Category Archive : Technology

It is simply the most powerful paid advertising platform for online search. With over 91% of the search engine market share, Google is undoubtedly the undisputed champion of all time.

As a result, it’s normal for every business in the world to want a piece of the action on the first page of Google, whether through paid AdWords PPC advertising or organic search marketing. Let’s face it, if your website doesn’t appear on the first page of Google for any given keyword query in your industry, you can forget about acquiring new customers on this platform.

Use of the AdWords platform

As we all know, with power comes complexity and learning curves before one can show remarkable achievement. AdWords can make or break you depending on your skills in managing your campaigns. Let’s face it, companies don’t want to waste money in the paid advertising buying process to acquire more leads. The main goal of any business is to grow and make a profit.

At the end of the day, the only important metrics that matter to business owners are conversion rates and ROI (return on investment). There sure are a lot of important metrics to track and monitor for any savvy marketer. Furthermore, these metrics are grouped into a measurable value called a “KPI” or key performance indicator. This value was designed to monitor a company’s overall marketing goals (the success or failure of a campaign). Some of those KPIs to monitor are called: CPC (cost per click), CTR (click through rate), CPA (cost per acquisition), CPC (cost per conversion), CLV (customer lifetime). -value), just to name a few.

The AdWords platform has countless configurations that you could compare to the control panel in the cockpit of an airplane. Yes indeed, very confusing for someone with no experience in paid advertising.

Just to give you a brief idea of ​​the different settings that require your attention when creating an AdWords campaign for the first time, some of the settings on the list are as follows: campaign creation for ad groups, ad copies, budget settings and max. CPC settings. From setting keyword match types like “broad match, modified broad match, phrase match, exact match to setting negative broad match, negative phrase match, negative exact match. Conversion tracking and tag settings and Google Tag Manager triggers, demographics, ad placements and placement settings, scheduling, ad extensions settings, call extensions, display network ad settings, QS (quality score) understanding and the list goes on and on go on.

It’s quite understandable that most companies don’t have the in-house expertise to adjust and manage the AdWords campaign. More importantly, your CPA (cost per acquisition) is much higher due to your campaigns not being fully optimized. As a result, your QS (quality score) (measured from 1 to 10 based on ad relevance, keywords in ad text, URL, landing page, etc.) per keyword is very low, which which makes your CPC (cost per click) much higher. Also, ad impressions (number of times your ads are shown) will be low due to poor campaign optimization.

Time for a Google AdWords Account Audit

It is always recommended to request a Google AdWords account audit by a certified third-party professional. Most importantly, that professional will help you understand why your campaigns aren’t working the way you want.

An AdWords account audit is the process of evaluating the overall effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and keeping your account running smoothly to increase your ROI. Only a certified Google AdWords professional will be able to help you find the missing link. During the evaluation, many hidden problems will be discovered. Each element will be analyzed and recorded separately.

A full analysis of your account structure will be performed to pinpoint weak elements. An AdWords audit will also help you discover where ad spend is being wasted, and more importantly, how it can be improved; furthermore, new ideas will also be suggested.

You see, there’s a lot more to Google AdWords than just creating an ad and launching a bunch of keywords in a single ad group and adding the website URL.

The most important aspect of any AdWords campaign is conversion tracking. More than 95% of companies do not have that right. To adjust and improve ROI, you first need to understand what’s going on. If you can’t track your conversion properly, how can you analyze your data and fix the bad results that are burning through your paid advertising budget?

Additionally, a high percentage of businesses are missing important elements online. They just don’t have a proper end-to-end sales funnel with automation to capture new leads daily and convert them into buyers. Having a website is only a small fraction of the online marketing equation and that is the main reason why so many businesses are losing money trying to advertise online. More importantly, they don’t have a proper CRM (customer relationship management) platform to capture and nurture their leads through email marketing automation. So they just send expensive paid traffic directly to their websites and hope for the best, a spray and pray technique that won’t bring much results.

There will come a time when a manager must make the difficult decision to fire an employee. These types of decisions are never easy, but they are necessary. However, they can be accomplished in a planned, formal, and logical manner to maximize your control over the discussion. The decision to terminate an employee should normally be made in consultation with their boss and Human Resources. Of course, in a union setting, the employment contract and past practice must be taken into account before making the decision.

If you’re faced with this situation, here are some key points you’ll want to keep in mind:

1. Hold the meeting early Monday morning. Research has shown that this is the best day of the week to do this. This will give the employee the rest of the work week to psychologically adjust and begin to actively prepare for the change. It is well documented that “Black Friday” layoffs have a negative impact on the individual and the organization.

2. When you bring the person into your office to break the news, don’t fill the time with small talk. Don’t make jokes. It will feel fake to both you and the person later, so avoid it. You want to be direct, specific, and supportive by getting down to business right away.

3. Tell the person directly, frankly and factually that he/she is being fired and the reasons why. Resist the temptation to debate the decision. Let the person know that the decision is final and has been endorsed by senior management.

4. Review termination procedures:

* Last effective business day.

* Provision of work in progress.

* Withdrawal of personal effects, expense books, etc.

5. Offer to help the employee think about their next steps in looking for a new job.

* Allow the person to participate in decisions about how the news will be communicated elsewhere in the organization.

* Give the person the opportunity to discuss what will be said about him/her with potential employers who call for references.

* Review options where the employee’s talents and skills can best be applied.

Firing an employee is the most difficult decision any manager can make. You will always want to consult with Human Resources and carefully plan how to effectively discuss this with the employee in accordance with the human resources practices in your organization. However, with preparation, sensitivity, and following a few key points, you can effectively manage this very difficult process.

Are you running a green computer? You might think that a computer doesn’t require a lot of power. It’s just a little box. You may be surprised to learn that a desktop PC consumes 200 to 400 watts of power. Add a 30-inch monitor and add another 750 watts. A refrigerator only draws about 725 watts. Surprised? Running a green computer isn’t just about power consumption. The EPA warns consumers that the short lifespan of the average computer combined with the toxic chemicals used to build the parts means that the toxic effects of computer disposal are extremely high.

80 Plus Power Supplies

The first way to run a green computer is to look for an 80 Plus compatible power supply. These power supplies deliver only the energy necessary to function. For example, if you have a 600-watt power supply but your computer requires only 250 watts to run, an 80 Plus power supply will provide 250 watts.

Most conventional power supplies provide more power than a computer needs to run. This wasted energy adds up to significant electricity bills, so using an energy efficient 80 Plus power supply saves a ton of money over the course of a year. As an added bonus, 80 Plus power supplies are compliant with the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive and are lead free. Other manufacturers are starting to follow suit and launch green power supplies, so check the market often to see what’s available.

Choose lead-free components

Building a green computer isn’t just about choosing a green power supply. Lead and other toxic chemicals are found in almost all computer parts made in the United States, although the European Union has developed a set of regulations governing toxic materials in computer products. Intel released its first lead-free microprocessors in late 2007, followed by lead-free Ethernet adapters. Unfortunately, many of the other manufacturers that supply computer parts to the United States have not yet followed suit, and it is still extremely difficult to build a completely lead-free computer.

Until manufacturers transition to lead-free components, using a green computer means recycling the materials used in construction. Be sure to properly dispose of and recycle lead parts. Contact your local officials or waste management specialists for information on computer recycling and hazardous waste disposal in your area. A great way to build a green computer is to buy refurbished or remanufactured parts and components. Instead of going to waste, those products can get to you, the consumer, at a reduced cost. You get a green computer and save money, compared to the cost of buying new components.

Look for green manufacturers

With increasing demands for energy efficiency, many computer manufacturers now offer green computers with low-consumption power supplies and energy-saving components. Computer manufacturers announcing low-power computers and laptops include Dell, Fujitsu, HP, and Lenovo. Until lead-free components really take off in the United States, the greenest computer you can get is a low-power model from one of these manufacturers.

power management

An easy way to make a computer green is to use its built-in settings. Both Windows and Macintosh computers include power management features that cause the computer, hard drive, and monitor to enter a low-power sleep mode after a preset period of inactivity. For optimal power efficiency, choose power management settings of 15 minutes of inactivity or less. When you move the mouse or press any key on the computer, power management mode is turned off and the monitor, hard drive, and computer are ready to use within a few seconds. Look for this feature on monitors as well to maximize energy savings.

Going smaller is another good way to green a computer. Laptops use significantly less power than desktop computers; 40 to 50 watts compared to 200 to 400, respectively. A smaller flat panel monitor also makes for a greener computer, as power consumption grows rapidly with the size of the monitor.

Look for the power star

The US government-administered Energy Star program provides guidelines for energy use for most electronic devices. To earn an Energy Star, a computer must offer the lowest available power consumption in sleep, standby, and full use modes. For monitors, a formula based on screen size is used to determine power consumption, but all qualified monitors must use 2 watts of power or less in sleep mode and 1 watt of power or less when they are off.

Searching for Energy Star will help you choose an eco-friendly computer and monitor, but you’ll find a limited number of options available. Most computers and monitors available today are not Energy Star eligible, but manufacturers are working to reduce power consumption. You may pay more up front for a greener computer, but the investment will pay for itself over time in energy savings and the knowledge that you’re helping to care for the environment.

Childhood obesity is now a major problem in the United States. It is harder than ever for children to lose weight. We have fast food restaurants on every corner, new snack foods hitting supermarkets every week, and computers and video games to keep even the most active child sedentary. Did I mention poor nutrition in schools due to administrations taking kickbacks from snack vendors? No wonder more than half of America’s children are now overweight and half of those children are obese!

Just because it doesn’t seem like there’s light at the end of the tunnel doesn’t mean you have to give up hope. Your child depends on you to guide him in the right direction. What will their lives be like 10 years from now if they are left alone with regard to eating and exercising? While it’s great for children to learn to make their own decisions, the consequences later in life can be disastrous.

Here are 7 healthy childhood obesity solution tips you can implement now to ensure your child’s health and help them lose weight before it’s too late.

Childhood Obesity Solution Tips #1: Turn off the TV and Computer

87 percent of children watch between 2 and 6 hours of television every day. Their rest time is spent sitting in front of a computer. Do you remember when there were no such things? An overweight child was rare, and the only time a child was sedentary other than sleeping was when he was engrossed in a book. Limiting TV and computer use will force your children to be more physically active and lose weight. Do you want an additional bonus? It will limit the amount of profanity and violence your child could be exposed to.

Childhood Obesity Solution Tips #2: Retire from Being Your Driver

Making your children walk to school or anywhere else they need to go will not only help them lose weight, but it will also teach them the value of time. A generation ago, most self-respecting parents would laugh at their kids’ suggestion to take them to school, let alone soccer practice, ballet class, or the mall. The damage caused by lack of activity is putting children at risk in more ways than their inflated weight. Where has the fun of biking and walking with friends gone?

Childhood Obesity Solution Tips #3: Bring Back the Brown Bags

Until your child’s school cafeteria can offer something more nutritious than pizza and chicken wings, take the extra time to prepare lunch. Having your child bring her lunch from home can ensure that she is eating well. What happens when you give your child $2 for lunch in the cafeteria? They’ll spend it all on large fries, a can of Pepsi, and an ice cream sandwich. When you give your child no choice but to eat proper nutrition, her body will lose weight.

Childhood Obesity Solution Tips #4: Send Them to Bed Earlier

Inadequate sleep has a negative impact on a child’s school performance, emotional and social well-being, and increases the risk of being overweight. Make sure they get at least 8 hours of sleep, and more importantly, send them to bed without a snack! Eating before getting a full night’s rest will sabotage anyone’s weight loss efforts because your body has to work while you sleep to digest the food you eat. This results in a tired feeling when you wake up in the morning that can last for hours until morning.

Childhood Obesity Solution Tips #5: Stop Allowing Them To Drink Sugar

Drink sugar? What does that mean exactly? It means sodas, sports drinks, and sugar-filled fruit drinks. Children get most of their calories from beverages, when they would be better off getting them from fresh fruit and other healthy solid foods. Take a look at the orange juice label. You may be surprised to learn that it is mostly sugar. I know what you’re thinking. You grew up drinking this stuff yourself, and you weren’t a fat kid, were you? The difference is that now serving sizes and servings are nearly double what they used to be, and eaten more frequently.

Childhood Obesity Solution Tips #6: Sign Them Up For Something

Our bodies are meant to move, not sit for hours on end in front of a TV or computer screen. When your child is involved in an after-school activity she enjoys, she won’t even miss the couch. Not everyone is good at sports, but almost everyone has an aptitude for some physical activity. They are exposed to different things… martial arts, snowboarding, music lessons, dancing, gymnastics, roller skating and rock climbing are just as effective as soccer and football in developing healthy bodies.

Childhood Obesity Solution Tips #7: Provide Proper Nutrition

There’s nothing better than starting your child’s day with proper nutrition and encouraging them to make healthy food choices throughout the day. Don’t take them to McDonalds just because you don’t want to cook something. This is where they will learn habits that will continue into their adult life. I lost 70 pounds when i started having a soy protein shake with fruit every morning instead of eating a greasy breakfast or nothing at all. I have maintained my weight for 15 years because of the proper nutrition that I chose to eat. A child who learns this will grow up to be a happy adult. Trust me!

Following the 7 Tips to Fix Childhood Obesity listed above will not only help your child lose weight and keep it off for good, but it will also remove the word obesity from your family’s vocabulary. Most important, though, is having the kind of mindset that allows you to want a better life for your child. Technology is great, but it is being abused and our children are suffering physically because of it. Have the courage to make the small daily changes in your child’s life now when it matters most.

If you were looking at real estate ads and saw one that said “green homes for sale,” you may at first wonder why someone would have a listing indicating the color of their home. This is not what this type of ad means. It is just stating that the houses for sale are eco-friendly and energy efficient. Green homes for sale are being built in an effort to reduce the carbon footprints we leave behind.

When you buy a green home, it will contain some or all of the following eco-friendly features.

• Fiber cement siding

• Alternative energy system such as wind and solar

• Recycled building insulation

• No stains or paints VOC, which stands for Volatile Organic Compound. It is any compound that is carbon based and vaporizes at standard room temperature. Some of the most frequent are formaldehyde, acetone and methane.

• Hot water heating with solar energy

Even if you don’t live in a green home, there are things you can do to increase your energy conservation. You’ll even help contribute to saving our environment. Converting your home to a green home can help reduce the overall warning and save the homeowner money. It will significantly improve the environment and require little effort from the homeowner.

making a green home

• Instead of using standard incandescent bulbs, start using compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs). When you switch to CFLs, you can save over a hundred dollars a year. You can find these lights in the same aisle as regular bulbs, but they are a bit more expensive. In the United States, if all homes switched to CFLs from the type of light bulbs they were using, there would be a trillion pound reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

• Install a thermostat that is programmable: With this type of thermostat, the homeowner can program the thermostat so that the air conditioning or heating is off when the homeowners are not home. The programmable thermostat can be programmed to cool or heat your home shortly before your homeowner arrives. This change could save the owner ten percent or more in heating and cooling costs.

• Plug air leaks: This will help the homeowner save money and practice conservation. You can do this by installing weather stripping, preventing the temperature in your home from fluctuating rapidly, and sealing windows properly to stop drafts.

• Energy Star® Qualified Appliances: These reduce the amount of electricity needed to operate them, so they have less impact on the environment. They will also save on your energy bill.

If you are buying a home, choose energy efficient green homes for sale.

I have been using the Roland MC-303 on and off since I bought it (1996). I’ve used it on some early Anjelicas Baby recordings like “Crawling Back To You” and “Blame It On You”. I think it’s a great little second hand machine for its price of around £100 – £200 depending on condition. However, I’m going to be honest about my past experiences with it. The MC-303 at the time was a revolution and the first of many so-called groove boxes. He could do anything from techno to dance to jungle to drum & bass to name just a few. It was packed with sounds from classic synths like the Roland Juno and Jupiter series and had the classic retro sounds of the Roland TR-808 and TR-909. In addition, it also had the Roland TB-303 bass-type synth sounds on board. Possessing such instruments alone would have cost you millions and thousands of dollars or British pounds. So you needed the room to put your vintage gear.

It looked very similar to the old TB-303 and TR-808. It was essentially a sequencer-arranger with 8 recording tracks. It even had special effects built in, like chorus, flange, reverb, and delay. Its real-time features made it a lot of fun to play with. It had filter cutoff, resonance, stereo panning, and arpeggio. The pan and delay effects would keep time with the tempo of your patterns or songs, which at the time was a really cool advance. It was 24-voice note polyphony, 16-part multitimbral and there were 448 preset PCM ROM sounds, 300 preset patterns and 50 user patterns. Quite Extraordinary Back In (1996). As soon as it appeared in music magazines like Future Music, Sound On Sound, and The Mix, it was quickly replaced by the Roland MC-505, JX-305, and Yamaha RM1x. I guess this was because it was almost too good to be true for the incredible price of around £500. Yes, you guessed it, there were some major drawbacks to the machine that sometimes made using it a maddening experience.

1 The first thing I noticed was that it had an overly compressed kind of sound and lacked any real punch. You could play dance music very well using the TR-909 sounds. If you ever compare the sounds of the MC-303 to, say, a JV1080 that had a similar set of sounds, you’ll find that the JV has a lot more presence and punch. To make an analogy here, it’s like comparing a wave file to an mp3 file. I suspect that to get all those sounds into the MC-303’s internal ROM, sacrifices had to be made, and perhaps the MC-303’s sample library bitrates were lowered. Don’t get me wrong, the sounds are crystal clear and many are in stereo, but you definitely feel like you almost want to pull the sounds out of your speakers and give them a good kick to raise them up. This is a problem I’ve noticed on Roland synths and especially drum machines from this period. The sounds almost sound too nice and clean, like you could invite them over to your parents’ house for Sunday dinner knowing they wouldn’t offend their musical tastes.

2 Real sounds like trumpets, guitars, etc. they were downright horrible. In my opinion, less would have been more on this machine. Everything and the kitchen sink were stuffed into it. As a result, on the pre-installed patterns, he had an amateurish sound.

3 It only had two audio outputs, so adding external effects like reverb or delay meant you needed to record the sounds on separate tracks on your audio recorder. At the time, mine was a Fostex DMT8 hard drive 8-track recorder. Hard drive recording with 16 tracks or more really came at a price back then.

4 Most irritating of all was its almost non-existent midi implementation. When it came to retro, they really took it very seriously. They basically designed it to work as a standalone machine. So if you wanted to use any other gear, you had to make the MC-303 the master sequencer. Well, at that time the sequencer was no match for Logic or Cubase. Consequently, I had to record the patterns for the MC-303 from its own memory and then save the song to an Alesis data disk. I then had to configure my Atari 1040 computer sequencer to slave the MC-303. So, very well resolved. Oh no, wait a minute, you had to trigger the MC-303 from the beginning of the song every time. As soon as I sped up the Atari sequencer, the MC-303 lost the plot, and well, who knows what part of the song it would move to.

5 Any sound you wanted to play on your own sequencer transmitted in omni mode through the 16 midi channels. What a crazy idea for the late ’90s. To make matters worse, the real-time controls that made the machine so much fun became powerless when you tried to record, say, real-time filtering of a bass sound on your sequencer. Come on, Roland, you could record the control movements of a Juno 106 on your sequencer from 1985.

Well, as you can tell, at the time I was less than happy with these limitations. Despite this, he had faith in the little beast. He saw the light and hoped that as the years went by and more audio-based recording products on PC and Mac, a breath of hope would be breathed into this machine. So as time goes by, here come the positives.

1 Works great as a standalone unit. You can measure all your other equipment to it. Then you can make use of its really cool arpeggio to bring some life back to your boring old synths.

2 It has lots and lots of PCM samples, which easily overcome some of the limitations of real onboard sounds. This is especially true if you have a lot of other software or hardware synths to use in conjunction with it.

3 With modern technology, you can record a sound into your sequencer, then play along with the MC-303’s controls in real time and record directly to an audio track on your computer. This can really cheer you up with modern plugins.

4 It’s a very cheap second hand for a unit of retro hardware with so many features.

5 You can set it up like a standard synth module.

6 It has a handy little bass boost knob on the back of the machine to add more bass to the audio output.

7 If you don’t go overboard and use other equipment to add to the track you’re recording, it can really sound very professional.

Those are the pros and cons of the Roland MC-303 in my subjective opinion. It’s a great little edit to anyone’s setup if used carefully and sparingly.

Today, more and more business users are working from home than ever before. You save time by not having to travel as far from home to the office and use that travel time to be more efficient by getting more done at the office and/or spending more quality time with your family, spending more time caring for getting healthier by going to the gym, or even spending more time at work because you now have more time to do it.

There are a few things companies need to consider when allowing their employees to work from home, and one of them is computer security. Companies must ensure that employees communicate securely with the corporate office when working remotely (either from the employee’s home or from a coffee shop somewhere). One of the first suggestions is to ensure that business users connect with a virtual utility network tunnel to the corporate office. This creates a virtual, encrypted tunnel from your remote office or any other remote location. After that, all communications with the corporate office are encrypted and securely transferred through the tunnel. Corporate users can decide if they want to allow split tunneling or not.

Split tunneling is a feature of Virtual Private Network (VPN) tunneling and a business decision to send all traffic (including Internet traffic) through the tunnel to the corporate office. In this way, the users’ laptop is protected from access to any unsafe and insecure internet sites. The company may also have a way to monitor and protect the traffic from that VPN tunnel so that if any viruses or malware are detected, they have a way to prevent it from infecting the entire network. However, there is a downside to this. The downside is that there will be a lot more traffic through the company network. So the company has to decide what is best in terms of priority.

If companies decide to allow split tunneling for remote users working from home, they should ensure that the users’ laptop has some security application installed, such as a firewall, antivirus, and antimalware application enabled to detect and block, rule out or prevent malicious attacks. traffic enters and infects others. There are several solutions to this and one method is to use Cisco AMP for Endpoints.

Today’s corporate end-gateway firewalls are much more sophisticated and do some policy and detection checks when users connect to the office to make sure laptops have all security features enabled and if not If so, users’ laptops are required to install anything that the laptop must comply with corporate security policy and standard. That way, there’s no need to worry about the network being unprotected and insecure.

This is just one area that business enterprises need to think about when allowing remote users the freedom to work anywhere.

The breed can be traced back to the late 17th century, to the northwestern corner of North America and specifically to the large area that covered what is now part of the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana. This was the land inhabited by the Nez Perce American Indians, and it is to their horsemanship and forward-thinking breeding practices that Appaloosa owes its success.

Although the Nez Percé developed this dappled breed, the history of dappled horses is long, with images of dappled horses appearing in prehistoric European cave paintings from around 17,000 BCE. in Europe and were in great demand from the 16th century to perform in the increasingly popular Riding Schools. Many of the sacred Spanish horses too, including the revered Andalusian, once exhibited spotted coat colours.

Horses introduced to the Americas by Spanish conquistadors carried the powerful gene for the spotted coat, which spread across North America as the Spanish continued their explorations. The Shoshone tribe of southern Idaho became a major horse trader, and it was largely from the Shoshone that the Nez Perce, whose territory lay further north and west, acquired their horse cattle. The Nez Percé land, with its fertile plains and protected areas, was well suited for raising horses, and the tribe quickly established significant breeding stock. Unlike many of the American Indian tribes, the Nez Perce set about implementing breeding programs specifically to improve their horses. Only the best horses were kept as studs, while those of inferior quality were frozen. The tribe kept the best of their breeding stock and disposed of the poorer horses by trading with other tribes. Their horse numbers increased rapidly, and the Nez Perce became a prosperous tribe based on their huge stock of horses. In the early 19th century, American explorer Meriwether Lewis (1774-1809) described Nez Percé horses as “of an excellent breed, elegantly built, active, and enduring.”

Color was an important consideration for the Nez Perce, not only for ornamental and decorative purposes, but also for camouflage. However, his main concern in breeding was to develop a well-rounded horse of great endurance, speed and toughness, and one that could survive on meager rations. His horses became famous for these qualities and were just as capable of pulling a plow as they were of covering great distances at high speed with a rider. The most prized horses were used during war campaigns and were fast, agile and intelligent, and the most revered were the spotted ones.

Spotted horses belonging to the Nez Perce were described as Palouse horses by white settlers, who took the name from the Palouse River that ran through Nez Perce territory. The horse later became known as the “Palouse” and then the Appalousey. The name Appaloosa was not given to the breed until 1938 with the formation of the Appaloosa Horse Club, established to preserve the breed. However, some fifty years before this, the intrepid spotted breed was nearly wiped out during the Nez Perce War fought between the American Indians and the US government in 1877. The Nez Perce managed to outwit and leave back the US Cavalry months and across 1,300 miles (2,092 km) of treacherous terrain, solely because of the strength and endurance of their Appaloosa horses. The Nez Perce were not defeated in the battle, but eventually surrendered to prevent further hardship for the people trying to weather the frigid Montana winter. The conditions of their surrender stated that they would be allowed to return to their lands in the spring with their horses, but instead they were sent to North Dakota and many of their beloved and prized animals slaughtered. Some escaped and others were then surrounded by props and used or sold.

Following this, some of the horses that had survived were quickly dispersed at auction and purchased by a few private individuals and ranchers who recognized their innate qualities and began breeding them. In 1937, Western Horseman magazine published an article on the Appaloosa written by Francis Haines, sparking public interest in the breed. The following year, Claude Thompson, a breeder of spotted horses, joined several others in establishing the Appaloosa Horse Club to preserve and promote the horses. By 1947, there were two hundred registered horses and one hundred members. Just three decades later, under the leadership of George Hatley, the club had a phenomenal number of over 300,000 registered horses, making it the third largest registry for light horse breeds. During this regeneration of the Appaloosa there was some introduction of Arabian blood and considerable Quarter Horse influence, which can be seen in the muscular build of the modern Appaloosa.

In 1994, the now Idaho-based Nez Percé tribe began a breeding program to develop the Nez Percé horse. The goal of this program, which is based on breeding old Appaloosa horses to Akhal Teke stallions, is to produce a graceful, hardy, versatile and agile horse that matches the original Nez Percé horses in qualities. Some, though not all, of these horses exhibit the spotted coat pattern of their Appaloosa heritage, though they generally stick to the sleeker, finer frame of the Akhal Teke. Today, Appaloosa is considered to be one of the most beautiful (reference) horse breeds in the world!

A celestial body that orbits around another larger celestial body is a satellite. An artificial satellite is a manufactured object or vehicle intended to orbit the earth, the moon, or another celestial body. Since October 4, 1957 humanity has been able to put artificial satellites into orbit around the earth. The Russians were the first with Sputnik; a small satellite that orbited the earth for a couple of months and transmitted beeps for 21 days.

The United States launched its first satellite on January 31, 1958. This satellite was named Explorer 1, and through data transmitted to Earth by Explorer 1, scientists discovered the Van Allen radiation belts, areas in space around the Earth and the planets Jupiter. and Saturn, which contains high-energy protons and electrons.

50 years ago there were no artificial satellites. Since Sputnik, governments and private companies around the world have launched more than 4,800 satellites. Satellites are used for satellite television, of course, but there are many more purposes for satellites.

Types of Satellites

The Moon is a satellite of the earth; the earth is a satellite of the sun. The first is called a moon, the second a planet. Man-made (artificial) satellites orbit any celestial body and are always called satellites, whether they orbit the earth, the moon, the sun, or any other celestial body.

We use satellites for different purposes and all satellites can be placed in one of the following categories:

communication satellites

The distribution of television and audio signals, and telephone connections via satellite are carried out by Communications Satellites. This type of communications normally requires a satellite in geostationary orbit. In 1964 the United States Department of Defense launched the first satellite to be placed in geostationary orbit. This satellite was named Syncom 3.

Today, geostationary satellites are used to provide voice, audio, and video communications, such as Dish Network Satellite’s satellite television.

satellite navigation

These satellites were of great help to transportation companies, especially water and air transportation. US GPS satellites are in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and can determine position to within 1 cm (0.4 inches). However, such precise positioning is available only for military purposes. For commercial use, the accuracy is less accurate.

Navigation satellites are also used to measure distances, for example, between buildings.

weather satellites

Observing the earth is the task of meteorological satellites, and especially what happens in the atmosphere. Different types of cameras, such as normal and infrared cameras, are used to look at the same part of the earth, from a geostationary orbit, or more closely from polar orbits for more detailed images. These low-orbit weather satellites focus more on studying the atmosphere than the current weather itself.

military satellites

Very similar to weather satellites, military satellites are also used to observe the earth. Usually with higher resolution cameras and instead of normal communications equipment they also use encryption. Sometimes these types of satellites have very different types of orbits. For example, a highly elliptical orbit that takes the satellite as far from earth as the moon and so close to earth that it enters the atmosphere shortly, to get as close to the earth’s surface as possible without falling back to the earth. land.

There are probably many more tactics used, but for obvious reasons, these are unknown.

scientific satellites

Observing the earth for scientific purposes is also quite possible with satellites. Mapping with low polar orbit satellites, for example, but also measuring the exact shape of the earth, geological research, etc., can greatly benefit from scientific satellites.

But scientific satellites are not only used to observe the Earth. Space research also benefits from scientific satellites. For example, the Hubble satellite, which is actually a huge telescope that orbits the earth. Because the Hubble telescope doesn’t have to “see” through the atmosphere, it can produce much clearer and more detailed images than ground-based telescopes.

There are millions of people around the world who make MySpace a part of their daily lives. It has been used as a way to locate people you haven’t seen in years, network like-minded people for business purposes, get the attention of music industry insiders, launch a career, share videos and photos. with family and friends, and even more!

Your MySpace profile is the first thing people see when they decide they want to know more about you. This is the reason why MySpace members spend so much time adding and removing graphics, backgrounds, songs, cursors and various codes from their profile. They strive to have the perfect profile, even though such a thing probably doesn’t exist! Perfection is in the eye of the beholder, and there are some terrifyingly interesting profile pages to look at on MySpace.

It doesn’t take long to change an item or items on your profile. In fact, in just a few moments, you can change the appearance of a profile so drastically that it will be unrecognizable as the same one you saw before. Users typically don’t make such extreme changes unless they’re changing the design, in which case they’re just exchanging some code by copy-pasting. When they preview your changes and see what could only be called a huge mess, then they know they got hold of bad code. Or, if they wrote the code themselves, they figure they must have transposed a letter or a number, maybe both.

Always be sure to preview any changes you make to your MySpace profile! The preview feature is there for a reason, and that is to prevent you from sending your profile to Earth of no return. In other words, once you click Save Changes, there’s no going back. Don’t make changes without reviewing them first, the way so many users have discovered it’s not a very good idea. Otherwise, you may end up having to start your profile all over again, from scratch!

It’s amazing how deeply you can make changes to your profile. You can even change the color of the text if you want. MySpace makes some of the text you see when you start creating a profile appear as the default. Words like “About Me” and “Who I’d Like to Meet” in orange text, as well as “Movies,” “TV,” and “Heroes” in blue text will appear first. you start adding and removing to/from your profile.

It seems like those last 3, “Movies,” “TV,” and “Heroes” are a little harder to knock out for some people than others. There is a code available that will hide this text for you. Copy and paste the following into the “About Me” section of your profile.

This will hide the words on the left side. However, the cells will be there. If you want to have a one column interest table, try this code, copy and paste it into the “About me” section.

And this code will hide the Interest table completely.

You should be able to make the blue text in your interest table permanently hide with the use of these three codes!