Category Archive : Lifestyle Fashion

Your gynecologist can not only advise you when you are pregnant but can also be consulted before conceiving a baby or conceiving a baby faster. The process can be speeded up with professional help as they will ask you about your menstrual cycle and advise you on the most suitable days to conceive a baby and a healthy one as well.

There are many things that you could discuss with your friends and friends, but there may be certain things, it may be a bit embarrassing that you do not prefer to talk to anyone other than your gynecologist, considering that they can be very vital for your reproductive system and sexual health Find Here are the vital topics that you could discuss or ask your gynecologist.

Casual bleeding after sex

There’s no need to panic the first time you bleed after rough sex, but if it’s not occasional and happens more than once, I’d advise talking to your doctor. Bleeding after sex can or could lead to anything from a maternal infection or dryness to a precancerous cervical problem.

unstable menstrual cycle

An irregular pattern of your monthly periods is not considered normal and you should seek the advice of your doctor. Even if you’re not pregnant and you may spot between periods from time to time, be sure to see your doctor. Discuss your period flow with your doctor and let her decide if it is normal or needs attention. Sometimes a wobbly monthly cycle can lead to an infection, cyst, or hormonal imbalance.

Had unprotected sex maybe once

Let’s say you had unprotected sex and had no change in your monthly cycle and no symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Trust me, your body may still be vulnerable to some sexually transmitted diseases that may not show symptoms. Some, like the human papillomavirus (HPV), can lie dormant and not become active for years. Therefore, it is recommended that you tell your doctor that you are having unprotected sex.

When you have had few sexual partners

Talking to your doctor about your sexual pleasures can help you enjoy intimate pleasures carefully and safely. They’re not there to judge you but to keep you safe, so it’s a good idea to reveal information that may seem relevant rather than completely ignoring your adult pleasures.

What medication or supplements are you taking?

Tell your gynecologist about any medications or supplements you are taking, either for birth control or to get pregnant or in case you are having surgery. Sometimes herbal supplements can cause complications. So keep your doctor up to date on your medications without fail.

Ask about vaccines and Pap smears

Talk to your doctor about what pre-pregnancy vaccines you need and when to get them, as they would keep you safe to conceive. Don’t miss your regular Pap test and be sure to get one before you intend to conceive. Ask your gynecologist about cervical cancer and follow their advice on cervical cancer vaccination.

Ask about safe sex, family planning and contraception

With today’s technology, a lot of information is easily accessible to everyone. However, certain problems and concerns related to adult women are best discussed and advised by your gynecologist. All issues related to family planning and contraception, unwanted pregnancies, can be resolved by your gynecologist. They are the best people to advise you on healthy habits related to family planning and planning for a baby.

It is the duty of your gynecologist to advise you about getting pregnant when you want and to advise you not to get pregnant when you don’t want to.

Today is the 25th anniversary of an event that few people have experienced; And that’s for the best, because every day of my life for the last 25 years has been full of fear. It feels necessary to put these feelings into words and the words on paper; but the decision to submit it for publication is extremely difficult and frightening. Will “they” be surprised? will “they” publish? Do I really want them to? What will happen if they do? Will I lose readers and followers like I lost so many friends and the respect of family so many years ago?

That day began like so many other beautiful spring days in Indiana. I took my kids to their piano lessons and took advantage of the wait time to hand over some papers to one of my Little League officials. I was the president of the Little League, but I didn’t Really I need to deliver those papers… I just wanted to. I still didn’t realize why it was so important to me.

After ringing the bell, an unknown woman opened the door. Suddenly I felt violently ill. The woman I was really hoping to see finally came to the door, invited me in, and made introductions that I never heard. My ears were ringing. My heart was beating. Nausea overwhelmed me. What was he feeling and why?

As I started driving my kids back, I replayed the above scene over and over in my head. What had just happened? Why was he reacting so harshly? When the answer finally took shape, I pulled my car to the side of the road. So I cried and cried and cried. What she was experiencing was jealousy, but jealousy of what? What did it mean?

Over the past few weeks, he’d spent a lot of time with the woman he’d gone to see to keep scores at Little League ball games. I already knew that he was getting a divorce and that the divorce had something to do with her interest in another woman. I had been surprised by her earlier revelation, but not repelled. In fact, I started looking forward to the games we worked on together. I started making excuses to see her.

The acknowledgment of the feeling she was experiencing as jealousy was too much to accept. How could he be jealous of a woman’s affection? As a woman, she couldn’t be jealous of another woman unless…unless I…unless I was “one of those” people.

When I was young, my mother would often point out “those” people (always men) and tell me they were going to HELL! My little brother wasn’t allowed to go into a public restroom because there might be one of “those” people waiting there to… I was never quite sure what they would do, but I definitely got the message that “those” people did it wrong . things and would be severely punished for eternity in HELL!

How could I be one of “those” people? I was 37 years old. I had a husband. I had two children about to become teenagers. I went to church every Sunday. My grandfather was a minister. This just couldn’t be happening!

For the next few weeks, I existed in a daze. I really wasn’t fully aware of what was going on around me. I cried often, lost weight rapidly, and reflected on my past. Yes, I had been the typical tomboy. I had always hated frilly dresses and loved climbing trees. I hated playing with dolls, but I loved playing basketball with the kids at recess. In high school, I paid little attention to boys or girls, but I had a crush on my physical education teacher. Back then, I hadn’t realized it was a crush (and it seems so stereotypical now), but it was a crush. In high school I had a “boyfriend” who was older, and in the army (he was from Vietnam); and therefore I was SAFE in the sense that I didn’t have to go on dates. me hated go on dates

During college, I dated a friend from high school; but he didn’t attend my university, so again, the number of dates was limited. I became close friends with a freshman who lived on my floor in the dorm where I was a student staff member. Her name was Barbara. She intrigued me because she was so different from the average “girly” girl, and we spent a lot of time together. We often talked for hours.

Before my third year in college, my boyfriend asked me to marry him. He really didn’t want to marry me, but it was what good girls were supposed to do. My family liked him and his family liked me. So I said, “Yes.” Before my senior year, we got married. I cried throughout my wedding. now I understand what those tears were about.

As time went on, I kept doing what I was supposed to do. I finished my bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, started a teaching career, got a Master’s degree in Psychology, and started a family: a boy and a girl. Life seemed perfect. When my daughter was about four years old, it crossed my mind that “someday her father is going to be very angry.” I didn’t have the right words to apply, but I was recognizing in her what I didn’t recognize in me.

As I looked into my past, I realized that I had always been “fascinated” by female couples I saw at the mall, that there was a girl from high school that I periodically thought about and would occasionally have fleeting sexual thoughts about certain women that I always “close” quickly. (“I wonder how she would feel…?” or “I wish I were a man so I could…”) At that time, I truly believed that all women had such thoughts.

Even with all that thought, he still couldn’t accept me as a… dare I say it? as a lesbian? I needed to talk to someone who could understand my confusion. All my friends and family were very religious people. In fact, everyone in town fit that description. There would be no understanding of anyone there. The person that finally came to mind was Barbara. She had moved to Colorado immediately after graduation, but since she visited her parents in Indiana and usually visited us at the same time, we stuck together. During our college days, she had always believed that she was a lesbian, but we had never discussed it. She knew for sure that she had a gay brother so I felt like she would listen to me without telling me that she was going to HELL! I called her and asked if she could visit, saying that she needed to talk.

Barbara thought I came to tell her that I was getting a divorce. When I finally mustered the strength to tell her why she was really there, she stood up and left the room. I didn’t understand. When he finally came back, he explained that the exact same thing was happening to her in Colorado. She had made room to reflect on why I had come into her life at that specific time and to consider telling me about her own struggles. We had both been attracted to unavailable women and wondered what to do about it. As we talked, it became clear that the lesbian label was undeniable. A new life, along with its set of fears, began for both of them.

We started looking for useful information in lesbian bookstores. I didn’t know such a thing existed. We discuss the ramifications. As teachers, we were painfully aware that if anyone found out, we would lose our jobs. I had the added complications of a husband and children. Could you stay married and pretend to be straight? If I decided I couldn’t, would my children be taken from me? At the time, lesbians were not considered fit to raise children.

I returned to Indiana with very few answers. My husband took care of the first question a few days after I got home. One night after we went to bed, he turned to me and said, “Are you a lesbian?” I was momentarily shocked into silence. I finally managed a shaky “Why do you ask that?” “I found this book,” he replied as he pulled out my recently purchased “Our Right to Love.” I thought you had so carefully hidden this book in a cabinet that you never opened. I remember looking up at the sky and thinking, “Thank you for your help!”

I had never lied to my husband. He was my best friend. So I told him the truth. “That depends on your definition. If you’re asking me if I’ve ever had sex with a woman, the answer is no. If you’re asking me if I now identify as a lesbian, a woman who prefers the company of a woman, then the answer is yes.” “. To his credit, my husband was wonderful. We talked well into the night. He understood that this was not something he could fight against. We discuss options and ramifications. I told him that I felt he needed to move to Colorado Springs both to be close to Barb and to get away from Indiana. He initially decided to move in with us and helped us move and settle in Colorado. In the end, he decided that he couldn’t stay in Colorado; but I will always be grateful for his help and support. I still wish we had stayed the best of friends like he had promised.

Life in Colorado has been more difficult and frightening than I ever imagined it could be. A bitter divorce, constant financial worries, raising 2 children without their father, building a new relationship with a woman, dealing with my partner’s issues related to child abuse, teaching in the fear of discovery environment created by Focus On The Family and Amendment 2, raising a lesbian daughter, raising a teenage son in a house full of women, learning to accept myself as a lesbian, learning to be being a lesbian, having no friends and constantly fearing for the safety of all of us were just some of the issues we faced; and all this will be the subject of another article.

Initially, the decision to write and submit this article seemed very difficult; But when I think of young people who are bullied at school, who question who they are, who are kicked out of their own homes, who feel hopeless and think suicide is their only option, the right choice is obvious. . . I will always feel very sad for my students who obviously, to me, needed help but didn’t get it because of my own fears. I still feel ashamed of myself for not being stronger then. Now I understand that we all must FIGHT FEAR. We must do it for those who will follow us. Hopefully one day, no one will have to live in fear of what is!

Am I afraid to press the SEND button? Absolutely! Barbara has seen me cry while writing and mentally reliving everything. She just asked me if I want to reconsider. Absolutely not! But when I ask myself why I haven’t written this before, the answer is that I’ve been afraid. Why can I write it now? I just have to do it. One of the magazines I write for chose FEAR as their theme of the month… and sadly, I’ve become an expert on fear!


Tart Cherry Concentrate has been used in my home for over 6 months and I have usually used it in conjunction with some frozen tart cherries that I was able to find at a local grocery store. Now that it’s winter, it can be harder to find fresh cherries, although I’ve also found them in the grocery store recently, and they actually come from the country of Chile.

Recently, my wife Dea introduced me to another natural product that also piqued my interest. She recalled growing up on a dairy product called “Kefir”, a derivative of drinking milk. She basically she knows something between yogurt and buttermilk. It also contained many healthy characteristics, so I decided to add it to my daily superfood regimen as well to help me fight disease and stay healthy in general. For example, we make a protein drink every morning in the blender, which consists of the following;

– a banana

– eight frozen tart cherries

– two scoops of whey protein powder

– tablespoon of tart cherry concentrate

– 2 cups of orange juice without pulp

– 1/4 cup of kefir dairy product.

Tastes great with almost no flavor coming from the kefir. We do this every day to start the day on a good note, where we normally would have skipped breakfast. Not something I would recommend as it can be the most important meal of the day.

Kefir is easily digested and promotes a healthy immune system. It is generally a beneficial bacteria that cleanses the intestines and can have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Acne is a skin blemish that grown men can usually ignore, but penis acne is definitely something that grown men can simply ignore. Acquiring a pimple near your private location is torture, especially for grown men, simply because, let’s be honest here, most men are sexually active. You definitely don’t want your partner to see your big pimple and feel uncomfortable about it.

Penile acne is similar to the typical acne that breaks out on our faces. It can occur in any aspect of our body, such as our genitals.

According to that, having pimples around your private part can indicate a very important dilemma. Most sexually transmitted diseases manifest as a pimple or lump, identical to herpes.

The following are signs of herpes.

– Itchy blisters appear in the genital region.

– Peeing is painful.

– Red pimple like bumps appear around your penis.

It is recommended to seek immediate medical attention to prevent the infection from worsening or passing nearby. Never push, squeeze or pop your pimples because this can only lead to a much bigger infection and spread it to the unaffected regions.

On the other hand, curing penile acne is simple. Here are some tips on how you can get rid of these embarrassing skin blemishes:

1. Do not rub your penis too much

It’s embarrassing, we all know that, but scrubbing hard to keep that area clean can only make it worse. Also, you will most likely use a non-comedogenic wash, as opposed to standard soap.

2. Don’t POP it

As mentioned above, popping the pimple can only cause more damage and can have an effect on other, uninfected areas.

3. Eat healthy and balanced

From time to time the food we eat makes us much more prone to acne. So you better watch what you’re consuming.

In conclusion, penile acne is similar to any other acne that anyone can have. There is no need to panic when you see these bumps near your genital area. That said, once you experience or notice STD signs or symptoms that accompany your pimples, seek medical help immediately and avoid sexual intercourse to avoid spreading the infection. Having healthy skin and penile acne will be less of worries.

I’m sure you think the ‘love is blind’ cliché is overrated, but neuroscience, this wunderkind of science, reveals with almost cruel satisfaction that some areas of our brain shut down when love hits us, blinding the ration of the intelligent decisions that we must make.

The brain scans of people who were madly in love are very similar to the brain scans of people who used cocaine. There you have it: love is more or less a drug in itself. In a way, we are all drug dealers: the drug of choice is love and other emotional enhancers.

Love could be a wonderful event if sometimes we don’t fall in love with the wrong person. If that person is a narcissist, his charge will reach heights worthy of better causes. Either way, you need to learn how to deal with this situation.

According to the American Psychological Association, people with narcissistic personality disorder show a chronic, pervasive pattern of grandiosity, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.

Narcissists have a grandiose sense of self-importance, as if they have a special mission on this earth, and often have a “king-like” personality, while everyone else must behave as humble servants of their desires.

They always exaggerate their achievements and talents doing their best to gain everyone’s attention and recognition. Most of the time they are arrogant and self-absorbed to fulfill their special destiny.

The narcissist will indulge in fantasies of tremendous power, success, or beauty, being addicted to the attention and admiration others display. You will find a lot of snobbery among them who do not deny it but take pride in it.

They see themselves as unique masterpieces: God himself earned his Ph.D. by creating them. Complicated rather than complex personalities, they will find it difficult to empathize with other people.

In reality, they cannot go outside the perimeter of their own personality, without understanding how other people do not think the same as them. That is why many times you can have the feeling that you are talking to a wall because no matter how deep you explain your point of view, it is more likely that a narcissist will not understand it. A brick and iron wall.

They cannot maintain relationships that are too long, most of the time because the people around them give up explaining themselves over and over again. The narcissist transforms his partners into beggars: you will beg for understanding and unconditional attention and most of the time you will only celebrate the leftovers of the feast that the narcissist gave himself.

You will find many successful individuals with this syndrome, because narcissism will drive them to achieve success and accumulate power to fuel their self-admiration. Many achievers have a dose of healthy narcissism, or self-confidence, but healthy narcissism or selfishness won’t ask the world to reflect their inflated self-image and ego.

A relationship with a narcissistic personality will require a lot of energy and work, because they constantly need external support and approval. Once these needs are met, they feel powerful, but many times this need will be very difficult to meet. They are left feeling vulnerable and alone, which is how they will explain their “cheating” behavior.

The genesis of this personality disorder dates back to childhood. Most of the time they will be the only child in a family, but even then they have been ignored or the parents had high expectations of perfection from the child.

The child will proudly begin this quest to earn the appreciation of his parents, leaving him unable to understand other people’s needs, as his needs were not understood as a child.

How to spot a narcissist?

1. Beware of people who advertise too much. They will always want to be in the center of attention. Constantly seeking approval and admiration, they will take over “the stage” and monopolize the discussion and action. They want to be the star in everyone’s movie.

2. Lack of empathy towards the needs of other people. They cannot pay attention to other people because they are in constant need of that attention. All are slaves and subject to comply with their demands. Narcissists want all the love, all the attention, all the possessions for themselves – they will be jealous of other people’s achievements and have a hard time acknowledging their success.

3. They can not accept criticism: appeal to their childhood memories and they will reject it with all their might. If you commit the leze-majesty of criticizing them, besides the fact that they will deny it, they will feel hurt and unloved. They will never accept responsibility for any crime and will be on a constant quest to find people to blame for their mistakes.

4. Many will be workaholics: Driven by a great desire for achievement, they will put all their efforts into achieving massive success.

It takes time to identify all of these character tidbits, as many are camouflaged as attractive, successful people who will always be fascinating and engaging. They can be interesting personalities but very difficult to handle, almost impossible.

The bad news is that they cannot be changed. Read again: the narcissist cannot be changed! Since they reject any form of criticism, even the constructive one, they cannot understand any evil and give themselves over to their self-proclaimed image of perfection. Many of them will have secret thoughts of being like gods and will literally be blind to any mistakes they make.

It is not advisable to give in to all their demands, you will only reinforce their grandiose needs and they will have the feeling that it is normal that all their wishes are fulfilled without giving much in return.

How to deal with narcissistic partners?

Since they cannot be changed, you need to reassess your needs and long-term goals for a relationship; It can be interesting for a while to be around these types of people, but in the long run it becomes exhausting and anger and resentment will overshadow any feeling. of love and tenderness.

1. Do not give in to their incessant demands, maintain your independence from these types of people – if you depend on them in any way, they will blackmail you into giving in to their wishes.

2. Do not be infuriated by their lack of empathy or understanding, they are not capable of it. Showing them their inability will do nothing, they will blame you for everything that doesn’t work.

3. Finally, decide when enough is enough. A relationship with a narcissist can take you places you don’t want to be, it can cause you to behave in ways you don’t recognize. It can undermine your self-esteem and rob you of the attention you need to try to meet all your needs.

Many artistic personalities will be narcissistic and self-absorbed, self-centered. The fascination with them will make many of you fall in love with them, since their love will be the same as their personality: irrational, instinctive, possessive and overwhelming. Which will sometimes unlock that crazy, passionate behavior inside of you: fun for a while, but it will wear you down and leave you with nothing in the end.

Narcissists will become attached to those who meet their needs but will never treat them as partners but as followers. They have a need to constantly lead and be in control; they do not need equals but disciples or accommodating. The worst that can happen is when a narcissist meets someone with low self-esteem: he will be the victim and the perfect toy for them.

Defend yourself, don’t give up on your needs and don’t believe all their explanations: their constant need for admiration and approval will make them flirt with many of the opposite sex and not infrequently even cheat to reaffirm their power of seduction.

Although they have a certain charisma and aura, probably the outrageous feeling of self-confidence is their most magnetic gift, they come with a lot of work. Enjoy while you feel that what keeps you together is more than what separates you, but know when to leave, as there is currently no treatment available, apart from brain surgery. I guess not, since they are considered so perfect.

Let them create if they are artists or achieve the success they want, while you go ahead and fulfill your emotional and human needs. Love stories can be beautiful without drama and self-proclaimed kings and gods around you.

To get rid of blackheads, you need to know about all the possible blackhead removal solutions that suit your needs. But how are you going to start looking for the solution if you don’t know where it all started? Take note that knowing the root of the problem will give us the best solution to end the problem.

What are black dots? Blackheads are formed due to the sebum produced by the sebaceous glands. Sebaceous glands are present on everyone’s face. It produces oils or the sebum that normally clogs our pores in the hair follicles. It is usually white in color when not fully exposed to air. Sometimes its color turns yellow due to skin pigmentation. But if these oils are exposed to air and oxidized, they will create a black coloration and turn into blackheads. Blackheads are commonly found on the nose, chin, and somewhere on the forehead and cheeks. Blackheads are very unpleasant to have, that is why blackhead removal solution is very important.

The blackhead removal solution can be done at any medical facility or clinic by consulting beauty experts. There are some modern tools that can be used to remove blackheads quickly and easily, but they are also expensive. There are also some oral medications that are given to patients for some reason, such as worsening of acne and skin allergy to some creams. But blackhead removal solution is not always expensive. There are many ways that are easy to use, always available and more effective.

Taking a hot shower is the easiest blackhead removal solution available at home. It can be done every day or whenever you want. The temperature of the water will help your pores open up. After showering, you will notice that your skin is soft and smooth; So now it is easy for you to remove blackheads from your face gently. Taking a hot shower also helps keep your skin soft and smooth.

Using blackhead removal strips is the most affordable blackhead removal solution available at all health and wellness stores, pharmacies, and convenience stores. It is a white strip that can effectively remove blackheads with ease and without causing any pain. It is a one-step blackhead removal solution. Simply place it over your nose or any part of your face. After a couple of minutes remove it and you will notice that the blackheads are now sticking to the strips. Leaves your skin clean and soft.

There is a blackhead removal solution that is available today which is called blackhead extractor or blackhead remover pen. It is a long metal stick that can be used to extract blackheads from the nose or face. It is commonly used by some beauty clinic conducted by beauty experts. It is not recommended that you practice it at home because it could make the problem worse. Only beauty experts can do this type of process for you. Doing so could damage your skin and create another type of skin problem or worse, skin irritation or skin infection. Seeking help from beauty experts would be the best solution to remove blackheads.

Detox tea can be a very useful option to cleanse the system. Detoxification has the ability to benefit health in many different ways, such as cleansing the skin, relieving stress, and helping with weight loss. Without occasional detoxification, the body can experience problems related to hormonal imbalances, kidney and liver problems, or brain dysfunction. Let’s take a look at some of the positive benefits of detox tea:

remove toxins

The cells and tissues of the body will see a natural buildup of chemicals, environmental pollutants, pesticides, and heavy metals over time. This can have a negative impact on the body because it reduces the ability to fight disease. A regular detox can help boost the immune system and cleanse the liver naturally. The liver more effectively helps reduce disease-causing inflammation.

increase energy

A regular sip of detox tea can help boost energy, which is helpful in eliminating feelings of brain fog, mood swings, and fatigue. Additionally, certain teas such as peppermint and rosemary may be helpful in improving overall mental alertness.


The positive benefit of increasing energy levels and metabolism can leave you feeling much more energetic. Any detox tea worth its salt will include active ingredients like vitamins and minerals, HCA (hydroxycitric acid), catechins, and flavonoids. HCA is particularly helpful because it has the ability to suppress your appetite to further aid in the weight loss process. Also, the natural and healthy ingredients in this type of tea are much more effective in keeping your stomach full compared to eating unhealthy snacks.

improve digestion

Detox tea is great for improving digestion and particularly helpful for issues like constipation, nausea, bloating, and gas. The detoxification process will help remove the buildup of waste material in the stomach area.

good skin

Similar to having a negative impact on the cells and problems in the body, the accumulation of toxins will also attack the skin. Simply being out and about can cause your skin to absorb pollutants that leave your skin dull and dry. A detox tea in the morning can be a useful solution to naturally nourish the body and help it fight off daily pollutants.

In general, a regular detox tea is a simple solution to cleanse the body. It is very easy to prepare at home and most teas taste very good. Plus, the benefits are even more effective when combined with a healthy diet and exercise routine.

Here are some quick and easy cold rice salads. These are great recipes to use with any leftover rice you may have on hand to make perfect summer salads and meals and because of their easy preparation, you’ll be in and out of the kitchen in no time.

Enjoy these easy cold rice salad recipes anytime. They are a great addition to a healthy diet and create quick and tasty rice dishes in minutes.

Rice Salad with Tomato and Avocado

Makes 2 to 3 servings

Combine in a bowl and mix well:

• 2 cups of cooked and cooled wild rice

• 1/2 cup sliced ​​water chestnuts

• 1/2 cup avocado (cubed)

• 1 spring onion (thinly sliced)

• 1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes (in oil, drained and chopped)

• A dash of red wine vinegar (to taste)

To serve: Serve the salad on a bed of romaine lettuce leaves.


Wild Rice Artichoke Salad

Makes 2 to 3 servings

Combine in a bowl and mix well:

• 2 cups of cooked and cooled wild rice

• 1/2 cup marinated artichoke hearts (drained and chopped)

• 3/4 cup sweet red bell peppers (chopped)

• 1/4 cup pickled peperocini peppers (drained and chopped)

• 2 tablespoons of pine nuts

• 1 to 2 tablespoons olive tapenade

• 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice

• 1 tablespoon of liquid from the artichoke hearts (or to taste)

To serve: Serve this cold rice salad on a bed of fresh spinach leaves.


Egg and Rice Salad

Makes 2 to 3 servings

Here’s a different take on egg salad, but it’s really delicious and filling.

Combine in a bowl and mix well:

• 2 cups of brown rice cooked and cooled

• 1 hard-boiled egg (chopped)

• 1/2 cup celery (chopped)

• a few slices of pickle (chopped)

• 1/4 cup plain yogurt

• 1/4 cup mayonnaise

• 1 tablespoon fresh dill (chopped)

To serve: Try serving this chilled rice salad over some chilled steamed asparagus garnished with a little fresh-squeezed lemon juice.


Mexican Brown Rice Salad

Makes 2 to 3 servings

Combine in a bowl and mix well:

• 2 cups of brown rice cooked and cooled

• 1/2 cup roasted red bell peppers (coarsely chopped)

• 1/4 cup pitted black olives (chopped)

• bottled jalapeno slices (to taste) (chopped)

• 2 tablespoons fresh coriander (coarsely chopped)

• 1/2 cup sauce

• 1/4 cup sour cream

To serve: For each serving, arrange the salad leaves on a plate, then layer the salad on top of the vegetables, and finally take some baked tortilla chips and tuck them under the salad leaves around the edge of the plate. Finally, crumble up a couple more fries and sprinkle over the top of each salad serving.


Summer Basmati Rice Salad

Makes 2 to 3 servings

Combine in a bowl and mix well:

• 2 cups cooked and cooled brown basmati rice

• 1/2 cup canned cannellini beans (rinsed and drained)

• 1/2 cup snow peas (raw or lightly steamed)

• 1/2 cup sweet red bell pepper (medium dice)

• 1/4 cup pitted black olives (sliced)

• 4 cups of baby spinach leaves

• 2 tablespoons olive oil (or to taste)

• 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar (or to taste)

To serve: Serve this salad cold in bowls or on plates.

To maintain healthy, youthful, and beautiful skin, most of us use various types of skin care products, such as masks, lotions, and cleansers. The worrying thing about these products is that many of them contain a cocktail of various chemicals.

These chemicals found in skin care products are sometimes detrimental to the health of our skin, but are still commonly used by the industry. Some of the side effects of such ingredients are redness, allergic reactions, inflammation, and irritation. Here is a list of chemicals used in skin care products that you can use that may be problematic for you.

Propylene glycol

A type of alcohol, propylene glycol is transparent in color and is used as a thickening agent in the skin care industry. It is also known as a humectant or emulsifier. The silkier feeling you get from using that slippery new product is due to this chemical. Face wash, anti-aging and lotion are some products that usually contain propylene glycol. According to the Environmental Working Group, this chemical, even in small amounts, such as two percent, can cause irritation to the eyes, lungs, and skin; although taking it orally is not risky, especially for toxicity.


One of the chemicals found in products like toners, lotions or cleansers are preservatives. They are added to prevent the growth of fungus, mold, or bacteria. Parabens, DMDM ​​hydantoin, quantemium-15, and imidazolidinyl urea are some of the common preservatives used in the industry. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, this ingredient is the second leading cause of all types of skin reactions, so any skin care product containing it should list it on its label.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

Also known as alkali, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) is an alkali metal hydroxide or carbonate. The sudsy, foamy effect you have when using some products is due to this ingredient. This is one of the main chemicals found in products like body wash, facial cleanser, and acne treatments; and you might be surprised to learn that it’s also found in caustic products like surface cleaners and drain cleaners, reports the Natural Skin Care Authority. Skin irritation that lasts for almost a week, burning sensation and inflammation are some of the skin problems created by SLS.


Since there are many chemicals found in products, to mask their odor, many manufacturers add fragrances to their products. They are also added to make a product smell good like the American Academy of Dermatology. Fragrances are responsible for problems such as dermatitis, which is a red, itchy inflammation of the skin in those who are allergic to fragrances.

Córdoba is the second largest city in Argentina and home to more than one and a half million people. Surrounded by valleys and vegetation with a colonial architectural setting in the heart of the city, Córdoba is an important tourist destination for Latin Americans and globetrotters from all over the world.

The combination of iconic buildings with modern decoration and colonial architecture add a scenic beauty to the city of Córdoba. The city is the leasing hub alongside Buenos Aires for technology, electronics, and software.

The year-round pleasant weather is amazing for shopping and sightseeing around the city. The city experiences sunny days in the winter and cool nights during the summer, adding a tropical bliss to Córdoba’s climate.

Yellow taxis and green carriages are a great way to get around Cordoba’s sights and panoramic views over verdant hills and valleys. The popular traffic-clogged city allows you to rent bikes to get around easily and smoothly. Rent a bike and ride through the narrow alleys and streets of the city to admire the spectacular views of the city center.

Numerous colonial churches and cathedrals are found around the heart of the city. Other famous buildings on view include the Ferreyra Palace, the Municipal Palace, the Cabildo, the Palace of Justice, the Myriam Stefford Monument, the Vélez Sarsfield Monument, and the Bank of the Province of Córdoba. Visit this incredible city to capture a view of colonial beauty. Enjoy the visit to Argentina with us.

Museums are plentiful, but they are clustered throughout the city and house a variety of all kinds. Museu Iberoamericano de Artesanians exhibits folk art from indigenous Latin American pieces, while the Juan de Tejeda Religious Art Museum is best for displaying religious art. Visit a castle-turned-museum showcasing turn-of-the-century modern art at the Chateau Carreras Contemporary Art Center. Some of the best known science museums in the city are the Museum of Anatomy, the Museum of Natural Sciences, the Museum of Zoology and the Museum of Anthropology. The historical museums to learn about the mysteries and interesting stories are the Marqués de Sobremonte Historical Museum and the Banco de Provincia de Córdoba Museum.

The city of Córdoba manifests a rich culture with festivals and parades that attract hundreds of visitors during the summer. Don’t miss the famous theater festival that takes place once every two years: the Mercosur Theater Festival. Being the most famous theater festival in Argentina, it presents a series of colorful and captivating events where you can experience theater, art exhibitions and musicals.

The city has a good taste for sports and is an amazing destination for adventure lovers. Football, basketball, mountain biking and hockey are the four most famous sports in the city with an invitation to try other adventures and exciting sports rides.

The city is the best for retail therapy with a selection of great shops and boutiques. Some of the most famous in the city are Patio Olmos and Garden Shopping, Dinosaurio Mall and Cordoba Shopping and Nuevo Centro Shopping.