Category Archive : Lifestyle Fashion

Would you like to have more sexual stamina?

Well, you’re not alone… in fact, it’s perfectly normal to aspire to a more satisfying sex life than the one you currently have. After all, sex is an escape from the day-to-day difficulties we all face. Finding ways to do it much better can be EXTREMELY rewarding.

Sexual stamina is the fuel for fun in your bedroom, and most people (just like you) are looking to make the fun last MUCH longer.

It is also quite common for many people to search for easy answers and quick shortcuts without finding out what factors really determine our stamina in bed. This is a big mistake.

So before you rush to buy the latest fad that promises a 400% increase in sexual stamina, check out some of the natural ways to improve your longevity in bed. I’m listing some of the best for you here:

• Stop obsessing: Seriously, this is not an attempt to bypass the problem. More often than not it is the obsession with stamina that causes your mind to sabotage the entire sexual experience by letting the fear of coming up short take over.

So while it’s not harmful to reflect on sexual stamina from time to time, spending hours thinking about it will only lower your sexual confidence and make the problem worse.

• Focus on pleasure: Although this applies more to men, even women can benefit from this. This whole performance issue, while important, is hyped up by vendors of sexual enhancement products and has somehow filled our minds with doubt.

Sex is one of the most pleasurable experiences. So as long as you and your partner find a pleasurable experience, there’s no need to worry too much about the clock and how long you’ve been doing it for.

• Exercise: There’s no need to be intimidated and conjure up images of Mr. and Miss Universe as your goal. All you need to do is exercise regularly without overdoing it.

Exercising benefits you in two ways: it increases your physical strength and stamina, and it also releases endorphins (a chemical in the brain) that keep you in a positive frame of mind… which is extremely important for a good sexual experience.

So when you exercise, you’ll not only look good, but you’ll also feel good about yourself.

• Relax and breathe: Most of today’s men and women are plagued with stress. And… one of the common side effects of stress is decreased sexual drive and reduced libido.

If you want to increase your sexual stamina, you need to de-stress. It would be good for you to learn some relaxing techniques like yoga and meditation. These techniques teach you how to focus on your breath and use it to fully relax your body.

Many people who have used these techniques say that they not only increase their sexual stamina but also make the experience more pleasurable.

• Sleep well: You may be surprised to learn that many of us have reduced sexual powers because we don’t get enough sleep. Therefore, it is important for a healthy sex life that you get enough rest and sleep (at least 7-8 hours a night).

Make sure you have a regular bedtime and sleep peacefully every day. A word of caution: Getting more sleep can also be detrimental to your sexual stamina and tire out your body.

• Eat well: There are foods that increase our resistance naturally and then there are those that negatively affect it.

Stay away from fried and processed foods as much as possible, especially a few hours before having sex. On the other hand, make the following foods part of your diet:

  • Proteins: Excellent food for sexual stamina, but don’t eat too much. – Chicken, lean beef, nuts, lentils and soy.
  • Foods rich in vitamin B: They reduce stress and elevate mood. It can be taken as a supplement or in Eggs (B5 and B6), Brown Rice (B1) and Yogurt (B3)
  • Seafood: Improves hormonal levels, natural aphrodisiac and improves blood circulation.

Ethnic traditions, customs and attitudes carry forward our family values. Paying homage to family heritage and tradition also gives our children a strong sense of family ties. Our roots make us who we are, and respect for ancestral traditions gives the interior of your home a special uniqueness.

vernacular heritage

Regional architecture, called vernacular, designs structures to harmonize and blend with the environment. Designed to reflect the past, using historical influences, vernacular houses complement rather than dominate their surroundings. These houses recreate the traditional neighborhoods of the past with a strong sense of place.

Many vernacular structures provide friendly zones and encourage a relaxed lifestyle. For example, the adobe and stucco block houses of Santa Fe often have central patios. The cozy porches commonly found on Florida cookie houses invite neighboring cats. The wood-frame “shell houses” of Key West and North Carolina “low country” homes feature spacious decks and large windows to take advantage of the area’s cooling breezes.

Vernacular homes provide a protective transition space from the exterior to the interior, but homes without such transition spaces can greatly benefit when structural or landscaping details are added to harmonize the home’s private interior space with the outside world. If your home doesn’t have a covered driveway, consider adding a wood or iron frame or awning to create a sense of protection and shelter.

Ethnic influence on American architecture and furnishings

Since Americans have always built homes that mimic their home countries, it’s no surprise that Italian and Mediterranean villas, grand English country houses, and simple French farmhouses can be found all over the United States. Since our nation’s earliest days, Americans have taken design cues from around the world and copied, adapted, and redesigned their ethnic patterns and furnishings.

Patterns that originated in Africa, such as animal prints and complex geometries, have been duplicated in many ways. Mexican antiques, Danish and Swedish furniture, and oriental-influenced accessories have been intermingled in our homes. From the New England Cape Cods to the adobes of Santa Fe, our diverse heritage has influenced American architecture and interior design, while log cabins, rustic western interiors, and American folk art have suggested distinct American origins.

Emotional Style and Atmosphere

Style is the end result of decorating the combination of detailed features reminiscent of a particular era, art movement, or region, such as the Victorian era, Art Nouveau period, or Midwestern prairie style. The mood or emotional environment is the personal interpretation of the style to evoke feelings, whether they are clean, elegant, casual or romantically eclectic.

Architectural Styles: Structure and Furniture

It is better to reserve rooms of the same period or style for museums or exhibitions. Eclectic rooms mix furniture from different eras, like a contemporary sofa, silver maple Chippendale side table, and gilt Louis XVI mirror. The beautiful and the strange, the exquisite and the ordinary, mixed with frivolity and delight, create joyous homes.

The architectural style can refer to a structure or a type of furniture. Mixing vintage styles with today’s lifestyles is called New Traditionalism. Style combinations with a playful twist create rooms that are elegant and unpretentious. A few grand pieces, interspersed with simple furniture, will bring informality to an otherwise boring home.

The architectural style also influences the interior design. Understand the architectural style of your home and use it as a reference point for your decoration. For me, our modern furniture seemed totally out of place in our 1878 home, so we swapped out our glass dining table for a traditional wood one and replaced a sectional sofa with a squishy antique one.

Some Victorian houses look magnificent when furnished with contemporary furniture, but this is more difficult to achieve than the opposite, which is a contemporary house, furnished with antiques. Large old houses decorated with modern furnishings look best with plain, simple wall finishes and no-frills window coverings.

Juxtaposing styles from your heritage with other styles that suit your tastes creates interesting rooms and homes. Not every room in your home needs to incorporate the same style, but some room-to-room blending ensures harmony. Mixing heritage styles according to those who share your home also creates a harmonizing aura.

your personal style

If you have a strong affinity for a particular architectural style, incorporate it into your overall design plan. Encourage respect for your family’s traditions by surrounding yourself with ethnic furnishings and family heirlooms. Whether serenely elegant, traditionally formal or casually casual, whether dressing up or cutting back on decorative trim, any style can be tailored to your way of life.

(c) Copyright 2004, Jeanette J. Fisher. All rights reserved.

In this article, an expert nutritionist explains which vinegars people with heartburn shouldn’t take and another type of vinegar that, in addition to being a worthwhile dietary supplement, actually works to significantly reduce your medical deterioration. The question is then, what place does Vinegar have in your eating plan against heartburn? There are many vinegar options for Western consumers, but doctors and paramedics alike agree that only one is appropriate for heartburn patients.

Heartburn can be defined as a burning sensation in the throat or chest region, often with a bitter or sour taste. Heartburn may indicate gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Severe cases of GERD can also manifest as swallowing problems, asthma, weight loss, and hoarseness. Neglect of GERD can degrade the deterioration further to a state known as Barrett’s esophagus with the danger of esophageal cancer as well. Even though people who are fairly healthy can have occasional heartburn (but no more than once a week), chronic heartburn is a strong sign of GERD, or acid reflux, as it’s also known.

In a healthy body, a circular muscle allows food and drink to flow in one direction toward the stomach, but closes to prevent it from flowing back in the opposite direction. It is when this muscle is weakened due to certain factors that are discussed later, that gastric juices can return to the esophagus (this is the definition of acid reflux), damaging the interior and causing heartburn. In medical terms, this circular muscle is the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), and the nourishment is gastroesophageal reflux disease. The LES is the valve or circle of muscle that closes the esophagus from the stomach.

The factors responsible for GERD can be direct agents that cause the condition, others that worsen an existing condition. There are primary and secondary factors that contribute to GERD, and there are also complex interconnections between them. These causal elements include:

Improper production of gastric acid. In many cases (often due to inherited characteristics), the human body can produce excess stomach acid which then overflows into the esophagus to eat away at the lining cells.

Excessive multiplication of Candida. In certain cases, Candida can demonstrate overgrowth, flooding the immune system and generating more than 79 assorted toxins that can cause disturbances in the body in various ways, GERD being one of them. Candida is the monocellular fungus that is found in any case in the human body (mainly in the genital and intestinal tract areas) in quantities symbiotically controlled by the rest of the body’s natural internal flora.

Also, it is a known fact that certain foods are the main culprits along with white flour and sugar (and other such refined carbohydrates) in stimulating Candida overgrowth. These dangerous foods include most types of vinegar, including balsamic vinegar, wine vinegar, white vinegar, and malt vinegar. The reason is that all these vinegars form acid when ingested and therefore raise the acidity level of the intestines and blood. This then leads to acid reflux and increases its degree of severity.

However, the exception to this is organic apple cider vinegar. It can significantly reduce esophageal inflammation and keep Candida at the correct levels. It can also alkalize your digestive system (and it is the only vinegar capable of doing so).

The only reliable way to prevent a recurrence of heartburn is to address the internal factors that are fundamentally responsible for acid reflux. But it should be noted that there is no instant fix for heartburn itself because this ailment is triggered by a combination of internal factors.

The only solution that can do that is a complete, all-natural, holistic program.

Do you know what lives under your mobile home? If you’re lucky and your entire mobile home rests on a concrete slab, this doesn’t worry you. But what if your mobile home is sitting on the ground or half on and half without cement? keep reading

What lives under your mobile home? Did you know that there is a whole animal kingdom living under your house?

Wild animals love to dig and tunnel their way underground and stop under your mobile home to rest. They also like to dig from the outside of your house, jump in, get trapped and die.


The answer is yes. The second year I lived in my trailer home I woke up one morning to the worst possible smell overwhelming my senses. Although I had lived in my house for a year, I had never encountered this stench before.

I called a friend and he investigated and found a dead animal lying on the ground under the baseboard of my mobile home. He thought it was an opossum. Fortunately he was close to the side and he just had to reach out and retrieve it.

A few months later, I once again woke up to this wonderful scent of another dead animal under my mobile home.

I called the local pest control place and they sent a representative to remove the dead skunk. The man told me that he had recovered the dead skunk and the charge was $100.00 which I gladly paid to be able to live in my house and breathe.


That is not the end of this story. A week later, on Mother’s Day, I once again woke up to this awful smell, this time 10 times worse. Of course, it was the weekend and a holiday, so I couldn’t call the same company that had been out seven days ago.

I made several phone calls until I found a man who was willing to come to my house on a holiday and remove my skunk.

He was a wonderful man who immediately leaned in and entered the world of animal life and any habitat below my mobile home. He pulled out the dead skunk and called me over to look at it. He had already explained to her about the other visit from the other company.


This is the same skunk that was supposed to have been killed seven days earlier. Either the man was too lazy or he thought he was committing some kind of scam by being called in and got paid twice for killing the same animal. All he did was dump some kind of chemical under my house to mask the smell.

He showed me the animal and I watched as he placed it inside his truck. He charged me $150.00 and left.


I received a phone call from this man about an hour later. He told me that he was tearing up my check because he felt I had been ripped off and he was ripping me off a second time. taking payment.

I argued with him to please cash the check. I thanked him for taking his time and coming to my house to help me.

In the end he tore up the check. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.


On Monday morning I called the Pest Control Company. I spoke to the lady in charge. She said the paperwork said the animal had been dropped off and not removed.

Now I ask you, why would you lie about something like this? Anyway, the bottom line is that I should have gone one step further to make sure the animal was actually removed. Also, I had never received any paperwork from this representative of the company that supposedly disposed of the dead skunk.

This all happened a couple of years ago when the area I lived in was full of fires. The animals were running for their lives and ended up dead under numerous mobile homes.

The city will send animal control to dead animals removed from city streets or highways, but not entering private homes.

The reason I’ve written this story is to make you, the mobile home owner, aware of what’s hiding under your mobile home.


Now that I have your attention, I’d like to discuss something, as mobile home ownership is now crucial to all mobile home owners who live in parks.

Our state legislatures are now reviewing the facts and fiction about mobile home parks.

We want our state legislatures that represent us the voters to know the facts.

(1) Increase rent increases. Rent increases any amount or time. We are truly at the mercy of the owners of the Park.

(2) We want a rent seal or freeze.

(3) Many mobile home owners are now leaving their homes and losing their money and home.

(4) If you move out of your mobile home, you still have to pay rent for the space.

(5) We would like to have the option of being able to buy the park for ourselves. Who better to direct and manage our Mobile Home Park than the people who live in it.

Those are the problems and many more. Write, call, fax or email your representatives.

If you don’t know who they are, ask the representatives of your Community of Owners.

Please do your part. I own a mobile home and live in a mobile home park.

Please feel free to check out any of my articles. I would love to hear from you.

Due to the note left in this article, I have now removed the information about using mothballs to keep animals away. Please never use mothballs except for your clothes. I’m sorry for writing this and I hope there was no illness because of it.


Copyright 2006 Linda Meckler

One of the basic principles of NLP is modeling. Now I am not referring to fashion modeling, I am talking about modeling in its truest sense, which is to copy something, to imitate.

Babies watch what you do from the moment they are born and want to copy you. This is how they learn and develop the social skills they will need in life. They are so in tune with you that they will pick up on your mood and copy your gestures and facial expressions.

We’ve all experienced those moments when, exasperated or just incredibly tired and tense, we hand the baby over to someone else and their mood changes. From being rebellious, they suddenly seem more relaxed. This is because they have noticed our state of mind.

We can use this to our advantage, but we rarely do. Here’s how to do it. Put your baby where you want her to sleep, but somewhere she can see you when you go to bed. A good place is next to the sofa or next to her bed in her crib or basket. Dim the lighting and put on some quiet music. I like to use classical music, but I choose something that she doesn’t associate with singing because you want the music to be in the background.

Now spend some time looking at your baby and getting his attention. He starts copying what she does, repeat her. Avoid imitating any crying, but she can copy any hand and head movement. This is called matching and duplication. The moment she takes the initiative, you are copying her. After a while, she will be intrigued by this and join in the activity. Make your movements quite clear and defined so that she can see that you are copying what she does.

Now you must take the initiative because it is you who should be in control, not her. Start taking the initiative and make funny noises or clap your hands gently, touch your nose and make him look at everything you do. You need to make her mirror your behavior now.

It may take some time, especially if he’s crying when you start, but as long as you know he’s fed and changed, he should be ready for bed.

Once she is mirroring and matching your behavior, you can begin the sleep routine. Yawn very obviously and say things like ‘mom is tired’, ‘mom is going to sleep now’ and lie down so she can see you. Now it is important that you do not get up because she also needs to be lying down. If you sit back down, she won’t settle because now she expects you to do something else that she can copy, so turn off your phone and focus on going to bed (even if you’re dressed to go out and the babysitter is due any minute!).

Once you are lying down, breathe heavily and slowly as if you were sleeping. She will listen to this and copy you. Be very still and hold your sleep breath. I promise you this works, but the only problem is that you will most likely fall asleep too. This may be fine because you need to get as much sleep as you can when you have a baby or toddler, but if you’re about to go out, you may need to ask your partner to come over and gently wake you up!

This is just one of many uses for match and mirror and we’ll talk about others on my website blog.

By Judy Bartkowiak

One of the most effective and fast-acting wrinkle remover products to come out recently is the Youthology line of products. Youthology is the science of anti-aging and youthful appearance, and they have a full suite of complementary skin treatments designed to target different areas of your face. Youthology has developed a proprietary formulation based on the compound Rejuvatin that is guaranteed to give you a more youthful appearance. Here we’ll take a look at some of their most popular products to help you go back in time when it comes to your appearance.

Before looking at these Youthology products, you should know more about what makes them so effective. Its unique blended formula is designed to gently approach the skin and make the skin’s surface smooth. Plus, micro-droplets are added that encapsulate critical skin nutrients and deliver essential vitamins and minerals for healthy skin cells. Likewise, the active agents of the Youthology property will begin to fill in the cracks and crevices of your appearance. So what you are delivering is a triple effectiveness action on your face. Youthology provides volume-filling agents, necessary nutrients for skin cells, as well as skin-tightening mechanisms. All this combined gives a superior anti-wrinkle treatment.

Youthology has identified from its research on aging that lipids and peptides are critical for healthy skin cells and wrinkle reduction. Peptides are added to these creams that help skin cells to regenerate and produce healthy skin. These peptides also act as a barrier against skin-damaging agents as they form new outer layers of youthful skin. Youthology products also deliver lipids to the skin that provide natural fats, waxes, and sterols. These are the main building blocks of healthy skin cell membranes and help give your skin positive structural components. Finally, the formulation provides additional antioxidants that help prevent oxidative damage that will naturally occur in the human body. Antioxidants destroy harmful free radicals that tend to wreak havoc on a youthful-looking face.

Extensive clinical testing of Youthology’s full suite of anti-aging products has been completed. If users were diligent in following the recommended skin care regimen, noticeable and lasting changes to reverse skin aging were generated within thirty to ninety days of use. Skin hydration was shown to improve within four weeks by seventy-five percent of participants tested by Youthology. Skin elasticity was noticeably more noticeable within twenty-eight days for more than seventy percent of users. Coarse wrinkles and skin tone and radiance were visibly improved in twelve weeks in over sixty percent of clinical users.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the most popular Youthology products.

Youthology 90 Second Eye Wrinkle Removing Serum Reviewed – Eye wrinkles have been identified as one of the hated symptoms of skin aging. Youthology has developed its 90 Second Eye Wrinkle Serum to firm, tighten and lift loose skin around the eyes. This cream was developed by scientists to provide long-lasting anti-aging benefits. This is the anti-wrinkle treatment you are looking for if you are not satisfied with the appearance of wrinkles and lines around not only your eyes, but also your nose and forehead. A proper formulation based on active rejuvenation will also reduce puffiness and bags under the eyes, giving you skin that feels smoother and makes you look visibly younger. You will also find that this cream helps reduce crow’s feet around the corner of your eyes. You will be able to see results immediately that can last up to eight hours before the new treatment. Application couldn’t be easier as it is applied with a click pen that easily controls the amount of cream used. You can find this Youthology treatment at most online retailers and on the manufacturer’s website for around forty dollars, not including taxes and shipping.

Youthology Dark Circle Eye Treatment Review: Youthology Dark Circle Eye Treatment is also quite popular. As we age and experience stress in our lives, we tend to develop these shadowy regions under our eyes. Getting enough sleep will not get rid of them, as most of the time the skin under the eyes needs treatment. This cream is a complex rich in peptides that provides the necessary nutrients to the skin cells with deep penetration. As the skin cells become healthier, the appearance of dark circles is eliminated. This cream formulation will also remove any wrinkles you may have under your eyes. The basic function of this cream is to help tighten blood vessels by giving them stimulation and antioxidants. As circulation improves, collagen production will naturally return, giving you a more radiant appearance. This Youthology product is applied by squeezing the tube to gently release the cream. Simply dab it gently onto dark circles with the included rollerball applicator under and around the eyes. It is best to use this product before bed. You can find this eye treatment online for around $25, or you can buy it directly from Youthology.

Vital Hydration Cream Cleanser Review: If you are looking for a daily facial cleanser that is fast-acting and effective, then you will want to consider this product. Youthology has designed this facial cleanser to be used every day so you can remove not only makeup but also surface impurities and excess oil. Vital Hydration Cleanser is also made to be balanced to allow it to lock in moisture and cleanse. Youthology has added its own active rejuvenation complex that improves skin tone and feel, increases radiance and helps fight the effects of aging. You will also find that clogged pores will be cleaned and opened, which also improves the appearance of the skin. The manufacturer recommends that the cleanser be used in the morning and at night before bed. Simply massage a small amount of cream onto your already damp face and neck. Be sure to keep the product away from your eyes and rinse lightly with lukewarm water and pat your face dry. This cleansing cream has been clinically tested and is non-irritating and hypoallergenic.

Overall, Youthology has developed one of the most effective lines of anti-aging products available without a prescription. Each type of facial aging symptom can be reduced and possibly eliminated if used as recommended. From your eyes to your nose, forehead, cheeks and neck, you’ll find a Youthology product to help you restore the look of your youth. All their products are fully guaranteed so you can feel safe trying them.

Although loss and resulting injury is a condition of existence, few realize that it takes a devastating physical toll on the bereaved. This is due to the fact that many people who are grieving a divorce or the death of a loved one often have cold or flu symptoms, or end up with severe headaches or an upset stomach.

For over 40 years I have taught that for every thought and emotion we have there is a corresponding physical manifestation of that thought or emotion at the cellular level. In terms of grief, the constant stressful thoughts of life without the deceased, poor eating habits, and inability to sleep often result in a compromised immune system and eventually some form of illness.

What can be done to move forward and reduce the emotional and physical stress associated with grief? Here are seven approaches to consider in coping with your loss or helping someone else you’re supporting.

1. Everyone needs physical outlets for emotional stimuli. This is because the anxiety and tension of grief manifests itself in muscle tissue. Therefore, as difficult as it may be, it is helpful to incorporate some form of exercise into your self-care plan. Go for a walk, do yoga, find some way to get your heart rate up. Depression will be minimized, an increase in endorphins will improve your mood and you will regain some of your energy and stamina.

I know you’ve heard all about exercise, but don’t make the mistake of minimizing the great importance of this means of reducing stress in the long hall. A 10-minute walk is all it takes, and if you add a friend, all the better. We need each other.

2. Make sure you take a rest period every day. You may feel fatigued due to lack of sleep (which is quite normal) or people trying to keep you company or on the go for most of the day. Insist on being alone for a short period of relaxation. Find a quiet place in your home, put your feet up, and scan your body for any tense areas. When you locate one, visualize exhaling your light-filled breath through the tense area. Feel the feeling of release. Remember: do this every day.

3. Fake it until you make it. Caroline Myss, the medical intuitive, said, “Most people suffer not because of what others have done to them, but because of what they do to themselves.” You always have the power to choose which thoughts you will allow to dominate your thinking and stress levels. Use the tagline “fake it until you make it” as a reminder that you can periodically act as you wish and change the constant painful thoughts for loving thoughts about the deceased and what you learned from meeting them. . The mental change will affect the physical feelings.

4. On the other hand, don’t make the mistake of running from your pain all the time. You will add stress to your life. Ups and downs are necessary and natural to grief. You can overdo the tips to keep yourself busy. Crying and facing the pain is better advice. Then try a distraction or rest.

5. Try water therapy or a massage. Soaking in a hot tub can provide much-needed relief from the stress and anxiety of grief. Or put some scented liquid soap in your bathtub and relax in the warm water. At the very least, allow your shower to provide some release each day. Also, at the right time try a massage. Massage and the power of touch regulate the body’s natural chemicals that affect mood. You will feel the change of energy.

6. Nutrition helps you control stress. If you don’t feel like eating, try drinking a liquid meal. Substitute spring water for the offer of another cup of coffee. There are three things that will guarantee more stress in your life: lack of food, water or love. Once you consistently meet these needs, take the energy you’ve saved and direct it toward honoring your deceased loved one.

7. Use your breath as the first line of defense against stress. Periodically throughout the day bring your attention to your breath. This can be done virtually anywhere. Deliberately take a few deep abdominal breaths and silently repeat “Slow down” or choose any phrase you like that helps you relax.

8. Make a daily “to do” list. List where you will be going, what you are responsible for, and include your time off and one positive thing you will do just for yourself. Start a project that will be your work in progress and write it down as part of your “to do” list. This could be a collage, scrapbook, journal or treasure chest dedicated to your loved one or something for your children. Structure will help reduce stress, but don’t become a slave to it. Rearrange it during the day if you think it’s necessary.

9. All of the above has focused on you. This final recommendation is about what you can do for others by getting out of yourself. Dr. Dean Ornish, the only person to have shown that heart disease can be reversed, says it best: “Love promotes survival. Both nurturing and being nurtured are life-affirming. Anything that takes you out of yourself promotes survival.” healing, in profound ways that can be measured, independent of other known factors, such as diet and exercise.”

As your grievance progresses, get out of yourself, keep loving and thinking outside the box. This will nourish your spirit, which is just as needed as your body and mind.

Finally, vigilance and discipline are needed to manage stress levels during grief. You will need to establish a routine to take care of yourself and practice the necessary changes. You can’t do it all at once. Persist and stay committed to your goal. Don’t let a failure or two make you abandon your stress reduction program. Make it part of your new life forever.

Infrared saunas work by using their electromagnetic wavelengths of radiation on the person’s body and reach a depth of up to 1.5 inches. The wavelength of infrared saunas is longer than that of visible light but shorter than the wavelength of radio.

The infrared sauna uses direct heat on the body and not the air as in steam saunas. This process is called heat conversion in the body. Infrared saunas typically come in a wooden box or room that contains multiple heaters.

The heat emitted is around 120F to 140F. People can stay inside the temperature-controlled box. Infrared saunas are better when it comes to conserving energy and cutting costs. Most homes use the infrared sauna lamp.

Infrared saunas use infrared heat to produce several results in your body that will help you gain better health and one of them is its anti-aging property. Infrared saunas work as an anti-aging agent. It does this in a variety of ways. The heat from the infrared lamps or heaters in the Saunas is the only agent that will produce the anti-aging effect.

Infrared saunas use infrared rays to heat your body and produce better blood circulation, oxygen supply, strengthening the immune system and cardiovascular system, mental relaxation, and detoxification of your body through sweating. The rays of light, the aroma and the sounds will give you a total mental relaxation treatment that will help you reduce your stress and eventually your age.

We age due to a general metabolic process within our body. A slow metabolism of toxins can lead to illness and disease and thus your youthful appearance. When you use infrared saunas, you will speed up your overall metabolism and flush out dangerous toxins that have built up throughout your life.

Getting rid of these toxins will also help you gain better health and youth. You won’t get as much fatigue, skin problems, indigestion, decreased oxygenation, and toxins from the body. Decreasing all of these problems will eventually give you better overall health, vitality, and slower aging.

I realize that people often wait until they hit middle age and go through the horrible experience of job burnout, doing a job they were never created to do, before starting.
looking to make some changes.

But not always.

Sometimes I meet a person who tells me a story that is good for my heart.

I was talking to a young woman the other day who had taken the initiative early.

She had trained as an auditor and was doing well at her job, but it really didn’t feel right for her. She looked at all the other listeners and saw what had become of them who were obviously not enjoying it. The ones who had been doing the job for years and got “stuck” there, miserable and grumpy!

He suddenly realized that if he didn’t make some changes, and soon, he would end up just like them. Grumpy and Miserable!

Now she’s working in recruiting and she loves it!

It took courage, but she took the plunge and is now reaping the rewards. She decided that even though she had spent years and a lot of money training to be an auditor, she would cost him much more in her future happiness if she went through with it.

But you know, I think a lot of people don’t think they deserve to be happy. They probably wouldn’t admit it, but deep down, I’m sure that’s what they must think.

How else would you explain the fact that so many people end up stuck in dead-end jobs that they hate? Why would they subject themselves to that day after day, if they really thought they deserved better? Why would they continue to work exhaustion?

Unless people have healthy self-esteem and a sense of their own uniqueness, they won’t have the ability to do what needs to be done to be happy and avoid dreaded job burnout.

Maybe there is a little voice inside them, deep down in their subconscious that is telling them lies. Telling them they don’t deserve better.

Perhaps they have been comparing themselves unfavorably to other people.

The best thing I’ve found to help you classify your self-talk into a more positive self-talk is discovering who you really are. Professional success begins with knowing yourself.

When you realize that you are truly unique, that you were not made exactly the same as everyone else, and begin to explore this reality, it is an incredibly liberating experience.
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator is a way that people find very revealing to find out who they are and what motivates them. There are many other evaluations available.
Coaching can help you explore this topic in a confidential and safe environment.
A good starting point might be to ask someone who knows you well to tell you how they would describe you. That can be a very interesting exercise.

I hope you’re not making the same mistake that so many make and that is trying to be someone you’re not. Remember that professional success begins with knowing yourself, you really do.

The best thing anyone can do when looking at their career path is to be honest with themselves about who they really are, and then move toward career success using this knowledge.

Are you planning your school prom? Here are some issues to consider. Remember, you need to choose a dance theme that creates a beautiful atmosphere and looks great in photos. Use interesting backgrounds and accessories and pay attention to lighting and details.

Enchanted Forest

Create a romantic night atmosphere with beautiful tree backgrounds and dazzling Northern Lights. Use rich shades of greens, blues, purples, and browns for decoration. Props: Forest creatures, unicorns, mini pines, artificial leaves.

Similar Dance Themes: Magical Garden Theme, Fairy Tale Theme, Twilight Theme, Alice in Wonderland Theme

old hollywood

Make it an ultra-glamorous occasion by rolling out a red carpet; use red, gold, white, and black as color schemes; create a backdrop filled with black-and-white photos of Hollywood actors; have a paparazzi line for guests to walk through and create a Hollywood Walk of Fame for your school. Props: Oscar statues, a reflector/spotlight

Similar Dance Theme: Oscars Theme

Monte Carlo

A romantic and beautiful destination like Monte Carlo is a great setting to base your prom theme on. Be sure to create plenty of decadent visual images that capture the beauty and luxury of Monte Carlo. Use backgrounds and props to recreate Monte Carlo’s beaches, casinos, race tracks, yachts and historic buildings.

Similar Dance Themes: New York City Theme, Venice Theme, Paris Theme, Rome Theme, Rio de Janeiro Theme

ice castle

Create a romantic arctic winter wonderland for your graduation party. Use lots of white, silver, and pale blue decor. Props: artificial snow, ice sculptures, figures of polar bears and penguins, many clear plastic items to represent ice. Be sure to hang giant glittery snowflakes from the ceiling to enhance the atmosphere.

Similar Dance Theme: Viking Theme

sunset in the desert

Capture the beauty and romance of a desert sunset with scenery in the background. Props: Cacti covered in bright white Christmas lights, silhouettes of cowboys on horseback, and lots of palm trees.

Similar Dance Themes: African Safari Theme, Mediterranean Sunset Theme

Monarch or Renaissance

Recreate a court of kings and queens with a Renaissance theme. Create backgrounds with lots of columns, red carpet, court jesters and knights. Props: crowns, tiaras, thrones, faux marble and gold trim, chandeliers

Similar Dance Themes: Greek Mythology Theme, Egyptian Pharaoh Theme, Art History Theme, Jane Austen Theme, Masquerade Theme

black swan ballet

Do something different and create a dark and twisted ballet theme for your prom. Use the movie “Black Swan” as visual inspiration. Props: an artificial pond with swans, black feathers, mirrors and silhouettes of ballet dancers.

Similar dance themes: Moulin Rouge theme, superhero theme… Any cult movie you can take inspiration from

under the sea

Create a fantastic underwater aquarium theme. Use images of colorful coral reefs as a backdrop; drape bright blue fabrics around. Props: aquariums with exotic fish (or TV screens showing them), scuba divers, fake shipwrecks with treasures, and lots of mermaids!

Similar Dance Theme: Pirates of the Caribbean Theme, Little Mermaid Theme


Capture the beautiful landscapes of Hawaii, from volcanoes to beaches. It’s a fun theme and can also be very romantic, just keep the setting more dressy than casual. Props: giant fake volcano, surfboards, palm trees, hula dancers, lots of Hawaiian flowers, and old maps of Hawaii.

Similar Dance Themes: Beach Party Theme


This graduation theme could be beautiful if done right. Use dark backgrounds with lots of bright light to create a romantic and serene starry galaxy. Props: Astronauts and spaceships; Hang giant glowing papier-mâché planets from the ceiling.

Similar dance theme: Theme in the clouds