Category Archive : Business

Changing Financial Products and Services

Fintech is a term that describes the integration of technology into financial services. This innovation has been a catalyst for change, unbundling and improving many aspects of financial service delivery. Ultimately, fintech will bring about a transformation in money management and how people access and use their finances.

Fintech is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of financial services, including cryptocurrencies, P2P lending, payment services, and digital cash. Essentially, it is a way of making financial products and services more accessible, affordable, and convenient for consumers. These products are often based on blockchain technology, which is a decentralized system that allows transactions to take place without inputs from third parties. Increasingly, these products are offered by a wide range of companies.

There are a number of fintech ventures, each with a different purpose. For instance, a peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platform like Kickstarter, can offer microloans to individuals. In contrast, a roboadvisor can optimize money for an individual automatically. Another popular personal finance app is Acorns, which can track your spending habits. These apps are designed to give you a more comprehensive view of your finances. They can also make it easier to sell and buy stocks and ETFs.

One of the first fintech companies to operate primarily on the Internet was PayPal. Its innovative approach to online payments and its focus on a consumer-oriented approach to banking, largely appealed to millennials. The company was further revolutionized by mobile technology. Today, PayPal is a major player in the global economy.

What is fintech

Other examples of fintech offerings are crypto apps, which allow users to hold cryptocurrencies. Similarly, a number of payment companies, including Square and PayPal, make it easy for anyone with a smartphone to transfer money.

What is Fintech and How is it Changing Financial Products and Services?

As the demand for fintech grows, a new generation of startups is developing innovations in this field. Fintech startups have been receiving billions of dollars in venture funding. These startups are changing the way people access and use their finances.

Benefits of Fintech

A significant part of the fintech industry is geared towards providing financial inclusion to low-income and impoverished populations. In fact, the Global Findex database estimates that 1.7 billion adults do not have a bank account. Underbanked and unbanked services are being developed to serve this population, providing them with access to the financial services they need to help them achieve their goals.

fintech history

In addition to making financial services more accessible and affordable, Fintech is also creating a new marketplace for financial institutions. These fintech firms can provide customers with cheaper prices and better customer service, thereby disrupting traditional business models. In some cases, these new providers can act as a replacement for existing banks, acting as a gatekeeper for consumers.

This is why it is important to understand the risks involved in financial technology transactions. Among other issues, cybercriminals can steal and misuse personal data. There are also regulatory challenges with fintech. For example, the General Data Protection Regulation limits the amount of personal data that can be made available to banks.

If you’ve ever had your identity stolen online or been the victim of fraud, you know how stressful and financially destructive it can be.
But even though the consequences can be dire, both personally and financially, making sure you’re protected from online scammers is still something that’s often pushed aside to “do another day.”
Unfortunately, cyberattacks are now common, and Twitter recently warned its 330 million users to change their passwords after a bug was discovered in its IT system, which was storing passwords and usernames in plain text.
Meanwhile, headlines last month were full of potential threats from Russia’s state-sponsored hacking attacks and led to a joint warning from the UK’s National Center for Cyber ​​Security, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. USA
Fortunately, large-scale cyberattacks are quite rare, but we regularly hear from people who have fallen victim to online fraud.
We asked various cyber security experts for their best tips to avoid becoming a victim and here we have put together a list of the best ones exposing the latest tricks so you can give crooks a hard time:

(1) Be careful about the information you share on social networks
Social media can be a treasure trove for scammers, especially when it comes to finding personal details and potentially scamming people out of their money.
Therefore, it is important to ensure that personal information, such as your date of birth, phone number, or address, is not shared here.
Similarly, if you leave regular updates on your social media accounts when you go on vacation, this can be a tool for criminals, alerting them when your house is empty.
Lisa Baergen, director of online technology firm NuData Security, said: “By looking at your photos or videos, hackers can figure out where you live and work.”
“They can find your spouse’s name and who you socialize with, even your pet’s name which you can use as an answer to stronger security questions, even your mother’s maiden name, a favorite data point used by creditors and financial institutions to verify your identity.’
To protect yourself on your social media feeds, check your security settings to see who can access the details you share. Make sure your security settings are set to the highest possible settings and use less obvious answers to security questions, such as your pet’s name, which can be easily obtained from your profile.

(2) A password manager will encrypt and store all your passwords
You’ve probably been told a thousand times to change your password regularly and have a different one for every account you use. However, remembering eight or nine different passwords (if not more) and changing them regularly can be a real hassle and time consuming.
Instead, a password manager can do this for you. They are free to use and generate strong passwords with a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. These are then stored in an encrypted account and when you log into the password manager, your username and password will automatically fill in when prompted.
Adam Brown, spokesman for online technology firm Synopsys, explains: “Users have hundreds of online accounts these days and if one of them is breached, and password data is leaked along with a bindable identifier such as a username or email address, then that user’s password is often no longer confidential due to the common but bad practice of password reuse.
Anything user related should be avoided, along with dictionary words and variations. Targeted attacks use reconnaissance to gain intelligence about the victim; social media or even public records can reveal names and dates of friends and family, etc.
‘Ideally, a single string with numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, and special characters should be used; and sentences can help increase the complexity of a password and keep it easy to remember.
‘A reputable password manager gives users the opportunity to use passwords that cannot be guessed (which also tend not to be memorable) with their online accounts. It may seem like putting all your eggs in one basket, but they have very strong security controls, and in fact, a good password manager never stores your password, just a super encrypted version of it that only you have the key for (the app password manager and password) can access.’

(3) Install updated antivirus software
When you connect your computer, mobile phone or tablet to the internet, you are potentially opening it up to catch a virus that could steal your private information.
To prevent this from happening, install an antivirus program and be sure to update it regularly. This includes running regular full virus scans and downloading updates sent by the provider.
There are a number of free antivirus programs available, such as Windows Defender (free for those with newer versions of Windows), Avast Antivirus, and Avira.

(4) Patch your operating system
‘Patching’ your operating system simply means completing regular updates to whatever system you are using.
Big companies like Apple and Microsoft send them out to make sure users of their systems can fully update their computers with the latest virus-targeting and virus-removing software.
This is especially important when it comes to cyber security, as these patches will often include details to protect your computer from recent online viruses.

(5) Use a VPN connection when searching for private information online
A free Wi-Fi network can be a boon if you’ve run out of data or just don’t want to burn through your data while using the internet.
However, it can also be used by hackers as a way to steal personal and financial information from people who use the network.
Open Wi-Fi networks are not as secure as private ones, so try to avoid using online banking or entering your payment or personal details when using one.
If so, a VPN or virtual private network connection can give you an extra layer of protection.
These allow you to remotely connect to a private network and encrypt your internet connection and any data you send, so that no one can access this, including your internet service provider or a potential hacker.
There are several VPNs available for free online and a number of apps that you can download.

(6) Check your credit score regularly for suspicious payments or applications
Often, your credit score can be the first place you find out you’ve been hacked, because any credit application will show up here. Therefore, it is important to review it regularly and contact the credit reference agency if you notice anything unusual.
James Jones, Spokesperson for Experian, comments: “If you are unfortunate enough to be targeted by a scammer, the sooner you discover it and raise the alarm, the less time and effort it will take to set the record straight.
‘The three major credit reference agencies (Experian, Callcredit and Equifax) offer free support to fraud victims to limit any distress and inconvenience, including liaising with the lenders involved on their behalf. We also offer paid web monitoring tools that can crawl the web and alert you if your personal information is found somewhere new online.

(7) Never open links from people you don’t know
If someone you don’t know contacts you, whether it’s by email, phone call, text message, through social media or even in a WhatsApp message, always check who the person or company is before contacting you. click on any link within the message or submit any of your data.
If there are links or attachments within the message, don’t open them until you’re sure the sender is genuine.
If you know the sender, double check to make sure they intended to share the link and that it’s not a virus.
Ryan Wilk, vice president of online security firm, NuData Security, says: “Most scammers will first try to contact you with an email purporting to be from your bank or financial institution, or perhaps from a trusted commercial brand. Be aware Be very careful with emails received from these sources, it is highly unlikely that any bank will contact you via email.
“Unfortunately, emails from brands are standard routine (sometimes all too often) and have become extremely realistic and sophisticated. If an unsolicited incoming email asks for your personal and/or financial information, investigate and/or pick up the phone and call the sender’s organization directly.’

In Western culture, it’s easy to get caught up in the fast-paced hype of current trends. It seems there isn’t enough time to do what we set out to do. Our to-do lists are longer than our meals with our families. Sitting down to enjoy our family or take care of ourselves is becoming a thing of the past. Unless we stop, look and listen to how we are really or feeling deep down.

I am a single mother of a teenager and I know firsthand how to be an overly responsible workaholic. Being a single mom puts me in a position to be the superwoman. I have to cook, clean, organize, pay bills, go to work, take care of my daughter, be the absentee father, among other things that I am supposed to be or do as a single father.

I dove into my career as an entrepreneur twelve years ago. I am in the service oriented business. My passion was meeting the needs of my clients and for twelve years I did exactly that. What I didn’t plan was that overwork led to burnout. I was forced to work so that I could provide and live a good life for my daughter. I thought money was easier if I worked hard and was never home. I even worked two other jobs to make ends meet. What I found out is that my body can only do that for so long and then I got some kind of disease. That’s when depression hit me and it seems to be the highest emotional illness among single parents. I wanted to be the tough mom and the one who could “do it all” and show the world that I can do anything! well that was all wrong.

Workaholic and exhaustion came together and I crashed. I hated my everyday life, and I hated going to work, and I hated what I loved to do. Personally and professionally I thought I had made it. Wrong again. My focus was on meeting the needs of my clients and I neglected myself and everyone around me, including my daughter. She didn’t deserve that, but I felt like she had no choice in the matter.

we all have choices and i finally took a hard look at what i had been doing with my life and how it was affecting the lives of those around me. Yes, I would have done things differently, but I think it was my time to learn that being overworked and exhausted became a blessing. Why was it a sign of a blessing? Well, once I realized that I was an overreactor, I took that break that I needed and realized that I am a better person for having been through everything I’ve been through. I want to help others who are overworked and I want them to get the help they need before they feel guilty or regret some of the things I did. My motto: “Live without regrets.”

My advice to avoid burnout is to read the articles before it happens. Look for the written signs. If you have lost your will to live and are negative every day, seek help. Depression has set in or you need help for your depressive thoughts. When you are depressed, you affect others, even if you don’t think you are. My only wish is that whether you’re a single parent or not, overwork and burnout usually go hand in hand. Please do not wait until it is too late to get help. you need. Stop, look and listen to your true inner self. Above all, remember that there is a higher power that cares enough about you that “this too shall pass.”

This is a typical scenario: you are deciding to start a home business and suddenly everyone you know is into your business, literally. What do you say to them? And how do you answer your own questions? What should you expect from the company in terms of stability, longevity, vitality, confidence, income, etc.? First the bad news: there are no guarantees. Then the good news: there is a lot of information from which to draw your own conclusions. The internet is huge, and any good company will offer free marketing tools and training.

But back to the WHY of that business plan. You’re going to start small, slow and small! There is much to learn. What’s the point of actually sitting down and writing a business plan? You’re not Bill Gates, this isn’t Microsoft, you’re just in your home office a few hours a week, slowly building a business presence online, not really understanding what the heck you’re going to be doing.

Relax and breathe. Unlike Mt. Rushmore, his plan will not be designed to withstand the weather of the ages. You can expect it to change and bend with the flow of your actual experiences, which will be wholly yours, not identical to anyone else’s.

What writing your plan will do is make you stop, think, dream, study, and focus. The written document, whether one page or twelve, will give your company a framework to work with. The Internet is vast and seemingly endless. It’s easy to lose focus and get carried away by a different whim or idea every day. Understanding where you are today, what tools you have to work with, what your goals are and how you can best achieve them and measure your success will help you stay focused and not waste the few hours you may be investing in your business. At the beginning.

Whenever you feel lost or confused, you can go back to what you have written. When you review your situation and decide to make a change, rewrite that part of the plan. Understand that it is a living document, meant to grow with you and your business. Your business plan is your friend.

First steps with the business plan

You must first study the company and its management. You should read and learn about the products, the compensation plan, and the network structure. See you next month. It’s a joke.

Plan to do SOME reading each and every work day for the next few months, if not indefinitely. Stay up to date with company forum posts every day; read something in the training reports every day. Your education will continue. Plan for it.

When you’re ready, open a Notepad window and answer these questions:

What services/products does your company offer and what needs does it satisfy?

Who are the potential customers for your product or service and why will they buy it?

How will you reach your potential customers?

Where will you get the financial resources to start your business?

Okay, maybe your company offers many products and services. What do you want to focus on? I suggest that, at first, you focus on one or two products and/or the affiliate opportunity. In other words, maintain is simple. Once you master what you’re doing, you WILL KNOW when it’s time to expand. Do only what you are comfortable with, every step of the way. This is YOUR business, it is your right and privilege to decide your approach.

Internet marketing depends on building trust. How will you do this?

Reaching customers means marketing. Your decision, once again. And again, the options should be in your company’s training materials.

So we are talking about developing a reading/study schedule. Here’s a possible list, once you’ve read enough to make up your own mind to answer the questions above, start writing. Your writing can be lists of words and phrases, freeform brainstorming, outlines, mind maps, whatever works for you. Just write it down and don’t forget to save it often. If your home office is inhabited by cats or small children, they have a tendency to hit random keys on the keyboard. Sometimes documents just disappear. Saving avoids total disaster.

  1. Study the products.
  2. Read the training materials.
  3. Read about commissions, bonuses, etc.
  4. Study marketing aids and strategies.
  5. Find out what free tools are available.
  6. Visit the forums regularly. Read all about how to get started.
  7. Ask questions.

Your final written business plan will have at least four parts:

Introduction/background: history of the company and its founder, Internet marketing trends, why THIS company and why NOW, etc.

Goals: I suggest that you think about what you would like to be earning in two years, but mainly focus on the goals for your first year. Realistic goals can be projected based on information on the company website, in newsletters, forum searches, and focused questions to other affiliates.

Marketing Plan: Based on your answers to the first 3 questions above and your study of marketing aids and tools.

Action Plans: The details of what you will do on a monthly, weekly, and/or daily basis for the next year.

I can’t tell you what your answers should be, because you have to decide how much money you have to invest. Only you can decide how many hours per day, week or month you can invest in your business. Which products you are most comfortable marketing and who you choose to target as your customer base are decisions only you can make. If you get stuck and don’t understand a question, don’t know where to find information, or don’t know how to ASK a question, please contact your sponsor or someone in your upline. If they can’t help you, they should be able to send you to someone who can.

You should NEVER feel alone. Work should be FUN!…

Composite Roofing is the lightweight alternative to traditional roofing products such as asphalt shingles, wood shakes, natural slate, and cement or clay tiles on the market. Composite or synthetic may be made from a rubber or plastic base along with fillers or other additives. Composite roofs are made to look like natural products mainly in three categories; Wood slats, slate and barrel tile.

About the Composite Roofing Market:

Polymeric composites represent less than 1% of the total residential roofing market with an approximate value of $159 million. Composites are typically installed in high-end homes in distinctive neighborhoods, either for new construction or reroofing. The biggest advantage of composite roofs is that there is no need to reinforce the roof. Many times, natural products require trusses to be reinforced to support their weight, which can be anywhere from 800 to 1,000 pounds per square of roofing (100 square feet). Composite materials weigh between 300 and 400 pounds per square of roofing and do not require reinforcement. The advantage of composite roofing is that it has a natural look without the weight challenges.

Composite Roof Benefits:

  • Light: Most compounds weigh 1/3 the weight of natural products. This makes it easy to load and install the roof.
  • Durability – Longer lasting than natural products. Fewer breaks on the job site.
  • Natural Appearance – Most composites are designed to look like the real thing.
    • Most composites have the rich, deep texture of natural slate, the authentic look of concrete or clay shingles, and the natural splendor of cedar wood shakes.
    • Colors – Composite shingles are available in a variety of colors and styles that replicate the look of traditional products. With the naked eye, many people will not be able to tell that it is a compound.
  • Performance – Many compounds are tested to different building code standards, such as ICC (International Code Council).
    • Some compounds have a special additive that makes them resistant to mold and algae growth.
  • Compounds can be installed with standard roofing tools (circular saw, drills, spiral nail guns).
  • Warranty – Composite shingles are generally warranted for 30 to 50 years. Traditional tiles have a useful life of 15 to 20 years.
  • Fade Resistant – Composites are made with UV stabilizers, which means they will stand the test of time. Composites, if made correctly, will not fade to a different color, but may have a slight change similar to coating.

An eco-friendly roofing alternative:

Composite shingles have an eco-friendly message, not only are most of them made from recycled or eco-friendly material, but they are also lighter, which means better energy efficiency. Some composite items would go to landfill if they were not used to make composite shingles. Most composite shingles are also recyclable at the end of their useful life.

If you’re like me, after Thanksgiving I look forward to the many Christmas cards I receive from family and friends across the country. It’s always so much fun to hear the latest news, to see how the kids have grown, and to see your friend grow by a year.

Of course, there are some cards that don’t quite hit the mark and I wonder why they took the time to create and send this card. It makes you wonder! So, in the spirit of love, kindness, and fun, here are five tips to make your family’s Christmas a memorable one.

1) Include more than one image. Yes, it is a tradition for many families to get a studio portrait and have us all dressed the same. That’s fine, if it’s one of your family traditions. But it also includes casual shots of Billy belly-diving into the pool, or the mascot Dog Daisy licking the baby’s ice cream cone. Live the moment. In fact, you could even tell the annual story with a collage of images.

2) It is NOT a time to brag, it is a time to celebrate the seasons of life. Don’t think you have to try to outdo others. While it would be wonderful to brag that your son was accepted to Harvard, you won the Nobel Peace Prize, and there were 50 in attendance at your daughter’s wedding in Tuscany, wait…your closest friends already know about your greatest accomplishments. Your friends will enjoy watching your less-than-perfect family hug each other, share a family dinner, or informal scenes behind the wedding. For those who couldn’t be at the events, show them the real pictures, the real you. Then include a link to your Facebook page to see all the photos with elegant and perfect poses.

3) Keep the card focused on the season. This is not the time to add an ad about your business. Nothing turns people off more than receiving a Christmas card that ends with… if you know someone who needs to buy or sell a house, give me a call. Yak. That takes the Christmas spirit out of care altogether and your care will most likely be sent to File 13 (the trash can).

4) Include a personal note to the address. Let them know how special they are to you and your family. A heartfelt card not only tells your story, but also makes the recipient feel like an important part of your extended family.

5) Prepare the cards with a blessing and love in your heart. As you create the special card by adding touching words and images, before you hit the SEND button and the beautiful card is printed, filled, sealed and sent, pause and send a mental blessing to all who will be touched by the card. The power of love knows no borders.

Tenants usually have to sign a bond to rent a rental property. They have to sign an agreement with the owner to ensure the safety of the property and their assets. In addition, they must assure the landlord that the landlord’s property will be maintained in the same manner as when the lease was entered into. And to ensure this, tenants must take care of the property and keep it clean. To get this job done, tenants should take advantage of end-of-lease cleaning services, which is a very convenient and cost-effective option to help them return the place to its original condition.

End-of-lease cleaning services are helpful to tenants as they will allow them to keep the house clean, from the kitchen to the patio, without damaging any assets or items. In addition, it makes it possible for tenants to earn the landlord’s trust and recover the amount of the landlord’s deposit upon vacating the rental property.

There are many service providers operating in the market, who can help tenants and owners to keep their property immaculate in every corner. They have a team of professionals to ensure that your property is sparkling clean.

Service providers perform cleaning work in various areas of the house such as kitchen cleaning which involves services like floor cleaning, cupboard dusting, stove, oven and countertop cleaning etc. They also do bathroom maintenance that includes sink and toilet cleaning, mold removal, drawer and cabinet cleaning, mirror polishing, and much more.

They also ensure living room and bedroom polishing which involves proper cleaning of all living room and bedroom areas such as: carpet cleaning, cobweb removal, ceiling fan cleaning, door stain cleaning, air cleaning conditioning, cleaning cabinets and much more.

In addition, they also perform services, such as window track cleaning, panel cleaning, mosquito net cleaning, etc. And they also offer laundry cleaning, which includes cleaning the dryer and washing machine filters. In addition, sanitization and polishing of sinks, etc.

Above are some of the common services offered by service providers in the market. For all these activities, they have experienced cleaning professionals, who can ensure that all areas and items of the house are cleaned from the inside out in complete safety. Therefore, tenants can keep the property clean by making use of the best rental cleaning companies and recover their deposits from the landlord with ease.

It is recommended to hire end-of-lease cleaning services from recognized and experienced firms. A reputable property cleaning agency has experienced and professional cleaning experts, who can ensure the best cleaning results without damaging property items. In addition, the company will reasonably charge for cleaning services based on industry standards.

Most people starting to build their first website believe that as soon as their website is online, there will be a rush of people coming to it and bringing them new business. In reality, this is not the case. A new website is like a store in a big desert. No website is visible by default to anyone. All our search engine optimization efforts have only one purpose and that is to increase the visibility of the website. Therefore, it is the core of SEO. However, first, we need to understand what website visibility is. Even before we talk about how visible a website is to search engines, we need to consider how people interact with search engines. They type certain keywords into the search box and the search engine presents the results page called the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Domains that show up at the top of the SERP are more visible than those at the bottom. Shows a relationship between website visibility and keywords. Now we can define it.

What is website visibility?

The visibility of the website is calculated in percentage AND with reference to certain keywords. There is no such thing as perfect visibility. Whenever we say visibility, we mean visibility for a “keyword set”. So, for example, if we target 100 keywords, our domain visibility will be based on those 100 keywords. If our website has a visibility score of 10%, it would mean that there is a 10% chance that someone click on our website if the person types one of those target keywords. SEO tools that count a visibility score as SEMrush Prayed SEO Profiler, it will ask you to enter the keywords for which you want to know your visibility. Therefore, the selection of the keywords is crucial for the website visibility score that you will get. If you poorly choose keywords that are less competitive and of less value to your business, you may get a higher visibility score. However, this higher viewability score would not be as fruitful for the business. Now I assume that you have selected the profitable keywords after proper research and your visibility score is perfectly valid, then this is the time to discuss how we can improve visibility. Here are the five actionable strategies:

1. Remove bugs and mistakes from your website

This activity is also called “technical SEO”. Search engines hate websites with errors like broken links. The first thing to do is to remove all errors. You can find bugs using tools like the whooping frog or deep crawl. Not only errors but also slow websites can’t get a good ranking on Google. GTmetrix is a free tool that not only indicates the speed of your site, but also suggests how you can improve it. Use this tool and act accordingly. Also, not following Google’s guidelines would be a big mistake. Some people argue that Google is not a law. That’s correct, but because you’re relying on Google to get your traffic, you need to follow their SEO guidelines or you’ll be penalized.

2. Put high-value content

If you want to make search engines happy, make your website readers satisfied with some valuable and well-researched content. Since to rank higher on Google, you are competing with many others in your niche, you need to beat them with the depth and value of your content. Don’t just rephrase the content of other websites. Create your content and post it regularly. Consider the content like the blood of the body of your website. When writing content, focus on your audience. But for this, you have to do hard work. Do the following:

Yo. Think about your target customers. Who are they, what are their problems and issues. Most website owners have a vague concept of their customers. They think of some random people interested in their products. You must clearly and precisely define your target customers and create a “customer persona” for your business. Only then can you guide them in their campaigns.

ii. To go Yahoo Answers, Quora and other similar websites and try to find out what questions people in your niche are asking. These are your pain points and you should address the answers to these problems in your content.

iii. Now is the time to do some keyword research. First you must write down your business objectives and goals. Then find some profitable keywords using not only Google Keyword Planner, but other tools as well. If you can’t afford a paid subscription, there are many that are free. This topic has been discussed elsewhere and also on my YouTube channel, so I’ll leave it there. After finding the keywords, you need to organize them into groups and make a keyword map for your website. Now is the time to write some content.

IV. Before you start writing using the tool called buzz to get an idea of ​​which titles get backlinks and social shares. Make your title and get some subheading ideas.

3. Link building

Try to understand what link building is and how it is different from spam. A backlink is a link that points to your website from another site. You don’t need thousands of backlinks like many people try to promote. You only need few but high quality backlinks. The most important thing about backlinks is relevance. These links must come from relevant websites. Now the point to keep in mind here is that the relevant websites are most of the time your competitors. However, if you try, you will find some very relevant websites that are not your competitors. Don’t just focus on websites with very high domain authority. If you don’t know what a domain authority is, use two of your free daily searches at Moz website and find out the domain authority and page authority of any website on the internet. Don’t get frustrated, link building is a slow process and increasing your website’s visibility is a long-term commitment. So just move on, slow and steady, bit by bit. Also, try to get links to your content as mentioned above.

4. Participation in social networks

Everyone knows that social networks are important to make your website visible. However, there are some very critical points that you should take note of and I will try to mention them briefly here in this post. It’s because each of them needs more explanation and I’ll cover it in my future posts. Some of the important points are as follows:

Yo. For continued visibility and traffic to your website, you need constant engagement with your audience and not just the occasional interaction. For this, you must first find out what types of content are needed for that. Also, there are certain engagement metrics in Google Analytics that you need to understand and monitor. Videos are also good for engagement. If you’re camera-shy, no problem! Only screenshot videos are enough for participation. These are three points and the rest will be covered in a separate post with an explanation of these three.

ii. If you find social media overwhelming, use tools like program Prayed hoosuite.

iii. The last, but not least, is to try to find the “hottest” social networks and focus on that. People have gained a lot of visibility, traffic, and money from Facebook and LinkedIn in the good times. However, now these two are dead dogs to small businesses in my opinion until you pay them a large sum of money. However, Facebook ad is still cheap and if you know how to build a good custom or lookalike audience for Facebook ads, you can try and tweak it until you get results.

5. Promote your business website locally and outside of online media.

There are still a large number of people who prefer the paper format. There are many local magazines that have a large circulation and advertising could be cheap or even free. You can talk to your local council or clubs and you may be able to get an ad free or at a nominal price.

The existence of the Internet makes it very convenient to search for home business ideas for 2011, whereas in the past we were limited to offline resources for ideas only. With the current economic situation making it difficult for large numbers of people to make ends meet, the Internet offers a great resource for potential and existing home business owners to take advantage of.

Online home business ideas can mean looking for ways to improve an existing online website for many people. Search engine optimization (SEO) or redesign of your site may be necessary to keep up with current Internet trends, for example, or to drive more traffic to your site.

When evaluating the trends for 2011, we must consider the development of the Internet in the last 10 years. In the beginning, it was enough to be an expert in link building to earn a place on the first page of Google with your home business site. Then we found out that keyword research had to be linked in order to maintain our search engine position and beat competitors.

Today, Google has competition from companies like Yahoo and Bing, and certainly from social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Social networking sites in particular continue to demonstrate that people are demanding social interaction on a large scale. The social media scenario, then, is showing marketers that there is no better way to market your business.

There is undoubtedly a boom going on in the social media scene. In a survey conducted by Gigya, it is said that Facebook drives 44% of people to share on social networks; Twitter drives 29%. Yahoo and MySpace handle only 18% and 9% respectively. Traffic to these social networks is created through users sharing links, photos, and videos.

In early January 2011, Facebook alone reached 600 million users worldwide, a staggering number. The prediction is that Facebook will have 1 billion users by 2012. So, such is the power of social media.

Let’s not forget YouTube. After just 5 years online, YouTube has achieved an enviable 2 billion daily views. For those internet marketers who have neglected YouTube to market their business to date, there is no excuse not to use video as part of their home business marketing strategy as this medium continues to explode.

Mobile marketing took off quickly in 2010 and the trend is sure to continue in 2011. More and more companies are using smartphones and tablets as part of their business operations. A recent report predicts that there will be more than 10 billion mobile units, including iPads and tablets, in this decade.

The Financial Times reports that according to Enders Analysis, mobile phone ad spending in the UK is likely to rise from $71m to over $600m by 2015, fueled by the continued popularity of smartphones. The report further warns that mobile advertising could account for 4% of total online advertising this year and more than 9% by 2015.

With home business and advertising opportunities available through social media, YouTube, and mobile marketing, we have tremendous resources at our disposal for finding home business ideas for 2011.

If you have a long-term mental illness, such as bipolar disorder, your confidence level in your ability to successfully start and run your own business may have eroded over time. His efforts in the past may have left him feeling like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole, both in his business pursuits and the path of traditional employment.

If not approached correctly, starting a business can be dangerous for a person with bipolar disorder, adding fuel to the fire of mania and depression. People with bipolar disorder may be subject to manic delusions of grandeur, pursuing unrealistic business ideas, as well as having unrealistically grandiose expectations of themselves. After the mania period passes, the depressive mindset is likely to set in, and with it, a realistic view of the unrealistic business they had been so excited about. They may feel foolish and like a failure, and they may also have hurt and let down many people who believed in them.

This cycle of feelings of grandeur followed by feelings of failure is detrimental to the health and stability of the person with bipolar disorder, and can cause them to give up altogether. After much disappointment and disappointment, many people with bipolar disorder who have great potential end up disabled or dependent on others for their survival.

If you have bipolar disorder, starting your own business may be one of the best things you can do for yourself and your health, as long as you approach it the right way. It is important that you gain perspective and understanding to control the possibility of misjudgment based on manic impulses. You can gain this insight from acknowledging your past business patterns and mistakes, or if you’re lucky enough not to have made any, from awareness of the potential pitfalls of both mania and depression in your business.

Ideally, you can find a trusted friend and advisor to help you achieve your goals of successful self-employment. This person should be a logical, grounded, and rational critical thinker who understands bipolar disorder. He or she may be the sounding board for his plans, and you will need to trust this person to help you and tell you when your ideas or judgment are lacking. His counselor can also help motivate him when his mood is low.

You’re going to need to train your mind to approach your business the right way, rather than the incredible excitement, creativity, and grandeur that may have fueled your past endeavors. Be realistic and know your weaknesses. You want to keep your stress levels low, so be careful not to do too much. If you start working non-stop 12-16 hour days, it’s time to force yourself to stop. Check with your counselor to let them know you need to take a break and do whatever it takes to take care of your elevated mood, like calling your psychiatrist and/or therapist.

Have realistic expectations and set small goals. This will prevent you from setting yourself up for disappointment, failure, and depression. Don’t start with dreams of becoming a millionaire overnight, just start with small steps. Make sure you find a good accountant – many small businesses can start out making just a hundred or a few hundred dollars a month. By maximizing your tax deductions, you can offset this.

A good type of business for someone with bipolar disorder is a small home business. A home business is something you can start small and build slowly, you won’t need a lot of money to start. You can set your own hours and limits, taking on only what you’re capable of without stressing yourself out too much. With a home business, you have the flexibility you need to deal with this upheaval. You will still be able to find time for all the various tasks you already have throughout the week, such as doctor appointments, support groups, exercise, therapy, filling prescriptions, etc.

There are an incredible number of benefits to a person with bipolar disorder starting a home business. You will find something that uses your talents and skills, and your confidence will increase dramatically. Having a regular responsibility that you enjoy will help you to be healthier and more stable. Your business will keep your mind active, and if you’ve had a disability, you’ll probably appreciate having something to do.

As your income increases and you take advantage of your tax deductions, you can get better insurance, pay for your medications more easily, and enjoy an overall better quality of life. As you take control of your income, you can begin to free yourself from the major stressors of poverty and financial need. Your self-esteem will increase as you become more independent and less dependent. You can start paying your debts. And, by being self-employed, you have created your own job security.

There are many more benefits to having your own home business if you have a mental illness. Finding a home business that fits the bill and approaching it the right way is one of the best things a person with bipolar disorder can do for their financial, mental, and emotional health.