Category Archive : Technology

Hearing about Snapchat may not be new to you. What you may not know is that it’s part of the marketing mix. This fact is something you shouldn’t ignore as it can help you build the online presence you’ve always been coveting.

Get a Handle on Snapchat

The first step you should do is get on this platform. Regardless of whether you plan to use it for your digital marketing strategies from now on, you still need to sign up now. This way, you’ve already reserved a username for your business and accessing it will be easy when your marketing plan changes soon.

Promotion of your account through your website

When it comes to promoting your Snapchat account, your website is a place with high visibility. This makes it easy for your customers to find your Snapchat account and learn about the benefits. To make it more effective, it would be ideal to ask them to send you their snapshots as well. In this way, they will feel valued and the exchange will not be one-way.

Publishing content through other platforms

On the social media accounts you maintain, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, you can also promote your account on Snapchat. The result may take longer to arrive, but it will be excellent. Those who will follow you to your Snapchat account are those who are interested in interacting with you and your business. Just post your Snapchat contents there and wait for the result.

Promotion on specialized sites and relevant forums

Niche websites and forums are also great places to promote your Snapchat account. Promoting here is the same as how you promote on your social media accounts and website. Just make sure the name you tell them is correct. If you can offer some reward for following you, you can try that too.

Get social influencers

Find a famous social media personality you can collaborate with for your business. Find someone who has the ability to drive more traffic to your Snapchat account and convert the traffic to followers.

word of mouth

On Snapchat, content doesn’t last long. With that, people who found interesting content on it immediately tell their friends about it so they don’t miss out on seeing it themselves. Thus, good Snapchat content goes viral by word of mouth even if no one thinks so.

In the world of social media marketing, Snapchat may be new. To get your followers here, you have to be creative. It’s very different with other platforms as it doesn’t offer ways to get the following you want. However, by following these tips, it will be easy to build that dream following for your Snapchat account. All you need to do is put in effort and be patient waiting for the great result they can give you.

It’s always the first time for anything new and when it comes to snowboarding you need to give it a good start for more perfection and precision. So for all the beginners out there who want to enjoy these twists and turns, you should follow these guidelines for an unforgettable start. If you think it’s all about stamina, stamina, and good balance, let me correct you, snowboarding wants you to be stubborn. Yes, it comes down to how much stubbornness and enthusiasm you possess for this sport.

Here is the step-by-step guide to great snow performance and your first impression of snowboarding:

1) The right set of equipment is a must for a great show: Sure, compared to skiing, snowboarding consists of less equipment, but whatever it is, it has to be of superior quality. From snowboard boots, bindings, snowboards to helmets, everything has to be perfect for a great snowboarding experience. So just invest in a top range of snowboards and boots for a great show.

2) Your clothes are the next important thing to consider: There is a special type of clothing that is specifically designed for snowboarding. Since you’ll be playing in the snow for a fair amount of time, you’ll need something warm and waterproof. These listed things will always remain an important part of snowboarding clothing, providing you with comfort and warmth throughout all seasons.

Here’s the look at all-season essentials:

  • pants
  • jackets
  • Socks
  • Gloves
  • Helmet
  • Safety glasses
  • thermal
  • hats
  • Bags, Facial Protection, Sunscreen, etc.

3) You must know the basics: You need to know if you are normal or dumb as it is the deciding factor on which of your feet will drive on your snowboard. Next, one essential thing worth considering is your board, which needs to be set up with the correct bindings in the right direction. And last but not least, snowboarding is all about the edges. So just keep the basics strong for a good taste of adventure and fun.

4) These tips will help you a lot: Snowboarding can be hard work for most beginners, but these simple tips will make everything easier for you. Have a look:

  • It’s going to hurt on the first try, so stay strong and equipped with the best snowboarding accessories and witness great results.
  • Stay calm and don’t panic about those wild lifts and turns. Those are part of the game and demand perfection for a soft landing, which will only come with practice.
  • Don’t forget to bend your knees while snowboarding. Is essential. Also, remember to push your butt forward for a perfect landing.
  • Drink and eat well. This is a must for increasing energy levels and high performance. Your body must be fully hydrated and full of essential nutrients for effective learning and showcasing your best talents.

So overall it’s just about how you take your every move and under whose guidance. Just keep the basics strong and do your best in the wildest of wild snows!

The first half of the book is excellent! In the first half of Endless Helix, Ban’ya Natsuishi of the World Haiku Association uses a series of haiku poems to unleash a collection of sensory stimulants. It invokes sight and touch; also see, hear, and taste, with words like “unfolding from the fountain” to “saw noise,” then “rich colors of nothing,” along with “fields of sunflowers,” followed by “roaring laughter” and “peach tree in full bloom.” The haiku selection paints life in various stages that positively impact the senses.

Understanding the images is uplifting. The images it invokes in the mind of the reader are priceless. It also shows the quality of his poetic craft. For example, the contrast of “rainbow and darkness” with “snow roots amidst jet-black mud” and “mist is the sigh of the sun” expands the imagination and allows the mind to reach new realms as if one were traveling. around the galaxy and exploring the Milky Way.

The second half of the book reaches the reader in many ways. In the second half of Endless Helix, Ban’ya uses dreams in concrete ways to stimulate the mind. The figurative language of the wind as a metaphor could not shake its foundations by blowing through the openings. This means strength to withstand the elements and the test of time. The flow of water invokes cleansing and rebirth after an arduous journey, like a newborn baby experiencing its first refreshing drops of cleansing. The art of massage and meditation can also be understood as captivating metaphors that signify peace.

During the final part of the book, as he walks against the wind down a New York street, he reminds us of golden fruit, angels, and God in his own way, while feeling the rays of the naked sunrise across the sky. East River. What an impressive conclusion to this timeless series of haiku! In a sense, it concludes as Endless Helix, as it travels through time and space touching generational lifelines. This is a great book for all readers and cultures. Ban’ya Natsuishi can be found at:

Over the years, popular life, mind, and purely dark 140-character or less casting site Twitter has continued to evolve. First, it all started as an “internet texting” site in the era before “smart” smartphones. Around 2009-2010, Twitter became a popular app that made it easy for people to let us know how their sandwich was or how good a workout they just got, even when we didn’t want to know about it. During that time, people were more likely to reply to a tweet or retweet it just to show how much they cared or not. Then, in the last year or so, Twitter released a new feature: favour.

In today’s fast-paced world, sometimes favoring a tweet seems easier some days. All you have to do is click the little “star” icon and you’re on your way. What good is it though? No one else apart from the tweeter can see that you’ve favorited their tweet. You don’t open it for your followers to send it to theirs and so on. Kill a tweet. It falls like a rock into a pond. If the original people’s followers don’t see it right away, then what good is a “favorite”?

So which is the better option: reply or retweet? Well, honestly, a retweet not only increases the presence of the original tweeters on Twitter, but it also has the possibility of increasing your presence. A retweet can do many different things. First, you can show emotion in the form of happiness because the tweet in question may have made you laugh, smile, or just feel that someone else could benefit from seeing it. Second, it can help a growing business grow faster.

When someone retweets a link, they create the link back to the web page that was originally tweeted. Lastly, it gives you a better chance of gaining more followers that you didn’t know or couldn’t find before. A retweet is like putting your work on the bulletin board in grade school. It’s there for everyone to see when they walk by, even if they don’t actually know you.

A favorite is literally the gold star. You know it’s there, but no one else knows. You care that you got one, but no one else does.

So what about the answer? What are they for in the whole Twitter scheme? To tell the truth, they serve as a direct connection between a tweeter and a tweeter. You can “personally” praise something or ask a question without any negative ramifications. If you didn’t completely like what the tweet said, you can simply reply and in the conversation thread, people can still find the link, giving the original tweet its comeuppance. It doesn’t work in the same way as a retweet, but it can have similar effects.

In general, Twitter is controlled by the user. They decide whether or not they want to do any of these three things. However, as an avid Twitter user, you should be encouraged to get people to retweet links more than anything else. Help your fellow tweeters and retweet their news to your followers. Even if not everyone wants that information, you are still giving others the choice to follow the link or not.

So get out there and tweet. There are only 140 characters to express your thought.

I see numerous advertisements appearing in wine industry newsletters announcing bulk wines for sale and often wonder why this classification of wines for sale exists and who buys them. I see ads for a lot of bulk wines from California, as well as some of these wine sales from Oregon, Washington, and East Coast wineries and vineyards. And with some frequency, it is not uncommon to see sales announcements for wines coming from many international wine regions.

Bulk wine is another facet of the wine industry that the casual wine consumer doesn’t understand, but it is a major contributor to the growth of the wine industry. What is bulk wine and grapes? This wine comes from surpluses from a winery that has not yet been bottled and labeled. There is also a segment of the market where wineries and vineyards produce wine only for the bulk market. There are also brands that do not have a warehouse and rely on the bulk market to create their brand. Bulk grapes, like wine, come from a winery’s vineyard or from an independent vineyard. These grapes are sold by the ton at harvest time; often a year in advance.

Bulk wine is of a known quality that is tested by the buyer before purchase. Homeless wine brokers never take possession of the wine, but still have a license requirement from the Treasury Department’s Bureau of Taxation and Trade. The point is that bulk wine is a high-quality wine that has a pedigree: it has a known producer, known quality, historical characteristics, and is easily tasteable by the buyer.

With US wine sales growing 2.8% year-over-year in 2016, it would be easy to assume that all wine produced would have a demand-driven market. California vineyard acreage is expected to be flat in 2017 compared to 2016, with 15,000 new acres planted; mainly in the coastal area of ​​San Lois Obispo. (The figures for acres of vines planted are misleading, as acres are taken away when vines are removed for replanting.) Even with the changes in the wine market around the world, the market for bulk wine and grapes continues to grow, and the reasons for the growth are complex and numerous. So, the question that asks for clarification/expansion is: What happens to the surplus of wine and grapes?

Basically anyone can buy surplus wine. There are many wine labels on the market that come from surplus wines or even bulk grapes. For example, someone could buy the wine, send it to a winery, work their blending magic on that wine, bottle it, and send it to a distributor.

Now you want to know how this bulk wine impacts you as a consumer. Say you go to a restaurant or a friend’s house and experience a wine you love, you go home and try to find the winery that produced the wine so you can buy it online or maybe you want to schedule a tour. To his surprise, he can’t find the cellar. The wine that excites you may have come from an accomplished winemaker who bought bulk wines from which they blended/bottled/labeled that new favorite wine you just discovered. The bulk wine was probably sold by a “bulk wine” broker, of which there are many. Many around the world, only a few in each country.

The world’s largest wine and grape surplus broker is The Ciatti Company in Northern California. They have been selling these wines and grapes all over the world for 46 years. “On an average day, we initiate or receive approximately 4,000 conversations about buying or selling bulk wine,” says Steve Dorfman, partner at Ciatti. “Most of the time, the bulk market is a business-to-business transaction ranging from extremely large wineries with global brands to start-ups with a vision for a new brand.” Home winemakers are not the target market for bulk brokers. For example, some of your wine transactions are for more than 10,000 gallons.

This type of wine business is different than the custom crush sector of the wine business. These wines come from a winery that, in general, has produced a fermented product that may or may not be a varietal wine. Custom crushing is primarily a process of procuring grapes, crushing, fermenting, and bottling wine to a specific specification by a specific customer.

The surplus wine and grape business is the weak point of the wine business. This business is big, and it doesn’t just apply to a winery with a surplus of juice. There are wineries and vineyards that exist solely for the exclusive production of bulk wine. Quite simply, there are vineyards (as well as wineries) that only cater to a market that expects to buy bulk wine that they label with their own brand. In the case of bulk grapes, some wineries and wine brands anticipate their grape needs for their planned production for the next vintage. In the winter months, bulk grape brokers are busy selling next year’s crop and/or beyond vineyard production. Some bulk grape buyers may even specify grapes by clone; then bulk brokers try to match sellers and buyers.

What is the bulk wine acquisition process like? Remember, this type of wine is basically a finished product.

· Phone call or email initiates the process. The buyer has a defined style of wine needed for a specific label or for a blend, or varietal style. Some bulk wines may be purchased to test a new wine product concept being contemplated by a winery or private label.

· Then define the requirements regarding ABV, acidity, tannins, color and aromas. Based on these details, a bulk broker can select specific bulk wines to send overnight sample wines for the buyer’s analysis/tasting. There may be requirements regarding a very specific source of the fruit/VPA.

Initial sample customer/buyer tastings may result in other options being obtained and new samples provided.

· Eventually it all comes down to prices. Bulk wine and grapes continue to be based on market conditions. “Market conditions are a function of availability, quality, reputation of the initial producer, trends in customer preferences, and demand,” says Dorfman. “Nothing in the bulk wine business is a constant.”

· After the seller and customer negotiate the price, a Memorandum of Understanding is signed that outlines the terms, the condition of the wine or fruit, shipping requirements, and terms.

Now the deal is done.

For their efforts, most bulk wine companies work on a set commission schedule; generally established by the country of origin. The commission is generally between 2 and 4% depending on the country of origin.

As noted above, it would be a mistake to assume that surpluses (grapes or wine) are the result of overproduction. It is entirely plausible that wineries or vineyards plan excesses that can be sold to finance small/limited private production or to test new wine ideas. Wineries that own their own vineyards often plan for excess production for reasons of economies of scale for certain grapes that they need to establish in-house labels.

And there are wineries and vineyards (not producing wine under their own label) that exist solely to supply the bargain market, private label producers, and wineries that need additional wines for their brands. Some of the larger wineries buy wine in bulk because they didn’t produce enough to expand production or had problems with current supplies. Buying wines in bulk appears to offer new and established winemakers a low-risk option. One example is Cameron Hughes Wines, which started with a small initial bulk purchase, then accelerated growth in subsequent years.

Ray Isle, writing for Food & Wine, explains the dealer as: He first started in Burgundy, buying grapes or finished wine from the region’s myriad of small estates, then blending, bottling and selling the wine under the dealer’s name. Some of Burgundy’s best and best-known producers are primarily merchants, including Jadot, Drouhin, and Bouchard Père & Fils.

As a general rule, there is usually no such thing as a good or bad wine, only wines that are looking for a fit. “At Ciatti we know that there will always be an application for all bulk varietals or bulk blends. Every winemaker experiences problems in the production of their wines that can be solved with an available bulk wine,” Dorfman said. Since 55% of his business is national and 45% international, there seems to be a home for quality bulk wine somewhere in the world.

On occasion, there may be times when bulk wine is not sold somewhere in the world. For those rare occasions, bulk wine may find a place as food grade vinegar or distilled into brandy.

Although bulk wine is a business-to-business business, bulk wine brokers will spend time developing new potential buyers who have a solid plan. The beginning of such a relationship always starts with some free advice: don’t buy the wine first, and then start thinking about a solid business plan. “I’ve seen clients buy wine first, then work on the marketing plan, TTB requirements, labeling, and finally start looking for clients,” says Dorfman. The first order of business is to know where and how you will sell your proposed brand. Second, contact the TTB and start the licensing process and learn the laws that govern your business. While at the TTB, you will find the labeling requirements to be a very difficult process for the uninitiated. Designing a label can be an almost scientific and laborious process. Dorfman said he was aware of a group hoping to launch their own label a few months after buying his wine. Four years later, they finally released their new wine. The problem was that they first bought the wine without understanding state and federal laws, label approvals, and reliable customer commitments.

Wine is not as simple as crushing grapes, turning the juice into wine, putting wine in a corked bottle, and delivering that wine to a retailer. The iterations and nuances in the wine industry are complex, convoluted, and highly controlled. Fortunately for the consumer, we only see the industry when we drive through the vineyards of the wine country.

Video conferencing makes our lives easier. Connecting with people from school and business has also been possible thanks to video conferencing. In line with this, Android also allows its devices to do just that. In no particular order, here are 5 great Android apps for awesome video conferencing:

1. Qik video connection

Android Qik’s interface is different from its iOs counterpart. The Android version has four blocks on its screen, each of which represents a certain function with its description. Its features include Video Chat, Record and Share, Video Mail and Video Gallery. Although the Android version differs from the iOS version in appearance, both have the same functionality.

Aside from its video chat feature, another thing that you might find interesting is video mail. It’s like voicemail, but this time it uses video. One advantage of Video Mail is that the video quality is better than live video chat since it is pre-recorded. The bad news is that you may not be able to use this service for free after June 1, as they will charge an annual fee for this service.

With Qik, you can also upload your videos to the web and share them via email and SMS. Although Qik has good features, you may not have the best video chat experience. Right now, however, Qik is one of the best options among Android video conferencing apps.

2. Tango

The good thing about Tango is that it allows users to have a cross-platform video chat. That means you can have a video chat with a friend using an iOs even if you are on Android, very cool! Although Fring has this capability, Tango scores higher when it comes to video quality and ease of use. With Tango, calls can also be made through 3G and 4G networks.

Finding your friends using Tango is also convenient thanks to this app. Tango can search for friends who are on Tango through your Android or iPhone address book and add them to the app’s contact list. Also, the setup of this app is quite easy.


Fring is easy to use. Its interface is neat and not messy. Even a new user would have no problem getting to know the app. Video quality is good, though not as good as FaceTime (iPhone). Its audio still has more room for improvement. However, the good thing is that it can be downloaded from the Android website for free.

4. Hitting live video

Knocking Live Video allows its user to share live video from their phone to another. This video sharing app used to be only available on the iPhone. Now, it’s on Android – good news for Android fans! This is a cross-platform application, which means that an Android user can share live videos with a family member or friend who is using the iPhone. It is one of the most popular social media apps today and you can download this app for free.


Skype is without a doubt one of the best VoIP applications out there. Unfortunately, Skype Android does not support video conferencing with the exception of 4G phones. However, many are hopeful that this service will be extended to non-4G phones in the near future.

Not long ago, I was discussing the challenges of making a semi-autonomous painting robot. I brought to the table my experience in the car wash industry, which I believe is valid and relevant to create a device of this type. In fact, many years ago, I suggested that there needed to be a commercially viable painting robot on the market and that the person who carried out this innovation would make a lot of money.

An acquaintance of mine suggested that a vision system would be needed to really create a working system. Well yes, I agree that vision sensors make sense, and I know that there are many very simple operating systems that include optical flow sensors, which are less expensive than robotic sonar or lidar components.

Plus, with a video + optical flow sensor, you can also do telerobotic work and then use your video feeds to adjust your software and various degrees of freedom on your robotic arm. Granted, paint quality control requirements lend themselves well to a vision system.

In fact, I asked my acquaintance; “Are you using some artificial intelligence? If so, you could wire this thing up so that tele-robotic painters would sit at a computer and paint, and when they do a spray pass they like, they could input it as ‘OK’ and when they didn’t, they could press “Clear Data” and then this way I would learn.

Another key point would be the types of spray tips and whether it is possible to use commercially available paint tips. With the right nozzles and an artificial intelligence system, the vision system would be the icing on the cake. There seems to be some good options of robotic systems used in the robotic bomb units that the police often use, I would imagine they are available all over the world, so those standard systems are well designed for their line of innovation.

So it seems that my acquaintance could be the shining star that knocks on the door of discovery here, and may be the one to bring this great invention into the world, that will make the world a better and more pleasant place.

What about the robotic arm of the device? Could we use an arm often found on automated TV satellite dishes, so it has to be set for azimuth, bias and elevation? So you currently have 3 axis, is this correct? Perhaps we could use the same software that would also work from that type of device to find your mark and then move to the position to start? Once it starts, can we use the software to guide it based on data coming from the sensors set up with the vision system that would have optical recognition to autonomously spray things?

It seems to me that soon, very soon, someone will figure this out and create a superb autonomous painting robot, and I personally can’t wait for that to happen. Please consider all this and think about it.

We all want websites that are search engine friendly. But sometimes when you’re busy, it’s easy to post a new blog post and move on to the next task on your to-do list.

Over time, this can really hurt your SEO efforts. That is why I have created this short list of things you can do to improve your WordPress SEO.

Schedule these tasks on your calendar to skyrocket your blog traffic!

1) Post new things regularly

Google has a bias towards new content. Part of Google’s algorithm analyzes how new the content is and gives preference to the most recent results. Therefore, it is important to post original content on a regular basis.

Also size matters when it comes to content. Generally, longer content ranks higher than shorter content. So strive to make your post at least 500 words long.

2) Create a keyword list

If SEO is a priority, you’ll want to develop a keyword list. This is basically a list of keywords and phrases that describe your products and services. These keywords should include words from the search terms that are most likely to be used to find your offers online.

Google has some amazing tools to make searching for keywords easy, like Google Search, Google Suggest, Google Instant, and the Google Wonder Wheel.

Tip: If you want a really targeted keyword list, hire an SEO expert!

3) Install an SEO plugin

This will allow you to set custom keyword-rich titles and Meta descriptions for your posts for search engines.

A couple of popular SEO plugins to consider are All in One SEO Pack and WordPress SEO by Yoast.

Again, this is something that your web designer or SEO professional can easily install for you.

4) Manual Submission to Search Engines

What good is a site if no one can find it? That’s why getting listed on Google and other popular search engines and directories is one of the most effective ways to get free targeted traffic to your website.

You’ve probably seen many autosubmission services where you pay a small fee to get your site submitted to hundreds of search engines. These services not only won’t help you, they may hurt you.

Almost all of these free directories never send a real visitor to your website and getting links from them can affect your ability to rank on real search engines like Google and Bing.

The best practice is to manually submit your site to search engines yourself. WordPress makes it easy once you set up an account with Google, Bing, and Yandex Webmaster Tools.

If you’re not sure, ask your webmaster or SEO specialist to set up these accounts.

5) Add tags to your posts

WordPress, straight out of the box, comes search engine ready. The tag features are one such SEO friendly feature that you should take advantage of.

Be sure to add relevant keyword-rich tags to every post you publish.

6) Leave comments on other blogs

Start linking more to other people’s posts on their blogs and encourage them to link back to you.

One search engine factor that Google considers is backlinking. A website that has more backlinks is considered more of an authority site and gets higher rankings.

7) Block spam comments

When people leave comments on your blog, it counts as content for Google. So if you have a crafting website and someone leaves 5 comments about “cheap enhancement pills” ruining your keyword relevancy and hurting your rankings.

So, blocking spam comments from posting on your blog will improve your SEO, as well as make your actual blog readers happy.

8) Internal link

An easy way to get more traffic is to add internal links to your blog posts.

For example, if you have an article on how to overcome your resistance to blogging, at the bottom of that article you could post links to “Other Related Articles You May Enjoy”: 4 Content Marketing Trends for Business Owners in 2017 and other related items. WordPress SEO by Yoast does this automatically for you, as you can see at the bottom of this post.

9) Use Alt Image Tags

For each image you use in your post, be sure to add the Alt tag to help them rank better in image searches. This is another great place to put relevant keywords.

Google has an image search feature that works pretty much the same way as searching for web pages with keywords and relevance. So adding Alt tags helps Google find and include your images when someone does an image search.

10) Modify Blog Post Titles

If you’ve quickly written titles for your blog posts before, take the time to review them before posting.

Your blog post titles are vitally important to your SEO rankings, so check the keywords used against your keyword list and make your blog titles more keyword-rich.

11) Add Social Sharing Buttons

When Google sees a blog post get a lot of posts and shares on social media, it increases the rank of that blog post.

So making it easy for readers to share your posts helps others tweet and share your great content.

12) Update your theme

Not all WordPress themes are SEO friendly and free WordPress themes may be hurting your search engine rankings because of this.

Having a premium WordPress theme ensures that search engines will index your content as the developers have taken special time to optimize all aspects in terms of security and SEO.

It’s smart to make sure your theme programming isn’t overloaded with inefficient code that slows down page load times. We encounter this a lot with purchased themes and this is why we only provide custom designed and built WordPress themes for our clients.

Once you’ve started recording your podcasts and learned how to edit and publish them, you’ll need to promote them. You may already have a small list of subscribers or a group of friends who will be listening to your episodes, and that’s a good thing. But to grow your audience and make it worth your while, some promotion is required. Here are some different ways to promote your podcast.

Post it to iTunes (Apple Podcasts)

There are a lot of people who listen to Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes), including other podcasters, so this should be one of the first things you do. Even if you’re not an iPhone user, millions of people are. Just having your Apple Podcasts podcast in the marketplace can help make it stand out.

Many people don’t know what podcast they are looking for and will simply search for a topic or search for the most recently released episodes on the topic of their choice. If they find your podcast, they might listen to it and then subscribe through Apple Podcasts to have your new episodes automatically sent to them. If people find it this way, they might as well let others know about it. That’s why it’s important to have it in multiple markets.

Use of the social network

It goes without saying that most people who listen to podcasts also use social media. If you learn how to share your episodes on social media, this will also help you grow your listener base.

Start talking about your podcast on different social networking sites, such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and even YouTube. Share the link on Reddit and use your Snapchat account to discuss what your latest episode is talking about. When promoting it on social media, use hashtags related to the topic of the podcast, your name, the title of the podcast, and the various topics you’re covering. This will help more people find you and your podcast!

Have your own website and blog

You should have a place where you can upload the podcast immediately and have others listen to it immediately. If you have a pressing topic you want to cover, you may not get all the attention you want on Apple Podcasts.

When you start using Apple Podcasts, it can take up to 2 weeks for your podcast to be approved. They usually have a turnaround time of about 7 days, but it could take longer.

For time sensitive topics, have a website where you can upload it, then share the links on social media. This is also a good place to have a blog where you include text for your podcast topics, which you can then target and get more listeners through social media searches.

I also use links that take people to my website from my podcast. And links that take people from my podcast to my website. In SEO circles, this is called a backlink, and it helps search engines find you better.

Include a link in your Google profile

All of the different areas, formats, and properties of Google’s social networks are linked together and the search for those backlinks is all over the internet. Therefore, you need to link all your profiles together. This will allow you to be seen whenever someone searches for you using any kind of Google method, be it YouTube or Google. You want to have that link in as many places online as you can to start promoting yourself and getting the attention of more listeners.

As you get more listeners through those links, you move further up the algorithm towards more and more searches. This allows more people to find you, and as they do, it moves you even higher in the search results. It’s one of the best and fastest ways to grow your audience!

Post it on Pinterest

One of the most amazing ways to promote a podcast is by using Pinterest. This is mainly used for images, although they may link directly to the website the images came from. Use this to your advantage by posting a simple image, with the title of the podcast or topic, and a few short show notes. If someone is browsing Pinterest, they might find your image and then go to the link to listen to the podcast.

Include information in your Amazon author account

For those of you who are authors and sell your books on Amazon, you can create an author profile. As part of that profile, mention your podcast and then include a link in your profile that directs people directly to your podcast. I know many people I’ve interviewed over the years who don’t do this. When I explain how simple it is, they are amazed!

You will be surprised how well it works. For additional exposure for your book(s), don’t forget to talk about them on your podcast! That helps build those back-links again!

These are just a few simple tips for increasing your listenership by promoting your podcast using resources most people are already familiar with. You do not need to invest in heavy and expensive advertising. In reality, all advertising does is send someone to your website or podcast site to “see” it.

Do the same on the platforms you are already using. Instead of “cat images” or funny memes, use these platforms to promote your podcast! Drive some traffic from those who already follow you. In the process, you’ll generate additional listeners, subscribers, and maybe some additional income (which we’ll discuss in a future article).

You’ve probably heard of making a “Bucket List” of exciting adventures you’d like to experience. I have had many things that I have gratefully crossed off as my own: swimming with wild dolphins (AMAZING), skydiving (anytime!), bungee jumping (never again!), hot air ballooning (thank you mom), and even having kids. (yes, it’s an adventure). So I was stabilizing myself on my new adventures… I live in a warm paradise like I’m on permanent vacation and haven’t been climbing new mountains. It’s been a steady ride for quite some time (except for my new cruising adventures!)

One day, I noticed something about my thinking outlook. I was watching the new Star Trek movies and I could see a future San Francisco superimposed on my current memories. If you have read Speed ​​​​Manifesting™, you will recognize the speed key there.

Well, it occurred to me that in my personal daily imagination, it wasn’t a future at all, it was just more of the same old world, with different adventures, things, and types of relationships. So I reflected on what a future would look like 20 or 30 years from now, based on the current speed of technology and communication in our work, relationships, and home.

And that brought up another wish: why does my house still essentially resemble my grandparents’ house built 65 years ago? Same walls, same sockets, same doorknobs, same architecture. Where is all the new technology inside the fabric of our homes? Why don’t we have walls that collect sunlight and glow at night? Why don’t we have other innovations in the architecture and construction of our houses? It’s not cost, and I quickly realized it’s standardization, building codes, suppression and protection of traditional industries.

Whatever. I want new!

So I took a step back and used the few benchmarks I know of.

1. Star Trek

2. George Supersonic

I know you’re laughing at me right now, I can hear you!

But seriously, where are my conveyor belts, Rosie the Robot, portal-elevators, and anti-gravity cars? We have a lot of new technologies, but some areas are far behind innovations.

Then I heard my own voice say to me, “Then imagine it!”

And so my new list began. I call it my The Supersonic list.

This is what’s up so far…

1. Solar Powered Air Conditioning Zero Fuel Antigravity Car

2. glass skylights inserted into my roof for natural lighting

3. Solar flowers for electricity (yes, it exists, but it is not present)

4. Airports that are PlanetPortal wormholes, taking you where you want to go instantly

5. Peace and prosperity around the world through technology

It’s fun to expand my imagination into bigger possibilities and see a 20-30 year future that may very well be available. I may even have a Stargate home one day.

What would be on your Jetsons list?