Month: May 2021

Whether you are a potential home buyer looking to find a home of your own, or an existing homeowner looking for better terms and / or interest rates on your mortgage, it is important to know a little more about the process of obtaining the best one. , in the best terms, that suits your needs, priorities and situation. Since the vast majority of people use a home loan to pay for their home, I felt it might help to review a few things to consider early on. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly review and consider the 5 steps you may want to consider taking to ensure that this often stressful and stressful process and period becomes somewhat easier and more successful.

1. Check and completely review your Credit Report: Especially in today’s atmosphere and environment, where there is so much identity theft, it is smart to start by doing this. First, check the report to verify its accuracy, etc. Then look at the items and report, the way the lender would. Start by looking at your debt-to-income ratio. The desirable maximum for this changes periodically, but if you keep it at about a third (maximum) you are probably somewhat safe. Prepare about 3 months or more before starting the process and pay off your debt. Don’t wait until the last minute to do it. If you can do this a year or more earlier, it’s even better! Look at the report and consider whether, if you were the lender, you would consider it a good risk.

two. Fix: One of the main reasons to start Step One, as far in advance as possible, is to give you the opportunity to make the necessary repairs and improve your credit rating as much as possible. Be careful not to apply for or take out any new credit during this period, as doing so could damage or lower your credit score!

3. Please wait patiently after steps one and two: Optimally, waiting a year will give you the best results, but you should always wait, at least 3 months or more, after you have made your repairs and / or repairs, and / or paid, until the best position. yourself.

Four. Stay away from any offers of credit, etc., during this period: That offer you get at a retail store, which will immediately give you an additional discount on your purchase, is not harmless, but rather could negatively affect your overall credit. Keep your eyes on the target!

5. Be prepared for the down payment: Most lenders will want to know where your down payment and other funds are coming from. At least 3 months or more in advance, put your likely down payment into an account, where you can clearly provide account statements, proving your ownership, etc. Also, keep in mind that most lenders are looking for borrowers, with a significant amount of other assets, etc.

A little preparation, and paying attention to a few relevant details, will generally make the process smoother, easier, and more successful. If you really want and / or need that mortgage, do your best to be prepared!

For those of you who have yet to visit the new Food Lion store in Wake Forest, which based on the bunch of shoppers we struggled with today, there can’t be many, I wanted to give you a quick rundown of some of the things you can expect at this new and modern location.

One of the first things I found unique was how all the sidewalks lead you to the sides of the building, you know, so you can enter the lobby through the doors that are perpendicular to the front of the building (for those of you from Iron- Duff is a fancy way of saying there is a porch that juts out from the front of the house and instead of having steps going up the middle, the steps are on either side.) The strange thing was, when we got to the side of the lobby, there were no doors there. So what you have to do next is get back on the road, avoid getting hit, and then walk back to the front of the lobby where the doors are (porch for those of you from Iron-Duff). I must say that having an awning over that front area (covered porch for those of you from Iron-Duff) would have been very useful during today’s monsoon.

Now if you’re thinking that all this work just getting in might not be worth it, fear not, once inside you’ll find all the groceries you came for, not to mention a chance to wander through the produce cooler. This room is properly humidified and adequately cooled to keep the freshest veggies in town. Coming out of the produce cave, you’ll find yourself strolling through your new, cutting-edge Deli. Folks, they have sandwiches, pizzas, pastas, sandwiches, sushi, and even whole fried chickens. You can imagine my excitement at seeing all the deli specials, especially after having to spend all that time in the fruit and veg cave. Produce cooler, are you kidding me? Hey Food Lion, how about the next time you meet to design a store and a young hipster walks into the room and says he needs a veggie cooler right where the beer cave used to be? ‘ny put it back on the night shift storage shelves. Trust me, a few months of night shift coupled with the disruption of your delicate circadian rhythm and you will completely forget about your organic vegan ways, but I digress.

So let’s go back to the deli, where today is Super Bowl Sunday and I’m about to buy myself a couple dozen Wing Dings. I’m thinking maybe I’ll get a dozen regular Wing Dings and a Dozen Spicy Wing Dings, right? So I’m looking up and down at the hot shelf and I don’t see any, so I asked this nice young man from the deli section where I could find the Wing Dings. I assumed he worked at the deli because he was wearing a blue, fresh-out-of-the-bag Food Lion polo shirt with a shiny new badge. The plate even had his name on it, or at least I think it was his name, it’s hard to tell when they use the old school Dymo labelers. I say all of this to help explain what happened next, because what I heard was a statement that I assumed was simply coming from the mouth of a new kid, one who doesn’t understand the retail business yet, or maybe they just don’t. We are still on top of all the Food Lion stuff, because what it says is, “We don’t do Wing Dings anymore!” At that very moment I gave that young man my full attention, looked him straight in the eye and asked him to clarify his statement! Before the poor kid could even get three good b’s out of a “bbb-but” stutter, another man decided he might have to step in. Also wearing one of those new blue polo shirts with Dymo’s name tag embossed, albeit denoting him as the “Deli Manager,” he proceeded to confirm that the young men had previously declared heartbreaking news by saying, “I’m not going to do that anymore. Wing Dings. We have this new hot bar right here where you can get them any way you want, “as he points to a rolling buffet that is just the right height to allow kids to play. After taking a quick look at the bar, I realized that what he meant by “however you want” is that you can have them any way you want, as long as the shape you want is superheated to the point that the meat is stretched. on the bone and then dip them in a sticky sweet barbecue or orange sauce. Friends, that’s not the way I want you!

If you’re wondering what I did next, I’ll tell you. I did the only thing a self-respecting man can do, grabbed one of those take out boxes and proceeded to pick out a dozen of those fake chicken wings covered in overheated diabeetus sauce. I didn’t do this because I wanted to listen to you, but because Beth had grabbed my arm and told me to stop whining, leave the poor deli boy alone, whether or not to get some of those chicken wings. she doesn’t care anyway, and come so we can finish shopping. With my wings on the buggy, I finished my pout as I pushed our cart through the land of lost promises, while taking care not to trip over the old ladies blocking the aisles as they waited to hear from the store manager whether or not the grand opening sale price for tuna would continue to be respected next week.

Now for those of you who are worried about me and worried about how I could survive without Wing Dings, please rest assured, because eventually I will find a gas station deli that will fix your wings just the way I like them. However, I would like to ask you if you have a spare moment, maybe you want to say a prayer for the poor cashier who attended us, I am sure you will appreciate it. Turns out, I wasn’t the only one disappointed in our shopping experience and wondering what the world was for. By the time we got home, someone else had started crying too. Now, while Beth may not share my affinity for Wing Dings, she seemed to have some annoyances when it came to packing her groceries, along with a few words for the poor cashier who made the bag. She seemed genuinely surprised that the cashier had placed our toothpaste in the same bag with all of our cleaning supplies, which included a bottle of liquid bleach. I guess it takes a lot more than packing bleach and toothpaste together to amaze me these days, especially when the packer is from the same generation that is eating Tide Pods. I can see the new ad campaign now;

“Looking for a mouthwash that offers whiter teeth and a brighter smile? Try Clorox. (It also kills germs known to cause bad breath.”

Beth also disagreed with the fact that the cashier bagged our raw sausage and fresh mixed vegetables together. You’re doing crazy things like this that can often lead to deadly cross contamination. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying the young lady didn’t provide us with any food safety precautions, I mean at least she had the decency to put the two items in one of them there “blue bags” so we would know what was inside. it would have to be refrigerated once we got home. Let’s face it, at some point the consumer has to accept a minimum (limited amount for those of you from Iron-Duff) of responsibility for their own food safety. We have all heard those stories about families getting sick from their own kitchen, and how it could have been easily avoided if they had simply followed some healthy and hygienic practices when working in the kitchen. Take my sausage and mixed veggie problem, for example. By simply selecting the right utensils, these young cheating tellers pose no risk to my health or my family. I just start my prep by grabbing a cast iron skillet from under the stove. Next, I turn one of the large eyes on the stove to medium-high (6-7). To avoid sticking, I recommend that you let the pan heat up for 2-3 minutes, long enough so you can feel the heat coming out of the pan when you wave your hand over it, but not long enough to burn your fingers when you touch it. Once properly preheated, toss that sausage into the skillet and cook it until golden on both sides but still greasy in the middle. Browning the outside of the sausage is the most important step, as it ensures that the pan is hot enough to burn off any germs that the sausage might have picked up from nasty veggies.

If you have the opportunity to visit the new Food Lion, I recommend that you wait a few days. If all goes well it will stop raining, they will add some canopies, and if my call to action goes well they will have Wing Dings back on the shelf before March Madness begins.

When I was a kid, I think every family in the neighborhood had a cast iron skillet. The pans were more or less the same, but the foods that came from them were as diverse as the families. Our next door neighbors were from St. Paul, MN and they made Swedish meatballs in their skillet.

My family was of German and English descent and our meals reflected this heritage. Often my mother would make German fries, sliced ​​onions, and fries until crisp brown. When I strain, I can see the fries in the pan and smell the delicious smell that permeated the house.

When German, Swedish, and European immigrants came to the United States, some brought their cast iron pans with them. These pans accompanied them in the migration to the west. Later, wagon cooks used cast iron pans, baking pans, and Dutch ovens to prepare meals.

A cast iron skillet looks dated compared to today’s appliances. But cast iron skillets are making a comeback, and for good reason. Consider these features.

DURABILITY. Cast iron skillets have stood the test of time. They are so durable that they have been passed down from mother to daughter and to her granddaughter.

USABILITY. You can use a cast iron skillet on the stove, in the oven, over an open fire, on a charcoal or gas grill. Better yet, today’s cast iron skillets come with a nonstick coating.

VARIETY. A six-inch skillet is perfect for making a meal for one. The larger 10-inch skillet is great for family meals. Grill pans (bottom rimmed pans) are also available.

COST. It will search everywhere before finding a better value. A six-inch skillet costs around $ 8 and a 10-inch skillet costs around $ 17, which is not bad for a lifetime investment. The cost of a grill pan varies, depending on whether the exterior has an enamel coating.

You will need to re-season your pan if you have had it for a long time. Lodge, the leading manufacturer of cast iron cookware, says you should wash the pan with hot, soapy water first. Dry the pan and let it sit on the counter for a few hours.

Next, Lodge says to preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Cover the pan with solid or liquid shortening. Place skillet on gelatin muffin pan to collect drips. “Bake” the pan in the oven for one hour. Turn off the oven and allow the pan to cool completely before opening the door. Lastly, wipe up any residue with paper towels.

Never wash a pan in soapy water or scrub it after it has re-seasoned. Instead, rinse the pan in hot water and remove food residue with a stiff brush. Make sure the pan is dry before storing. You can also rub the pan with salt to clean it. Rinse the salt off with hot water.

Over time, a dark layer will form on the bottom of the pan. Don’t worry, this is exactly what you want. In fact, some professional chefs believe that this coating gives food an extra (and maybe secret) flavor. A well seasoned skillet only needs a coat of baking spray for shortening. Some recipes may not need any type of vegetable shortening.

I have two pans, a plain one and a griddle. What do I fix on them? A better question would be: “What is it that I don’t notice about them?” Wonderful food comes from these pans: applesauce with cinnamon flavored chunks, sauteed onions, bell peppers, mushrooms and pea pods, fried brown rice with lots of veggies, chicken scallops with lemon sauce, lean burgers, roasted asparagus with a touch of garlic and more.

Healthy food? Forget about those fancy and elegant pans. Get out the cast iron skillet and prepare healthy meals for yourself and your family.

Copyright 2005 by Harriet Hodgson. For more information about her work, visit

Hepatitis C is the leading cause of liver transplants in the US (See CDC website)

With 10,000 people dying each year from hepatitis C, this is a VERY serious problem. That is more than 1 person every hour. Every day 8 to 10 people die while waiting for a liver transplant.

Hepatitis C is a LONG-TERM disease that can take YEARS to show symptoms.

Many famous people have had hepatitis C and ended up with liver transplants or died of liver disease, such as: Evel Knievel, Mickey Mantle, who died shortly after a liver transplant in 1995, Keith Richards, Naomi Judd, who had to retire earlier of time. successful musical career to undergo PegInterferon treatments, Freddy Fender, who died in 2006 after a liver transplant in 2004, Natalie Cole, daughter of Nat King Cole, Gregg Allman of the Allman Brothers band and Pamela Anderson.

A little history about hepatitis C: its cause is the hepatitis C virus (HCV), which is mainly transferred from one human being to another through the blood, before 1992 it was carried out through blood transfusions, but it is also contracted through unsterilized needles in drug use, tattoos, and piercings.

Until recently, it was a disease that had no known treatment or cure according to the medical establishment. Now PegInterferon alfa-2a and 2b Weekly SHOTS along with daily ribavirin pills are the only “recognized” treatment for hepatitis C. And at a cost of almost $ 20,000 for the 42 week treatment with a success rate of approximately 40 %.

And now the BAD news, like if $ 20,000 is no longer bad enough or a liver transplant could be over $ 267,000, the use of PegInterferon and Ribavirin has a number of disappointing side effects. They are:

  • Depression
  • Fever
  • Shaking chills
  • Muscle pains
  • Tired
  • Headaches
  • Bread set
  • Nausea
  • Stomach cramps
  • Dry mouth
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weightloss
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Diarrhea
  • Dry Skin
  • Hair loss
  • Throat pain
  • Unusual bleeding
  • Vomiting
  • Jaundice
  • Breast bread
  • Vision changes
  • Seizures
  • Symptoms similar to those of a stroke
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Allergic reactions
  • Difficulty breathing

See (MedicineCabin)

Wow, that’s a daunting list, especially for 43 weeks or more.

Of course, if you had hepatitis C and insurance that covered the cost of the treatments, you would rather face the side effects than die or have to have a liver transplant. Who can blame you?


I have a friend who was diagnosed with hepatitis C about 15 years ago. He had done some research on “alternative” methods of treating this disease and found a very inexpensive way to treat hepatitis C without ANY side effects.

When he was diagnosed with hepatitis C, his viral count was above 3.5 million, taking this alternative treatment without having to really change anything in his lifestyle or diet, in 12 weeks the viral count had dropped to just over 1 , 5 million and is now constantly growing. the range of 15,000 to 20,000. Obviously, SOMETHING he was doing succeeded!

What he used was a treatment found in a burn ointment / ointment and wound healing gauze, approved by the FDA and found to be MOST effective in stopping infections from viruses, bacteria or germs. It is an element in the Periodic Table, its Periodic Table reference is number 47 with a symbol for Ag, better known as Silver.

You couldn’t just suck on a silver dollar and get better, silver had to be electrolyzed in pure distilled water and then drunk in small amounts.

When studying the subject of ionized or coliodalized silver, he theoretically discovered that when these tiny silver particles were inside the body, they incapacitated cells infected by the hepatitis C virus. The EXACT science of A-VAg47 is not known because Major studies are RISK showing that A-VAg47 could be a BETTER alternative to highly cost-effective proprietary drugs.

In short, if you have hepatitis C, you could take a $ 20,000 synthetic interferon by sticking a needle into your stomach once a week for 42 weeks and taking a pill once a day plus the antidepressants you will need to counter depression and tolerate depression. Most of the known side effects listed above OR you can get an A-VAg47 Maker and make your own A-VAg47 daily or per gallon for about $ 0.25 a day with no side effects. Just a thought.

If I was diagnosed with hepatitis C, I would personally try the A-VAg47 route for about 6 months to see if it can control hepatitis C and if not risk PegInterferon and ribavirin and their side effects. Personally, I’d rather drink a glass of ionized silver water with no side effects than stick myself in the stomach once a week with a needle and have a ton of undesirable side effects. Unless you are in an advanced stage of liver disease diagnosis, A-VAg47 appears to be a safer route to try.

One last note, DO NOT believe all the hype about alternative medicines, we KNOW that 120,000 people die every year from misdiagnosis, mixing of medicines and medicines that have fatal adverse reactions to each other. Unlike not a single death from anyone who has taken A-VAg47.

Disclaimer: I am not a physician or registered / licensed medical professional of any kind, the information in this article is for educational purposes and should not be used to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition. Seeking appropriate medical expertise is recommended.

I was thirteen years old and living in New York when Sharon Tate and her guests were brutally murdered early in the morning on August 9, 1969. The guests were there because Sharon was having dinner that very night. Guests included action hero movie star Steve McQueen and legendary music producer Quincy Jones. Both canceled at the last minute for work reasons. The crime occurred in a luxury home rented at 10050 Cielo Drive in Benedict Canyon, a part of Beverly Crest, north of Beverly Hills, California.

The evening editions of every New York newspaper carried the story about the murders on their front pages. I found out when my parents broke the evening news. As unsettling as the news was, few details were released because not much was known yet. The only fact that struck us all was that one of the victims was an actress who was eight and a half months pregnant. It was actress and model Sharon Tate who was married to film director Roman Polanski (Rosemary’s Baby). He was out of the country when the killings occurred.

I remember my mom saying that the murders had to be the work of a madman. She was right. Charles Manson was a career criminal who spent half his life in jail, then ended up in San Francisco, where he became a self-proclaimed guru for runaways and discarded in his teens and early twenties. His group, later called the Manson Family, lived rent-free at Spahn Movie Ranch near Los Angeles, California. The owner was legally blind and needed people to help him maintain and repair his property. The family made money by stealing cars and selling drugs.

Manson had a brush with non-criminal fame. One of his followers was picked up hitchhiking by Beach Boy Dennis Wilson. She told him that Charlie was an amazing guy who played guitar and had a ton of original songs. Upon meeting Manson, Wilson fell under the spell of his charisma like so many others. He let Manson and seventeen girls move into his house. Dennis introduced Charlie to music producer Terry Melcher. In addition to his own accomplishments in the recording industry, Terry was well connected in Hollywood as the son of movie star Doris Day.

Melcher was mesmerized by Manson’s charisma. He decided to make a movie about the family and their “hippie commune.” Terry also gave Charlie the opportunity to sign a recording contract. Dennis Wilson had Manson record some of his original songs and actually used two of them. The Beach Boys recorded and retitled two original Manson songs for one of their albums and the B-side of a 45. If you are under forty, ask your parents or grandparents about a 45 record.

Manson blew his chances with Wilson and Melcher because he couldn’t control everything that was happening. One day he lost his temper with a follower and attacked him in front of Wilson and Melcher. They couldn’t deal with his explosive temper. Melcher canceled everything and Wilson evicted Charlie and his girls. Charlie kept trying to reconnect with Melcher, who lived in the house on Cielo Drive before Tate and Polanski became tenants in February 1969. Manson kept visiting the house and in fact met Sharon Tate at least once. .

At the time, Manson was in his full Messiah mode telling his followers that he was the son of God. After listening to the Beatles’ White Album, he became convinced that it had been written and recorded for the family. The song ‘Helter Skelter’ was a message to Charlie that a race war was necessary. The blacks would defeat the whites and then turn to him and his followers to run things. All he had to do was start the war. His twisted mind devised a diabolical plan to kill some famous whites and then make black people take the blame.

On August 8, 1969, he sent a killing team consisting of Charles ‘Tex’ Watson, Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, and Linda Kasabian to the house on Cielo Drive. Five people were stabbed and shot. Sharon Tate was eight and a half months pregnant when she and her unborn baby were murdered in the living room, along with famous hairstylist Jay Sebring. Wojciech Frykowski (Roman Polanski’s friend) and the coffee heiress Abigail Folger made a getaway and were killed outside the house. Eighteen-year-old Steven Parent, a guest house visitor, was shot and killed in his car. A maid discovered the bodies that morning.

Even when the media reached the Cielo Drive home and seventeen police investigators were assigned to work at the crime scene, Charlie Manson was already planning his next murder. Telling his squad that they did sloppy work and hadn’t left things gruesome enough, Manson announced that he would personally supervise the next attack. On August 10, 1969, Manson headed to Los Angeles with Charles ‘Tex’ Watson, Leslie Van Houten, Susan Atkins, and Patricia Krenwinkel. Charlie chose an expensive house that he saw on Waverly Drive in Los Angeles. Susan Atkins stood outside as a lookout while the others entered.

The house was occupied by supermarket executive Leno LaBianca and his wife Rosemary. Although Charlie Manson was present, he probably was not involved in the actual murders. Leno LaBianca was killed in the living room. A fork was used to carve the word WAR into Leno’s belly, sticking out of his corpse. Rosemary LaBianca was murdered in her bedroom. Several slogans were left at the crime scene written in blood, including HELTER SKELTER, which was scrawled on the door of his refrigerator.

Despite leaving behind two messy crime scenes, none of the Manson family members were on the police radar until Susan Atkins was arrested on unrelated charges. Susan bragged about her involvement in the Tate and LaBianca murders while in a cell with another woman. That prisoner reported their conversation to her lawyer and the police. Atkins was known as a member of the Manson family, so it was not long before the police realized that Charlie and some of his cult members had something to do with both types of murders.

Finding Charlie and the others was not easy. The Family was moving between several ranches in the middle of nowhere and could not be located. After vandalizing part of Death Valley National Park while hiding in the Mojave Desert, a local county sheriff found them and arrested them all on a series of charges, including carjacking. He had no idea that Los Angeles authorities had just filed murder charges against Manson, Watson, and some of the girls. Atkins was already in custody on charges of being involved in the murder of Gary Hinman.

Gary Hinman made a drug deal with Bobby Beausoleil, a member of the Manson family. Bobby claimed that Gary sold him bad mescaline. Bobby passed it on to a motorcycle gang who wanted his money back. On July 25, 1969, Bobby Beausoleil, Susan Atkins, and Mary Brunner went to see Hinman. Manson and the family believed that Gary had a lot of money, stocks and bonds hidden in his house. Hinman told the group that he had no money or valuables. They tortured him intermittently for two days.

Charles Manson arrived at one point and struck Hinman over the head with a sword slicing off Gary’s left ear and face. Seeing that he was going nowhere, Manson took one of Hinman’s cars and drove off. Susan Atkins and Mary Brunner gave him first aid while Bobby searched the house for valuables and continued to question Hinman. On July 27, 1969, Bobby lost his temper and decided to kill Gary. Beausoleil stabbed Hinman twice in the chest and smothered him with a pillow. Susan and Mary teamed up to help suffocate their victim. Bobby wrote “POLITICAL PIGGY” on the wall using Hinman’s blood. He also drew an imprint in Hinman’s blood to implicate the Black Panthers in the murder. Gary Hinman believed in nonviolence. He died on the ground singing a prayer.

Manson’s trial was as serious as it sounds, but not for him or for his followers. Family members who weren’t arrested shaved their heads, had swastikas on their faces, and some slid down the sidewalk like snakes. The media bought it all. Manson loved being the center of attention. On August 9, 1970, Charlie showed the front page of a newspaper that said President Nixon believed he was guilty. Obviously, he hoped to cause the trial to be annulled, but the judge would not do anything and declared that the jury had not been corrupted. On October 5, 1970, Manson suddenly pounced on the defense table in front of the judge. A great assistant intercepted Manson and threw him to the ground. Then he looked at the judge and said, “In the name of Christian justice, someone should cut off his head.”

Manson and other members of the family were found guilty of multiple murders and sentenced to death. The death penalty was abolished shortly after, so the sentences were changed to life imprisonment. Charlie escaped from the gas chamber, but was unable to escape death. He died in prison on November 29, 2017. At that time, many expected it to be the last we would hear from him. I was not so lucky! August 9, 2019 will be the fiftieth anniversary of the Sharon Tate murders. Surely not one to celebrate, yet the entertainment industry hopes it will spark enough interest in the horrific crime to make the three well-known films being made about the case successful financial ventures.

Hillary Duff plays Sharon Tate in one of the films titled “Tbe Haunting of Sharon Tate,” which Sharon’s sister Debra has called “insipid” and criticized. Debra Tate has jealously guarded her sister’s public persona over the years. While supporting Kate Bosworth in the role of Sharon in ‘Tate’, she has been highly critical of Quentin Tarantino’s new film. Tarantino’s company says the premise is: “A television actor and his stuntman embark on an odyssey to make a name for themselves in the film industry during the 1969 Los Angeles murders of Charles Manson.”

Margot Robbie landed the role of Tate in Quentin Tarantino’s ninth film, “Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.” The $ 100 million Tarantino film is a mystery crime film focusing on the murders of Sharon Tate and others committed by the Manson family. Written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, the cast includes Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie, Kurt Russell, Damian Lewis, Luke Perry, Dakota Fanning, Zoë Bell, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen, Timothy Olyphant, James Marsden, Julia Butters, James. Remar, Martin Kove, Brenda Vaccaro, Al Pacino, Scoot McNairy and the list goes on. The film will be released by Sony Pictures on July 26, 2019.

For more information on the murders, the complicated secrets of Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski, the Manson family, the movies, and a new book entitled ‘The Sharon Tate Murders Fifty Years Later: Case Closed?’ visit

To spice up your blog posts, it’s important to add images. Images add interest, color, and even more understanding to the reader of the information you are trying to convey.

But there is a lot to know about using images to make sure you get the most out of them on your blog.

Understand copyright laws

You can’t find any image you want by googling and using it. It is important to understand how copyright works. Read the fine print no matter where you find the image, so get permission and give proper credit.

Where to find images

You can purchase royalty-free images from stock photo sites such as and, or you can find free images at These are just some examples. Royalty-free does not mean that an image is free; it just means you can pay once, and if you use it according to the license agreement, you don’t have to pay per view.

Format images correctly

You want to make sure your images aren’t too large to absorb bandwidth and cause your pages to load too slowly.

Make sure your images relate

Adding images to your blog posts, if you choose well, will bring your blog posts to life for your audience. If the image advances the story of your blog post, it will mean a lot. They say a picture is worth 1000 words, and it’s true if you choose well.

Add “ALT” tags to your images

Many bloggers think that tags are outdated and unnecessary, but if you want Google to properly index your images, you will need to add the alt tags, as well as a good description, using keywords that fit your website and blog post.

Keep images on your own server

It’s tempting to host images on another server due to space, but it’s best if you host your blog images on the same server. If you use WordPress, just upload them to the media section to ensure fast image loading.

Use screenshots or create your own images

Sometimes the best images are the ones you create yourself using screenshots. This is especially true if you are creating a how-to post that needs images to help guide the reader of the blog post to follow the directions carefully. You can easily create your own images by taking photos with your phone and using software such as to edit the image and post it on your blog.

Be consistent

It can be difficult to be consistent about how your blog posts are distributed if you don’t create a guide for yourself (and for others if you have guest bloggers). But you don’t want to confuse your readers by making your website look cluttered out of order. Try to place images logically in each blog post.

As a parent, I really like toys that encourage pretend play. It is believed that it excites children and helps them cultivate their wits and ingenuity. While I have been guilty of babysitting television before, as have many other parents, it is important to understand the importance of keeping our children’s minds challenged and engaged whenever possible. A favorite toy that helps enhance a child’s artistic and innovative side is a play kitchen. But is there an age that is more appropriate for a child to start exploring the idea of ​​cooking and / or is there an age when the child will no longer recognize the value of a toy kitchen?

As with everything, there is never a hard and fast rule when it comes to the development of our children. However, it was a question that I wanted to address because I often come across such a query on various forums and blogs. Most people wonder if their child might be too young to play with a toy kitchen, but sometimes people ask if their child is too old to appreciate such a gift.

So, you may be wondering, what is the best age for play kitchens and what are the reasons behind that answer? It can be concluded that the ideal age to take advantage of and fully appreciate a toy kitchen is between two and a half years and five and a half years. Purchasing a play kitchen for your child under the age of two is certainly a prerogative, but don’t anticipate that there will be much awareness until they are closer to two and a half years. Pretend play is a concept that thrives in children over the age of two, and children younger than that are simply not cognitively ready to grasp this idea from pretend play. Although they may be wowed by all the bells and whistles, they will literally not connect with the imaginative power of a toy kitchen until they are a little older.

Okay, but what about kids over the age of five? Would they be attracted to such a toy? At this age, expect them to be more attracted to the idea of ​​cooking with real food. They are ready to experiment with genuine ingredients as they create their own masterpiece. In conclusion, it seems logical that the ideal age to truly appreciate a toy kitchen and benefit from imaginary play is between two and five years; a limited window perhaps, but a great instrument nonetheless.

Like I said, all children are diverse and some can really enjoy a play kitchen outside of the ages I mentioned, but for the most part, I think that as a parent, you will be more satisfied with your purchase if it stays within these guidelines.

The crossover SUV has become one of the most popular and sold vehicles in a very short time. It seems that wherever you look, these smaller SUVs are on the road. Although they have the style of an SUV, they are usually much more compact. They may seem like a cross between a sedan and an SUV, but this class of vehicle offers its own unique driving experience.

Here’s a guide to the pros and cons of owning one.

Pro: smaller size for a more efficient and agile ride

Crossovers are lighter and more agile than full-size SUVs, which means a more responsive driving experience, as well as better efficiency and mileage. Since they don’t have to be built for heavy duty towing or hauling capacity, they can reduce weight and size. This fact also helps make the crossover more stable, as it is closer to the ground and therefore much less likely to roll over during an accident. Plus, the vehicle’s smaller size and shorter stature make it easier to fit in both your garage and a tight parking space in town.

Today’s drivers and economy require good mileage and efficient driving, and that’s one of the main reasons the crossover has become so popular. In fact, many of them offer a sporty ride that you would expect from a sedan or coupe.

Featuring: less power, capacity than a full-size truck or SUV

On the other hand, motorists who need to haul or tow very heavy loads will find that a full-size truck or SUV works best for them. As a work vehicle, it will offer heavier payload and towing capacity. In addition, they are a better platform for off-road capability due to the need for specialized equipment and large components.

Over time, the crossover’s capabilities have improved, to the point where it begins to compete in the towing and hauling areas. For now, if you need a heavy vehicle, it may not be the right type of vehicle for your needs.

Advantage: streamlined and efficient interiors

While crossovers are smaller than other SUVs, their designs strive to optimize the use of space for a roomier interior but smaller on the outside. Every cubic centimeter of space is used for the passenger. The exterior design is more “like a car” than “like a station wagon,” and designers often incorporate features from sedans, coupes, and even sports cars. The end result is that they tend to have a more modern and sporty look, which appeals to many motorists.

Pro: affordable and accessible

In the end, the crossover has great value. You can get a great combination of capacity, performance and space at a great price. You don’t have to overpay to get the features you want or the space you need. Efficiency and miles lower your cost of ownership, so you’ll continue to save money throughout the life of your vehicle.

Check them out today and see if they fit your lifestyle!

Calendar advertising has a rich history dating back to the 1850s, when Ketterlinus Lithographic Manufacturing Co. of Philadelphia began printing calendars containing advertising. Promotional wall calendars became even more popular as printing technology improved. In 1878, Andrew and Jacob Geiger opened a printing press in Newark, New Jersey, and began printing advertising calendars, fans, posters, and other ephemeral items on paper.

Calendar advertising became increasingly popular in the late 1880s, thanks to the efforts of two enterprising Ohio journalists, Jasper Freemont Meek and his competitor, Henry Beach. They were fierce competitors, and between them they figured out how to put ads on a wide variety of items, from aprons, hats, and a wide variety of household items. They even invented the classic metal advertising queue trays, which are now prized by antique collectors.

Two other journalists, Thomas Murphy and Edward Burke Osborne, both of Red Oak, IA, are credited with inventing art calendars that became immensely popular in the late 1880s. Like Jasper Meek and Henry Beach, they needed new business to keep their presses busy and generate additional sales. Osborne printed a watercolor of the new Red Oak courthouse on cardboard, printed advertising around the painting, and added a calendar. It was a huge success.

Until then, no one had thought to put attractive works of art on calendars. The two men purchased beautiful photographs and paintings from a variety of artists and upgraded their printing capabilities to include 3-color printing. In 1894, Murphy and Osborne employed a total of 94 people, including 14 street vendors, and printed approximately three million calendars.

In late 1894, Murphy sold his stake in the business to Osborne, who moved the business to Newark, New Jersey, to be closer to the art and business centers of the New York metropolitan areas. Osborne then took advantage of a new printing technology, letterpress printing, to produce calendars of the highest quality. The resulting success of these calendars allowed him to install printing plants in Toronto, London, and Sydney, Australia.

Since then, promotional calendars have continued to grow in popularity as a promotional product. Today, printed promotional calendars continue to rank among the top three product groups in the promotional products industry.

Learning to ride a two-wheeled children’s bike is best accomplished in several steps. Ideally, the child should have a tricycle before he learns to walk. It is important to remember that a tricycle should be used on flat services, preferably in a contained area, or even indoors. Remember, tricycles do not have brakes and can easily escape. While children do not learn to balance on a tricycle, they will learn to drive and pedal. At around 2 1/2 years old, you can start looking for kids’ bikes with training wheels. Remember that there should always be a little “lean” on the bike. Adjust the training wheels to slightly different heights to force your child to balance.

Children learn to balance at different ages. This usually occurs between the ages of 4 and 9. A good way to teach balance before conquering a kids bike is on a scooter. You can try teaching your child to ride a bike as early as 3 years old, but until he masters balance, it will be a frustration for both of you. The age for children to ride a bike depends on several things. They must be physically capable and mentally prepared to learn, they must reach their comfort level, and it must be fun. If it’s not fun, your child won’t learn.

So is your child ready for adventure and are you ready to take off on your bike in the great outdoors? Don’t buy a specialized kids bike right now, you just want them to learn to ride and they’ll get over it quickly. Here are some gradual steps you can take to help them on their way.

· Have your child sit on the bike. Make sure it’s not too small. You should be able to sit in the seat with both feet flat on the floor and your legs straight. Now have him “rock” the bike and get a sense of balance.

Once he’s moving, ask him to put his feet up and slide around a bit. You can give a little push from behind. This will force you to balance the bike. Have him practice applying the brakes. At a young age, pedal brakes are much easier for young children, as they may not have the hand strength for parking brakes.

· Does the balance look good? Make it turn and drive. You may go around some obstacles while navigating.

· Do a verification. Can your child look up while coasting and driving? Can it turn well? Is there a smile on your face?

· Now we pedal. You will probably have to help out a bit here. Never hold on to the handlebars, you want your child to drive. Do not hold the back of the seat, you are balancing for it. Support their shoulders. It’s uncomfortable, but it will feel the pressure of your hands as you balance it and learn to do it on your own.

Once your child is riding, there are plenty of specialized children’s bikes available, from lightweight aluminum frames to mountain bikes and gear shifters. Have fun with this and remember the old adage, “it’s like riding a bike …”