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As employers demand more skills and educational requirements from their employees, online MBA programs offer a great opportunity to advance your career. And the decision to pursue such a program couldn’t have come at a better time, as many of these programs are now readily available.

Completion of an accredited online MBA degree will weigh heavily in any company’s hiring and promotion decisions. According to studies that have been done, there is a direct correlation between higher salaries and having an MBA.

As economic conditions worsen around the world, learning new skills can make your resume even more attractive to your employers. The choice to pursue an MBA degree online is becoming more popular even among full-time employees. Online MBAs are highly sought after as the program is designed to equip employees for advanced leadership positions in business. Studies show that those with an MBA tend to earn around 145% more than those without, over their lifetime. So while it may seem expensive at first, it makes sense in the long run.

According to figures from the Graduate Management Admission Council, in some cases a person’s salary can increase up to 50% with an MBA. For example, a person working in the field of marketing can earn up to $42,000 before earning an MBA, while that number can rise to $80,000 after earning an MBA. In effect, that’s almost double the money, after an MBA.

Best online MBA and business graduate school profiles include American Intercontinental University, Baker College Online, Capella University, Devry University, Ellis College of New York Institute of Technology, Everest University, Grand University Canyon, Grantham University, Jones International University, Kaplan University. , Keller Graduate School of Management at DeVry University, Warren National University, Regis University Online, Saint Leo University, South University, Strayer University, Tulane, University of Phoenix Online, Walden University, and Westwood College.

An online MBA degree from any of these accredited universities can give you the edge you’re looking for in the business world. The distance learning program offers you distinctive credentials and professional advantages. Working professionals can benefit from the online MBA because of its scheduling flexibility, efficient use of time, and the availability of solid experience and perspectives from an informed group of fellow online MBA students.

Essentially, the online MBA is a master’s program in business administration. And it usually emphasizes one area of ​​focus, i.e. Finance, Health, or Technology. In the current economic climate, an MBA from an accredited distance learning program remains a standard for top companies, which compete for the best available managerial talent.

Some of the subdivisions in the Business MBA online degree include Accounting and Finance, Business Administration and Business Management, Contract Management, E-Commerce, Entrepreneurship, Health Management, Hospitality Management, Human Resources, International Business, Management of IT, Leadership, Marketing, Organizational Management, Project Management, Sports & Entertainment Business and Supply Chain Management.

Since many reputable universities offer the distance learning online MBA option, be sure to review the course details before you begin.

For more information on online MBAs and accredited online master’s programs, visit Online Education Portal is your directory of the best online courses available. Change your life by developing to your full potential – earn an accredited online MBA.

What happened during the Victorian era?

The Victorian era was the period of Queen Victoria’s reign, from June 20, 1837 until her death on January 22, 1901.

The era followed the Georgian period (1714 to 1837, named for the Hanoverian kings George I, George II, George III, and George IV) and was characterized by a class-based society that included the upper, middle, and lower classes.

It was a period of old-fashioned ideals, celebrated for its corsets, coifs, top hats, bustles and petticoats and the entrepreneurial spirit of the self-made man.

Charles Dickens became famous as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era and Florence Nightingale (1820-1910), a British nurse, known as “The Lady with the Lamp,” whose experiences during the Crimean War laid the foundation for modern nursing .

Coronation of Queen Victoria

Queen Victoria’s father died when she was just 8 months old and all three of her uncles also passed away, putting her in line as heir to the throne when she was 18.

Her coronation took place on Thursday June 28, 1838, just over a year after she succeeded to the throne with Lord Melbourne, her first Prime Minister, who trained her in the art of politics.

Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, her first cousin, became Queen Victoria’s consort from their marriage on February 10, 1840, until her death in 1861.

Her children married into royal and noble families, earning Victoria the nickname “the grandmother of Europe” and spreading hemophilia among European royalty.

Prince Albert died of typhoid fever on December 14, 1861, at Windsor Castle with Queen Victoria and five of their children at his bedside.

The Belle Epoque (1871 – 1914)

The Belle Époque (La Belle Époque, “Beautiful Age”) between the end of the Franco-Prussian War in 1871 and the outbreak of the First World War in 1914 saw the French artistic arts flourish, with numerous masterpieces of literature, music, theater and visual art flourished.

In Britain and the rest of Europe, it was characterized by optimism, regional peace, economic prosperity, colonial expansion, and technological, scientific, and cultural innovations.

Industrial Revolution

The dramatic forces of change unleashed by the Industrial Revolution made the British Empire the world’s leading industrial power, producing much of the world’s coal, iron, steel and textiles during the Victorian era.

The first Industrial Revolution (1760 – 1840) in Britain saw the disappearance of rural life as cities expanded rapidly and the factory system, centered on textile manufacturing, was established.

Three of the most influential inventions of this period were the coke-fired oven, the steam engine, and the spinning machine, which increased production capabilities.

The Second Industrial Revolution (1850 – 1914) focused on profitable steel production, railroad expansion, advances in electricity, improved communications, oil, and the automobile.

Alexander Graham Bell (March 3, 1847 – August 2, 1922), a Scottish-born inventor, scientist, and engineer, invented and patented the telephone in 1876, while Samuel Finley Breese Morse (April 27, 1791 – August 2 April 1872), an American inventor and painter, invented the electric telegraph (1832-35) and then co-developed Morse Code (1838).

Child labor during the Victorian era.

Child labor during the Industrial Revolution was made notorious for the conditions in which children were employed, depriving them of their childhood, their ability to attend school, and was mentally, physically, socially, and morally damaging.

Children made up more than 25 per cent of the British workforce in mines, factories and workshops.

Many began work at four or five years of age, working long hours in hazardous working conditions.

In coal mines, children crawled through tunnels too narrow and low for adults, and boys worked as chimney sweeps in rich homes to remove soot.

The famous author, Charles Dickens, worked at the age of 12 in a black factory, with his family in debtors’ prison.

Lord Shaftesbury

Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury (April 28, 1801 – October 1, 1885) was a British politician, philanthropist, and social reformer who became known as the “Earl of the Poor” because of his advocacy of better treatment of the working classes.

He was also president of the Ragged School Union, which promoted the education of the most disadvantaged children in society.

Lord Shaftesbury believed that education was a way to free children from poverty.

Factory Acts he supported ensured better conditions for children and women which included:

*The maximum working day will be 12 hours.

*Children under 9 years old will not be able to work.

*children ages 9-13 restricted to a 48-hour work week, with part-time school attendance.

British Empire

At just 4 feet 11 inches tall, Victoria was a towering symbol of the British Empire.

His reign paved the way for a modern and prosperous Britain.

From the mid-18th century, the Royal Navy was the most powerful in the world and played a key role in establishing the British Empire.

Victories over Napoleonic France increased Britain’s influence abroad as Lord Nelson’s fleet defeated the French and Spanish at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 and the Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon Bonaparte at Waterloo in Belgium in 1815.

Queen Victoria became Empress of India on the advice of her seventh Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli.

She approved of his imperialist policies that led to the Scramble for Africa in the 1880s and 1890s with the other great European powers.

Britain became the most powerful nation in the world with a quarter of the world’s population owing allegiance to the queen.

William Ewart Gladstone (December 29, 1809 – May 19, 1898) was a Liberal politician who served 12 years as Prime Minister of Great Britain in four terms beginning in 1868 and ending in 1894.

His political doctrine, known as Gladstonian liberalism, was to reduce privilege and open established institutions, such as universities and the military, to all.

Political parties during the Victorian era

The two main political parties during the Victorian era were the Whigs/Liberals and the Conservatives.

The Whigs were a major British political group in the late 17th to early 19th centuries who wanted limited royal authority and increased parliamentary power.

The Labor Party was founded in 1900, having emerged from the trade union movement and socialist parties of the 19th century which overtook the Liberal Party, to become the main opposition to the Conservative Party in the early 1920s.

Prominent statesmen during the Victorian era included Lord Melbourne, Sir Robert Peel, Lord Derby, Lord Palmerston, Benjamin Disraeli, William Gladstone, and Lord Salisbury.

Lord Melbourne (a Whig), who was British Prime Minister from July 16 to November 14, 1834 and from April 18, 1835 to August 30, 1841, was a close friend of Queen Victoria and chief political adviser during the early years of his reign (from June 20, 1837).

Crimean War

The Crimean War (1853-6) was a major European military conflict of the 19th century that saw an alliance of the Ottoman Empire, France, Great Britain, and Sardinia against Tsarist Russia.

The immediate cause involved disputes over Orthodox holy sites in Jerusalem and the rights of Orthodox Christian minorities in the Holy Land, which were under the occupation of the Ottoman Empire.

The French Emperor Napoleon III (a Catholic) refused.

Having obtained promises of support from France and Great Britain, the Ottoman Turkish Empire declared war on Russia in October 1853.

Charge of the Light Brigade

The Charge of the Light Brigade which took place during the Battle of Balaklava, on October 25, 1854 of the Crimean War, was the British light cavalry force with fast horses and soldiers armed with lances and sabers.

Through misunderstood orders, the 670-horseman Light Brigade began a headlong charge against the heavily defended Russian troops.

The legend was made famous by Alfred, Lord Tennyson in his 1855 poem to honor their bravery and sacrifice: “Honour the charge they made! Honor the Light Brigade, Noble six hundred!”

florence nightingale

Florence Nightingale, (1820 – 1910) was a British nurse and the founder of modern nursing.

She became famous for her nursing work during the Crimean War (1854-1856) and an icon of the Victorian era as “The Lady with the Lamp” who made her nightly rounds among wounded and dying soldiers.

It is an interesting time for me, a Christian lesbian and married New Yorker, to prepare for my ordination. I have been serving in ministry at The Potter’s House Church of the Living God in Brooklyn for many years: I sing, lead praise and worship, play the organ, direct the choir, maintain the website, and most recently teach the studio. of the Bible and preaching. It may seem like a lot, but it doesn’t feel like it when you’re doing what you love. What I still have to do is perform a wedding ceremony. But it sounds like that may be an important part of my job description, since gay marriage became legal in New York around the time my ordination is about to become official.

I grew up in a church where women were rarely allowed in the pulpit, let alone preach. We wore long skirts, long hair, no makeup, no pants, and no open shoes. I had no idea then that she was a lesbian. I had no idea then that she had any kind of sexual identity because premarital sex was a one way ticket to hell. So, when I was a child and a virgin, sex was an evil monster always on the prowl, wielding a weapon of unbridled passion capable of corrupting and killing all hope of divine favor with a momentary thrill. So I avoided it like the plague. And it was quite easy for me to do so as my latent lesbianism made it quite easy for me to find advances from men off-putting. Older men wanted to marry me (they thought I was 30 when I was 15; that’s what long skirts and no makeup will do for you). But he was determined to follow the rules. So I waited for that “special man” to arrive for whom I would cook, clean and give birth to a basketball team worthy of children.

Well, I finally got married. to a woman she was 18 years old when I met her sixteen years ago. We were the last two women in a lesbian club I had snuck into to explore my potential for “unnatural affections.” I had already left the church at that time but I had not left my God. For some reason, despite all my so-called “ungodly efforts,” the same God who spoke through me in the tongues of angels, eased all my teenage angst, and held me “before I came out,” continued to do all of those things. “after coming out of the closet”. .” So I followed my God and my heart and married the woman who is now my partner in ministry and in life. We first got married in my church, then again in 2010 in DC so we could take pictures outside of the White House showing our certificate and making the case for federally legalized same-sex marriage. Will we get married a third time in New York now that it’s legal in our home state? I don’t know yet. But if I can get another ring of the deal, I’ll most likely make sure it happens.

Meanwhile, there are other marriages to perform; other functions to perform. In a culture that is alternately fed up with the concept of God, frustrated with the inability of the Christian faith to live up to its own ideals, or disgusted with the critical attitudes of followers of the faith, I step I to do the work of a servant . Claiming to be called by God and possess gifts that will undoubtedly help to give meaning to one’s life and to God’s role in it, I assume a mantle handed down for more than 2000 years. As a “coming of age” minister at the time of state legalized gay marriage, I am grateful for the work of the outspoken and affirming clergy who came before me and made this victory possible. Still, I hope one day I won’t be seen as a “lesbian minister” who can perform “gay marriages.” I pray to be a qualified child of God to help celebrate that special moment when two become one and life becomes even richer as a result.

But until then, one of the most important things I can do to help make our marriages more valid is to help make sure our marriages last. My biggest fear is that the rush to church and town hall will be followed too quickly by the rush to get to divorce court. Many conservatives expressed fear that our marriages would somehow destroy the sanctity of the ceremony. My hope is that every vote made by LGBT couples in New York puts another nail in the coffin of that myth. I want our marriages to be examples of love and commitment, thoughtful pacts between mortals and the divine. Because God knows that “it is not good for man to be alone.”

So let this newly appointed minister who has married the same person twice and has been married to her for nearly a decade to offer some quick advice to those about to take the step of marriage:

You should not marry until you are sure you can live with all the characteristics of your partner that you know you cannot change. If you can’t learn to love those things, you’re not loving the whole person.

Make sure you and your partner don’t trip over baggage from your past. Consult your religious leaders and get advice.

Do not look for someone who loves you if you have not yet learned to love yourself; you may attract an abuser.

Make sure you both understand what you want from the relationship and where you want it to go. If you want five children and your partner doesn’t want any, that’s a big deal!

Finally, you deserve the best, and the best is out there. Don’t settle for less.

Commitment is something our God takes very seriously. He never left me, even when I changed from long skirts to pants and from pews to pulpit ministry. When you give your life to Christ, you commit yourself to Him in a relationship that lasts for eternity. God does not expect his children to marry someone on a whim and then leave them. The two become “one flesh.” “What God has joined together, let no man put asunder.” The world is watching, so let’s get it right!

When it comes to dealing with the legal system, you only need the best people on your side. Whether you are being wrongfully blamed or seeking justice, you will need an attorney. In stressful situations like car accidents, attorneys are important. Protect your rights by knowing what to look for in an attorney.

Hiring a motorcycle accident attorney or attorney to assist you in altercations should be a selective process. You need someone who can speed up the difficult process. If you are in the middle of a personal injury case, you want to get it over with as quickly as possible. A good attorney can save you costs, time, and other resources.

hire a lawyer

– Find a lawyer specialized in the nature of your claim. Law has many branches and most lawyers have their own specialties. The best corporate attorney might not be a good car accident attorney. Choose one who frequently handles cases similar to the one he is dealing with.

– Ask for lawyer referrals from trusted friends and family. A personal, informal review of a lawyer’s credibility can be more reliable than the reviews you find on law firm websites and other sources. If your friend or family member has been through the same situation as you, they can provide valuable advice and information beyond attorney referrals.

– Request an initial consultation with your potential personal injury or motorcycle accident attorney. This is how you will have an idea of ​​whether or not you can trust this attorney. Most likely, they will share private or even traumatic details of what happened. You need someone you can be honest with.

– Law is a profitable career because lawyers can command high fees. This does not mean that you should choose the one with the lowest rate just to save funds. Consider the attorney’s credentials. If they ask high fees but can back it up with excellent service and an impeccable track record, they might be the attorney for you.

– Car accident attorneys should be trustworthy and easily accessible should you need them. Find an attorney willing to answer your questions. An attorney who will appreciate your input and include you in their planning is the one you want. This shows that there is mutual trust in the client-attorney relationship.

– Find an expert lawyer not only in law but also in communication. A lawyer with good communication skills often impresses the court, allowing judges and jurors to rule in her favor.

Whether it is a car or motorcycle accident, attorneys will be your first line of defense. A good attorney can even ease the stress of a hearing. You owe it to yourself to find the best attorney you can afford. Compensation for your injuries is one thing, but knowing that justice can be properly served is priceless.

For many, the start of a new year signals a time to make some kind of change in their lives and become more like their ideal self. For others, January marks the time to make a different kind of change, one that’s much easier to do: cut your property tax bill. The tax appeal process in New Jersey involves a number of steps and using an experienced property tax attorney to guide you through the process will make your New Year’s resolution much easier to follow.

Since New Jersey’s tax appeal season is toward the beginning of the year, lowering your property taxes is a perfect New Year’s resolution. By the end of January each year, all New Jersey homeowners are supposed to receive their annual assessment. That’s the little green card that comes from the tax assessor’s office. Since all properties within a particular municipality in New Jersey are taxed at the same rate, it is the assessment that differentiates one homeowner’s tax bill from another and is the true measure of whether a property is being taxed equally. fair or not The period in which an evaluation can generally be appealed in New Jersey is from the time the evaluation is received through April 1 (May 1 if there was a reevaluation or reevaluation).

The first step in understanding if you’re paying too much tax is understanding how your property is valued.

In New Jersey, your appraisal is the value your property was appraised for at the time of the last appraisal. Although the amount at which the municipality values ​​your property changes from year to year, your appraisal generally remains the same. Each year, each municipality in New Jersey is assigned an “equalization rate,” which is intended to reflect the current value of properties in a particular municipality relative to their value in the year of assessment.

You can find your municipality’s compensation ration by calling your city tax assessor or county tax board. It can also be found on the New Jersey Division of Taxation website. The “average ratio” is the percentage of the “true value” that is considered to be your assessment. In other words, divide your appraisal by the compensation rate to get the actual value of your property. This is the number your assessor is actually using to calculate your property tax, not your assessment.

For many people, the decision of whether to appeal their appraisal is easy once they realize the actual value of their property. For others, especially people who have owned property for a long time and haven’t been thinking about buying or selling, the question of whether to appeal an assessment is less clear.

Here are several general rules to keep in mind when deciding whether to appeal your assessment:

  • As your appraisal ages and your match ratio gets lower, there is a greater chance that your appraisal has drifted from the actual value of your property.
  • Conversely, when a leveling index rises above 100% because property values ​​have fallen (as they have in recent years), that means that, on average, properties are overvalued in those municipalities. The property owner still has the burden of proving that his particular property is overvalued, but an average ratio of more than 100% is a good indicator of overvaluation.
  • When you live in a development or neighborhood where properties are very similar and prices have dropped significantly, your individual property value may have dropped and your appraisal and equalization rate may not have kept pace.
  • Whenever a property has unique characteristics that make it very different from those nearby, lowering the appraisal is often warranted. For example, a very large older home in a neighborhood of smaller newer homes will often be assessed as a larger home with the characteristics of the surrounding areas. In fact, such houses tend to be more difficult to sell and often warrant lower appraisals.

The next step in the process for individuals is to decide if they want to work with an attorney in this process. While corporations and other legal entities must be represented by an attorney under New Jersey law, a sole proprietor may represent themselves. However, there are very good reasons to consider retaining one:

  • Many attorneys work on a contingency basis, so there are no legal fees unless your taxes are reduced. There are certain fixed out-of-pocket costs paid by the property owner, but the attorney receives a percentage of the tax savings if, and only if, the appeal is successful.
  • An attorney working on a contingency basis must provide a free consultation and do their own independent investigation to determine whether an appeal is likely to be successful. If an attorney doesn’t return calls and take the time to tell her why she thinks her appraisal should be lowered, that’s a sign to look elsewhere.
  • Above all, there is the convenience of having an experienced professional handle your case. You don’t have to worry about any of the rules that can be burdensome and, frankly, arbitrary. (For example, property tax appeals may be dismissed if the petition is not on legal paper.) You do not have to testify at a hearing, which is often unfamiliar and uncomfortable for the landlord.
  • Many people believe that they will get a better result when they are represented by an attorney. This added savings year after year more than offsets the attorney’s fees.

Take, for example, the case of Stephen and Rachel Pineles, who decided to appeal the appraisal of their home in Essex County, New Jersey, in 2010. “My town hadn’t had an appraisal in over twenty years and my appraisal was outrageously high compared to the actual rate. value of my home,” Stephen Pineles said. “Hiring an attorney to handle the property tax appeal was definitely the right decision for me. I didn’t have to worry about anything. Initially, the tax assessor offered a reduction that was quite low. In the end, my attorney negotiated a much better settlement and my property taxes were reduced by over $3,700 or almost 30% of my tax bill.”

As with anything else, there is some risk of appealing your assessment. In New Jersey, if your case is unsuccessful, you will not get your out-of-pocket costs back. Also, under New Jersey law, your appraiser has the right to argue that your appraisal is too low. However, this right is limited to cases where your property is undervalued by 15%. If your property’s appraisal divided by the equalization rate is $100,000, the appraiser can only argue that the appraisal should be increased if he or she can prove that your property is actually worth at least $115,000. If your attorney has done their research well and has determined that there is a good case for lowering your appraisal, it is unlikely to happen.

As the new year begins, in addition to some of the tougher goals and changes people contemplate, it may be worth considering trying to lower your tax bill. It could be one of the easiest and most profitable resolutions you make.

There are many stories of seats being filled on day 1 of the bar exam, only to be empty on day 2 or day 3. Don’t be one of these.

People spend months preparing, then after day 1 many feel like they failed the exam. So, they think it doesn’t matter and don’t show up for the other days of the bar exam. And what happens when they get their scores three months later?

Passing day 1 scores!

This has happened to many people. The last thing you want to do on bar exam day is give up. No way. You have spent too much time and sweated too many tears and blood to get to this day. No one leaves the bar feeling like they’ve just reached the top of Mount Everest. It’s the bar exam, you’re not supposed to do perfect!

All you need is a 65, a D-, and you’re a lawyer. So, just go ahead and don’t worry if you’re not perfect.

In many states, the bar exam is actually designed to throttle you a bit. In California, you can almost guarantee that there will be at least one test question that will leave you totally stumped. I personally felt like mine had four of them! It is right. If you don’t know, NO ONE knows! Do the best you can, make up some rules, use the facts and do it.

Still, testers don’t give a damn about the details. They only look at headings to make sure you have the correct problems, a reasonably good rule in use, and the key facts that are supposed to apply to that heading. Remember, graders spend about three minutes scoring your essay, and wrong rules get partial credit as long as you apply the facts to your wrong rule!

I think Babe Ruth said something like, “You don’t hit 100% of the balls you don’t swing.” So don’t cross yourself out if you feel like you didn’t do something right.

Woody Allen says, “70% of success in life is showing up.” Well, if you get a 70 on your bar exam… PASS!

The worst that can happen is that you don’t show up, and you’re already creating that reality by not showing up. You’ve put in the time and effort. You never know how it will turn out. Just show up, push and don’t give up.

Good luck in your preparation for the bar exam!

“This name appears on the pass list”

If you have been given the terrible job of organizing the boys or girls golf tour in Ireland or anywhere else for 2015/2016! You must read my following points, because I would like to share with you some of my thoughts that will help you plan a great golf trip for everyone to enjoy. I’m going to outline a couple of crucial aspects that will ensure you don’t make a complete mess of the task at hand. In this article I will focus on helping you build a great Irish Golf Tour.

Create a checklist… If you do nothing else, just create a checklist. Detail; golf courses, transportation, accommodation, great places to eat at each stop, great shopping, what places to visit, researching Irish sporting events, and anything else you think the group would like to do.

Should you get consensus from the groups which golf courses they would like to play? But be realistic and trust me; the idea of ​​playing Waterville and Royal Portrush on the same trip sounds great, but there is a lot of travel between those courses and you will waste too much time traveling, when you could be playing golf.

Before deciding where you would like to play golf; We typically segment Ireland into four golf destinations, however the areas may overlap depending on the courses you would like to play.

Southwest Golf Courses: Ballybunion GC, Doonbeg GC, Dooks GC, Lahinch GC, Old Head Golf Links, Tralee GC, and Waterville Golf Links.

Southwest Parkland Golf Courses: Cork Golf Club, Adare Golf Club (at the Manor House) and Killeen at Killarney Golf & Fishing Club.

Dublin golf courses (Baltray, European Club, The Island, Portmarnock GC, Portmarnock Links and Royal Dublin)
North & West Golf Links – both courses at Ballyliffin, Carne, Donegal, Enniscrone, Narin and Portnoo, Northwest, Portsalon, both courses at Rossapenna, Rosses Point. (Note that there is a lot of traveling to get from one place to another in the west and north-west of Ireland.)

Northern Ireland golf courses: Ardglass, both courses at Royal County Down, both courses at Royal Portrush, Castlerock and Port Stewart.

If you like a taster of a couple of segments of the Irish golf tour I suggest you try mixing the South West and Dublin and/or North West and North courses. But keep in mind; keep traveling from one place to another until the minimum. There is nothing worse than trying to fit too much into a 4, 5 or 7 day Irish Golf Tour.

The trick here is to make sure you spend as little time traveling in a bus or rental car (by the way, don’t drive, Irish roads can be challenging) and spend as much time playing golf. Or spend time exploring the area you are in. I’m sure you’ll meet more people socializing in the local pubs and maybe you might decide to pack up the clubs for the day and go fishing! I can assure you that you will find all the interesting places to enjoy nice dinners with good entertainment; maybe even enjoy a few pints with the caddies and listen to some great traditional Irish music.

Before you book anything, make sure you are satisfied with the financial commitment of all group members. For example, if you use your credit details to insure 12 golfers at Ballybunion, you’ll be charged up front for the entire bill and you don’t want to be left with an additional fee brother Tom says “oh no I forgot, it’s my sons birthday that week and I can’t go!”

Arrange for comfortable chauffeured transportation and I suggest that, when possible, you avoid driving cars or vans. I usually advise my clients to avoid the hassle with cheap rentals, because there can be a lack of good customer services and it’s only chaos if you’re unlucky enough that the car or van breaks down somewhere in the middle of nowhere. I have seen many disasters and I can always hear an echo of those famous last words “ooooh, I should have listened”.

If this is your first Irish Golf Tour; book guest houses and bed and breakfasts. This is the best way to see Ireland. You will meet and talk to people like never before in your life, spending time with people is fun! Give it a try and I promise you’ll thank me later. Or at least spend a night in a B&B.

If you think the workload is too much for you, give me a call and I’ll create a great golf trip for everyone to enjoy. There are lots of fun things to do in Ireland besides golf and I can take care of that plan for you ladies and gentlemen who don’t play golf. You can leave that job to your average golf tour operator, but I’ll suggest a wider range of things to do and places to see.

If you have any questions about golf trips to Ireland, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I wish you the best of luck and enjoy Ireland!

Golf Concierge Contact us
John Dooley PGA,
golf concierge

What is the premature ejaculation?

Premature Ejaculation is simply the occurrence of the male orgasm before it is desired, there is no absolute time limit, it totally depends on the couple. Ejaculation could be considered premature if it occurs after less than 20 minutes of intercourse; on the other hand, three minutes might be fine. On average, men last about three minutes from penetration to ejaculation.

What are the main causes of premature ejaculation?

it is not strange Premature ejaculation is quite common in men, about a third of men suffer from it and most men experience it at least once in their life.

Masturbation Men generally do their best to reach orgasm as quickly as possible when they masturbate, this can condition you not to last as long when you’re having real sex.

Anxiety and Stress Anxiety can be a huge psychological factor when it comes to premature ejaculation. Some men may feel anxious about their performance in the bag, especially if they lack experience. Any nervousness will make it more difficult to focus on prolonging the orgasm and performing well.

13 things you can do about it

thicker condoms Using thicker condoms is a good solution as it reduces sensation and provides better protection against STDs. Never “double bag” (use two condoms at the same time), this can increase the chance of condom failure.

condoms to enhance performance Condoms are available with a performance-enhancing chemical in the lubricant called benzocaine. Benzocaine increases sexual performance by numbing the penis, reducing sensation, and ultimately allowing it to last longer.

masturbation practice Practice makes perfect! When you get close to orgasm during masturbation, stop and squeeze the base of the penis or just below the head of the penis (the freanulum), continue again once you are ready. Each time, try to last longer than before. You can also try incorporating some of the other tips mentioned in this article. Over time, you should be able to last almost indefinitely, however, you should keep in mind that sex is generally much more exciting than masturbation, so you probably won’t be able to perform as well as you would in your practice sessions.

imagining something mundane This may help, however it is not the best solution, it will reduce the intensity and possibly lead to temporary impotence.

remove it Anticipate when you are about to reach orgasm and take it out early. After a few moments, when the penis softens a bit, you can continue.

Breathe / Relax If you’re approaching climax too quickly, breathe in and out slowly and try to relax your body as much as you can. The body tenses up as you approach orgasm, relaxing can help slow your progress as long as you haven’t passed the point of no return.

stop start The stop start method is quite simple, remove regularly and wait a moment before continuing, you will be able to last much longer without constant stimulation.

Communication By communicating to your partner how close you are to climaxing, you will be able to slow down or stop until you are ready to continue.

Second round! Men usually last longer the second time. If you ejaculate too soon and have lost your erection, you can always engage in other types of sexual activity, such as oral sex, to keep your partner stimulated while you recover.

Experiment with the position You’ll find that some positions are more stimulating than others, so it’s a good idea to experiment with them to find one that doesn’t bring you to orgasm too quickly.

Perform Kegels (pelvic floor exercises) Although the Kegel is an exercise that is practiced more frequently by women, men can also benefit from it. Kegel exercises recruit various muscles in the pelvic diaphragm, including the pubococcygeus muscle. Studies have shown that greater control over the pelvic muscles will not only help with premature ejaculation problems, but can also promote stronger erections and restore erectile function in those suffering from erectile dysfunction.

The scrotal sweater As a man approaches orgasm, the scrotum rises toward the body and semen moves toward the penis. It has been found that gently pulling the scrotum down and away from the body for a few seconds can relieve overstimulation and prevent premature ejaculation.

pre-masturbation Masturbating a bit before sex can help some people perform better, and as noted above, men can usually last longer the second time around. Only try this if you’re fairly young; Otherwise, you may not be able to have an orgasm again or maintain an erection when you have sex.

Satellite television is the latest technology to take over the television broadcasting industry. While satellite TV may sound complicated, it’s really easy to understand.

how the satellite works
Satellite television is a great concept. Television signals are transmitted and sent to satellites that are in Earth orbit. The satellites then transmit the signals back to earth. Regular television broadcasts send signals from tall towers that are transmitted in a straight line. These signals can only travel a short distance due to the curvature of the earth. Satellite signals, on the other hand, can be sent from the earth’s surface so they have a wider range.

Pick up satellite signals using a well positioned dish. The latest satellite dishes are small and compact. The installation technician uses a special detector to find the best location to place the dish, usually on the ceiling. Unlike old satellite dishes, there is no need to move the dish once it is in place. Satellite signals are encrypted. You need a special satellite receiver that is specially programmed to scramble the channels to watch them. The satellite provider will program the satellite box to decode the channels you purchase.

What do you need
When you order satellite television programming, you will be provided with two basic items. These include the satellite dish and the satellite receiver. The satellite dish is a small circular metal object that collects signals from the sky. The dish is connected to your TV through a receiver box via a coaxial cable. Television signals travel from the dish to the receiver on this cable. Your satellite company also provides the receiver. The receiver is a small box that connects to the satellite signal cable and distributes it to televisions. The receiver decodes that signal based on the programming channels you purchased.

what you get
There are many different stations to subscribe to. These are offered as part of a package and cannot be ordered separately. Packages are great because they provide the options you like best. You can usually choose from several package options. You can also add movie show packages that give you access to many movie channels or add sports programming packages that give you access to tons of sports channels.

The receiver is also a DVR – digital video recorder. This allows you to schedule events to record with a simple touch of the remote. It also allows you to pause the TV, rewind and fast-forward. You can record many hours of programming because it is stored digitally on your hard drive. The DVR also allows you to watch two shows at the same time using picture-in-picture.
Satellite also allows you to watch pay-per-view movies and sporting events. The remote control allows you to order the program quickly and easily. The cost of the program will be added to your monthly bill. You can often see new movies very soon after they are in theaters. You can record the shows to watch later.

If you are a young man and you love hard work, then you should choose a profession that perfectly suits your character. One of those great jobs that you can choose from is lawyer jobs. Law jobs have become quite popular these days due to many reasons.

Lawyer jobs are considered one of the most respected jobs in the field of law. However, it is quite challenging to become a successful lawyer. Right after you graduate from law school, the first thing you should do is look for job opportunities. Since many people apply for lawyer jobs, it is quite difficult to find a job. Always remember that once you pass the exam, you will not have the privilege of applying for all kinds of lawyer jobs. It is advisable to wait until the right opportunity arrives.

It is your responsibility to look for law jobs. You can consider some tips that can really help you find the right lawyer job opportunities. The first thing you will have to do is participate in networking events. This will be of great help to you if you are looking for a job in law. You need to make sure you are attending the right kind of networking events. This way you can get the most benefits.

Networking events are mainly financed by various institutions. Some events are even sponsored by bar associations, law firms, political organizations, social clubs, and universities, etc. Some others are sponsored by restaurants, nonprofits, public libraries, etc. It is not very clear what types of events will be useful for you. Therefore, it is recommended that you attend as many networking events as you can.

Another way to look for job opportunities for lawyers are job portals. There are now many websites that provide information about job opportunities throughout your state. It is ideal to check the reviews of the particular site before you can make any kind of decision. Ask your friends and family about particular websites they might have used. This will ensure that you are choosing the right type of website.

You can also find law jobs by contacting your own law professors at law school. At some point, these professionals may have worked in a legal institution and may also have good connections with other institutions. So always stay in touch with your law professors, even after you graduate.