Month: May 2021

Something has bothered me, and it has bothered me since the early nineties. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, my skin cold and clammy, screaming. Badly colored sprites, badly animated, collision detection does not exist, arrrggggggh! I compose myself and reach for the acetaminophen. Are you sure it was all a dream?

NOT! Flying Edge really happened!

Both the Mega Drive and the Master System were fully supported from 1991 to 1994, which is why later MD games are so rare (except Ballz, please go …). The list of external contributors for both consoles is long and many still exist today, albeit in a different form (Domark is now Eidos, for example). One that you think wouldn’t exist is Flying Edge. Even in my late elementary school / early high school years, I knew if I saw that logo it meant trouble.

Actually, it didn’t start that badly. The first FE game (as I’ll call them from now on) was Arch Rivals, which at the time seemed like a stupid idea, a 2v2 basketball game where you could only play as one of the “characters”. . Although it doesn’t play very well, the reduced number of sprites on the screen and the slightly violent dynamics made it a relatively fluid and enjoyable experience compared to basketball games of the time. It also laid the foundation for something really special, which you’ve probably already guessed.

So FE were about to pioneer … not quite. The games that came after read like a who’s who of utter and utter nonsense. If you ever get a chance to play KO Boxing of George Foreman in the MS race, run as fast as you can. It looks like someone threw up and it’s actually less fun than looking at one of Mr. Foreman’s grills. It’s rushed, plain and simple. This theme continues with Smash TV. Smash TV was an immensely popular arcade machine whose main attraction was the two-joystick system where you could shoot in the opposite direction you were running. The SNES version works quite well (the 4 buttons act as the second joystick) but the graphics and collision detection are horrendous, on both the 16-bit and 8-bit versions. Don’t get me started on the sound and control systems in the Sega versions, we’ll be here all day … The ridiculous Crash Dummies, RoboCop 3, and Double Dragon 3 are just a few more games that no reputable developer would ever make. be associated with.

FE was just another bad developer with no one else to blame but themselves. Wrong! Now here’s the twist in the story, FE was actually a subsidiary of Acclaim. Apologies to those of you who already know this, but I didn’t! There is a hint in the aforementioned SNES version of Smash TV, Acclaim are there quite proudly in the opening sequence but they left FAITH to the Mega Drive version … How can a company responsible for making gems like Mortal Kombat and NBA Jam (see what I did there) do you have any part of Flying Edge? He just had to find out.

Acclaim itself had been established since 1987 with much of its focus on license-based games that it acquired from comics (Spider-Man games galore), TV / Sports (WWF), and movies (Alien 3). He also forged a strong “partnership” with Nintendo despite the fact that titles like Rambo on the NES were pretty poor, Star Voyager on the other hand was considered revolutionary. You’ll never see Flying Edge in any Nintendo games (if you do, it’s doubtful, throw it out) as they were created specifically to “produce” Sega games. Apologies for the many speech marks already used in this article.

The information on the contract dispute between Nintendo, Acclaim and Sega is so scarce that I am stuck with how Nintendo persuaded them to do this. In fact, the only conclusion I can come to is that Acclaim was happy that FE was the slaughtered lamb to preserve their relationship with Nintendo. This seems logical given Nintendo’s dominance in the home entertainment sector and the gradual decline of arcades. Looking at FE’s back catalog, it’s easy to assume that the developers / programmers in this division weren’t very good compared to those at Acclaim. The reality is that for every Mortal Kombat and NBA Jam there were several stinkers. Forget what you know about Acclaim, the reality is that they really weren’t that good, period. If it weren’t for Midway, Mortal Kombat wouldn’t have existed. The later Acclaim catalog around the same time reads: Double Dragon 2; Krusty’s Fun House; NFL quarterback club; The Addams family, etc., etc. Not good!

Flying Edge was dissolved in 1994, which clearly must have provided Acclaim with an exclusion clause for all those bad titles. What did they endorse it with? Again, mostly random. The Turok titles proved popular on later consoles, and some of the Spider-Man games were good. They were also Virtua Tennis 2, which is still a joy. However, the garbage … sticks. Games with poor licenses continued: Batman Forever, Paris-Dakar, Gladiator, Fantastic Four. Acclaim filed for bankruptcy and disappeared in September 2004, ten years after Flying Edge’s disappearance.

There’s a reason that the big guns (Sega, Nintendo) and some of the smaller guns (Domark like Eidos) still exist. Evolution. Acclaim, in all its glory, never deviated from its main goals: buying licenses, adding games around it, seeking help from other willing developers.

Acclaim (or the name) was bought by Acclaim Games, which was one of the few companies in the early 2000s that focused on online games. Unfortunately their games were unpopular and were later bought and disbanded by Playdom Games in 2010. The name Acclaim now only appears in the footnotes under “What Could Have Been”.

Adequate meat intake, according to the USDA, is about 2-3 ounces per serving, which looks like a deck of cards. If someone has a bet, how many people eat meat the size of a deck of cards? – Almost none. Most bets served in restaurants are 2-4 times bigger than that.

One of the main reasons people eat meat is because of protein. From the time of birth to about one year of age, the fastest growth occurs during life. Therefore, it can be assumed that naturally, breast milk has a lot of protein. In fact, breast milk is about 6% protein. Much less than people had assumed. Most vegetables and fruits have more protein than that.

Even for bodybuilders who think that a lot of protein is needed to build their muscles, protein intake needs to be rethought. Arnold Schwarzenegger, all-time champion in bodybuilding, said: “Most people think that they need 50 to 70% of the protein intake of their total calorie intake to develop their body. However, that is not true. According to my formula, 1 g of protein 1 kg (1000 g) of body weight is sufficient “.

Since 1 kg is approximately 2.2 pounds (2.2046226218 pounds to be exact), if one weighs 150 pounds, 150 / 2.2 = 68.18 kg. So one needs 68.18 grams of protein. How much is that? 1 ounce is approximately 28.3 grams. So 68.18 / 28.3 = 2.4 ounces. One needs about 2.4 ounces of protein a day. The USDA recommended amount of meat intake is about 2-3 ounces per serving, which looks like a deck of cards.

However, plants already have that amount of protein, if you eat too much meat, which is most Americans, you are going to make your blood acidic due to excessive protein intake, which causes the loss of calcium in the bones.

People often think that humans should eat meat because we have always been and consider ourselves omnivores. That is not true. Meat has not been an important part of the human diet, they invented equipment to kill animals. That is not that long. Although tens of thousands of years can be a long time, it is only a short moment on the time table of the evolutionary scale.

If you look at the human diet from the evolutionary scale, humans are primates. The entire diet of primates is composed of 95-99% raw fruits and vegetables, except human ones. When children who have not yet developed a food addiction are presented with food, their natural choice is fruit, although a gourmet dish prepared by the top boss is right next door. All primates are naturally fond of fruits, including humans.

Of all the primates, none eats meat like humans. Gorillas are 100% vegetarian. Orangutans eat small amounts of insects, bonobos eat meat, but less than 1%. Chimpanzees eat less than 5% of the meat in their total diet. Despite this, all the canines of these primates are sharper and longer than humans.

While most humans are “behavioral” omnivores, when examining the anatomy of the body, humans are certified herbivores. Herbivores and humans have to chew their food extensively with side-to-side mouth movements before swallowing. Carnivores and omnivores swallow their food whole without chewing much. Omnivores like pigs, when they eat fruits like bananas, they swallow everything, including the skin, while primates always peel the fruits when they eat, like humans.

Among primates, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, high blood pressure are not seen. You only see that in human society. Interestingly, the same disease is seen when herbivores are fed animal diet. By the way, a clinical study shows that when herbivorous animals switch to human diet, they get diseases than modern humans, such as diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis, etc.

The USDA meat recommendation is about 2-3 ounces per serving. I would say that adequate meat intake should not exceed 5% of the human diet.

Divorce is difficult for everyone who goes through it. Things are especially difficult if you suspect that your spouse is having an affair. It is incredibly tempting to glance at your spouse’s emails or Facebook account in an effort to learn the truth or gather evidence, but be careful! Looking at email or Facebook without permission can get you in trouble with the judge on your divorce and law enforcement.

Infidelity destroys marriages. Once trust is lost, it is almost impossible to regain it. Only through honest and hard work on both sides and a significant amount of counseling can couples save their marriages. But what if you suspect your spouse is cheating, but he or she is not being honest?

An alarming number of adventures begin online. Facebook has become a hotbed of infidelity as old friends or out-of-town friends can reconnect. Add to that feelings of disconnection or disinterest in the marriage, cheating becomes a real possibility. Email enables long-distance communication that has the appearance of privacy. This allows people to explore relationships and taboos that they would not normally pursue.

If you think your spouse may be cheating on you, the evidence is likely on your computer. The temptation to take a look is almost overwhelming. And the evidence you get from inspecting email is often incredibly powerful in the courtroom. The problem is, accessing your spouse’s email or Facebook account could be a crime!

Current laws prohibit unauthorized access to someone else’s computer. These laws were intended to prevent hackers and others from accessing private information for criminal purposes, such as identity theft. Recently, some prosecutors have tried to expand them to include husbands who read their wives’ emails. Prosecutors regard this as the same type of invasion of privacy, regardless of whether the parties are married or not.

The law is not completely settled on this matter. The statutes as written have gaps or gray areas for husband / wife situations. Some prosecutors refuse to accept these types of cases. Some divorce judges are unfazed when they are presented with evidence obtained in this way. On the other hand, some prosecutors have nothing better to do than pursue these types of cases and some judges are furious when they discover that one of the parties has invaded the privacy of the other in this way.

The question to ask yourself is “is it worth the risk?” Usually the answer is no. There are other ways to achieve your goals. The easiest thing to do is take the computer in question to a computer expert and ask them to make a copy of the hard drive where suspicious emails are stored. This allows you to have a copy and prevents the destruction of potential evidence. You can then address the privacy issue with the help of an attorney and avoid accusations of invasion of privacy.

When you want to start a new project or start working on a new goal, perhaps for something related to your job, is your first natural reaction to think that you are capable and ready to go? As an educator and professional advisor, I have found that the natural reaction of most people is one of questions and doubts. Natural instinctual thoughts are related to fear and questions about ability and ability. When these instinctual thoughts begin, it sets the stage for a sense of limitation and risk of failure. Rather than working from a sense of empowerment and working toward the true potential a person has to learn, when new tasks fuel developmental growth, a person remains stuck in doubt. However, if you can be alert to instinctual self-doubt patterns, it is possible to create a new set of empowering thoughts.

The origins of negative instinctual thoughts

Why is the default setting for many of us, when it comes to questioning our ability to complete a task, to think that we cannot or cannot achieve it? Why doesn’t the default thought process start with a resounding yes? Maybe it has something to do with being told to be cautious as children, or that only those who look and act in a certain way are capable of any task. It is not always easy to identify the cause, and yet there is a lack of self-confidence in the ability to even start a new project, task, goal, or something similar, without having any form of doubt about being able to complete it. .

Consider the last time someone at your workplace asked you to take on a new role or job duty. Did you automatically feel capable of doing what was required? Or if you were asked now, would you feel capable of looking for a new job or additional responsibilities based on your capabilities? The answers to those questions will help you understand what your instinctual thought patterns are and what you need to address. You may not know exactly how those thoughts started, or even how those thoughts have remained, but now you will know of their existence. What most people use as the basis for what they believe about themselves, as to what they are or are not capable of at any given time, are the negative events that have occurred in their career.

What happens is that those lingering or instinctive thoughts eventually turn into an ingrained belief. So any negative incident becomes evidence to back up those thoughts about inability to do something, rather than using it as feedback. Each person is capable of learning new skills and new responsibilities, but it depends on their thought patterns whether or not they will follow it. If you believe in your own ability to learn and develop it as a practiced habit of thought, you will create it as a belief.

Negative Instinctive Thinking Patterns

For those who have not practiced a pattern of thinking positive thoughts about their ability to perform well, they will find themselves stuck with recurring negative thought patterns. Every time there is a new challenge, the default thinking is negative. If someone compliments someone, be it a supervisor or a co-worker, there may be temporary happiness, but in the long run, negative thoughts will always appear. All it takes is for someone to disagree with them or challenge them in some way. Developing positive thinking patterns takes time and practice and, most importantly, a strong sense of self and self confidence.

3 instinctive thoughts you must stop to discover your true potential

Instinctive thinking n. 1: I can’t.

How many times has this occurred to you? To change this thinking, answer the question. Face it head-on. Because you can not? What that does is take the fear out of the issue and give you back control. Learn that even in the worst case, there are many ways you can find a way to turn this into an “I can” situation.

The more you practice this technique, the more likely it is that instinctual thinking will eventually turn into “I can,” since you know those words mean “I can be prepared,” “I can learn,” and so many other similar statements. As you test it and find out that it is true, you will repeat it enough times for it to become a belief.

Instinctive thinking n. 2: I’m scared.

This is another powerful statement that can derail a person’s progress and limit their potential. I recommend the same approach as the first negative thought, face it head-on. Why are you afraid? What are you afraid of now? Use fear as a means to prepare, not as a statement that makes you want to run away from whatever task you have in mind. Yes, you may not be sure of the outcome of a project or task. But what you can trust is yourself and your abilities.

You can use any sense of uncertainty to ask questions, obtain information, and allow yourself to be fully prepared. You can even imagine the worst case scenario, if this helps, to help remove any sense of fear of the unknown and prepare for the bottom line. The point is to become proactive and face fear in a positive way in order to shift instinctual thinking into a positive perspective.

Instinctive thinking n. 3: I don’t know how.

Many people believe that they cannot admit that they do not know how to perform a task or some aspect of their work. Perhaps they are supposed to be the subject matter expert, the qualified expert, or they were hired for their expertise. This is a common myth, as I have yet to find an employer that expects an employee to know all the processes and procedures, and have all or all of the knowledge or aspects of their job. It is better to ask someone for help or assistance than to ignore it and hope it will never be discovered.

If there is something you need to learn, this is an opportunity to grow in your position or profession. The point is to believe in yourself and face your instinctual thoughts from a positive perspective. Just because you don’t know something doesn’t mean you’re going to be fired (I understand there may be exceptions), it means that you should see this as the learning opportunity it provides. This will help you develop a positive instinctive thought process.

Discover strategies for creating positive thoughts

Even with the development of positive thoughts, you may have times when you experience uncertainty and fear. The best strategy is to tackle it as soon as you experience it. The feeling you have is an indicator of what you are experiencing, and if you allow it to continue, it can turn into frustration, which can be reflected in your job performance.

Tell yourself, it’s okay to feel:

For those of us who practice developing positive thoughts, there will be times when fear or negative thoughts arise. If that happens, what do you do about it? It’s as simple as telling yourself not to worry, it’s okay to feel. You are a human being and negative thoughts cannot be completely eliminated. Even the seemingly happiest person you know may be experiencing moments of pain and fear. It’s not about how you feel, it’s about how you respond to those feelings. When you feel any negative thought form, process it in the same way as described above, facing it head-on. Do not deny it or hide it. Acknowledge it and move on. There are many things in life that you cannot control, from people to circumstances, and you will experience reactions at times that are not perfect. When you do, acknowledge those reactions and think positively about yourself again.

Be curious:

Developing positive thoughts is about the practice of eliminating naturally negative thoughts. To do this, using the strategies provided above, you will find it helpful to become inquisitive. If you experience fear, you wonder why you feel this way and what scares you now or in the future. If you think you can’t start or complete a task, ask yourself questions to find out more. In other words, never accept those negative thoughts as the final answer. Using questions is the best way to explore, probe, and disarm negative thoughts.

Develop new thinking habits:

Don’t wait for negative thoughts to arise. It is time to develop positive thoughts about yourself now. For example, decide today that if you are assigned a new task or project, you will be ready for it. You will be prepared for it because you will know how to ask questions, you will determine what you know and what you need to learn, and you are aware of your ability to learn and grow. He is confident in his ability to take on new assignments and hopes to see himself prosper. As you continue to have these thoughts, watch what happens. These thoughts will become your personal beliefs. These beliefs will carry over from your career to your personal life as well. It will transform all aspects of your life simply through the power of positive instinctual thoughts. Instead of being afraid or hesitating about taking on new goals or projects because you might fail, you will now see yourself as someone with the potential, ability, and ability to succeed.

I’m sure he went to see a friend and as soon as you opened the door a dog came out and started licking your face like crazy. Or maybe you have a dog yourself that has to lick you every time you come home or when you pet him. This is a habit that all breeds have, even border collies. What you should know is that it is absolutely normal for a Border Collie to lick, because it is their way of greeting you, although not everyone thinks the same. That is why you should never punish him for this.

Border collies use their language to investigate the environment in which they live. That is why this part of their body is vital to them. They use it to taste food, discover new animals and people, and show their love. But sometimes a licking border collie can be quite annoying when he suddenly comes out of nowhere and starts showing affection.

For this reason, you must begin to understand your habit of licking the border collie. Most of the time it means that he is loving, but the meaning is not always the same. It could also be the sign of various behaviors. You just have to observe his lick and discover the cause.

As stated before, a Border Collie will normally lick because he wants to be affectionate and show his commitment and love. You can tell this because his body is relaxed and he has a happy and joyful mood. The dog could also lick because he is anxious or stressed. In case you feel unhappy due to a certain problem, you can become obsessed with that behavior. To help him get rid of this habit, you can get him out to exercise more or you can pay more attention to him. In some rare cases, the dog may also lick people because he is spoiled.

A licking border collie can also be the cause of some health problems. This can happen because you do not give enough water or because the food you give does not have enough nutrients. Try to include more vitamins in her diet and always provide her with fresh water on a daily basis. It can also have ticks or worms. This often causes skin irritations that make others lick. To avoid this, you must always give antiparasitic treatments. For some people, not exactly owners, but visitors or friends, licking a border collie can be quite disgusting. They often think that bacteria from the dog can easily be transferred to them and thus contract certain diseases. That is why you should try to change their behavior. You can’t stop him from licking, but you can limit this habit. That depends, of course, on the reason.

What you can do is go home a little earlier or just find a few spare moments to give yourself some playtime, grooming, and exercise. In case the border collie licks you because he is happy, let him do it and do not punish him. But, if you really don’t like it, you can change your body language and the dog will understand immediately. For example, you can walk away or you can say a “No” command every time he wants to lick you. Calm down, don’t yell, and be patient until your Border Collie finally gets it.

So whenever your border collie’s licking bothers you, you need to remember that this is their natural behavior. However, if he is licking you a lot more than usual, try to find out why and then solve the problem.

Those looking to “downsize” the market for smartphones that are too big to fit in my pocket may want to take a look at Apple’s new iPhone SE.

The phone offers many of the same features found in its larger counterparts, all wrapped up in a smaller package.

The device is light and compact. It fits comfortably in your hand. Although it is only 4 inches, it is still powerful.

The SE uses the A9 chip, the same one found in the iPhone 6s with a 64-bit architecture. Apple’s latest iOS9 operating system is also included.

Users will find the retina display found in almost all recent Apple products and a 12-megapixel camera for high-quality 4K photos and videos. 4K is touted as having a resolution four times that of 1080HP video.

The retina display can act as a flash for Facetime and illuminate photos in low light and at night.

Apple says the phone is made of bead-plated aluminum with matte beveled edges. It has a Siri wake-up feature where you don’t need to pick up the phone to use it.

Signing up for iCloud Photo Library allows you to store all your photos and videos. They can be edited and updated on all devices.

Security is offered with Touch ID. Like other Apple products, you can use your fingerprint to unlock the device.

Business users will appreciate a faster way to download apps than the iPhone 5s. This includes up to 150 Mbps over LTE and up to 433 Mbps over Wi-Fi.

The phone supports voice over LTE and Wi-Fi for higher quality broadband calls. If you have an Apple Watch, you can stay connected with Bluetooth technology.

There are various applications on the device. Messages will allow you to send text messages with photos, videos, and links. Facetime offers video calls to other iPhones, iPads, and Macs.

The Apple Pay app can be used at participating stores and restaurants.

The price is the lowest for an iPhone. Models start at just $ 399 for a 16GB model. 64GB will add another $ 100.

Colors include space gray, silver, gold, and rose gold.

While the iPhone SE isn’t touted as Apple’s groundbreaking device, the iPhone 7 is certainly the next in line for that and it could be on the shelves in the fall, it serves a purpose for those who don’t need a wider view to. read. documents or they don’t mind the lack of some bells and whistles found on larger devices.

At a lower price, in a more portable size, the iPhone SE may be the perfect choice for anyone who wants to have a piece of the Apple ecosystem in the palm of their hand.

The Seahawks easily beat the Jets 28-7 yesterday and Rex Ryan must be envious of how Seattle wins games. The Hawks are using a strong running game, defense and timely passing to be on the hunt for a playoff spot. This is the same formula the Jets used in 2009 and 2010 to get to the AFC Championship game. However, things have gone wrong for New York thanks to very questionable personnel decisions by general manager Mike Tannenbaum.

Mark Sanchez gets a lot of heat from the team’s unproductive offense, but the spotty running game is the main offense’s culprit. It’s easy to forget that the Jets with Mark Sanchez beat Peyton Manning and the Colts on the road in the playoffs. They also defeated Tom Brady and the Patriots on the road in the playoffs the following week. Sánchez is not and will not be an elite quarterback who can carry out an offense. However, if Sanchez is given a good running game, he can be effective in game action.

Tannenbaum decided that Shonn Greene was the back-to-power leader in New York’s “ground and hit” offensive philosophy. Greene (15 carries for 58 yards (3.9 for each) against Seattle) is a decent number two running back, but he’s just not good enough to anchor a running game. Seattle’s Marshawn Lynch (27 carries for 124 yards (4.6 per), 1 touchdown vs. New York) is the kind of running back the Jets desperately need. The Jets passed Doug Martin in the 2012 NFL Draft and the explosive rookie has done wonders to help trade Josh Freeman. New York also struck out Joe McKnight’s pick in the fourth round of the 2010 NFL draft. The hope was that McKnight could provide the running game with some big plays because of his speed and quickness in a supporting role. However, McKnight has been an attempted runner and unproductive. The Jets are mediocre as a running back and that’s a big reason why “roll and hit” on offense too often turns into “throw and duck.”

An often pedestrian Shonn Greene isn’t the only reason for New York’s disappointing running attack. The Jets’ offensive line has taken a step back in the past two seasons with right tackle and left guard as weak points. By contrast, Seattle has improved their offensive line the past two seasons and they do a good job opening holes for Marshawn Lynch to pass.

The Jets will likely miss the playoffs for the second straight season. The pressure is mounting on Mike Tannenbaum to right the boat. The big question this offseason will be: Does Tannenbaum decide Sanchez is the offense’s scapegoat or not? The Jets are basically starting over if Mark Sanchez takes the knockdown. The best way to do this may be for New York talent screeners to find a running back who can create himself and solidify the offensive line.

Sarasota, Florida is a distinguished city in Sarasota County in Florida, USA It features Sarasota Bay, Bradenton FL, and several islands located between the Gulf of Mexico and the bay. These islands are generally known as Keys and consist of Siesta Key, Longboat Key, and Lido Key. The Keys are recognized around the world for their impressive and long sandy beaches and their tourist facilities and quality. Sarasota Florida has a population of approximately 53,000 residents.

Visitors together with the residents of the region can enjoy the beautiful sunsets on the seashore, the crystal clear waters as well as the wide variety of activities on offer.

While someone might imagine that everything has to do with water activities, sports and tourism, since they are predominant in the area, the truth is that Sarasota is full of cultural activities, such as plays, opera, ballet, many museums. Naturally, there is also a great selection of sporting activities in the area, as golf and tennis courts can be found in abundance, while lawn bowling and collecting seashells are also one of the most popular and common activities. in Sarasota.

There are many educational activities, for example bird watching, college classes, and learning about plants and flowers. Music is also highly regarded in the Sarasota area which has several choirs and symphonies, such as Sarasota Blues Society, Sarasota Concert Band.

It is said that if you approach Sarasota Fl by plane, you will have the opportunity to see an impressive spectacle, as the colors of the bay contrast with the white and exotic beaches of the Keys, making you even more anxious and excited. visiting this area.

Is it the astonishing courtyards, the mansions developed near the ocean, the rainbow of colors coming from the trees, the beaches and the cities, the flourishing valleys and gardens, or the impressive structures like the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall? Whatever it is, Sarasota will probably enchant one person.

Robin Leech hosted a television show called “The Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous.” At the time, it was one of the hottest things on television. America is obsessed with the lives of celebrities. This was the popularity fuel behind Robin Leech’s show. It gave average people a glimpse inside the houses of celebrities. Now, there are 24-hour news channels and shows like “The Fabulous Life Of” to keep that celebrity fixation alive.

One aspect he focuses on when determining celebrity rankings is money. The more money a celebrity has, the more famous that individual is considered. Money is considered to be the key celebrity metric. Who is doing what? How is it done? How is it spent? These are the questions that average Americans ask their celebrities.

Pop and rock musicians make most of their money from record sales and proceeds from concert tours. Hip hop and rap musicians make their money presiding over empires that go far beyond that of music. Many of the hottest hip hop artists oversee their own clothing line, run their own record labels, and even run their own restaurants and bars. A few even ink their image on everything from alcohol to books. Branding and cross promotions are the areas in which these people become experts.

Hip hop artist Jay Z makes money as CEO of Def Jam Recordings. On top of that, he has a clothing line called roccawear and records albums in his spare time. Worth $ 34 million, Jay Z spends his hard-earned money buying a share in the New Jersey Nets. He also has a stake in the 40/40 clubhouse franchise. He recently sold the clothing line for an estimated $ 204 million.

Like Jay Z, Sean “Puffy” Combs manages multiple projects often at the same time. It is currently worth $ 28 million. This comes from the sales of his latest album Bad Boy Worldwide. It also comes from earnings from his popular clothing line, Sean John clothing. He has a reality show called “Making the Band” that is a huge hit. As a result, Sean Combs has purchased several restaurants across the country. In the world of celebrity riches, there is no price too small or too big.

At this point, consumers are beginning to realize that the antenna and cable network industry is changing. The birth of Netflix, Apple TV, and Amazon Prime allowed viewers to watch their shows on demand and at a lower cost than traditional satellite or cable services. Many people still subscribe to cable or satellite dish and will add a service like Netflix to supplement their cable package. All of this is about to change. Enter Kodi ™.

This article will discuss the explosive growth of Kodi ™ (formerly known as XBMC). We will review the main features of the service including music, movies, photos and more. If you are curious to use Kodi ™, we will explore some of the main devices that run the software. And finally we’ll cover the future of Kodi ™ and how it is at the forefront of the ever-changing home entertainment industry.

Kodi ™ is an award-winning free and open source software (GPL) multimedia center. Works conveniently on Linux, OS X, Windows, iOS, and Adroid. More importantly, it has a 10-foot user interface for use with your living room TVs and remotes. So you can basically run Kodi from the comfort of your own couch! Kodi ™ does not provide any media by itself. User must own content or manually point Kodi ™ to third party online services. The initial release was in 2002. It was originally produced as a independently developed media player application called Xbox Media Center for the very popular Xbox game console. Currently, Kodi ™ is used in many digital streaming players and has an easy-to-use interface for the non-technical consumer.

The main features offered by open source software are music, movies, television shows, pictures, and games. Kodi ™ can play all your music, including AAC, MP3, and more. It has a cheat sheet, tagging support, and smart playlists for maximum control of your music collection. You can also stream movies! It supports all major video formats and sources. You can import these movies with full posters, trailers, and more. Kodi ™ offers the same features for your favorite TV shows as it does for movies. You can import your images into a data library and sort and filter them for a slide show. You can even play and record live TV from the GUI interface. The Kodi ™ software is packed with amazing features!

To access Kodi ™, you will need a fast internet connection and a good quality streaming device. These are 3 of the main devices that do not have restrictions like Roku 3 or Apple TV:

The Dragon Box: The Dragon Box quad-core media streaming device has a sports emphasis approach and offers 8GB of NAND flash memory.

The SkyStreamX: The SkyStreamX 4 Quad Core Android Smart TV Box comes with pre-loaded add-ons and is a great web streaming media player.

The DigiXStream: The DigiXStream DX4 Quad Core XBMC Android Media Box is also a great device that is very easy to use.

â € ¨It is highly recommended to invest in a keyboard for these devices. They all come with remotes, but if you’re looking for a movie or showing your thumb, you’ll get tired of moving the cursor!

Cable companies and satellite dish networks don’t want the average consumer to understand Kodi ™. The software offers the consumer an incredible opportunity to save money. Once connected to your living room TV, you have the ability to eliminate the need for cable or your satellite dish. Kodi ™ is the future and the growth of the company will skyrocket as more and more people learn about its amazing features.