Category Archive : Arts Entertainments

From day one, my own lifelong personal herpes infection has presented me with various ethical challenges. He has challenged me with the question of who to tell and when. It has challenged me on what to say and how to say to other people with herpes. He has challenged me with the question “Do I have any responsibility to try to prevent people in the community who don’t have herpes from getting it, and if so, what are they?”

On how to say it and when:

When I was diagnosed with herpes, doctors told me that it was safe to have sex with other people as long as I avoided having sex during outbreaks and that I would get warning signs when an outbreak was coming. Fortunately, we are working with much better information these days. A person with herpes is potentially contagious every day of the year and safer sex, including using a combination of a condom or dental dam and an antiviral gel, is the best way to ensure you’re not inadvertently spreading the virus .

I was an irresponsible coward when I first got herpes. Because doctors told me I wasn’t contagious without breakouts and because I was in the habit of using condoms, I decided I only had to tell someone I had herpes when it seemed like the relationship was getting serious and there would be regular sexual contact. I had justified my cowardice by thinking that the risk to others was too small to risk rejection due to a herpes leprosy. Please don’t be like me. Not telling someone before you have sex that you have herpes is absolutely wrong. There’s no real way to justify it. Now I tell potential lovers that I have herpes even before the first date. It takes the weight off me of this guilt that most people with herpes have and for me it is the right thing to do.

A lot of people tell me that it’s okay if you’re not going to have sex with someone to wait and see if the relationship gets serious before you talk to them about herpes. Sure this is much better than waiting until after sex, but for me it’s still not good enough. If you care about someone, if you respect them, why not tell them as soon as possible so they can decide if they want to invest energy and time in getting to know you better? Isn’t it a bit manipulative to allow someone to develop feelings for you without warning him that he risks lifelong viral infection if he gets involved with you? Think about it. If you wait until they are already emotionally attached to you, they may feel obligated to continue the relationship when they wouldn’t have if you told them up front. It takes more courage and integrity to say it early, but it feels better to take the weight off your chest and the person you say it to will usually respect you for giving them the choice.

I am especially attractive to men as I believe that men are not as protective of their sexual partners when it comes to talking about herpes as women are. Guys, please don’t have sex with anyone without telling them about your herpes. And if you don’t know the facts, don’t underestimate the risks: Herpes is a more physically and emotionally devastating disease for women than it is for men, and it’s much easier for a man to give herpes to a woman than it is for a woman to give it to a man. men.

On how and what to say to other people with herpes:

I am a holistic healer, herbalist and homeopath. My family has been healers for many generations in my home country of Trinidad and Tobago and from Africa. I had little or no interest in treating herpes as a healer until I had it myself. Wanting to change the negative for the positive, I decided to make holistic herpes treatment the cornerstone of my practice. The bible says “the stone that the builder refused, I will make my cornerstone. Bob Marley and the weepers also sing about it.

Once I decided to become a holistic viral specialist, it didn’t take long for me to realize that I was facing a daunting challenge. Most practitioners, including every herbalist and homeopath I know, rely heavily on referrals to build their client base. Here I was now working with a client base from which I would never get many referrals. My herpes patients don’t go around telling the world that I helped them with their breakouts. Some of my patients have not yet told their loved ones that they have herpes, many have not told their closest friends or family. I’m not a company. I don’t have a budget for advertising. The only way to reach out to other people with herpes and encourage them to come to me for treatment was to speak publicly about my work with herpes and about herpes in general. This forced me to be much more out of the closet than my personal choice would have been.

I always seem to create challenging situations for myself. Talking to other people with herpes is not a task for the faint of heart. Some people like to shoot the messenger. I have the gunshot wounds to prove it. But I can say that talking to other people with herpes has been and continues to be one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I feel a deep bond with many of the people with herpes who interact with me. I felt this kind of bond when I was playing team sports. I have felt this kind of bond all my life with other black people. There is something about “us against the world” that can draw people closer to each other. I love my herpes friends. I love my herpes patients, even the bad ones. I’m not thankful for having herpes, but I’m not sorry either. However, the truth hurts, and I have a bitter truth to tell other people with herpes:

Having a lover who also has herpes is not a free ticket to unprotected sex. Even if you both have the same strain Having unprotected sex with each other can and often will make one or both partners’ cases of herpes worse. It’s called re-inoculation and it’s a message that many people with herpes don’t want to hear.

If you have herpes or cold sores, you’re potentially contagious every day, and there’s no sure way to know if you’re shedding the virus. Therefore, consider using a condom/dental dam combined with an antiviral gel when having sex, and be careful when sharing wet towels or wash cloths with others.

No two people get herpes the same way, so you’re going to have your own individual experience with the virus and you’re going to have to find your own way of dealing with it on all the different levels that you’re going to have to deal with it.

There is unlikely to be a cure for herpes in our lifetime and there are no quick fixes to control herpes. Herpes cannot be controlled with a topical agent alone, be it creams, lotions, or essential oils. Controlling herpes requires changing your diet, managing stress and other triggers, and may also require taking herbal medications or drug therapy.

You may not have fewer breakouts as you age. While this is often the case, since no two people get herpes the same way, other illnesses, menopause, self-abuse, re-inoculation from unprotected sex, and other factors can change the frequency pattern and severity of outbreaks at any time during your lifelong journey with herpes.

Cold sores are just as, if not more, contagious than genital herpes and can infect others when no signs of sores are present.

Having herpes makes you more vulnerable to other sexually transmitted infections, such as HIV, cervical dysplasia, and genital warts.

Daily use of l-lysine is an ineffective strategy for treating herpes and may do more harm than good. There are more effective natural remedies like garlic to treat herpes without any side effects.

Talking to those who don’t have herpes:

For me, the reality is that the traditional and alternative media do not want to talk about herpes. They’d rather have us in a ghetto. There is a lot of misinformation out there and people who don’t have herpes have few places to go to hear the facts about herpes. They don’t hear the facts in their churches, young people don’t get enough herpes education at school. Most parents do not teach their children about herpes, older siblings do not pass on information to younger ones.

It’s really up to us who have herpes to try harder to dialogue with those who don’t. HIV will not be the last word in the world’s human population control of viruses. If we don’t learn how to better protect the population against herpes and other sexually transmitted infections, we are going to have a lot of problems. Herpes is a gateway disease that provided easy access through the mucous membranes for any sexually transmitted virus.

It is my unwavering conviction that those of us in the herpes community need to be more vocal in the media and also reach out to those around us. Each teaches one. Each one reaches one.

Christopher Scipio

Holistic Herpes Treatment Specialist

It’s 2 am It’s dark outside. I look at my watch and suddenly realize that there are literally hundreds and thousands of people out there getting drunk on cheap drinks and generally having a much better time than I am. I rub my eyes, sigh, shake my head, and move on. Not because I’m better than them. And not because I’m a sad, closeted loser either (although that’s debatable). You see, I don’t need the usual distractions: booze, fun, women, daylight, other people, normal human society—it all fades away. in the dark. I don’t care about these things. Why? Because I’ve stumbled upon the ancient art of throwing dwarfs!

Maybe it’s a sign of the times. Maybe I’ve finally gone crazy. I’ve been up all night looking at the flying dwarfs. There’s a story behind this – you may have seen our recent article ‘The A-Team: Then and Now’. If you haven’t, you’d better drag your worthless ass over there. After I put that particular masterpiece online, I read it and one sentence in particular jumped out at me: “Mr. T is the winner of the World’s Toughest Bouncer contest. One of the events in the competition was dwarf tossing (since is outside the law). ?! It sounds amazing! I just had to find out more!

The lost sport that is Dwarf Tossing/Midget Throwing originated in Australia in the 1980s: a pub game for bored folks from white trash countries, bored with driving their tractors. According to one website (hosted by the ever-reliable no less):

“Anyone can play this pub sport, as the need for heavy drinking in preparation is completely optional, but highly recommended. Both men and women can play and even compete against each other. Unfortunately for the men, the women that usually participate tend to have masculine qualities, so the usual exchange of shirts at the end of each competition has been eliminated, due to constant complaints from women that the shirts they were given were always too small for them and that they would not want to use the shirt of a ‘chauvinistic pig who had fun throwing growth-restricted people anyway’.
Big muscles, strong legs, and random beer belly are the secret physical weapons of a true midget throwing athlete. However, to fully master the sport, the athlete must also possess the strength of an ox, the speed of a leopard, the timing of a magician, the patience of a predator, and the appearance of a fairly large bull sitting on a wasp. . For ‘persons pacified with their horizontal and perpendicular circumstances’ to participate in a throwing competition, they must always wear full protective clothing. Injuries are a serious threat to the career of a Throwing Dwarf who, if on tour, can earn a six-figure sum for letting people share his field of expertise.”

“Unlike golf, this is a true spectator sport worthy of any Olympic Games, but thanks to the interventions of ‘people negotiating a humor deficiency,’ no professional body has been created to globally organize and fund what only can be described as the only sport that promotes an unprejudiced view of society (although there is now a British Midget Throwers Association).”
Christopher Reeve shudders in his grave. Lois Lane cries silently.
Are these flying midgets getting six-figure salaries? Can this be true? Which makes me wonder: who in the name of Jesus H Jones pays these people? Is there a Flying Midgets union? Can you imagine putting this on your resume? I wonder if these talented human projectiles get hazard pay?

Basically, the rules are as follows; you pick up your selected dwarf (who will probably be adorning some sort of helmet and safety vest), take a three-step dash, and launch the little bug as far as you can. And there you have it, possibly the most non-PC sport ever invented. Whoever gets the furthest with his human missile is the winner. Although I shudder to think what kind of prizes would be given. Sexual favors maybe… who knows?

The roots.

The first of these twisted little events to gain any real recognition was the World Midget Throwing Championships (I kid you not), which took place sometime in 1986, further proof of how messy that decade was. That particular launch festival was won by the England team: Danny Blue, Roy Merrin and Lenny The Giant, the heroes of the hour.

Make and break records.

Take a look at the wonderful newspaper clipping to the right. I guarantee you it’s genuine. The current world record for the longest throw is held by a white trash wacko named Cuddles. Hurt. I bet he loves his mommy and everything. The launch was an impressive 12 feet 9 inches. Cuddles belongs to a team of circus runaways who call themselves the Oddballs. The Oddballs are mostly famous for their rather raunchy (and disturbingly homoerotic) ‘balloon dance’, which basically involves them jumping around naked with balloons covering their shrunken, pink manhoods.

It seems the local papers were all over this event, eager to bring you the latest on this extreme spectator sport of the new millennium. Not much seems to happen in whatever sleepy rural dive this took place in (we’ll call it Sheepball-on-sea). Either that, or there was some crazy and disgusting midget sexual fetish going on at the time…

Oh, and by the way (if you give a shit), according to a haggard random site I already forgot about, the English are still world camps. Another black eye to national pride, I think. We might suck at the Olympics, or any other real sport, but damn, we can really let those midgets fly.

Understandably, when people found out about this sickening, non-PC, offensive, yet strangely fascinating sport, they rallied en masse to ban it. Wow, that must have been an incredible sight: hundreds of people marching to the houses of the law, demanding that the vertically handicapped have the right to stay on the ground. I wish I had been there. Damn hindsight.

The year was 1989, and the world’s only support group for the vertically disabled, The Little People Of America, went to Florida and convinced lawmakers that this strange sport is, in fact, cruel and must stop. The measure banning midget tossing passed by a wide margin, and midget tossing was banned in both Florida and New York. However, in Texas, the home state of the LPA, you can still throw migdets to your heart’s content. Do you want to abuse a dwarf? Now you have to get in your car and drive… Later, Dave Flood, who appears on a morning radio show as “Dave the Dwarf,” took the matter to court and made the sport illegal in bars. thanks dave

In Ontario, Canada, the Midget Throwing Prohibition Act of 2003 was enacted, with penalties of a fine of not more than $5,000 or imprisonment for a term of not more than six months, or both. Maybe they have a special wing in the prisons for dwarf throwers. Hmm…

Despite all these fancy legal actions, this strange sport is still going on today. During my research for this article/compulsive time waster, I stumbled across a random Satan-like website that had a section on dwarf throwing. These photos (see below) were taken at a recent event, probably deep in the heart of Sheepball-on-sea. One thing I did notice, if you look closely at the photos, it’s the same dwarf thrown by every one of those hickory hillbillies. The poor bastard! That is not right! He doesn’t even have a helmet or anything!

Remember folks, no matter how strange, different, or strangely fascinating this dark and wicked sport may seem, don’t try it. Johnny Law will be two steps behind you, ready to throw your bitch ass in jail. You’ve heard about what they do to rapists in prison, right? Imagine what they would do to a Dwarf Thrower. In conclusion… it’s never good to be an idiot.

An article from: Part-time Ninja from []

The Rimage Producer III 8100 we tested had (4) CD/DVD burners, PrismPlus thermal printer, Rimage version 8.1 software, and DiscWatch light to view system status.

The Rimage 8100 and 8100n systems come in a couple of different CD, DVD, and/or Blu-ray Disc burner configurations. Also, there are two different thermal printer options: the PrismPlus and the Everest 600 (you can read a review of this printer by searching “Everest 600” on Google). Advanced features include remote job submission, job streaming, variable merge fields, tag serialization, Windows APIs, Fast APIs and SDKs, DVD Video Protection plugin, DiscWatch light, and multiple warranty service options.

We tested the Rimage 8100 for 3 months running various print and copy jobs, print only, network delivery and DVD video protection.

Price – The price of the Rimage unit we tested is $40,950. The 8100 is the most expensive CD/DVD writer we have ever used or tested. The high price may be justified depending on your requirements and needs. 1 star

Velocity – The Rimage 8100 produced 105 halved CDs and 47 halved DVDs in one hour. Throughput drops to 70/hour and 33/hour for fully filled CDs and DVDs. This is the highest performance of any integrated duplicator and printer on the market today, even for systems with more than four disc burners. The high performance is attributed to the speed of the robotics, as well as the true asynchronous recording and printing capabilities of the Rimage software, as well as the computer configuration. You can print and copy 1,000 CDs in a 10-hour day. 5 stars.

container capacity – Capacity of 300 discs. Like most other Rimage systems, the 8100 and 8100n use a 4-tray carousel that gives the user the ability to load up to 300 CDs and/or DVDs at a time. There are some CD/DVD duplicators on the market with capacities of 500 and 1000 discs. 3.5 stars

reliability – The Rimage 8100/8100n was extremely reliable in our 3 months of testing. The robust robotics and PrismPlus printer performed at a very high level throughout the duration of our tests. Assuming you use good quality CD or DVD media that don’t stick together, you’ll get all your CDs and DVDs complete without errors. 5 stars.

cost per impression – Using the PrismPlus printer and black ribbon will cost you $0.03/disc or less depending on print coverage. If you use the red or blue ribbon, the cost per print is $0.04/disc. CMY ribbon costs $0.25/disc per print. PrismPlus single color printing is the lowest in the industry. The Everest 600 printer option costs around $0.32 for color printing. 5 stars.

Print quality – The Rimage 8100 has two thermal printer options, the PrismPlus and the Everest 600. We tested a system with the PrismPlus thermal printer. The PrismPlus is ideal for solid monochrome logos, simple graphics, text and barcode printing. The other printer option is the Everest 600, which features photorealistic 600×600 dpi printing. The Everest 600 is ideal for high resolution full color disc printing. 5 stars.

print durability – Both the PrismPlus and Everest 600 printers are completely indelible and waterproof thermal transfer printers. In the case of the Everest 600, the color will not fade or lose its shine over time because the thermal retransfer process protects the discs from external forces such as moisture and UV rays. 5 stars.

Easy to use – The Rimage 8100 we tested connected to the supplied PC server via one USB 2.0 cable and four Firewire cables. The proven Quic Disc and CD Designer software comes pre-installed on the PC and is very easy to learn and use. Rimage offers installation and on-site training for $1,800, but in most cases, your Rimage provider can help you over the phone or with an on-site visit if needed. 4.5 stars

Maintenance – All Rimage publishers and printers work best in a dust-free environment, so the warehouse is not the recommended place to install this type of equipment. PrismPlus and Everest printers require a bi-monthly cleaning of the print head and air filters to archive the best print results. In addition, it is recommended to keep the input/output units and bins free of dust. 4 stars

Technical support – Rimage has higher-than-average phone support for the CD/DVD equipment industry. To maximize uptime and customer satisfaction, Rimage offers a variety of post warranty and express exchange options in one place. After warranty repairs can be expensive, as they are with other manufacturers in this niche. With that said, we recommend purchasing a Rimage 8100 from a reputable dealer who has the experience to respond to your technical support issues on the first call, and who can help you with your operational requirements and repairs. 4 stars

advanced features – Rimage Producer III systems have many advanced features that no other equipment manufacturer offers in this niche. Features we found useful were the DiscWatch light that provides a visual indication of operating status and the DVD Video Protection Plugin that makes it impossible to copy or pirate your intellectual property. Rimage also provides a powerful API for custom integration. 5 stars.

conclusion – Rimage 8100 / 8100N (p/n 530621-240 or 530641-240) is our best choice for high-volume disc publishing and printing requirements of 10,000 or more standard CD-r, DVD-r or Blu discs -Ray of 120 mm per month. Strengths include speed, reliability, low cost per print, and a host of advanced features like DVD Video Protect, custom API, and a software development kit.

Check out the links in the resource box below for more information and an unbeatable deal on the Rimage 8100 Producer III systems.

I find that very few wives ask their husband if he is cheating in the heat of the moment. Many wives give this very careful consideration. After all, no one wants to falsely accuse someone of something as serious as infidelity. Also, if you are wrong and accuse your husband of this and he is innocent, you could seriously damage your marriage.

So many wives will watch and wait. They will collect evidence. And they will mount suspicions that she can no longer ignore. Sometimes they will work up the courage to face him, only to lose him again. Eventually she will either get to the point where they can’t take it anymore or she will do something that will make confronting him unavoidable. Still, sometimes the wife is still not absolutely sure that she is right. And then she will try to assess her reaction as further evidence that he is cheating.

When she doesn’t like his reaction, she will confront him about it too, telling him that an innocent man wouldn’t act the way he is. After she settles the dust, she may wonder how an innocent man could act.

She might say, “My husband started acting weird about six weeks ago, shortly after he got a promotion at work. He started staying late at work. He started dressing a lot better. I caught him in the middle of the night.” texting someone at night. He was going to the office on the weekends, which had never happened before. He started working out. Then one day I was running errands and I saw him in a restaurant with another woman. I don’t know. They were touching. But there was something so insinuating about their conversation and body language that I knew they were having an affair. I was so upset I didn’t even go near them. But that night when we were having dinner, I told him what I had seen. He was furious that I left without saying anything. And he was very angry that I would accuse him of such a lack of integrity. He said he is trying to fit into his new position, which means he has to work harder and dress better. He said the woman was a classmate downstairs and you haven’t even touched her to shake hands. He went on and on for half an hour and almost threatened me that he had better not bring it up again. My husband is generally a laid back guy. He is not someone who gets angry like that. His exaggerated response almost confirms to me that he is, in fact, cheating. But when I told him this, he says that the opposite should be true. He says that he is the innocent man who is angry. But anger is not common for my husband. I think he protests too much. How do men usually act when they are accused of cheating and, in fact, are guilty? Does an innocent man act differently than an unfaithful man?

reactions vary: Honestly, the reactions you get vary as do the personalities and the men themselves. Sometimes perfectly innocent men will tend to overreact, while guilty men will smoothly, calmly and convincingly claim their innocence. A guilty man may talk endlessly about the matter, while an innocent man will immediately change the subject. You can’t always tell innocence or guilt based on these reactions.

Body language can be revealing: Now, body language experts will tell you that there are usually always telltale signs that someone is lying. Someone who is lying will look away slightly. they will purse their lips. They will put their hands together or tense their shoulders. They will clench their jaws. Some will even smile when your words sound anything but happy. However, often the confrontation happens so fast that you can’t analyze the posture and facial expressions.

Look at their behavior in the future: One thing confrontation can do is shake the tree a bit. He knows what you suspect and now it will be interesting to see if he changes his routines. If everything is legitimately innocent, it cannot change. But if he’s cheating on you and he doesn’t care if you know it, you might see the same reaction.

make yourself visible: Here’s one thing I know for sure. An affair has a way out. People slide. Or they decide to confess. If he’s cheating on you, chances are you’ll find out eventually. But if he’s otherwise acting normal with you, he’s on the lookout, then it makes sense to try to make yourself visible by taking him out to lunch one day so maybe the other woman/co-worker can see that your marriage is very current and on-going. clue. If he is willing to let this scenario play out, then this would tend to indicate that he is not cheating on her and that she does not care if she sees him or knows that he is actively participating in her marriage.

WARNING: Real history ahead. This will help you attract women. Stop reading if you don’t want to learn how to win over the woman of your dreams just by being funny.

I would like to tell you a story, the story of a boy who was not so handsome but was full of charisma, energy and the ability to make fun of himself. He had no problem letting it all hang out, so karaoke was a regular event for him on weekend nights. One night this guy was having a great time, he wasn’t even looking for girls, he was just singing (badly, I might add) at the karaoke bar on the East Side of Manhattan and entertaining his friends. A beautiful Latina girl, one he wouldn’t normally think of picking up, noticed him and showed her interest with some serious flirtation. She wasn’t impressed by his appearance, but she loved the fact that he enjoyed making fun of himself on stage. There was something about the energy she brought with her. They soon started talking, one thing led to another, and before he knew it he was in bed with this beautiful South American girl. Now they are talking about getting married.

And by the way, this story is totally true.

Guys, girls LOVE humor! No matter what survey, book, or magazine article you read, HUMOR is always considered one of the top things girls look for in a guy. And think about it, if YOU were a girl, would you rather be with a guy who loves life and makes you laugh, or a guy who may be more handsome but really boring? Do not answer. Having a good sense of humor not only brightens your girl’s world, but also brightens your own.

I could talk all day about different ways to be funny (or “cocky funny,” as David DeAngelo recommends), but I’ll start with my favorite method:

1. Self-loathing

Do you know that your parents told you not to care what people joke about you, to only joke about yourself? Well, it works, and not just as a way to deflect ridicule. You can also make girls like you, even love you.

I mean, hey, my last name is Brito. Sounds like Burrito, right? So growing up, they always called me Burritto. It bothered me at first, but once I started joking about it, even EMBRACING the Burritto nickname, life got better. Classmates stopped calling me Burritto in a teasing way, but in a fun way and among friends. I realized that self-loathing has even greater rewards: by doing dumb things like the worst “worm” you’ll ever see on a dance floor or karaoke on stage, people would laugh and enjoy my company. They would ask me out a lot more. And I would have fun. THAT is a game of winners.

Accepting the whole name “Burritto”, making fun of it, helped me make friends and girlfriends. “What’s your name?” the girls ask. “James, but you can call me Burritto,” she would reply. “Burrito?” the girls would say with a laugh. “That’s an interesting name.” And I guarantee you the conversation didn’t end there.

So guys, learn to make fun of yourselves. Not only will you attract girls, but you will enjoy life more. Everything in life seems a little brighter, a little more “glass half full” when you learn to laugh, not only at other people, but at yourself as well.

2. Observational humor. Hey, weird and funny things always happen. You might see a guy whose face looks like his dog or a goofy-looking cat staring at you. If you can point these things out, you’ll come across as sharp, witty, and full of fun.

3.Ingenuity. Nothing seems stronger than a guy who can chop his opponent to pieces, especially by using his own comments against him. He conveys intelligence, humor, and power all rolled into one.

4. Exaggeration. Hey, be ridiculous. I got the girls’ phone numbers just by walking around like a crab. Or sing a REALLY off-key note. Depends on the type of girl you are looking for, if she is an ice queen I wouldn’t recommend it, but for fun and easygoing girls, going overboard will make them laugh and want to be with you. in the process.

5. Cocky fun. This is the trademark of relationship guru David DeAngelo. The premise is that by doing arrogant and funny acts like making fun of a girl or slapping her, you show that you can live without her. The girls need you more than you need them, so to speak.

Personally, I don’t recommend this method because it will really make you look like an idiot. If bumping into a girl on purpose or asking her friends how they can deal with someone as annoying as her fits your personality, go for it. Maybe you are a cocky jerk after all. But if it’s NOT you, don’t bother. Dating should be about who you are, NOT who you’re not.

There you go. Just as laughter is the best medicine, it is also one of the best aphrodisiacs. So use it and have fun!

American painter, sculptor and filmmaker, Julian Schnabel (b. 1951) is a household name in Hollywood who has also been a favorite of ‘Neo-Expressionism’. He entered the field of art through his first solo exhibition in the year 1975, when painting as art was losing its shine. Schnabel is known for his overly assertive ways of self-promotion, often to the ire of art critics and admirers. His painting style is full of cheekiness, provocation and brute force of expression. Schnabel’s magnum opus “The Walk Home” remains the most important corroborator of his undisputed authority on “Modern Expressionist” art.

“The Walk Home” is a large piece, 9’3″ X 19’4″ in dimension, created between 1984 and 1985, and currently exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles. This painting beautifully carries the distinctive elements of the resurrected art of painting in the form of defiant ‘abstractionism’, where artists refuse to limit their works to pure paintings on flat canvas. In reality, “The Walk Home” is an ‘abstract’ work set in various media, such as broken crockery pieces, metals such as bronze and copper, fiberglass pieces, and oil paints, on a wooden base. This work represents a mixture of mosaic, painting, and minor relief work as a revolutionary practice in an otherwise serious art of painting. In line with most ‘Modern Art’ sects, “The Walk Home” also focuses more on presentational technique than mere thematic expression.

Modern artists discard the concept of the uniqueness of the meaning of a work of art and prefer to keep it open to different sectors of admirers to interpret the meaning in their own way. The theme of Julian’s “The Walk Home” is believed to center on the fable of a king who was attacked by unknown assailants, who hid in wait, on his way home. It could be said that it indirectly symbolizes the artist’s resentment against the conventional landscape of art, where every new movement of artistic interpretation has tried to cannibalize the previous generation of him. It further reflects the bewilderment of an artist, amidst the haze of the ‘postmodernist’ art scene, as they identify their way back to where they belong. The bold color scheme and thick brushstrokes, the embodiment of gritty trapped energy and overflowing emotions over a variety of random media, add to the dramatic appeal of the rendering, classifying it as one of the masterpieces of modern creativity.

super massive black holes they are mysterious entities that lurk hungrily in the hearts of probably every large galaxy in the observable Universe, where they lurk in sinister and ravenous secrecy, waiting for their dinner to come swirling into their expectant maw. These falling blows can consist of destroyed stars, clouds of disrupted gas, or any other unlucky celestial object that has been ripped apart by the gravitational clutches of the great black hole. Once a doomed object has passed the fatal point of no return, known as the event horizon, it can never return from the air of this gravitational beast, and is lost to the rest of the Universe forever. But, despite its bad reputation for being destructively ruthless, a supermassive black hole lurking in the heart of a galaxy far, far away has proven to have a nurturing character. This object has a maternal heart and is assisting in the birth of bright new baby stars that are more than a million light-years away. One light year is equal to 6 trillions miles

The discovery of this maternal heart of darkness, which has managed to spark the birth of stars at mind-boggling distances, as well as across multiple galaxies, was made by astronomers using NASA. Chandra X-ray Observatory and other telescopes. If confirmed, the black hole would represent the widest range ever observed for such an object that behaves like a nurturing stellar mother, kick-starting the birth of stars. This maternal heart of darkness has actually enhanced star formation.

“This is the first time we’ve seen a single black hole drive star birth in more than one galaxy at once. It’s amazing to think that one galaxy’s black hole can have a say in what’s happening in other galaxies millions of billions of times.” miles away.” ,” Dr. Roberto Gilli commented on a November 26, 2019 Chandra Observatory press release. Dr. Gilli is from the National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) in Bologna, Italy, and is the lead author of the study describing the discovery.

Said the raven nevermore”

Supermassive black holes are greedy entities that weigh millions to billions of times more than the mass of our Sun. Our own galaxy, the Milky Way, is home to such a gravitational beast, residing at its secret heart. Our resident supermassive black hole is called Sagittarius A*and as supermassive beasts go, it’s relatively low mass. Sagittarius A* (pronounced saj-a-star) it weighs “merely” millions, in contrast to billions, of solar masses. The dark heart of our Milky Way galaxy is quiet now. It is an ancient beast, waking up only occasionally to feast on an unfortunate celestial object that has come too close to where it waits. Even though he is mostly inactive, when both Sagittarius A* and the Universe was young, ate greedily, and shone brightly, like a quasar. quasars are the brilliantly dazzling accretion disks surrounding active supermassive black holes that haunt the centers of galaxies.

Despite their misleading name, black holes are not just empty spaces. In fact, they come in more than one size. In addition to the supermassive variety, there are stellar-mass black holes that form when an extremely massive star runs out of its necessary supply of nuclear fusion fuel and violently explodes as a core-collapse (Type II) supernova. The gravitational collapse of an especially massive star heralds its natural “death.” When a doomed heavy star has no more nuclear fusion fuel to burn, it has reached the end of the stellar path. Nuclear fusion within a star that is still “living”, turbulent and bright, creates radiation pressure which tries to push all the stellar material outwards. Meanwhile, the star’s own gravity tries to pull everything inward. This creates a delicate balance that keeps a star alive. Unfortunately, when a massive, giant star runs out of fuel and contains a heavy core of iron and nickel, it can no longer produce pressure. Gravity wins in the end. The core of the star collapses and becomes a supernova. Where once there was a star, there is no more.

Astronomers have also found convincing evidence for the existence of intermediate mass black holes they weigh less than their supermassive relatives, but more than their stellar-mass “relatives”. Shred enough mass into a small enough space and a black hole will form every time. Some scientists have proposed that these intermediate dough objects support each other and merge into the primitive Cosmos. For this reason, it has been suggested that they served as the “seeds” that created the supermassive black holes that lurk at the mysterious hearts of most, if not all, large galaxies, including our own.

The Milky Way’s resident supermassive black hole is not a lone gravitational beast. Sagittarius A* he has a lot of company. In fact, theoretical studies indicate that a large population of stellar-mass black holes (possibly as many as 20,000) could be fantastically shooting light around our own galaxy’s resident central black hole. A study published in 2018, which was based on data acquired from Chandra, suggests the existence of a treasure trove of stellar-mass black holes that haunt the core of our Milky Way.

Some current theories propose that supermassive black holes already existed in the ancient Universe. During that very early era, doomed gas clouds and stars swirled and then descended into the greedy, gravitating, sweeping claws of the hungry beast. never more to return from the violently swirling maelstrom that surrounds this strange entity. As the captured and doomed material swirled toward its inevitable demise, it formed a bright and violent storm of dazzling material around the black hole: its accretion disk (quasar). As this glowing, fiery material got hotter and hotter, it released a raging storm of radiation, especially as it traveled closer and closer to the Earth. event horizon which is the point of no return.

In the 18th century, John Michell and Pierre-Simon Laplace raised the possibility that such insults to our evolved common sense on Earth as black holes might actually exist in nature. In 1915, Albert Einstein, in his General Theory of Relativity, predicted the existence of objects with gravitational fields so powerful that anyone unlucky enough to get too close to their pull would be consumed. However, this concept seemed so outrageous at the time that Einstein rejected his own idea, despite his calculations to the contrary.

In 1916, the physicist Karl Schwarzschild formulated the first modern solution for General relativity which described a black hole. However, its interpretation as a space-time zone, from which absolutely not a thing could escape once trapped, was not properly understood until almost half a century later. Until then, these gravity beasts were considered just mathematical oddities. Finally, in the mid-20th century, theoretical physicists were able to show that these strange children of Mother Nature represent a generic prediction of General relativity.

A maternal black hole with a touch of Midas

The supermassive black hole that feeds it resides at the center of a galaxy about 9.9 billion light-years from Earth. The galaxy is in the company of at least seven neighboring galaxies, according to observations made with the Very Large Telescope (VLT) of the European Southern Observatory and the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT).

Using the Jansky Very Large Array from the National Science Foundation (NSA), astronomers had previously discovered the emission of radio waves from a jet of high-energy particles that is about a million light-years long. The jet can be traced to the supermassive black hole that feeds it, which Chandra detected as a powerful X-ray source. X-rays are created by hot gas swirling around the supermassive black hole. Dr. Gilli and his colleagues also saw a diffuse cloud of X-ray emission surrounding one end of the radio jet. This X-ray emission probably comes from a huge bubble of gas heated by the dance of energetic particles in the radio jet with surrounding matter.

As the scorching hot bubble expanded and invaded neighboring galaxies, it may have compressed cold gas in these galactic neighbors. This would have given birth to fiery baby stars. All the galaxies involved reside at approximately the same distance (approximately 400,000 light-years) from the center of the expanding bubble. Scientists estimate that the star birth rate is two to five times higher than typical galaxies with masses and distances similar to our planet.

“The story of King Midas tells of his magic touch that can turn metal into gold. Here we have a case of a black hole that helped turn gas into stars, and its reach is intergalactic,” said study co-author Dr. Dr. Marco Mignoli. on November 26, 2019 Chandra press release. Dr. Mignoli is also from the INAF.

Astronomers have observed many cases where a black hole influences its surroundings through “negative feedback.” This means that they have frequently observed a sinister black hole in the act of hindering the formation of new stars. This can occur when the jets emitted by the black hole send so much energy into the scorching gas of a galaxy, or cluster of galaxies, that the gas cannot cool enough to form a large number of baby stars. Although it may seem to defy common sense, things have to cool down before a hot baby star can be born.

“Black holes have a well-earned reputation for being powerful and deadly, but not always. This is a prime example of how they sometimes defy that stereotype and can be empowering instead,” co-author Alessandro Peca commented in the Chandra press release. Peca, before the INAFHe is currently a doctoral student at the University of Miami.

The astronomers used a total of six days of Chandra observation time spread over a period of five months.

“It is only thanks to this very deep observation that we saw the bubble of hot gas produced by the black hole. By targeting objects similar to this, we can discover that positive feedback is very common in the formation of groups and clusters of galaxies.” noted co-author Dr. Colin Norman in the Chandra press release. Dr. Norman is from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.

An article describing these results has been published in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.

It’s only natural to eventually not have much to say to your cheating spouse. Well let me clear that up. Many of us have a lot to say when we find out about the hoax. And most of us say a lot (or yell a lot) as soon as the cat is out of the bag. And we keep saying it. And then say it some more. But after a while, we argued a bit. And once we have our say, our spouse might try to defend or justify his infidelity, something most of us definitely don’t want to hear. And so we want all the talking to just stop, especially when we don’t have much to say to him anyway, at least at the time.

So it’s natural to resort to the silent treatment. However, not all husbands take it well or just accept it. Many will tell you that all your refusal to have a conversation is making things worse. They may try to make you angry or try to get you to talk to them. And this may cause some wives to question their strategy. Someone might explain, “I wouldn’t say that my husband and I had a lot of deep conversations after I found out he had been cheating on me. Most of the time, I was yelling at him and he was trying to dodge every insult I was throwing at him.” “I think he kept waiting until I calmed down to speak, but it took me a long time. And he keeps trying to speak, but I shut him down. I have no interest in what he has to say. There is no excuse that he will ever allow this to make sense. No There’s nothing he can say to me to soften the blow. So lately when he tries to talk, I just walk out of the room. And he’ll try to get me to talk to him, but I’ll stay silent and just look at him with anger in my eyes. He tells me we have to speak up eventually and that I can’t give him the silent treatment forever. I know I can’t go on like this forever. But right now, it’s working for me. If our kids are around, I’ll make polite requests for his benefit, but I don’t I talk to him about nothing. ng of substance and I don’t want to change this anytime soon. Do I have to stop giving him the silent treatment?”

I don’t think you have to do anything. You have every right to decide what works and what doesn’t work for you right now. After all, if your husband had never cheated on you, none of this would be necessary. He made that decision. You did not do it. And now, you’re just dealing with this mess (that you didn’t create) the best way you can.

That said, I doubt it can (or should) go on like this forever. Since he has children, it’s vital that he be able to talk openly and honestly with her father, even if he’s just talking about them. I’m sure you know that one day, the two of you will have to stop the silent treatment, at least when it comes to children. This is necessary for your well-being and to be effective parents. We often hope that if we just fake things for the kids, then they won’t know something is wrong. But, they capture more than we give them credit for. So whatever happens with the marriage, keep an open mind when it comes to co-parenting. Because presenting a united front as parents is one of the best gifts you can give your child.

But when it comes to talking about your marriage, there is no timetable for this. Sometimes it takes a while before you feel like he’s ready to have meaningful conversations. Eventually, though, you’ll want to. Because even if you don’t want to save your marriage and want to eventually get a divorce, you want to resolve this relationship in a healthy way so that the pain doesn’t linger, or worse, follow you into your next relationship. You deserve to be happy. But it’s hard to do that when you carry the baggage of this bread forever.

And the silent treatment is probably not the most effective strategy for getting rid of pain. Most of us want our husbands to feel pity and remorse, even if we are no longer sure of our marriage. The silent treatment usually makes you feel less sorry, not more. And he can only guess your point of view or your feelings. But all of these things can be saved for later, if needed.

And you may naturally get to the point where you get tired of shutting up and not having the conversation you probably need to move on. But I certainly don’t think you have to force yourself to speak if you’re not ready. I don’t think you have to rush. To keep her husband from putting pressure on her, I suggest something like, “I realize we’ll need to talk eventually, but I’m not ready for that just yet. And I ask that you respect that. I’m more than willing to discuss things that need to be discussed.” regarding the kids. But I’m not ready to talk about the affair or our marriage yet. I know eventually we’ll need to have those conversations. But now isn’t that time, at least not for me. I’ll let you know when I’m ready. But now myself, I only ask that you respect my wishes.”

You probably know when the time is right. One of the first things you learn during this process is that no one else can, or should, make these decisions for you. The judgments of others really shouldn’t matter. This is your Life. And your rhythm. So you can decide when you are ready to move on to the next step.

Lara started her career with a self-titled album, showing the world that she is the essence of her own music. Her album “Pure” also contains the theme of honesty, pure music means honest music. Her English career also began with a self-titled album that contained a track called “I am who I am”. Lara stated that this would have been the title of the album if it was not self-titled. Being the person that she is and being true to herself means that her music will always convey honesty and integrity to her audience. Nue followed after her self-titled English album and in 2005 an album titled 9 came out. 9 was the revival of Lara’s music, a process that came to an end for her. Again you could witness her honesty and the purity of her music throughout this album. Now Lara is working on a multilingual album. Lara has always emphasized that music (and for me especially her music) is a universal language that cannot be impeded by linguistic gaps. I think Lara will demonstrate this philosophy with the release of her next album.

I have illustrated to you that Lara applies the central theme you find on the Nue album to most, if not all, of her music. Lara is one of the few artists I know who is able to put together an album where almost every track is a huge number one hit. Many artists these days focus on a single track to promote her album, which tend to spend less time with the other tracks on the album, resulting in album flop. This is what makes people hesitate to buy albums by unknown artists. You may have heard a song or two from the album on the radio, but have no idea what to expect from the rest of the album. Once you buy it, you discover that the other songs are not as good as the singles you heard on the radio. When this is the case, you will most likely never buy another album from this artist. Lara has the ability to keep her audience interested in her music by making each song on her albums a special song, as if each song were an advertisement for her music. After going through an entire album, you cry for more when you finish the last song. That’s why fans can never wait for his next release, there’s always something new, something pure, something honest to look forward too.

Let me walk you through each song on the Nue album and show you how amazing this album really is. For me, this is Lara’s best French album. I think my reason for rating this album as her best album so far is because of the success of her Nue de Ella concert. This was an amazing show with passion, power, emotion and one of the best performances by a band I have ever seen. Although the show was about Ella’s Nue album, she also combined it with songs from Ella’s Pure album. This is what made this show a winner.

J’y Crois Encore (English: I Believe It Again).

In her album “A Wonderful Life”, Lara wrote an English version of this song titled: “I’ve Cried Enough”. Lara is an amazing songwriter. When you compare the lyrics of the French version with the English version, you will see that the content of both songs is identical, even if the lyrics are not a literal translation of the other. The song talks about pain and despair and dealing with them through faith and perseverance. The song makes you realize that you cannot change what happened in the past. Lara sums it up beautifully in the English version of the song when she sings: “Although I believe in the future, I have all the past present, now that I live in the present I don’t care about the rest…”

Aimer Leaves (English: To Love Before).

Lara loves to write about love. She has the ability to move love so beautifully through her lyrics and choice of melodies. This song has so many themes, it talks about love, betrayal and escaping from your pain to places where only you can find peace and tranquility. The image of peace and tranquility is beautifully achieved through Lara’s choice of melody, one that has a very calming and soothing tone.

S’en Aller (English: To Go Away).

This song is full of captivating contrasts. I think you can have various interpretations of this song, but one interpretation that came to mind was to take your own life into perspective by moving away from your current circumstances (to leave) and coming back to start over. In Lara’s own words: “And to leave, how do you come back”.

Silence (English: Silence).

An English version of Silence also appears on Lara’s “A Wonderful Life” album. Like most of Lara’s English translations of her French albums, she will find the English and French versions of Silence to be very similar to each other in terms of lyrical content. The meaning of Silence is simple. Silence is your best friend in difficult situations where it is better to keep your mouth shut. But it also refers to the moments of silence where you are not distracted by the noise of the world. In the heat of the moment it is always easier to make decisions when there is silence.

Because you are leaving (English: Because you are leaving).

There is so much passion in this song that you get goosebumps when you hear Lara sing it. She talks about being alone, loneliness making you fade. Nobody wants to be alone. The song talks about someone looking for a flavor to break the chains of loneliness.

I am my heart (English: I am my heart).

Although Lara did not write this song, she must have identified something in it that she wanted to add to this album. Lara never includes a song on an album just for the sake of the song. The song speaks of the fear of rejection from a loved one, the longing of the heart that brings pain when you cannot satisfy that need. It also speaks to the fear of losing the happiness you are experiencing, the uncertainty of the future, and never knowing when it will be taken away from you. All this fits with the title of the album. Being naked means that you are exposed, stripped of all your security and protection, which explains the fear illustrated in this song.

Tango (English: Tango).

Lara uses a tango dancer and a matador as a beautiful metaphor for lovers who cannot meet, one of the lovers rejecting the other. Belonging to the matador is the challenge as the bull challenges the matador. The dancer dances towards the matador, but the matador rejects her love by fighting like a bull. It is a beautiful image sustained by a beautiful and captivating melody. It’s just a joy to listen to and even better to watch Lara perform it on stage.

Imagine (English: Imagine).

Lara seems to have a soft spot for tribal music. She whispers the song, with tribal drums and bagpipes as a backdrop. Lara plays with her imagination as she sings the song, creating an image of a paradise of simplicity, peace, honesty, joy and all that is good. She paints such a pure image in your mind that you realize it is completely unreal and impossible in our current world.

You are my other (English: you are my other).

A wonderful duet with Maurane. The duet supports the theme of the song and I think it will never have the same effect if sung alone. The song talks about two people so closely linked to each other that they are inseparable. You can interpret it as two close friends, two close relatives, or two lovers who are very close to each other. The image of two interconnected people is strongly portrayed through the last line of the song: “And if one of us should fall”. Closing the song with this rhetorical statement that emphasizes how close the two people really are.

River (English: River).

Play games with your imagination. Lara paints the picturesque landscapes of Rio with this song. Just lie back, she closes her eyes and listens carefully to the lyrics (if you understand French) and experiences the atmosphere that Lara creates through this song. Lara’s performance of this song during Nue’s concert is simply amazing. But even if you don’t understand the words, you still enjoy the vibrant music, upbeat melody, and most importantly, Lara’s beautiful voice.

Bambina (English: Little Baby).

Lara co-wrote this song with Janey Clewer. I’m not sure what motivated Lara to write this song, but I guess it’s her maternal instinct that inspired her. The song can be interpreted in two ways, a mother who lost her baby or a mother of an adult child who remembers the days when her son was little. This is one of those songs that easily brings a lump to the throat.

immortal (English: immortal).

This song is a masterpiece in all aspects. The lyrics, the voice of the artist, the music of the orchestra, everything is perfect. Again Lara makes use of a contrast to emphasize an idea. She describes herself as immortal but she dies for her lover, her lover makes her mortal. The song talks about a strong and indestructible person for everyone, but totally vulnerable for someone special, that person who is able to break all her defenses and reach the depths of her heart. I like the way Lara writes her songs in such a universal way that you can interpret it in various ways. The fact that someone can break through your defenses can be both good and bad. It’s good when the person approaches you, but bad when someone uses it for their benefit.

The King Is A Woman (English: The King Is A Woman).

I think that Lara’s motivation to include this song, another one not written by her, is her mother. I think she dedicated the song to her mother because of the references to Sicily in the song. But you can also see him as Lara making an ironic statement here in an industry dominated mostly by men. She showed everyone with this album that she, too, can be successful with the music she produces, not because she is a woman, but because she is an exceptionally talented artist.

Lara co-wrote most of the songs on this album with Rick Allison who also contributed a lot to this album. Lara and Rick did an extremely good job with this album and in my opinion made a great team when they produced music together. The album concludes with a piano mix of all the songs on the album. For me, the choice to add a piano medley at the end was perfect. I couldn’t have chosen a better way to conclude such a rich and invigorating album.

At this time when content is considered king in the online field, the number of SEO article writers keeps multiplying by the minute. These people know that writing and using SEO articles in their internet marketing campaign is their best chance to get noticed in the online arena. However, it is sad to say that not all of these people are really effective at what they are doing. I have read many SEO articles and I can tell that some of them really don’t know what they are doing. If you are one of these people, let me help you be more effective in this effort. Here’s what you need to do to make your articles more impactful and memorable:

Learn from the experts. Before you start writing and optimizing your articles, I would recommend that you understand how expert SEO writers go about the process. Read the articles they have published in the directories, ask for their tips and techniques and, if possible, attend the seminars they offer. Knowing what they know is the first thing to do to follow in their footsteps.

Know your chosen topics. Don’t research and write your articles all the time, otherwise they will sound like a compilation of random data. It’s best if you first gain in-depth knowledge through extensive research and gaining first-hand experience (if applicable). Do not start writing unless the chosen topic is very clear to you.

There’s no way you can effectively educate your readers if you don’t know what you’re discussing inside out. Make it interesting to read. Make that conscious decision to make your articles sound light, bubbly, and conversational. Remember, you can’t afford to bore your readers, otherwise they’ll close your articles too soon. Write the same way you speak. Insert stories where appropriate and try to insert jokes from time to time. If you can entertain your readers, you can be sure that they will read your articles to the end.

Correctly optimize your articles. By this, I simply want to say don’t overdo it. Avoid using too many keywords in your articles and optimize them without sacrificing readability and quality. Use just the right amount of keywords, which is 1-2% of your article’s word count. Then insert relevant keywords and phrases that your target audience might use when searching for information related to your niche or the product you’re selling.

Make it informative. Be very generous when giving useful information. Feel free to give your readers all the data they are looking for. Doing this will work in your favor, as you will be able to help your readers while positioning yourself as someone who is very knowledgeable in your niche. When this happens, your prospects will see you as someone they can trust. This is the first step in converting them into potential buyers.