, but the truth is what you want to MAKE SURE you do , do it at the top of the day!

There may be items you already do and some you don’t think you could do, but find and choose ONE that you can put into practice to support your efforts to get more done in your life.

The air-cooled Volkswagen Kombi is an iconic vehicle that oozes character. Kombis are also practical. You can take them to work, take the family, and go camping in them, and you’ll still see them used daily and restored to occasional use. There are still many young boys and girls who would like to have one as their daily driver.

However, Volkswagen kombis have a disturbing flaw. They catch fire and then Kombi says goodbye.

So why do they catch fire and what can you do to prevent yours from burning?

I haven’t found a definitive article in a VW magazine yet, but I’ve been driving my 1976 2-litre hatchback as my daily driver for over 14 years, so I became interested in the problem and learned as much as I could. I will answer the question to the best of my ability.

There are actually a few different things that can cause the Kombi to burn out, but they all come back to the fuel being released into the engine bay. Kombis have a fuel tank in front of and above the engine, a hose running down from there to the fuel pump, and another hose running up through the tin to the carburettors.

The Kombis are old now and have a lot of age related issues unless they have been rebuilt. Even then, chances are, not everything is back to like-new condition.

One of those age old problems is damaged and broken fuel lines. Yours most likely have been replaced, but check them out anyway. When they rupture they can leak gas everywhere. One spark and your Kombi is history. Also, just below the engine are two hot heat exchangers that the exhaust passes through. I don’t know which is the cause of the bigger problem, the heat exchangers or the sparks, but it’s largely irrelevant when your van goes up in smoke.

So check those fuel lines, and if you buy a kombi, don’t drive it anywhere with old, cracked fuel lines. Replace them! And don’t forget to check the hose from the fuel tank to the pump. It is out of the way and easily overlooked.

If you have unclipped the fuel hoses multiple times, make sure you have not cut the hose with the edge of the hose clamp. It can happen, and then you have gas leaking onto the engine.

The fuel hose runs through the tin that surrounds the engine. Tinsmithing plays a very important role, it is essential to keep the engine cool. It’s almost as important as the radiator on water-cooled cars, so don’t throw it away. But check where the fuel line goes through the tinplate. There should be a rubber grommet protecting the fuel line from the can. Mine eventually went bad, and it was one of the few parts I couldn’t buy new, so I wrapped the fuel line in a larger diameter piece of hose to stop the chafing.

Another age old problem is where the fuel lines go into the carburetors. There is a brass intake tube that is part of the carb and they come loose. You can imagine what happens. Suddenly, the gasoline that was getting into the car is spraying all over the engine. Goodbye Combo!

I was very lucky. I was buying parts from a VW mechanic for a long time, and he told me about that particular problem. I checked the intake tubes not long after, and one of them came off the carb very easily. I put it back on with loctite and checked both inlet tubes regularly. If yours are loose, see your mechanic and have them fixed before driving your truck again.

My Kombi also had loose inlet and outlet pipes at the fuel pump. They were put back with loctite and are also checked every time I do maintenance on the engine.

I have also run into another problem. There is a rubber elbow near the fuel tank. Mine died and I could smell the gas, but I couldn’t find the leak. I eventually found fuel leaking from the bottom of the Kombi under the filler. Needless to say, they replaced it before driving it again.

I’m not saying I’ve listed everything that can cause a Kombi to burn out, so if a vee-dubber tells you other causes, listen to them. And keep a good eye on your combis’ fuel lines. If you smell gas, find out where it’s coming from and fix it. It must be so depressing sitting on the side of the road watching your beloved Kombi go up in smoke.

And it happens. You’ll read about burning Kombis in VW magazines and on forums, and I’ve personally heard of a couple of incidents. My wife was driving to work one day and up ahead there was a plume of smoke and the local fire department. As she passed by, she saw a burning kombi. The burnt shell ended up in a warehouse near where I lived for a few weeks.

A couple of months later, the gas station attendant told me about his Kombi. His wife was driving it, she smelled gasoline and went to a gas station to have it checked out. The mechanic couldn’t see any leaks, so he kept driving. The Kombi burst into flames and that was it.

Do not let that happen to you.

Research consultants lead and structure the research and analysis of individual studies that form deliverables for consulting firms. They work closely with Fortune 500/Global 1000 companies and smaller firms to determine the strategic and operational challenges they face. Research consultants strive to identify and develop the best solutions to these important business challenges, and then teach these solutions to their clients.

In general, strategic research consultants must have proven analytical skills and a passion for research. Successful profiles for a research consultant include

(1) PhDs (postdoctoral professional experience in research, consulting, or academia is highly desirable);

(2) MBAs who are interested in research problems rather than day-to-day management problems;

(3) JD: JD with business experience or legal writing experience extremely desirable;

(4) strategy consultants from major companies; and

(5) policy analysts who have a proven ability to perform original economic and financial analysis of a high professional level and who can persuade clients to take their position on a wide range of economic and financial policy issues.

Although different firms seek strategic research consultants with different backgrounds, they share some common attributes. Most of these tasks will require the consultant to have rigorous intellect, product creativity, and experience in management and teamwork.

Intelectual skills

· Strong inductive and deductive reasoning skills.

Experience in hypothesis-based research.

Insight generation: the ability to generate ideas that have an impact.

· Basic quantitative facilities: relevant courses or work experience.

Creation of deliverables

· Strong writing ability: Posted candidates are highly desirable.

· Terrain range capability – evident through investigative experience.

· Teaching and framing: experience or ability to teach and transmit ideas. Candidates who have been teaching assistants in graduate classes are desirable.

· Effective communication skills.

Management and teamwork

· Skills in project management.

· Experience/ability to attract clients.

· Experience/ability to work in a team. Candidates with extensive military experience. team projects in graduate school are desirable

Consultants will find that the impact they have on their clients translates directly into the impact their work will have on their career progression. It’s common for companies to extend either second hires or even job offers to consultants whose work they find valuable. With each assignment, the consultant must strive to add value and have an intentional, positive impact on their clients and their business goals.

Client companies must also do their part. Intellectually curious consultants can easily get bored. Therefore, clients must provide a dynamic and intellectually challenging work environment with intelligent and creative people. They must provide growth in responsibility while maintaining a balanced lifestyle and sense of fun. One of the best managers I’ve ever had in my professional career used to ask me and the rest of the staff, “Are you having fun?” That question seemed to sum up a number of good consulting traits: did the staff member enjoy his work and actually find something fun in his work?

Strategic research consultants are sometimes needed for global assignments, giving the consultant the opportunity to undertake international travel paid for by the client. That’s the best way to experience international work: when someone else foots the bill.

Typically, the strategic research consultant will work on-site with the client throughout the entire life cycle of a project, from strategy development through implementation. Working closely with clients helps the consultant understand how the client sees the project and what information they receive. With these client insights, the consultant can more easily monitor the progress and quality of the project deliverables and facilitate their subsequent implementation. Clients don’t want to receive esoteric reports that sit on the shelves and are never read. Instead, they want to achieve tangible results from the consulting assignment.

These positions require skills in analyzing and developing financial models using spreadsheets and database management software. Assignments will vary, but are likely to cover many aspects including strategic planning, due diligence, change management, business review, project management, global purchasing studies, etc. Consultants sometimes move into a line management role with their clients after two or three years.

One area that strategic consultants practice in is due diligence research that supports mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity. For that reason, the Big Four accounting firms have created M&A strategy groups, which combine the expertise of strategy consulting with the high-growth M&A and private equity market. These groups often have the culture of a business strategy boutique specializing in mergers and acquisitions.

Strategic M&A research works with private, banking and corporate clients to assess the business potential of acquisition targets and provide clear and actionable strategic recommendations. The core product is business due diligence from the beginning to the end of the M&A life cycle. Commercial due diligence provides potential investors with an assessment of the key strategic issues and opportunities of a transaction, including market attractiveness, competitive dynamics, customer relationships and cost position, and thereby helps to investors to understand how they can create value.

Given the importance of M&A activity to the future direction of the company, it is not surprising that companies seek to fill these consulting positions with seasoned professionals who have the rigorous intellect, product/deliverable creativity, and management acumen to do the work.

It’s not uncommon for people in the bartending trade to not know exactly what a cover letter is and why it’s such a good thing to write one. A resume cover letter is usually sent with a job application to provide background details and also to show your interest in the particular job. A cover letter should show the employer that you have a distinctive background that is specifically what the company needs and convince the recruiting officer to contact you for an interview.

Due to its specific nature, a cover letter should always be created according to the job opening and the company you are applying to. Some companies ask applicants to attach a cover letter to their resume. Writing a resume cover letter isn’t just another thing to check out – it offers an invaluable opportunity to explain how you and the company would benefit from your work.

As you are composing the letter, you must be careful to correctly spell the name of the company director or anyone who may receive the request. Do not address the letter with “To Whom It May Concern” or “Dear Sir or Madam”. You have to find out the correct name, title and address of the man or woman receiving the application. Take care to provide a proper salutation, ie Dr., Mrs., Mrs. Mr. followed by the last name.

You should always consider providing your full return address with a current contact number. Your letter should also have a proper closing and signature. Always use a simple, readable font: Arial and Times New Roman are the most typical fonts, and are usually a good choice. Be consistent with indents, tabs, and margins: If you indent the first line of a paragraph, you should indent the first line of any other paragraph.

Never repeat exactly what you mentioned on your resume – the company will look at your resume anyway, so they will know all the details of your career. Instead, the reason for a resume cover letter is to convince the employer that you are exactly the person the company is looking for.

Never use generic terms: Sentences like “I’m always looking for new challenges” don’t really say anything about why you want that specific job. Defy has different meanings to different people. Instead, you’ll be able to write about your personal inspiration to do the job you’re trying to get.

By following these guidelines, your application for a bartender position will increase your chances of landing a job interview.

We all get injured in life, but most of these incidents are self-inflicted and not too serious. However, when a second party is involved and the result is catastrophic, the need for a great personal injury attorney is created. Most of these injuries are caused by accidents that lead to permanent changes such as disability. Most of these cases are work accidents, bad practices or pet bites.

skill mastery

This case can be settled in private or in court and a good personal injury lawyer should give you the justice you deserve. Professionals require hands-on experience to have a say in a particular career, this also applies to personal injury lawyers. The plaintiff should get an attorney who specializes entirely in personal injury law. The lawyer must have tried several cases, gained and developed useful skills in order for the jury to be on her side. Experience can also mean: the attorney has written or lectured in that field.


Before the experience, find an attorney who cares, communicates with you, and shows compassion. You need someone who is able to understand your feelings. The person has to communicate your side of the story in a more poignant and sincere way. The lawyer has to put himself in your place and treat you with respect and dignity. Also, a great personal injury lawyer should be in direct contact with the plaintiff and available to talk.

positive feedback

You will identify a great personal injury lawyer through the positive comments that real clients post on the websites they own. This information should be used as a guide to help you understand the attorney and determine if your cases match her situation. Meet them in person and interact with them, you will be able to learn first-hand about their roles in the community and achievements.

Most personal injury attorneys are paid on a contingency fee basis, this means that they are paid (percentage of the settlement or court award) if you win the case. However, you will have to pay the consultation and paperwork review fees. The lawyer should be able to assess your case and advise you whether it is right to take legal action.

decisive factor

A personal injury lawyer, with good decision-making skills, should be able to advise you: Is there a suitable offer for your best interests, such as using alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods. The lawyer must be able to negotiate the best settlement in an attempt to settle the case before it goes to trial and at the same time prepare to take the case to trial.

A great Personal Injury Lawyer has to be a lifesaver: he or she has to give you the opportunity to rebuild your life. The lawyer must be willing to take a risk to get you a compensation package that covers your disability, medical expenses, lost work, emotional distress, and suffering. A free consultation is not enough; look for a law firm with a powerful support staff. Therefore, value comfortable services over how cheap it will cost you.

Kids’ golf clubs, for ages 3-10, were introduced to the market after scaled-down adult golf clubs failed to make golf fun for little ones. The old-fashioned cuts were too heavy, too stiff, and made it nearly impossible for kids to perfect a proper golf swing, really hit the ball, and win. Manufacturers of children’s golf clubs include groups such as the US Kids Golf Foundation, a non-profit organization whose goal is to make golf fun for children and their families, various brand name distributors, and those manufacturers who may be less well known. . Let’s take a look at each of these to find out what they offer in the way of children’s golf clubs.

US Children’s Golf Foundation

The US Kids Golf Foundation, founded by Dan Van Horn in 2001, makes golf fun for kids and their families by offering more than 400 local, regional, national and international golf events, including real tournaments and ongoing instruction.

The company introduced its Ultralight Kidsklubs, which are designed 25% lighter than adult clubs and most youth clubs, for beginner and intermediate level abilities. US Kids’ advanced children’s golf clubs, the Tour Series, were previously on Golf Digest magazine’s Hot List for youth equipment. The Ultralight and Tour series of kids’ golf clubs adjust for player height and skill, and more information can be found by visiting the company’s Fit Charts.

For your child’s first golf club, professional golfer Luke Donald highly recommends the USKG 9 Iron with Training Grip for the 3- to 5-year-old age range. The club is well proportioned in head size, weight and grip size. As kids get older, older, and improve their golf skills, they graduate to the next level of clubs in this series and add more club types to their bags.

Acculength… Innovation in children’s golf clubs

An alternative to buying different clubs as kids get older comes from the one-of-a-kind innovative company called Acculength, winner of Golf Digest’s Hot List in 2009. Company representatives claim their products are the only clubs that grow with children. Each stick accommodates up to 4 spacers (one inch long) directly under the grip. The company offers a lifetime warranty and a 30-day money-back guarantee. Starter sets, which include four clubs and the bag, range in price from $139.99 – $179.99 USD.

Most consumers find the idea of ​​extendable golf clubs for kids to be excellent and extremely cost-effective; However, some consumers have some trouble screwing the spacers in and find that the grips come loose. Acculength replaces any problem club with no questions asked.

Branded Junior Companies in the Children’s Golf Club Set

In today’s market, almost all brand name golf equipment companies offer their own versions of children’s golf clubs. From Callaway, Nike, Ping, TaylorMade, and Titleist, there are plenty to choose from. Depending on budget constraints, or lack thereof, the decision is left to individual consumers. However, I would like to give you a little information about two companies that specialize in junior brand golf clubs that I believe are affordable and worth the money. You’ve probably never heard of them; however, they are in the process of branding their own special children’s golf clubs.

Paragon Golf – Golf Digest magazine placed this company’s junior Rising Star games on previous Hot Lists. Prices vary. An excellent resource is, where you can find the set of clubs for around $100.00 USD. According to one reviewer, “…this is a five-star quality set. Shafts are graphite, irons stainless steel, decent hybrid, grip weight and size just right for juniors, shroud for head and bag…packed with features and quality.” I found no comments to the contrary in my research.

Tour Edge Golf – Tour Edge offers its Max Junior series for boys and girls ages 3-12. These kids’ golf clubs are priced slightly less than Paragon’s Rising Star series; however, the clubs receive similar reviews to the Paragon series.

you need someone on your side

Whether you have been charged with a crime you are guilty of or believe you have become the victim of overzealous police officers or misunderstood encounters with others, it is important to understand how best to handle a criminal defense. This is certainly something you do not want to tackle on your own without the help of a lawyer. Go to court in Hempstead with someone by your side who has your best interest at heart and can fight for you to have the most positive outcome possible.

A change of mind

While many people charged with a crime turn to a public defender for the advice and representation they need, these attorneys often approach their case with their guilt in mind. It’s not often that you find a public defender arguing a case of innocence or dismissal; instead, these attorneys often only request that a plea agreement be entered into to offer you a reduced sentence for the charges you face. This will not do him any good if he knows that he is not guilty of what he is charged with or if the charges are of an extremely serious nature.

belief in justice

In order to have a prior criminal defense that is fair, gives you a voice, and can result in the result you are seeking, you first need an attorney who sees you as innocent. Too often, his guilt is determined before he goes to court because the lawyer representing him does not believe that justice is blind or that a person is innocent until proven guilty. At Monteleone & Siegel PLLC, you’ll enjoy a different approach to your defense. This team will be by your side on the Hempstead court to give you a fighting chance.

building your defense

It is important that your side of the story is told when you are charged with a crime. Even if your version shows that you are indeed guilty, having your thinking understood and the reasons you felt being presented could lead to a sentence that is more lenient than if you were unable to share your story in court. When you hire the right attorney to represent you, you will have the benefit of having your voice heard in court when it is time to stand before the judge and present your case for consideration.

an equal opportunity

All you can ask for is the same opportunity to be heard, understood and represented when you are in front of a judge. This means having a criminal defense attorney who also believes in your innocence. Let the team at Monteleone & Siegel PLLC present your case and prove that you are not guilty of the crimes you are accused of. This team will support you in the Hempstead courtroom and fight to achieve the most positive outcome for you. Don’t trust your fate to the public defender, let a team that believes in you defend you in court.