Category Archive : Lifestyle Fashion

The problem with a toxic friendship is that other people tend to dismiss it, but friends who are more like enemies or “foes” can be very abusive. Relationships between enemies tend to be more emotional (controlling, passive-aggressive, or demeaning) than physical. It is usually not as intense as domestic abuse, because friends find it easier, in most cases, to walk away from the abuse than romantic or family relationships. Because people tend to downplay being abused by a friend; the victims keep it a secret.

How to tell if a friend is a “frenemy” (alternate pronouns)

1. Gossip behind your back. If he says mean things about you to your friends or tells others secrets that you shared in confidence, he is trying to build himself up by undermining you.

2. It is unreliable. If he doesn’t keep his promises, or is always late, or is likely to not show up, he doesn’t care enough about you. He’s too out of control or too wrapped up in himself to be a good friend.

3. She is jealous or upset when something good happens to you. This is not the attitude of a friend, she is a competitor.

4. You only hear from him if he wants something from you. If he only contacts you when he wants a ride, or to take him to lunch, or help him with homework or a project, or be his “copilot” when he wants to troll at a bar; so he’s just using you, and he’s not really a friend. Friendship should go both ways.

5. It lets you know you’re second best. If she suddenly breaks a date or is unavailable if she gets a “better offer” from a date or a more popular friend, she’s not a real friend.

6. Criticizes you, your achievements, your family, your home, your job, or your friends. A good friend doesn’t subject you to a constant barrage of negativity and criticism. And if you are a good friend to yourself, you will not accept it. A good friend may feel the need to tell you a hard truth, but even that can be said with kindness.

7. She lets you pay for things and give her things and do things for her, but she rarely or never reciprocates. Even if there is a difference in her financial status, a good friend will try to match what she can afford: a home-cooked meal or gift in exchange for taking her out to lunch; or help him with something in exchange for something he bought.

8. He flirts with your girlfriend or someone he knows you are interested in, or tries to steal your best friend. This is not a friend, this is a competitor. A good friend will be happy to see you happy and support your other relationships.

9. When there’s a problem between you, she won’t admit she’s wrong, apologize, or talk about it. She blocks you and tries to make you feel guilty for not liking what she did. Friends can have problems, it’s a natural part of relationships; but good friends can talk it over, work it out, apologize and forgive each other.

10. He is jealous of your success or happiness. A good friend can support you and celebrate with you, even if you are doing better than him.

How to handle jealous friends with sensitivity and diplomacy:

• What a pain in the ass!! Late for lunch, always complaining or whining, won’t pay you back. But, she’s your friend, so what do you do? Work with her! It’s easy to teach, if you do it right. Let her know what she likes about what she does, then she’ll listen when she says she doesn’t like something. She uses silence: if she doesn’t like what she is doing or saying, don’t respond; she’ll get the message, without a word.

• Set limits: If he is often late, make sure he knows when time is important (he hates missing the first 5 minutes of the movie) and when time is not an issue (you can read a book or talk to a friend until he arrives). ) When time is important, tell him that if he is not ready by xxx, you will leave without him. It’s amazing how well it works.

• Don’t be too strict about it: if he has a good reason, or is just occasional, give him some slack. But don’t be a pushover either.

• Don’t react to unpleasant things, just politely ignore what he is doing or saying, and maintain a pleasant demeanor. Being an adult, whether or not. If you have to treat him like a naughty child, so be it; just don’t let it drag you into your own bad behavior.

• People who react this way usually feel a lot of emotional pain for their own lives. Be as understanding as you can, be willing to listen to your friend’s feelings to a reasonable degree, but don’t let their fighting ruin your good feelings about yourself. If you can, offer the friend time alone with you to help her feel special and important. Often, publicly thanking her for the good things she has done for her will help keep her calm.

• Understand the underlying causes of misbehavior: People who have always felt competitive with you are likely to misbehave in order to get attention that way. If someone’s behavior becomes a problem, set some limits. Tell your friend directly what behavior is unacceptable (such as making mean comments when you’re around other friends), and let them know that you can’t be their friend if their behavior doesn’t improve.

• Don’t be afraid to talk to your friends about what friendship means to you: is it okay to cancel a date with a girlfriend (or she with you) because you get a better offer from a man? Due to illness or family problems? How much loyalty do you expect in friendship and what does that mean?

• Be honest. Lying to your friend about breaking an agreement does more damage than breaking the agreement. If you do something with another friend, tell the truth, don’t protect the jealous friend. He gives her a false impression.

• Managing difficult personalities requires skill and knowledge. Here’s a technique that anyone can learn to use and it works every time.

Waiting time for adults:

If someone misbehaves in your presence, giving that adult a “time out” is a powerful and subtle way to fix the problem. Modern parents use a time out to discipline young children. An adult variation of time-out also works with any adult friend who is acting childish or misbehaving. Just become very distant and polite to the person who doesn’t treat you well. No personal conversation and interaction, no jokes, no emotions. Be very polite, so you can’t accuse him of being unpleasant or rude. There is no need to explain what you are doing: the problem person will get the message from your behavior, which is much more effective.

If you’ve never tried this, you’ll be surprised how effective it can be to become polite and pleasant but aloof. Most of the time, your friend’s behavior will immediately become more subdued around you, and often much more loving.

Eventually, he or she may ask you what’s wrong or why it’s changed, at which point you have an opportunity to tell him or her what the problem behavior is and why you don’t like it. Learning to put nasty friends on timeouts right at the start of the nasty behavior can make harsher tactics unnecessary. And if the person’s behavior doesn’t change, you can put them in “time out” and you’ll be protected.

When it comes to breasts in America, the popular aesthetic seems to be “bigger is better,” though the trend seems to be shifting toward a more natural look in the last year or so.

As a plastic surgeon in San Francisco who performs thousands of breast augmentation surgeries, it recently occurred to me that nobody asks me about the smallest implant available.

I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised because who would want to go through the time, expense, and recovery from breast augmentation surgery just to look relatively unchanged?

But in case you were wondering, there is a small breast implant available. In fact, it’s downright small.

The smallest breast implant available in the United States is 80cc. That’s about the size you were in when you bought your first training bra.

Does the smaller implant make a difference in cup size?

No, probably not. In general, 100cc volume of breast implants will increase the size of the breasts by one cup. So an 80cc implant would turn a natural B cup into a full B+ or B. I have yet to meet the patient who wants to wear the same bra size after surgery.

Is the smallest breast implant made of saline or silicone?

Saline implants are inserted into a patient’s breasts as empty shells and then filled with saline to the desired size. Therefore, the smaller 80cc implant is made of silicone.

Who makes the smallest breast implant?

In the United States, only two companies are allowed to sell cosmetic breast implants: Allergan and Mentor. Allergan makes the 80cc silicone breast implant and Mentor’s smallest implant is a 100cc silicone implant.

What is an 80cc breast implant used for?

Well, that’s a good question. Basically, the smaller implant is not used often. Even in parts of the world like Asia, where women prefer smaller cups, an 80cc implant may not work.

The original purpose of breast implants was for reconstruction after breast cancer. After a total breast extraction, the average woman would need an implant much larger than 80cc to achieve a small cup size. For C or D size breasts, several hundred cc’s would be required.

And no, the 80cc isn’t used to liking a layer cake on top of larger breast implants either. While some fringe doctors in other countries may place one implant on top of another for patients hoping to achieve massive HH or MM breasts, the standard and accepted method of breast augmentation in the United States only allows one implant within each breast.

I guess a little implant exists in the same realm as a unique little square of dark chocolate. Sure, it’s available for sale, but who’s buying it? Most people want more.

I spend a lot of time talking about techniques and tactics to get better at talking to girls (actually, talking to anyone). And it’s not just about how to talk to girls… but about how to become a more dynamic communicator and fluent conversationalist.

Today I just wanted to give you the 7 traits that really define a master communicator.

1. They are relaxed, confident, and “into” the person they are talking to.

2. They show presence of mind: a deep sense of themselves as individuals…they are not afraid to be themselves. This is probably the biggest difference between shy introverts and extroverts: they are not afraid to express their opinions and identity.

3. They speak simply and directly to, not to, the person they are talking to. They are also aware of the other person’s feelings and react accordingly.

4. They have mastery of their material. They know exactly where they are going with everything they say.

5. They love the opportunity to communicate. Just by watching them talk, you can tell that they really enjoy it. And more importantly, they make the person they are talking to feel like they really love talking to them at that particular moment.

6. They are not afraid to play and have a good time with what they are talking about. I have mentioned this before when talking about making a girl laugh. And how by being playful, you seem like a more skilled conversationalist.

7. Long after you forget what they said, you remember how they said it (as I mentioned in the “Small Talk Tactics” report).

Ideally, these qualities are what you strive for more than any tactic or technique you can learn.

Hope that clarifies a few things…

A relationship can be demanding enough on its own, but factor in long distance and it can sometimes become downright unbearable. If you’re a woman looking to end a long-distance relationship, no matter what your reasons, one thing you want to avoid is hurting him more than necessary. Here’s how to end it without breaking your heart.

Talk: Talk to him and tell him about the problems you’re having with the relationship, rather than just dumping him out of the blue. Tell him your reasons because he deserves to know, and make sure he knows you’re determined and there’s no going back, so he doesn’t cling to a non-existent hope. Have a civil conversation, try not to yell or blame him, and be patient even if he gets hysterical. In short, drop it easily.

Be kind: Breakups can be paralyzing for some people, leaving them with doubts or hang-ups that hold them back for the rest of their lives. Remember, you were with him once, you must have had some good times, and for that alone, make sure you leave him whole and emotionally stable. Let him know that he is a nice guy and that you had a good time with him. Remember it with him and let him know that one day he will find someone who is a better fit for him.

Be there for him: Once you break up with him, you’ll need a shoulder to lean on. And since he’s been around you and is used to leaning on you, that shoulder is most likely yours. It can be difficult, but be there for him until he gets over the initial shock. Talk to him for as long as you need and explain your reasons when you want answers. You can’t be there to comfort him physically, so make up for it emotionally.

Give it closure: One thing that stops most people from moving on after a breakup is a lack of closure. You have to snub any hopes he has of ever getting back together, so he can let go and move on. But you have to do this nicely. Unless he took it well and wants you to be friends, enable the no contact policy once you’re done and comforted. Don’t text or call him just because you need him sometimes, as this can give him unnecessary hope and prevent him from moving on with his life.

We know that most boys start masturbating before they even hit puberty. The practice then continues for the rest of their lives, whether they marry happily or not. Many questions on this subject continue to arise. Is it harmful? Do masturbation doses stop your penis from growing, or does masturbation affect penis size? These are just some of the questions that men start asking themselves in early adulthood and continue to seek answers as they age. Probably the most frequent of them is the relationship between masturbation and the size of the penis. Here are some answers that you will find useful.

First of all, relax! It is not physically harmful at all. In fact, it can be a great way to release tension. It is estimated that more than 90% of men of all ages masturbate at least once or twice a week. The only way it can become harmful is if you get addicted to the practice and spend your days locked in your room with a bottle of lotion and watching porn on your computer. Even so, this would be more of a mental health problem than a physical one. Our physical damage will result even from daily masturbation.

It will also not make your penis stop growing. In fact, masturbation will not affect penis size one way or another. You won’t get smaller, and you certainly won’t get bigger. There have been recent claims to the contrary, with various sites on the internet claiming that masturbation is the perfect enlargement exercise. This is total nonsense! Other than getting an erection, no growth can occur from the simple friction created by masturbation.

If masturbating doesn’t increase penis size, what’s the best way to make it bigger? Well those crazy websites are close, but not exact. You need to exercise your penis, but the exercises must be specific ones designed for the purpose of adding length and girth. There are legitimate penis exercise routines available online. They will include the proper routines, accompanied by photos and videos to make sure you do them correctly. Now, to be honest, even penile exercises won’t add gigantic gains to your penis, but if you follow the suggested routines, you will add about an inch in length and girth over time.

Does masturbation prevent your penis from growing? No, but it won’t help it get bigger either. The only way to permanently add size is with a specific set of penile exercises. Find a good program online and see for yourself. At the very least, you’ll achieve optimal penile health, including harder, longer-lasting erections and more powerful ejaculations. Combine that with an extra inch of size and you and your woman will be a happy, happy couple!

The Hitachi Magic Wand Vibrator, also known as the Hitachi Magic Wand Massager, is a device that has been appreciated by various people around the world. A large mass of people have been buying these vibrators for the last 30 years. There are a number of advantages associated with the Hitachi Magic Wand Vibrator.

  1. The price is not exorbitant and once you invest in it, you can use the device for at least 6-7 years. Proper handling further extends the life of the device.
  2. The Hitachi Magic Wand Vibrator helps soothe the muscles of the body and eliminates pain in the back, neck and shoulders. The vibrations cause the regeneration of dead tissues and also stimulate the growth of body tissues.
  3. The vibration speed can be adjusted to a low speed of 5000rpm and a high speed of 6000rpm
  4. The device is easy to use and can be used on parts of the body that are difficult to reach. The long handle and flexible head reach those parts of the body that are not easily accessible to the hands. The head is 2.5 inches in diameter and the handle is 9 inches long.
  5. The magic wand vibrator is widely used as a sex toy. When the head is placed against the genitals and erogenous zones of the human body, the vibration causes the stimulation of sensitive tissues, which sexually arouses the person. Women enjoy more and more orgasms during intercourse, while men enjoy prolonged periods of erection. The vibrator has enhanced effects on women and clitoral stimulation on them.
  6. The elderly can use this device to decrease the intensity of pain in the affected body parts. Using the vibrator against body parts improves blood circulation due to the vibrations produced by the device.
  7. Magic wand vibrators are readily available in stores and can also be ordered online from various sites on the Internet.
  8. These vibrators are extremely portable and can be transported without much difficulty.

Hitachi wand vibrators have been on the market for a long time and sales of these vibrators have doubled in the last 2 years. The vibrator is being used by people of all ages depending on their needs. The massager saves you the time of going to a masseur and getting a massage every weekend. You can sit down and use the massager on your own.

There are several accessories that can be used with the wand vibrator. The G-spotter and Wonder Wand accessories are the two most popular accessories that can be used in conjunction with the device. The device’s cord is up to 6 feet long and can therefore be easily plugged into a wall outlet.

Overall, the Hitachi Magic Wand Vibrator is a perfect product for people looking to get rid of frequent body aches and pains and for people looking to improve genital arousal and sensitivity.

Paul was obsessed with his wife Christy even after 12 years of marriage. He would watch over her if she went out grocery shopping, visited her parents, met her friends, and even when she went out to see a doctor. The fixation with her wife and everything she did grew with each passing year and Christy began to suffocate under Paul’s anguished obsession. Paul had even stopped traveling due to work commitments so he could be with his wife as much as possible. Fortunately, Paul was cooperative when Christy convinced him to seek help. His psychiatrist diagnosed him with adult separation anxiety (ASA).

Sometimes childhood separation anxiety continues into adulthood or may develop into adulthood due to past abuse or neglect. ASA can be so overwhelming that a person may have a panic attack when a loved one moves away. At other times, when the disease is not so intimidating, there may be other subtle symptoms, such as:

Jealousy – Extreme jealousy manifests itself in people when they fear losing control over a loved one. They trust less, harbor unreasonable doubts and worries, and may also fear infidelity.

strict parenting – Also known as reverse separation anxiety, parents can be so worried that their child will one day leave them that they start to control the child’s life. The parents become extremely strict and protective as they constantly fear living alone if the child leaves them.

frustrating relationships – Sometimes, despite knowing that a person or a relationship can be bad for physical or mental health, people stagnate. They are afraid to leave as they are constantly anxious for something to go wrong.

wandering – When adult children do not leave their parents’ house or when a friend visits them but does not seem to leave, it is known as mooching.

Ways to Manage ASA

To understand the problem, one must take a close look at the symptoms of separation anxiety in a person, which can be excessive worry about losing things, unexplained attachment to other people, and sleep disturbances. In the absence of a sufficient diagnostic evaluation for ASA, its treatment is not clinically defined. However, it is possible to control the symptoms and gradually overcome insurmountable anxiety.

  • Join support groups – Joining support groups can be a big help as they offer a platform to connect with people who are in the same boat. Talking and sharing experiences can be very therapeutic and liberating in the long run.
  • Practicing relaxation techniques. – It is important to calm the anxious mind and feel relaxed. Yoga, meditation and mindfulness techniques are immensely beneficial. One should try to do activities that you like to distract unjustified fears. Walking a pet, taking a walk in a garden, enjoying dinner with friends, cooking or reading an inspiring book are some of the ways to keep yourself busy and mentally satisfied.
  • to write a diary – Whenever you feel anxious, you should write about those feelings in a journal. Writing can help identify feelings and deal with them when they come up the next time. It is also a great opportunity to gauge one’s response to one’s troubling thoughts and make efforts to reframe them in a positive way.
  • taking professional help – Any anxiety disorder can interfere with daily activities and impede personal and professional growth. It also affects relationships and people may not want to associate with someone who is overly possessive. To prevent symptoms from getting worse, it is important to get professional support.

ASA recovery is possible

If ASA is not treated in time, one can become obsessed and fall into other negative behaviors. But anxiety can be treated with medication, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and other therapies such as art therapy or dance movement.

Before beginning any skin care regimen, consult with your doctor.

The goal of the anti-aging facial is to keep future aging at bay (non-surgical results) and to help correct past damage to the superficial tissues of the epidermis. Intrinsic factors such as hereditary (genetic) disposition play an important role in overall skin health. Extrinsic risks such as use or abuse of medicines/drugs; use/abuse of tobacco/alcohol; Hormonal fluctuations and SUN exposure can wreak havoc on the skin. The SUN is the worst culprit.

The integumentary (skin) system is the largest system in the body and encapsulates all other systems and organs in the body. Without it, we’d look like something out of a horror movie…”THE BLOB”. There are six (6) functions of the skin: Absorption; Temperature regulation; Excretion; Secretion; Protection; Sensory. Due to its multiple functions, the skin is our first line of defense and must be treated with the utmost respect.

Follow these instructions to help repair and to the best of our ability… prevent further damage. Even if you use another skincare line, these steps can still be managed. This protocol is based on the brands LUMIRANCE and PURAMED Professional. Let us begin.

1. Remove all make-up with Cleansing Lotion (LUMIRANCE) or any make-up remover.

2. Use a warm face cloth and cleanse face with GREEN TEA CLEANSER (PURAMED) or GEL CLEANSER/LOTION CLEANSER (LUMIRANCE). Use about the size of a large pea and work into the skin. Allow to remain on the skin for about 3 minutes. This will help break up and dislodge oils and impurities from the skin. This is similar to soaking a greasy pan after cooking.

3. Remove oil from skin with one of the following: 70%/90% alcohol or acetone (nail polish remover). Use acetone carefully as it is very drying. They all strip the face of all the sebum (oil). However, they can sting. Use a cotton pad/square and rub it into the skin. Let evaporate and do not rinse.

4. Apply the chemical exfoliation of PURAMED 10% glycolic or AHA 10% with Kojic product that you have purchased with a cotton pad, fan brush or for a more aggressive treatment use gauze. Work into the skin in circular movements paying special attention to the corners of the eyes, nasolabial lines (corner of the nose to the mouth). AVOID CONTACT WITH THE EYES!!! Use a cotton swab and slide it under the eye tissue as close to the eye as possible. DO NOT USE ON THE UPPER EYE LID!!! Leave to act for up to 10 minutes. Consider your ability to tolerate the exfoliation solution. Fill the sink with cold water mixed with a couple of tablespoons full of baking soda (baking soda). This will create a reaction stop. Rinse several times at least (3 times). DO NOT RUB THE SKIN AFTER RINSING. ONLY DRY SKIN. The acid will tingle and sting while it is on. The more you use it, the less these symptoms will appear. Use every night for as long as your skin can tolerate it without becoming raw or inflamed. Mild redness is expected. It may look like a sunburn. This is normal. STAY OUT OF THE SUN FOR LONG PERIODS OF TIME. NOTE: This treatment is intended to dry out the skin and loosen the bond between the skin cells which will allow them to slough off. EXPECT TO PEEL TO SOME EXTENT. Everyone reacts differently due to the sebum (oil) content of the skin.

5. Serum Applications: Serums always come after the exfoliation phase of any facial and can be applied in any order. It is very important to remove the outermost dead layers of the epidermis at least 2 or 3 times a week. Serums will penetrate deeper into skin tissue more easily if you exfoliate them first (either with manual or chemical exfoliants).

6. Apply your Vitamin C 14% serum. (PURAMED) or ANTIOXIDANT SERUM (LUMIRANCE). Use approximately two (2) pumps and quickly work into skin until absorbed. It can be used on the hands and neckline.

7. Apply your Alpha Arbutin Skin Lightener (PURAMED) or Skin Lightener (LUMIRANCE) serum. Use one (1) pump. Quickly apply to face, neck and décolleté area. It can also be used on the hands.

8. Apply your Hyaluronic Replenishing Serum (PURAMED) or THE SERUM (LUMIRANCE). Use one (1) pump and work into skin until absorbed. Apply to the face and neck area. This thing is the BOMB! You will love it!!!

9. Use your Green Tea SPF30+ (PURAMED) or HYRASHIELD 30 (LUMIRANCE) Anti-Aging Moisturizer daily in the morning after completing Step 2 and after any peelings (Step 4). Always wash your face in the morning and at night and use sunscreen during daylight hours.

By committing to a daily schedule initially and then using as needed for maintenance, your skin will look and feel rejuvenated and clear.

As anyone who has suffered from an eating disorder will know, recovery is not a straight line and there are likely to be times of relapse. However, it’s important to understand that just because a person relapses doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll start all over again.

Dealing with relapses in anorexia recovery

The most important aspect of dealing with relapse is to have at least one person with whom you can be completely honest. This is because anorexia thrives on dishonesty and you can end up convincing yourself very quickly that you’re fine, even though that’s definitely not the case. We all need someone to challenge us, whether we’ve been in recovery for weeks, months, or years.

Identification of relapse triggers

To recover from a relapse, you don’t need to know what triggered the relapse, you just need to recommit to getting back on your eating plan and accepting whatever treatment you can find. However, it can be very helpful to know why a relapse occurred, as this will help in planning for future relapse prevention. For example, if you know that going on vacation or being away from home for other reasons wreaks havoc on your meal plan, you can address this issue before your next trip with your therapist or eating disorder specialist.

Tips to overcome relapses of anorexia

If you are relapsing right now, now is the time to start challenging what you want out of your life. The truth is that you have two choices, either continue down this path of destruction and end up back in the hospital (or worse), or make the decision that today you will do everything you can to change things. Writing small goals about how to change eating habits and exercise levels can make a big difference. It is absolutely vital that you tell at least one member of your treatment team what is happening. If you can’t face talking, write a letter or send an email. Remember, anorexia is not going to change anything in your life for the better. It is a parasite that will gradually suck the life out of you, leaving nothing but an empty shell. You are worth so much more than living with a life-threatening disease. Embracing recovery again requires taking steps in the right direction every day. You are not alone and you owe it to yourself to try again.

There are effective natural hair loss treatment options available today. Hair is one of the first features that people notice about us. Naturally, the health and beauty of our hair is very important to us because it represents our image and our social, professional and cultural affiliations.

However, not everyone has the beautiful, healthy hair they really want. Today, many people suffer from hair and scalp problems, even among a younger age group. The main hair problems are hair loss. In this article, we will discuss the causes of hair loss and the natural treatment options available.

Causes of hair loss can include:

o Use of synthetic hair care products: The use of strong chemical-based hair care products is one of the main causes.

o Emotional Stress – An epidemic condition that prevails in the world today, consequently affecting the physiological functioning of hair growth. Intense anxiety, sadness, depression, grievance, long-standing fear, apprehensive habits, aggressive behavior, violent expressions, hasty and impatient behavior are examples of emotional stress.

o Nutritional deficiency: affects the general growth and quality of the hair. Group B vitamins, vitamin A, protein, iron and minerals are directly involved in maintaining hair growth.

o Hormonal Variations: Examples of hormones are progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone.

o Systemic diseases: diabetes, thyroid problems, high levels of cholesterol in the blood that lead to arteriosclerosis. It causes constriction of the blood vessels and blood circulation in the scalp is vital for the health of the hair.

o Medication and Drug Toxicity: Cancer drugs, steroids, antibiotics, antihypertensive drugs, and birth control pills are just a few of those that cause hair loss.

o Genetic factors: This is expected to influence hair growth when the individual reaches the age of 40 or older.

Excessive hair loss, therefore, can lead to eventual baldness. The good news is that there are several natural hair loss treatment options available to treat hair loss and baldness. Treatments for hair loss and baldness include:

o Surgical: hair follicle transplant, hair graft, hair flap, scalp reduction, tissue expansion. This is an expensive treatment option and can be painful.

o Medical – Topical solutions such as Rogaine with Minoxidil as active ingredient and oral solutions such as Foltene, Propecia – Finasteride as active ingredients. Again, this is an expensive option and can lead to harmful side effects and risks.

o Ayurvedic Massage, Relexology, Hair Spa, Acupuncture: These holistic treatments improve circulation and blood flow, which promotes healthy hair follicles.

o Herbal hair care products – Example: THE TOTAL LAUAT CARE . Winner of the 27th Salon International des Inventions award in Geneva, Switzerland, the Total Lauat Care line of herbal hair care products is an effective natural treatment option against hair loss.

Laut herbal hair care products use proven natural ingredients to stop hair loss!

The Lauat line of herbal hair care products are made from natural extracts (namely gugo, virgin coconut oil, and lawat) from regions of Southeast Asia that have traditionally been shown to treat hair loss and dandruff problems. Lauat herbal hair care products also contain essential fatty acids to hydrate, nourish and accelerate the growth of hair follicles.

Plus, they also help cleanse hair of dirt, debris, and other environmental debris to give you a clean, healthy, and dandruff-free scalp. These products are so revolutionary and effective that they received the award at the 27th Salon International des Inventions in Geneva, Switzerland. Total Laut hair care products are infused with the following herbs known to promote beautiful, healthy hair and stop hair loss:

Lawat (Litsea glutinosa)

Lawat leaf extracts are traditionally used to prevent hair loss, promote hair growth, and relieve itchy and inflamed skin.

Gugo (Entada phaseoloides)

A very large woody climber that increases blood microcirculation in the scalp with antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocus nuciferas)

Rich in vitamin E and is processed without the use of heat to preserve all the good cholesterol, enzymes and other inert substances that help maintain the skin’s natural beauty.

Rosemary (Rosemarinus oficinalis)

It is mainly used as a hair lotion that is effective in maintaining the hair bulbs to renew their activity. It also prevents premature baldness.

Carrots (Daucus carota sativa)

Rich in beta-carotene and provitamin A, important in the maintenance of skin and hair.

A clinical study based on a sample size of 96 subjects has shown a 48% reduction in hair loss after just 7 days of using Lauat Natural Hair Shampoo. With prolonged use of Laut natural hair shampoo, it is possible to reduce hair loss by up to 89%, as shown in the clinical study.

The Lauat line of herbal hair care products is proven and used by many satisfied customers in the US since 1994, Australia since 2001, and South Korea since 1997.

As you can see, there is hope if you have hair loss or scalp problems, as there are several remedy options available. If you are looking for a safe, effective and affordable treatment for your hair loss or scalp problems, then natural hair care products like the TOTAL LAUAT CARE system may work for you. Try Total Lauat Natural Hair Care System today and start delighting your friends and family with your beautiful, healthy hair and scalp.