Month: July 2023

It seems like no matter if I’m talking to a home-based or small business owner, marketing executive, or copywriter, almost everyone in this business faces the same burning question about every direct response promotion they create:

“How do I know how strong the sales copy is in my promotion before I show it to prospects?”

If you can relate, you’re going to love this. The next time you’re tempted to put down a draft, send it to a client, or send it to a design artist or web developer, do the following:

Set aside an hour. Lock yourself in a quiet room. Pull the phone jack from the wall. Mentally insert her dogs into a prospect’s Nikes, then read her sales copy just as he or she would.

DO NOT get carried away with editing or changing anything. Instead, notice every fleeting thought that crosses your mind and every feeling—excitement or boredom, conviction or skepticism, clarity or confusion—that arises within you as you read the sales copy.

Then, as soon as you’re done, take this test. Please rate how well your sales copy achieves each of these 37 objectives on a scale of one to five as follows:

1: non-existent or pathetically weak

2: Room for Major Improvements

3: I’ve seen worse

4: pretty strong

5: Wow, this is perfect. I must be a direct answer genius.

Ready? Here it goes…

1. Is the topic or benefit presented in the headline likely to resonate powerfully with a significant number of your best prospects?

1 2 3 4 5___

2. Does the headline and headline instantly grab your attention?

1 2 3 4 5___

3. Are they instantly and completely believable?

1 2 3 4 5___

4. Do they present compelling benefits the prospect will get from reading this?

1 2 3 4 5___

5. Do they explain why it is crucial for the prospect to read this right now?

1 2 3 4 5___

6. Do they establish the spokesperson’s qualifications beyond the shadow of a doubt?

1 2 3 4 5___

7. Do you sell on the opening reading?

1 2 3 4 5___

8. Does the opening copy connect directly to the headline and headline, and intensify your desire to continue reading?

1 2 3 4 5___

9. Do the emotions you experienced while reading the copy that follows the open make you willing to continue reading?

1 2 3 4 5___

10. Are all key factual statements supported by sufficient detail to make them credible?

1 2 3 4 5___

11. Does the spokesperson present a compelling reason for writing this or offering this product or service at the beginning of the text?

1 2 3 4 5___

12. Is the prospect told why they absolutely need to read this?

1 2 3 4 5___

13. Does the spokesperson’s personality and conviction come through loud and clear?

1 2 3 4 5___

14. Does the copy feel like a one-on-one conversation between two friends with a common interest?

1 2 3 4 5___

15. Is the emotional tone of the copy appropriate to the topic?

1 2 3 4 5___

16. Is it clear that the spokesperson is an advocate for the prospect and has an emotional interest in getting this information to you?

1 2 3 4 5___

17. Is the prospect likely to find an emotional soul mate, someone who expresses their feelings, in the spokesperson?

1 2 3 4 5___

18. Does the spokesperson feel like a friend and advocate, and not just another salesperson?

1 2 3 4 5___

19. Do you feel that the copy moves faster as you advance in the piece?

1 2 3 4 5___

20. Are the practical benefits of the product and/or premiums fully dimensioned?

1 2 3 4 5___

21. Are the positive emotional benefits provided by the product/premiums fully addressed?

1 2 3 4 5___

22. Are the negative emotions your prospect has regarding the topic at hand fully explored and neutralized by the product?

1 2 3 4 5___

23. Are there entertainment items scattered throughout? If so, are they appropriate to the topic?

1 2 3 4 5___

24. Is the value of the product and all the premiums fully dimensioned and the price completely trivialized?

1 2 3 4 5___

25. Is a plausible justification given for the discount, premiums and other elements of the offer?

1 2 3 4 5___

26. Does the guarantee reaffirm the benefits and is presented in a way that deepens the bond between the spokesperson and the prospect?

1 2 3 4 5___

27. Is the prospect’s desire for instant gratification addressed? Have you emphasized how quickly he or she will receive the product?

1 2 3 4 5___

28. Did you feel your excitement grow as you got closer to the end?

1 2 3 4 5___

29. Does the spokesperson present a compelling reason to buy now?

1 2 3 4 5___

30. Is there an urgent motivator: a quick response bonus, a limited offer, a deadline, etc.?

1 2 3 4 5___

31. Would I be strong enough to make you act?

1 2 3 4 5___

32. Does the closure leave you with the feeling that it would be crazy NOT to ask?

1 2 3 4 5___

33. Are there any special incentives to order right now, over the phone?

1 2 3 4 5___

34. Does the copy of the order form convincingly reaffirm the benefits and warranty?

1 2 3 4 5___

35. Does the order form seem simple and easy to use?

1 2 3 4 5___

36. Are the ordering instructions clear and easy to understand?

1 2 3 4 5___

37. Does the order form thank the new customer for their order and start the matching process?

1 2 3 4 5___

How would you do?

Do you want a general reading? Simply add up all your answers and check your score…

37-109: Wow. You just gave yourself an “F.” And you were going to give THAT to a client or a designer? If the First Ones on Earth ever find out that you were willing to kill a tree to make paper for it, your life won’t be worth a dime. Better get back to the drawing board – FAST!

110-128: The bad news is that you have a “D” copy on your hands. The good news is that you know exactly how to fix it. Just work on each of the weak sections until you can honestly give them a substantially better rating.

129-146: OK – that’s about a “C”. Not bad for a draft… but certainly NOT good enough to make it into a final one. I suggest you start with the sections you rated a “1” or “2” first, and when you can honestly give each one a 4 or 5, move on to the ones that scored a 3.

147-165: So you’re in the “B” rank, a great start. Just a little adjustment in the weaker sections, and you’re done. Be sure to pay special attention to the headline, headline, and open copy – when you can honestly give them a 4 or 5, you just might have a big winner on your hands.

166-184: Do you want a job? Oh really.

185: Yes of course. Whatever. Oh my bad. I forgot to mention that you have to do this SOBER!

I’m pulling on your chain a bit here. The fact is that the overall score doesn’t make much sense. The important thing is that you’ve identified the things you still need to do to turn this sales copy into a huge home run.

Human beings spend almost 50 percent of the time of the day online, visiting websites, emails, social networks, etc. With that, we are likely to see ads (image/text/video). Online ads aim to generate profit through the posting of ads, on websites or social media.

There are two important ways that advertisers could use to drive traffic/visibility to their website, i.e. Cost Per Click (CPC) and Cost Per Impression (CPI). Let’s learn about them one by one with examples.

Cost per click (CPC)

Also called pay per click (PPC), this is an effective method of online advertising. Here, the advertiser pays money based on the number of clicks on the ad. You need to consider a few things before choosing this strategy, as the clicks would mean an interaction between the potential customers and your business. He is paying for exactly this, so you need to consider:

How much are you paying?

The kind of attention you seek?

The value you are receiving?

The advertiser pays money to publishers based on a formula or bidding process. Publishers search for third-party matches to find advertisers like Google AdWords or Microsoft Bing Ads. They hire these companies who in turn have complex algorithms to calculate what type of traffic is coming from where. If the advertiser’s product matches the traffic type, Bingo, there is a match.

Once posted, ads will remain on the website for as long as the advertiser has offered to pay. For example, if a website’s CPC rate is 1 INR, 100 clicks would mean 100 INR (1 x 100). Depending on the offer, the advertiser has to pay.

Cost per impression (CPI)

This is also known as cost per thousand impressions (CPM), where M stands for the Roman numeral 1000. This is the rate that an advertiser has agreed to pay for every thousand times the ad is viewed. Basically, every appearance of the ad for users counts as impressions. The price is set based on every 1000 views. Here only views matter, not clicks.

Ad servers monitor impressions and adjust the display rate to match an advertiser’s spend. CPI’s price representation is similar to that of print ads.

For example, if a publisher charges 10 INR CPM, the advertiser must pay 10 INR per thousand views. Simple truth! Usually, large websites use CPM to maintain a stable visibility of their product. A publisher prefers this because they only get paid for views and not clicks.

Which one to prefer?

Well, it largely depends on your sales. If the sales are good and the ad is not effective, then CPC is your friend. Clicks match you with prospects/customers. But, if the ads are good but the sales are not so good, CPM would help to get some viewers as well as clicks (imagine 100 clicks for every 1000 views). This could work very well as the views could get you customers.

Therefore, CPC and CPM are two sides of the same coin. Both have promising and drawback results. It largely depends on your marketing schemes. Also, optimizing ads based on performance would be great, like if you could change ad texts, image parts, ad positions, etc. These things have a strong effect on viewers.

The world we live in thinks “low bargain” instead of “best value.” Although many of us battle this archaic logic every day when trying to sell our products, the unscrupulous contractor is willing to cut corners when acting as buyer or seller. The allure of the dark side is strong when price is the primary decision tool and the value equation is thrown into the abyss. These times can sometimes find us at our worst, willing to create a Frankenstein monster of a deal by “handpicking” the best pieces from quotes from various vendors.

The Changing Provider Dynamics

As economic competitiveness hardens, our own businesses are feeling the pinch. The normal flight to safety is to think short term. We may be willing to give up profitability just to “keep our people working” or even sell below market price “to buy some time to figure it all out.” It is in these moments when we are susceptible to destroying solid relationships with trusted suppliers in search of the best unique offer.

For larger bids or orders, it has been common for years to request quotes from three to five of our most trusted suppliers. They are distributors with whom we have worked before and from whom we have received good product and service. Years ago, sellers quoted prices by the piece. Some contractors would review each quote and order the individual items from each supplier with the best price on that item, a method known as quote picking.

Although it took some time, the supplier industry finally changed the way they presented their prices. Today, your deliverables are quotes, usually divided into larger category areas. Most vendors provide a lump sum price in their quote for the entire order. If a contractor wants you to compete in only one category, say ‘roofing’, most vendors will be happy to quote just that category.

It has become much more difficult to select orders with this new vendor pricing model; however, some short-term thinking contractors still try to rig the system. Instead of considering the long-term benefits of strong supplier relationships, the unscrupulous contractor thinks only of today and doesn’t care who or what relationships he burns to get today’s profits.

From the seller’s perspective

Suppliers understand the industry in which they work. They, like you, know that “low bid” is the name of the game. When they put together your quote, they have worked to give your company the best possible price in accordance with their corporate bidding systems and profitability models. Each provider will have hot spots in different categories, which is what creates the situation in the first place.

A supplier may have overbought wire when copper was trading at its recent low. Another may have a warehouse full of siding that he acquired by buying from a competitor that is the perfect fit for his listing. Another supplier may have recently had a good run with windows by giving them special manufacturer volume pricing. In each situation, the supplier reduces their profit margin to the minimum in their sweet spot area to positively affect the overall listing price in hopes of winning your business for the entire order, or at least the entire category.

The shortcut is less traveled for a reason

It’s easy to forget the value equation or the positive experiences associated with a supplier relationship when looking for the best price. When time or money is tight, it’s human nature to look for a shortcut; that is, some temporary solution outside the normal course of business that will quickly get you out of the current situation. Shortcuts always have consequences. They are more dangerous than the well-trodden path; therefore, we should expect to suffer damage to our business from our choice to take the shortcut. In this case, the cuts and bruises are for the reputation of our firm.

When an unscrupulous contractor selects quotes, they remove the ability of providers to be profitable. The business must always be win-win-win with the end customer winning, your company winning and your suppliers winning. When it is not, one or more of the parties find themselves in a situation of misfortune, which can lead to the termination of the business relationship. Or, they will adjust their prices upwards on future quotes, pricing their requests off the market.

Profitability must be sustainable

Sellers reward loyalty with loyalty. Sometimes this translates into offering you a single source advantage that they might have given one of their competitors. Other times it takes the form of a killer price on a quote. Most of the time, returned loyalty comes in the form of service. The CEO of a supplier you’ve been loyal to will get up from the table, leave his wife and kids in the middle of the night, and drive across town on an urgent situation to save your job. Should you expect that kind of super service from a supplier that you order from only when their price is lowest? How much is that kind of service worth to you at the time of greatest need?

You have to stay competitive. In this economic environment, as in most, that comes down to price. Be frugal. Watch out for the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves. Just don’t sacrifice long-standing relationships and downplay the service to save a few bucks. Often the lowest price is the lowest value. Offer the best value to your customers and accept nothing less than the best value from your suppliers.

Baker’s twine is one of the most versatile craft items. Initially, bakers used it to wrap freshly baked bread and pastries. Typically, a baker’s twine was white with red stripes. Today these beautiful striped twine comes in a variety of colors and can be used for a number of things. In today’s article, I will put together a whole collection of ideas that I found on the Internet.

Tying meat:

Initially, the twine was used to tie the meat. These strings were made with safe edible dyes back then. Tying the meat correctly helps keep the shape and prevents the juices from running. Therefore, most chefs have a spool of twine in their drawer. The easy way is to start with a rope knot and rewind it lengthwise.

Tie Baked Goodies:

Freshly baked cakes and breads are carefully packaged with brown paper or parchment paper and then secured with colorful baker’s twine. Some bakeries have signature colors, knots, and bundles that beautifully incorporate baker’s twine.

Seal goodie bags or bottled treats:

Use a piece of baker’s twine and pieces of stiff fabric like organdy or organza to tie the party favors together. Spread fabric squares out on a table, place the favors in the middle, and crumple the ends of the fabric over the treats. Secure it with a knot using this colored string. You can also add printable labels for each small package. Bottled candies can be labeled and wrapped by securing paper or cloth over the mouth of the bottle and then tying it with kitchen twine.

DIY ideas for tags and cards:

Wrap a card in colored yarn and place it behind a die-cut for beautiful stamped designs. Write on paper or any surface using glue and place the string on it to get letters. For larger letters, make paper cutouts of the different alphabets and wrap them with kitchen twine. Draw different shapes on paper and spread glue on it, then carefully string this colored twine for beautiful and colorful images.

Make your own strap:

There are several tutorials on the internet on the different ways you can braid/knot or weave with baker’s yarn. You can not only make small wristbands or bracelets, but also attach these twisted ropes in different patterns for cards or gift tags.

Tiny pom poms:

Make small yarn pom-poms to use as decorations while wrapping presents. Wrap pieces of string around a fork to form a “8” with two points on each side. Carefully remove the fork without disturbing the pattern, and tie a string in the middle. Now trim the edges to get little pom poms that can be used to cover the gift wrappers.

Baker’s yarn tassels:

Have the bakers tangle tassels by winding pieces of yarn around their fingers and slowly pulling them off their fingers. Trim one end and knot the other to make tassels. They can be used to decorate key rings, make bookmarks, etc.

These were some do-it-yourself ideas that I found interesting. Give them a try and send me your ideas in the comments below.


Long-tail keywords are those three- and four-word phrases that are very, very specific to whatever it is you’re selling. You see, anytime a customer uses a very specific search phrase, he tends to search for exactly what he’s actually going to buy. In virtually all cases, these very specific searches are much more likely to convert to sales than general, generic searches that tend to be geared more toward the kind of research consumers typically do before making a purchase decision.

To help illustrate this phenomenon, let’s take a look at the typical step-by-step shopping path a customer takes to make a purchase.

1. The consumer becomes aware of a product.

2. The consumer searches for information about that product in preparation for a possible purchase.

3. The consumer evaluates the alternatives to the product (features, price, etc…).

4. The consumer makes his purchase decision.

5. The consumer takes out his credit card and completes the transaction.

6. The consumer then evaluates the product after purchasing it and decides whether to keep it or return it.

Using the above six-step path to a purchase as our model, you can probably already see that you want to target the consumer somewhere around step four…
The consumer makes his purchase decision.

…because once they’ve made the decision to buy something, that’s when they start using very specific search phrases to search for their target purchase.

Now the good news…
Highly specific multi-word phrases tend to be much easier to rank for than single keyword phrases or more generic keywords.

Here is a specific example. Let’s say your site sells mountain climbing tours in British Columbia. At first, you might consider targeting a generic phrase like trip. After all, an adventure tour is generally the type of excursion that people like to participate in while traveling on vacation.

However, if you were to try to follow that phrase, you would be facing direct competition from really big sites like Trivago or Tavelocity etc. You get the idea… It’s unlikely you’ll be able to take down any of those sites unless you’re willing to invest a lot of money and a mountain of time.

But more importantly, traveling isn’t the best phrase to aim for anyway. This is because many people who search with that phrase are looking for things like airline tickets, ocean cruises, or just doing some very general research on where they would like to go. They’re probably not saying to themselves… “I’m looking for someone to sell beginner guided tours to climb Grouse Mountain while I’m in Vancouver so I can take my family on a fun adventure this summer.”

If they were, they would be getting into more than just traveling.

That’s the concept of long-tail keywords…
Here are some very specific key phrases that relate to customers who are much further along in the buying cycle, at least step three, probably step four, and possibly step five:

• Hiking tours in British Columbia

• beginner mountaineering in BC or British Columbia

• Guided mountaineering excursions

• Family climbing excursions on Grouse Mountain

Of course, these are just a few examples. I’m sure you can think of many more. However, the point is twofold;

1. Long-tail keywords are much easier to rank for.

2. People who search using long-tail keywords are much more likely to become buyers!

More good news…
Of course, this suggests that you should create pages that target hooked searchers using long-tail keywords. And, since there are potentially so many different long-tail combinations search engines can use to buy what you offer, that means you’ll probably build more pages.

Well, the good news is that Google likes sites that have more pages. It makes the site appear more substantial, more natural, and even more real in the eyes of the world’s most popular search engine. Keep in mind that your “unique” pages only need to be variants of your main offer(s) but focused on a specific long-tail niche.

So each and every page will have a unique title, description meta tag, h1 header tag, and body content that emphasizes your offer by using the long-tail keyword you choose for each specific page. It’s not rocket science, but it sure works well to engage consumers at the optimal stage of the buying process!

So, instead of just focusing on two or three highly competitive general keywords, aim for the dozens or even hundreds of easy-to-rank long-tail keywords.

However, also keep in mind that the downside of focusing too much effort on the long tail is that if you target phrases that are too specific, you may not get enough traffic to sustain your business. That’s why it’s better to have:

• some pages that send you large amounts of less targeted traffic, and

• A large number of pages, each sending you small amounts of highly targeted traffic.

But in general, it’s better to think of it this way; Would you rather rank for a keyword that sent you 1,000 visitors per day or 200 keyword phrases, half of which sent you 1 buyer per day?

After you do the math, you’ll see that 100 buyers is much better than 1000 site visitors who are just doing research. And there is no doubt that the use of ultra-specific keywords demonstrates a greater purchase intention on the part of the customer. This simply leads to more sales which is of course what you are really looking for.

I hope this is useful for you to refine your digital strategy!

1. Use the Party Pups invitations and write the party details inside. Or make your own invitations using colored cardstock or cardstock and puppy cutouts or stickers.

2. To decorate, hang themed balloons from the ceiling and a banner at the entrance. Add lime green, bright blue, white and brown balloons, and various pendants for even more pizzazz. Draw a puppy paw print on each balloon if you like. Decorate your table with puppy cups, plates and placemats.

3. As each guest arrives, you can give them a fun party favor. You can also let them color some puppy or dog coloring books or pages while they wait for each guest to arrive.

4. Once guests arrive, play “Pass the Dog Biscuit.” This game is played just like Hot Potato, except your guests pass around a cookie or dog treat. You can play music or have a non-participating adult sing a song like “Hot dog biscuit, Hot dog biscuit.” Then, when the music or the person singing stops, whoever has the dog treat or biscuit is out. The winner is the last one out. Give the winner some cat and dog finger puppets.

5. “Who stole the bone from the dog treat jar?” It is played as “Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?”

After playing this game, hand out K-9 candy to each participant.

6. Buy puppy picture frames. Take digital photos of each guest at the party (or group photos) and place the photos in the frames to give to your guests as parting gifts).

7. Fill your guests’ Party Pups loot bags with fun party favors like Kooky Chew Treats, charms, and a mix of K-9 candy and other favorites. They can also enjoy themed stickers, finger puppets, and bouncing putty.

8. To say “thank you” to the kids who come to your party, use themed thank you cards and write, “Thank you for coming to my puppy party! I had a great time and I hope you do too!”

Follow these ideas and you’ll be hosting a great, memorable party!


Circuit training is a method in which a person will perform several different lifts in quick succession, usually performed on numerous machines or simply with bodyweight exercises like push-ups and pull-ups. This form of training is great for building muscular endurance, improving cardiovascular health, and since it’s a high-intensity form of training, it also has incredible implications for fat loss. Almost anyone can benefit from circuit training, but as always, I suggest consulting with your doctor before beginning any high-intensity training regimen. With that being said, I’d like to talk about an amazing tool that can be used almost anywhere you exercise, whether it’s in a gym, a park, or even in your own living room.


The options for circuit training are endless. Many gyms have full-circuit training rooms set up with machines, wall timers for interval tracking, and visual aid charts indicating where to go next. However, like any fitness program, your imagination is the limit when it comes to circuit training. While some may enjoy the structured feel of a gym, others may enjoy a more natural approach in a park by using their jungle gyms. However you choose to train, I’m sure resistance bands will find a place in your gym bag, and here’s why:

  1. Versatility – Bands can be used on their own or in conjunction with free weights. They can not only be used to add tension to exercises, but also to aid in exercises by acting as a springboard or springboard, to help get you through a troublesome lift like a pull-up. Not to mention, with several bands of different sizes all packed into a duffel bag, you can literally throw them in your trunk and head over to a friend’s house for a group circuit training session. Bands are also great for all ages, skill levels, or fitness goals – from yoga to weight lifting, resistance bands have their place!

  2. Variety: the spice of life. Maybe you do the same grueling workout every day, or maybe you’re tired of driving to your gym during rush hour after a long day at work. Well why not mix it up with bands? Again, your imagination is the coach – exercise bands are simply a tool you can use to keep your fitness life interesting and progressing.

  3. Affordable: Consider what you’ll spend over the next 6 months on your gym membership. Monthly fee plus tax, annual upgrade fees (I bet they have one), and maybe even an annual contract can add up in a jiffy. Chances are, you can outfit your exercise arsenal with a set of quality resistance bands for less than a 3-5 month gym membership.

  4. Strength: From “toning up” (which is basically a convenience word for building muscle) to lifting weights, everyone wants a more muscular physique. Unless you’re a marathon runner or lingerie model, chances are you’d prefer a bit of “meat” on your bones. But let’s be real: there is only one meat, and the other is just fat. Resistance bands and strength bands have also been described for reasons that various studies have shown. Adding resistance bands to your routine, along with a solid weight training regimen, has been shown to dramatically increase muscle mass compared to free weights alone.


Here are some key points to consider once you decide if resistance bands are right for you:

  • WARRANTY — Several manufacturers have a lifetime warranty, and with good reason. Most resistance bands are made from surgical grade tubing, which is very elastic and very strong, but in the event that one breaks, being able to replace it free of charge is awesome.
  • EFFICIENCY — Circuit trainers understand the need to be able to switch from one exercise to another quickly; This is why most gyms with circuit rooms have everything set up in a circle for quick transitions. Look for resistance bands with carabiners or some sort of quick disconnect for accessories like handles, door anchors, or anklets. This will allow for the addition or subtraction of more and/or heavier bands depending on the exercises.
  • ATTACHED FILES — As mentioned in “Efficiency”, attachments are crucial. Bands are great, but a single tension band with an integrated handle has far fewer options than a handle with the ability to attach bands of multiple sizes at once. In addition, the detachable cuffs make leg and core exercises very comfortable and natural. Lastly, a simple door anchor can open up a myriad of possible new exercises.

I hope the information in this article has helped you in some way and at the very least made you an informed shopper when shopping for fitness equipment. However, I encourage you to keep digging, the internet is full of videos, articles, etc. That can give you a great idea of ​​the possibilities that resistance bands offer.

I work with many people with criminal records, who for whatever reason committed a crime in the past and are now ready to start over making a new career.

The problem is that when employers hear “criminal records,” they often stereotype this person without even knowing them.

This article will get you past that little problem by helping you write the perfect cover letter that explains your convictions. Imagine that you have heard that someone has a criminal record for indecent exposure, what would you make of this applicant? Most people wouldn’t even bother interviewing a person, but the truth is, you can have a record for indecent exposure from being caught urinating on a tree after a drunken night. I’m not saying that urinating on a tree while drunk isn’t a criminal offense or that urinating outside is okay, but there is a difference between this offense and, for example, flashing yourself. And that’s why you need to explain the circumstances of the situation, even if we offer offense, as I’ve known people who have been forced to commit crime, it may seem easy to say “no” while reading this article, but with the threat of having your arms broken you can persuade the best of us to commit crime.

1. First start by recording “Dear Mr. X” and record which position you are applying for as you do with all cover letters. This shows that you are professional and that you have put a lot of effort into your application.

2. Highlight your key skills, experiences and qualifications – sell, sell, sell. In most cases, you’ll write a short statement highlighting your key career or educational achievements or bullet pointing your career success.

3. Add a second paragraph that highlights more selling points, like any cover letter you need to highlight the “value” you can bring to the organization. At this point, the employer will be eager to get to know you as you meet and exceed the essential criteria of the position.

4. At this point the employer likes what you have read as you have matched your point of sale to their criteria so now you can add a section explaining due to past circumstances you committed a crime and these convictions have now been expended. And the hardships that originally encouraged you to commit a crime no longer apply and you have learned from your past. At this point, keep the paragraph short and talk more about how you have changed or learned from these past experiences to become a better person and employee.

5. Add a section describing why you want to work for that particular organization and again, where appropriate, add more selling points about yourself. this is a must and most job seekers don’t do it because it takes too long; fool them more, because if you spend time on your application, you will get more job interviews.

6. Finally, end with a line confirming that you are available for an interview at a time convenient to the employer and end with “Sincerely.”

So, like all cover letters, highlight your strengths, when you’ve hooked the employer, briefly discuss your convictions, describe how past circumstances led you to the crime, and how you learned from this experience.

One final note: You’ll be surprised how many employers also have a worn record, which means they’ll understand where you’re coming from and hopefully offer you a job interview. Remember that the key to winning job offers is the ability to sell with confidence.

Since many employers rely on your career choice, if you have a “spent” conviction, you are not required to disclose this information. Generally, when working with vulnerable individuals, you must disclose past and current convictions.

Everyone wants to lose those last ten or five kilos that stubbornly cling to the structure of their body. There are many ways to get rid of those love handles, including exercise, herbal dietary supplements, or diet pills. The problem is that it takes a long time or actually may not be a problem for the body to get rid of love handles. It could be that a holistic approach is needed to help things out. It really is about achieving a healthy overall system within the body.

If you’ve ever been on a diet, you know that there are hundreds of diet plans to choose from and some are time consuming, expensive to follow and very frustrating to follow. That is why so many people stop dieting. There is no doubt that you can lose weight with a proper healthy diet plan. Simply by drinking substantial amounts of water and a higher intake of fiber such as fruits, vegetables such as salads, and eating regular meals, you can easily lose a few pounds without controlling calories or portion sizes. For whatever reason, though, those love handles still love to hang out.

Exercising regularly is just as important a part of a healthy body as eating the right foods. Strengthening and toning muscles not only promotes a healthier metabolism and strengthens bones, but also promotes increased energy levels, clarity of mind, and reduces stress. By incorporating regular physical activities, you maintain permanent fat loss and increase your body’s ability to promote organ health. For some people, working out every day just doesn’t work to get the love handles down. There are reasons for this common anomaly.

Even with a regimen of physical exercise, nutrition and good eating habits may not be enough for a holistic approach to an improved healthy body. You may consider adding to all of these important factors a body detox system such as Master Cleanse taken occasionally to help your body absorb the necessary nutrients and minerals to promote better exercise results as well as increase the overall health of all organ functions.

The Master Cleanse system is an easy and affordable way to manage cleansing of the gut and digestive system, allowing the body to better absorb and utilize the good foods you eat for better results in your exercise plan, diet regimen, and healthy organs to function optimally.

Losing love handles and stomach fat can be just a body detox for ideal weight loss or a regular built-in program to enhance a great looking body. Body detoxification helps to eliminate toxins and unwanted fats that are stored in the organs and digestive tracts. The buildup of these unnatural toxins from the consumption of chemically enhanced foods, either knowingly or unknowingly, can clog your body’s natural systems causing blockages and accumulation of body fats. Master Cleanse body detox will help you lose love handles and give you additional benefits in the routines you are already using to shed those last five to ten pounds efficiently and easily.

Saunas have been perceived as a luxury item. And the other reason why they have gotten attention is the role that they are capable of playing when it comes to losing weight. Interestingly, the new age infrared saunas are much better compared to the old classic steam saunas when it comes to any of the above.

Let’s go over the key things to consider when buying your sauna. Interestingly, in each of these cases, an infrared sauna works much better than a conventional steam sauna. The list of aspects goes on.

· Detox: This is the most important aspect of a sauna to consider. The better the detox capabilities, the better you will be with your sauna. The detoxification aspect is related to the stress relief aspect described below.

Weight loss: According to Guyton’s textbook of medical physiology, it takes 0.568 kilocalories to produce 1 gram of sweat. With a good infrared sauna, an average sauna user can produce 500 grams of sweat. A therapeutic session is therefore capable of burning around 350 calories. This is equivalent to running a couple of miles or more. Infrared saunas also help your body get rid of cellulite. Cellulite is a substance generated by the body’s fat cells, water and waste. So sauna weight loss is not “water loss” as many perceive it to be, it is real weight loss if you use the right type of infrared saunas.

· Pain relief: Infrared saunas lead to pain relief. Infrared energy can penetrate up to 1.5 inches into our muscle tissue. Interestingly, almost 95% of this energy is absorbed through the skin. As a result, the dynamics of blood circulation are positively affected, leading to the reduction and even elimination of painful conditions such as fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Evidence has been found through studies that with the correct type of infrared sauna, injury healing is accelerated if the heat is applied 24-48 hours after the injury.

· Stress relief: Some high-quality saunas, especially the one mentioned at the end of this article (explore the resource link in the last line of the article to find more), are equipped with Carbon 360 far-infrared technology or its equivalent. This requires better blood circulation and quick stress relief. In other words, you cool better in some saunas compared to others, and the best freshness comes if your sauna has Carbon 360 or equivalent technology built into it.

Safety – This is important – you would want a shockproof sauna with an extensive warranty, no matter what the manufacturer says. I strongly recommend that you never buy a sauna that is not certified by an authority. An ETL certified sauna, for example, is perfectly safe to use and is at the top of my list of recommendations. ETL stands for Electrical Test Laboratories.

Yes, to make sure you get the best out of your sauna, it is exactly the five aspects above that you need to focus on, although I can think of many other benefits you get from a sauna.

And I’ve seen such huge lists of benefits and features on various websites, and none really tells you what are the actual things you, as a sauna user, should really be concerned about.

If you are planning to buy a sauna, I recommend that you go for carbon-based infrared saunas. Avoid ceramic saunas and avoid steam saunas, strictly. I know it can mean a couple hundred bucks extra, but then if that’s hard for you, then I think not having a sauna is a better option.